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Concierge Tipping

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EXCUSE ME????!!!!! :mad:


Did you not understand my question? Try reading it one more time.


It's a matter of HOW (salary or tips)they get paid, not HOW MUCH they get paid.



Paul, I think that "most" of us understood your question and the reason that you asked.

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Either you're having a hard time comprehending, or you're trolling for conflict. This has nothing to do with wanting to know how much they make.


If a concierge is no longer on salary, and is now part of the suggested tipping schedule, that most certainly is our business. Are we not the ones tipping them? It affects how much we should be giving. Why is that so hard to understand?


Here's a quote from cruisePRN from a few days ago about tipping in specialty restaurants.


" I just tip the suggested amounts and everyone would do the same it wouldn't need to be bantered about anymore in these threads."


Not sure why he/she feels the need to comment on(or banter about) tips above and beyond those recommend since he/she doesn't. Perhaps you're right he/she is a troll


We base our tips on services rendered and to be honest usually tip the bartender more than the consierge as we do have a pre-dinner cocktail usually in the D/D+ lounge.

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If I don't ask for anything, like ice tix or tender tix and really don't use his service so I don't tip him. I pour my own coffee in the morning from the caraffe in the CL andhelp myself to a crossant, the same as if I was in the buffet. If RCL comes out with a guideline like they have for the waiter and room steward I will follow that guideline. Of course if i asked for something above and beyond a tip would be appropriate. I asked several of my fellow Diamond members in the lounge about tipping and they responded they didn't tip unless they received service. Of course that's not a survey of all people who use the lounge, just my personal experience.



I would agree with this. If I use his services, I tip him, the amount of which is based on how many times he assisted me.


I asked some Diamond members as well: some did not feel the need to tip at all, one couple did because, they said, they referred any and all of their onboard problems directly to him, from reservations, to maps, to debarkation.

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Why do the cruise lines ask us to tip the cabin steward, waiter etc.


With your analogy, maybe we shouldn't tip anyone anymore!!!


The only reason it is our business.......is that is how certain staff members are paid.


From this family......if tipping is they way they earn their money......they certainly will be tipped! :)



Well put Rick...............and this family agrees with you and will continue to tip as we have in the past.

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I agree with you Rick. Sometimes, people who don't want to tip, or won't tip because they are cheap look for reasons to justify their behavior. One person feels the lounge is a perk given to them by RCI so therefore, there shouldn't be any tips.


We tip the concierge based on services rendered. At times, we have tipped the bartender more than the concierge in that he has made our drinks so he gets tipped.


Only one time did we tip the concierge very little and that was when Mitzi was the concierge and she was rude to the point of almost being nasty. So, she got next to nothing which was more than she deserved.


We will keep tipping as we have in the past and I can't imagine using the lounge and not tipping at all. JMO.

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I don't think RC would ever 'require' concierge tipping because the lounge is a benefit, either due to being in a suite, or being a diamond member.


The 'one time tip suggestion' is a nice way of encouraging people to think about tipping.


As to how much: if you go and have a couple drinks each night, I'd figure out the 'bar tab' and tip 15-20% of that. So a couple on a 5day who have 2 drinks each per night would pay about $20 total tip, figuring that each basic mixed drink is $5.


Other assistance would determine giving more.


Remember, there are sometimes hundreds of diamond members on a cruise, plus suite guests. If each one is suggested to leave a tip, it would have to be along the lines of 75cents pp per day, like the headwaiters get.

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I don't think RC would ever 'require' concierge tipping because the lounge is a benefit, either due to being in a suite, or being a diamond member.


The 'one time tip suggestion' is a nice way of encouraging people to think about tipping.


As to how much: if you go and have a couple drinks each night, I'd figure out the 'bar tab' and tip 15-20% of that. So a couple on a 5day who have 2 drinks each per night would pay about $20 total tip, figuring that each basic mixed drink is $5.


Other assistance would determine giving more.


Remember, there are sometimes hundreds of diamond members on a cruise, plus suite guests. If each one is suggested to leave a tip, it would have to be along the lines of 75cents pp per day, like the headwaiters get.


I agree with you on the amount to tip. If someone goes beyond just serving drinks, like really entertaining you we throw in more, but we would never feel justified not to tip because it's an RCI perk. I'm assuming that people who don't tip are not using the bar service.

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We always tip the Concierge (Some more than others) and the bar tender where applicable.

We received documentation on Splendour recently concerning an amount to tip the Concierge, and I have been told 1st hand about the cut in their salary, and so they will be relying more on tips. Hopefully we will all step up because if not, we will be left with the Mitzi's of the fleet.:eek: Most of the Concierges deserve at least something. IMHO

Wish we had fewer caustic posters on CC. :confused:

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We just came off 3 B2B's on the Brilliance. On the third leg there was a pre printed line on the tip form for the Concierge tip (no suggested amount - just a line).


We always have always tipped the Waiters, Room Steward & Head Waiter by charging the suggested amount to the room. We usually put some additional cash (depending on how good the service was) into each envelope.


I have always tipped the Concierge and any of their assistants in cash and will continue that method.

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We always tip the Concierge (Some more than others) and the bar tender where applicable.


We received documentation on Splendour recently concerning an amount to tip the Concierge, and I have been told 1st hand about the cut in their salary, and so they will be relying more on tips. Hopefully we will all step up because if not, we will be left with the Mitzi's of the fleet.:eek: Most of the Concierges deserve at least something. IMHO


Wish we had fewer caustic posters on CC. :confused:

Thanks for verifying about Splendour and what we were told. This brain might be old............but it does remember the important things.:D


Had the same conversation with Giovanna.

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We always tip the Concierge (Some more than others) and the bar tender where applicable.


We received documentation on Splendour recently concerning an amount to tip the Concierge, and I have been told 1st hand about the cut in their salary, and so they will be relying more on tips. Hopefully we will all step up because if not, we will be left with the Mitzi's of the fleet.:eek: Most of the Concierges deserve at least something. IMHO


Wish we had fewer caustic posters on CC. :confused:

I hope they don't cut the Captains salary next.:eek:
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Thanks for verifying about Splendour and what we were told. This brain might be old............but it does remember the important things.:D


Had the same conversation with Giovanna.


We know for a fact that the salaries have been cut in half or more in some cases! Whether it is right or not for RCCL to expect the concierge folks to make up the difference is besides the point. These are generally hard working individuals that make our cruises even more special. Granted some more than others but we ALWAYS tip the concierge and assistant varying amounts and based on length of cruise but no less than $50 for a 7 night cruise. We also know that the tips the concierge does receive currently does not total up to what they were making when fully salaried and people would be shocked at how few passengers do tip them! They do alot of behind the scenes work that no one sees and even for those that only come in for coffees, danish how do you think all that was set up and kept restocked, clean, etc...If you use the CL you should tip something, imho.

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Last year on our cruise it was the first time we were diamond level. We used the CL quite often. On the last evening we were questioning whether we were supposed to tip or not. I made my own evelope and wrote a nice note and gave a large tip. When I gave it the conc. he kind of looked at us funny, and then said thank you. I did not notice one other person tip him. I am glad we did.

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If I don't ask for anything, like ice tix or tender tix and really don't use his service so I don't tip him. I pour my own coffee in the morning from the caraffe in the CL andhelp myself to a crossant, the same as if I was in the buffet. If RCL comes out with a guideline like they have for the waiter and room steward I will follow that guideline. Of course if i asked for something above and beyond a tip would be appropriate. I asked several of my fellow Diamond members in the lounge about tipping and they responded they didn't tip unless they received service. Of course that's not a survey of all people who use the lounge, just my personal experience.




And, do you also wash the cup and plate, throw away any trash you produced, make the coffee, etc., too? If so, then I heartily agree that no tip is required. But, if no, then the hard working concierge deserves a little something from you, also.


We tip on a daily basis as we use the CL.

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Rick, We totally second your opinion on Teodore! We just LOVE him. He does a wonderful job during the Concierge cocktails and we also see him after 10 for Cigar bar time. He is so amiable and remembers everything you like. We have been with him 3 times and we will be on the Panama Canal 11 nite Jewel cruise in Feb and hope he will be onboard then. He just makes the cruise so enjoyable. We also love Andrea and she is very personable and a great Concierge as well but Teodore is such a nice young man. DH and I feel he is Concierge material and should be promoted. RCI, take a look at this young man!

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Neither one is any of our business:eek:


I respectfully disagree with your statement. It is a well known fact that wait staff, whether on a cruise ship or land, relies heavily on tips. They are usually not even paid minimum wage. This is the nature of the business. We all tip wait staff simply because it is the way they earn their living. The amount of the tip is either the standard 15-20% of the bill and more if the service was exceptional.


It is nice to know HOW the concierge earns money for his/her living. If in fact, the salary received is adequate for making a living, then it is easy to figure out how much tip is required. If the consierge makes a salary similar to wait staff in a restaurant, then of coarse, the consierge requires a tip substantial enough to support a living.


There have been folks on this thread that said they do not tip the consierge. If it were known to them that the consierge is not receiving a regular salary of at least minimun wage, I would hope these folks who normally don't tip the concierge, would in fact tip them.

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I'm glad to see that Teodore is doing so well on the Jewel! We first met him in November 2006 and sailed again with him in the Baltics. He is truly an asset to RCI.


As for tipping the Concierge, I wish they would put in guidelines now that they've cut their pay and told them they have to rely more on tips (a Concierge told me that, not that you have to believe me).


We've tipped from $20 to $100 depending on the service and the length of the cruise. We stop by every evening for a drink and usually have at least one cappuccino daily. And we sometimes use the other services as well.

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I'm glad to see that Teodore is doing so well on the Jewel! We first met him in November 2006 and sailed again with him in the Baltics. He is truly an asset to RCI.


As for tipping the Concierge, I wish they would put in guidelines now that they've cut their pay and told them they have to rely more on tips (a Concierge told me that, not that you have to believe me).


We've tipped from $20 to $100 depending on the service and the length of the cruise. We stop by every evening for a drink and usually have at least one cappuccino daily. And we sometimes use the other services as well.

I believe you as I was told the same thing by the Concierge on a recent sailing.:D

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Rick, We totally second your opinion on Teodore! We just LOVE him. He does a wonderful job during the Concierge cocktails and we also see him after 10 for Cigar bar time. He is so amiable and remembers everything you like. We have been with him 3 times and we will be on the Panama Canal 11 nite Jewel cruise in Feb and hope he will be onboard then. He just makes the cruise so enjoyable. We also love Andrea and she is very personable and a great Concierge as well but Teodore is such a nice young man. DH and I feel he is Concierge material and should be promoted. RCI, take a look at this young man!



Andrea has chosen to take a land job..........which might have something to do with the concierge not being paid as much as they were before RCCL cut their pay.


Nadere has taken her place and is a wonderful person. You will really enjoy her.


As Jean (critterchick) and you have mentioned Teodore is absolutely fantastic. If anyone remembers Margarita on the Jewel....she was aboard in '06 when we did the Baltics........she was every bit as good as Teodore. So one evening as I was sitting at the bar after Teo had poured my martini..........I asked him if he knew Margarita..........and you know what he said............."I trained her.......that's why she was so much like me!!"


Also, in talking with Shallow........he is the head bartender on the Jewel, Teodore is in a class all by himself. He is the best bartender that Shallow has ever had.


Well........this is getting off of the subject of concierges.....but he certainly is connected to the concierge lounge......especially taking care of the overflow lounge.



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I have to add this to the discussion................


I really believe that many folks take any Concierge for granted.:(


OK........so you walk into the lounge, make yourself a cup of coffee or pour yourself a drink or help yourself to something for breakfast or have some wonderful hot appetizers during cocktail hour..........and you're doing this all by yourself.


Like any venue where refreshments are served...........there is glassware, cups, saucers, silverware, napkins, cream, sugar (there's more than one kind), packets of hot chocolate and plates needed.


Who is the one that makes sure that all these items are available........sometimes before you even turned over for the second time?


Who is the one that makes sure the coffee is ready for you to pour in the cup to which you might also add cream and sugar?


Who makes sure that the toaster/microwave is in working order for all those that love those toasted/warmed bagels? Then, of course there is matter of making sure that those lovely toasted bagels have something to spread all over them.


So you pour yourself a drink during cocktail hour...........but who is the one who stocks the liquor cabinet........has the glasses ready.........restocks when the supply runs out? Who fills the ice bucket when it's empty? Who makes sure that there are soft drinks available because not everyone drinks alcohol?


So you take something to eat for breakfast or during the evening cocktail hour...........but who makes sure that everything is well stocked for your enjoyment?


How many have just gone in to the CL because they were having a bad hair day or they just broke a nail and needed somebody to blow off steam to? Most of the Concierges will just sit and listen and try to offer a comforting word.


To those that say...........I use the lounge but not the services of the Concierge...........ya better think again.

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I agree with your post. Who do they think stocks all that stuff that they use, even if they do pour their own coffee in the morning and make their own drinks in the evening.


We too have been told that the concierge pay was cut in half, and have heard that was one of the reasons for Andrea taking a land job. We were very sorry to see her go, but we understand that Nedere Reid is doing a wonderful job as her replacement.


We have always tipped the concierge and the attendant, if there is an attendant. We usually have a pre-dinner cocktail or two, and more often than not, the concierge prepares the drink. Only on rare occasions have we made our own, and that was only when the concierge was not present for some reason (usually helping out another guest or getting more supplies for the CL). We've found the concierges know our drink preferences and have them ready within one minute of our entering the lounge.


We also tip additional in the specialty restaurants, in spite of the "tip" being included in the price (as we hear on here so often). Service received in those restaurants has always merited an "additional" tip IMHO.


We don't usually ask the concierge for help, except for a recent cruise onboard Legend, when DH got tickets for a wrong tour. Diego was so helpful in getting those tickets exchanged.


We'll be on the Jewel in September and October, so we are looking foward to meeting Nedere.



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