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Johnny Rockets was pretty darn empty!

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First, no one said your Sting analogy was different. If you had read the post properly you'd see I was agreeing with you that "extra fees" for "extra attractions" are fine as long as they don't take away the free entertainment or what was offered at time of booking.


I have no problem with RCCL adding "extra" activities for fees at anytime but I do have a problem with them taking away what was included at time of deposit and charging for it later and calling it "extra" (JR's). If my deposit holds my cruise rate then it should also hold what was included at that time. Extra to me means "in addition to".


<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> nor do I want anyone telling me I have to or not to do anything.


No one is telling you what you should or shouldn't do. That includes myself, other posters or RCCL. RCCL can and will operate their cruiseline how they see fit but what you and others fail to remember is that we the passengers give them their profit.


If they wanted to treat their passengers fairly they'd implement any new major changes when new booking dates become available. This way past reservations would remain the same.


Remember, this is my opinion just like you're entitled to yours. If you don't mind paying higher for whatever RCCL or any cruiseline throws your way, great, but some of us do. Extra to me doesn't mean take away what was included and now charge for it. Will I stop cruising, NO. Will I pick my cruiselines more carefully, YES!!


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Navigator of the Seas 7/17/2004


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Jewel of the Seas 12/26/2004


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Caribbean Princess 2/26/2005






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In the name of ENHANCING the passenger experience, I really hate standing in line for the Ice Shows. To see the show requires passengers to stand in a meaningless line..just to receive the tickets FOR THE SHOW and then, LATER, stand in a line a second time..to enter the show. WHY DOESN'T RCI JUST CHARGE FOR THE TICKETS IN ORDER TO LIMIT THE DEMAND!!?? That's a MUCH BETTER SYSTEM TNAN FORCING GUESTS TO STAND IN LINE TWO TIMES!


On many occasions, I've also been FORCED to stand in line in order to obtain food at the Windjammer Cafes! THIS IS WRONG! RCI, in the name of passenger enhancment, should levy a charge on food served at Windjammer in order to reduce demand thus controlling the lines! WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO DO SO?


When trying to select my photos from the tens of thousands in the photo gallery, I've had to struggle amongst people in order to see the boards on which they're displayed. RCI SHOULD BE CHARGING ADMISSION TO THE PHOTO GALLERY IN THE NAME OF PASSENGER ENHANCMENT. The crowding there has ruined many of my cruises!!!


I've also had to wait in long lines for ice cream...well..the garbage...er....stuff they call ice cream anyway. There is no excuse for this to happen! Were RCI to implement a charge for the soft serve....whatever it is, the lines would be reduced and my cruises much enhanced. WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO DO SO........in the name of customer satisfaction??


Exiting the theaters after a show is a real struggle, requiring long lines to pass up and out of the doors. Why don't the smart guy back in the office at RCI charge admission to ALL SHOWS.....thus limiting attendence and providing for a much quicker and leisurly exit?


The crowds at the elevators annoy me to no end!! Why doesn't RCI begin charging passengers entering elevators.....in order to reduce the demand and thus, freeing them up for people who REALLY WANT or NEED TO USE THEM!!?? NOW, people are actually taking elevators simply to go one or two decks! WHAT A WASTE! There are people who are seeking to travel many decks yet they are forced to endure occasional long waits....because of people wasting the elevators when they could simply have walked up a flight or two! A simple charge would correct this MAJOR problem!!


Occasionally, there is NO SEATING at the Schooner Bar, particularly with some performers entertaining. RCI, in the name of incresased passenger satisfaction, should charge admission to the Schooner bar in order to make it more readily accessible for ALL PASSENGERS!!


At times during the week, there is a horrendous queue by the Purser's desk requiring waits of up to 45 minutes. THIS IS SILLY! RCI, in the name of passenger satisfaction, should charge passengers entering the line, thus limiting demand. People would be much less likely to waste the time of purser staff if they had to pay to ask their question or file their complaints!




Before the advent of nickel and diming, Cruising USED TO BE like being wide awake......and dreaming!

icon_frown.gif Now..it's just another vacation!!


Check out my cruise site -

<A HREF="http://parnami.tripod.com" TARGET=_blank>



Every night after 10 eastern time, I can be found in AOL keyword: "Cruise Cafe". Let's talk CRUISING!!!

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I believe you can cancel 70days prior to your sailing with no penalty. Should not you contact your travel agent to verify this therefore you can start wisely choosing your cruiseline right now. You shouldn't have to sail on such an inconsiderate cruiseline. Again, read your contract, it states the cruiseline can modify its side of the agreement at anytime.




PS the following link tells you the cancelation options. It is 70days prior for most cruises. http://www.royalcaribbean.com/customersupport/faq/purchaseCruiseFaq.do;jsessionid=0000hGUz6Tdt1SDRuJLrCH7FFDv:v29bc620#3

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I don't need you to review or tell me my options as far as cancelation policies. Believe me I've cruised enough and am well aware of them. Just as you stated you don't want anyone telling you what to do well, neither do I. Frankly, you are taking an opinion which everyone on these boards I thought gets to express freely and trying to pick a fight. I have no desire to debate with you over this issue. I'm glad you're happy with RCCL but don't knock others who feel there's room for improvement.





Cute post. Got a good laugh and enjoyed reading it.


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Navigator of the Seas 7/17/2004


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Jewel of the Seas 12/26/2004


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Caribbean Princess 2/26/2005





[This message was edited by SF on 04-12-04 at 05:24 PM.]

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I don't need you to review or tell me my opinion as far as cancelation policies. Believe me I've cruised enough and am well aware of them. Just as you stated you don't want anyone telling you what to do well, neither do I. Frankly, you are taking an opinion which everyone on these boards I thought gets to express freely and trying to pick a fight. I have no desire to debate with you over this issue. I'm gl

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Sorry for the double post. Tried to delete it but wouldn't work.


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Navigator of the Seas 7/17/2004


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Jewel of the Seas 12/26/2004


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Caribbean Princess 2/26/2005






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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> read your contract, it states the cruiseline can modify its side of the agreement at anytime.


I've read the contract. The part that states that the cruiseline make no garantee as to the sea worthiness of the vessel is a real hoot. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Whoa, talk about touchy....


I was only showing you your options because in the previous post and an earlier post you made the point that in the future you would (let me quote) "Will I pick my cruiselines more carefully, YES!!" I just wanted you to know that the future could be now. As you are outside the 70 day window according to my understanding of dates as per your signature. Therefore, I wanted you to know that your point while beautifully expressed about them changing the contract on you wasn't really applicable since you are free to cancel without penalty. Of course, if you want to go on the cruise you may, but why would you want to support a cruiseline that you stated..."If they wanted to treat their passengers fairly they'd implement any new major changes when new booking dates become available. This way past reservations would remain the same." I am just seeing if you are just fanning the fire or if you really have this passion and you actually mean what you say.


The real issue is that you are posting this for the purpose of making sure that RCI gets the view that you are here and unhappy.(that is the short version of your earlier post) What is to stop others from starting their own worthless threads saying I love the JR fee. Why is it only good for you and Parnami and his other koolaid drinkers to constantly hash and rehash this topic? Remember you are free to cruise elsewhere, and if you are really offended by these and other nickel and dime efforts you would have more success changing them by cancelling the cruise with the reason of the new JR fee now that might get their attention, and you have another cruise booked on the same line... think of the dramatic effect you could have for all of the JR whiners by cancelling two cruises! You could become a greater hero than any I know, if you would just put your money where your mouth is.



jc <---- it makes no difference to me what you do.... have a good day

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Originally posted by cruisingator2:


For those of you complaining about the surcharges. Would you rather the cruise lines just raise the price of cruises back to what they once were?




The prices didn't come down because they eliminated a charge for JR's. They came down because the cruise lines got greedy and built too many mega ships. It was their stupidity that killed the golden goose. I can't believe everyone is ready to roll over and accept the charge.


I've got a family of 7 and that equlas a $28 cover charge plus the cost of a shake or soda.

Hey, in my book that's getting a little steep. I for one am not willing to accept this. If this charge moves to the AOS this summer it will be my first and last RCL cruise.


RCL Adventure of the Seas July 4, 2004

Till we leave :



Carnival Destiny 7/01

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Touchy....I don't think so, just tired of people like you telling others what's good for them and misinterpreting posts.


Originally quoted by xpcdoojk


<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Why is it only good for you and Parnami and his other koolaid drinkers to constantly hash and rehash this topic? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Name calling, how adultlike.


Can't drop the subject....does it give you power or make you feel important to disect posts... get a life, move on... no one's interested, least of all me. Can't you just accept what people say without telling them what's good for them or what they should do?That's why no one likes posting general comments (pro or against) on these boards anymore because of people like you who have to have the last word and can't accept that not everything is perfect, even your RCCL. I'm sure you'll be posting again as you can't seem to stop instigating. No where did I initially comment against you or anyone on these boards but based on several of your other posts on various threads seems that's what you like to do. Am I the lucky one for this week?


Oh, by the way if you do comment at least get it right. I don't have to post here to let RCCL know how I feel. Already did that. Guess you forgot the boards are free to express your opinions. Guess you don't like to hear anything negative about RCCL. Hate to tell you but yes they're a good line but they're not perfect like you seem to think. Does that mean that everyone who doesn't think RCCL is perfect like you should cancel? Should we all refrain from making comments?


I don't want this thread to go anymore off topic so hopefully xpcdoojk will drop the subject but if not.... I'm done...someone has to be the bigger person.


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Navigator of the Seas 7/17/2004


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Jewel of the Seas 12/26/2004


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Caribbean Princess 2/26/2005






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And exactly how does you getting in your last jab make you the bigger person???



NCL-Starward 1982

NCL-Seaward 1986

NCL-Norway 1992

Carnival-Celebration 1996

Carnival-Jubilee 2001

RCI-Rhapsody 1999

RCI-Rhapsody- 2003

Grand Princess or Rhapsody ?





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Dear Birdyhunter,


You are a BRAVE person to cruise with a family of seven icon_eek.gif. I can see how an entrance fee to JR would affect you more than my simple family of two.


I am enjoying reading all of these posts (positive and negative) and can't wait to form my own opinion (have cruised Carnival but never RCCL; getting on the Brilliance on Nov. 22/04, Yippy!)

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I didn't see it as getting in the last jab, sorry you did. What about his/her first jab?



Thanks greybear for finally getting this thread back on track.


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Navigator of the Seas 7/17/2004


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Jewel of the Seas 12/26/2004


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Caribbean Princess 2/26/2005






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WOW! All I can say is I'm glad I'm hooked on Disney World and not cruisin'. This is our first cruise in 10 years come August (and Disney every year and again in Nov).


All I can say is I have no plans on paying $16.00 just to walk into JR when I can eat it here at home. I wanted a cruise because I wanted an "all-inclusive" type vacation and I'm finding it's not that way at all. With kids, it certainly all adds up fast.


My two cents...

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For all of you C&A members who don't mind the JR surcharge because you hate the greasy fries and burgers, do me a favor and send me your free coupons! I love to sit, listen to the music, watch the staff dance and chomp down on a big juicy burger. Since you are never going into the place, you dont need the coupon. I do!


I promise not to give the coupons to anyone else to ensure that the crowds are keep under control. In fact, even if I see a large family (presumably with a bunch of small children) peeking in the window but unable to afford the surcharge, I will harden my heart and turn away. Let them eat cake! (oops they are charging for that too).


Of course, if you forget to send me the coupon, you can always just forward the $3.95 (sorry no personal checks accepted). The extra benefit of sending me the cash is that you can also experience being 'nicked and dimed" without having to actually eat the food. I will eat it for you.


Remember, the more you give the more I get.

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I will be happy to pay the $4. The place was a zoo and completely over run by kids on the Explorer. The kids video room was right around the corner. I also noticed quite a bit of useless food waste and food smashed and flung about the deck by the kids - food fight. Maybe if people have to pay a little for the food, they will either eat it and enjoy it, or simply stay away.

ComputerGeek - the original

Monarch 11/2002
Sovereign 8/2003 - Pictures [url="http://community.webshots.com/album/93239539AJYjQl"]http://community.webshots.com/album/93239539AJYjQl[/url]
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jjtlawoffice:
For all of you C&A members who don't mind the JR surcharge because you hate the greasy fries and burgers, do me a favor and send me your free coupons! I love to sit, listen to the music, watch the staff dance and chomp down on a big juicy burger. Since you are never going into the place, you dont need the coupon. I do!

I promise not to give the coupons to anyone else to ensure that the crowds are keep under control. In fact, even if I see a large family (presumably with a bunch of small children) peeking in the window but unable to afford the surcharge, I will harden my heart and turn away. Let them eat cake! (oops they are charging for that too).

Of course, if you forget to send me the coupon, you can always just forward the $3.95 (sorry no personal checks accepted). The extra benefit of sending me the cash is that you can also experience being 'nicked and dimed" without having to actually eat the food. I will eat it for you.

Remember, the more you give the more I get.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think I'll just stand in front of Johnny Rockets and sell my coupons for $2. I make $2 and people tha twant to eat there save $2. What a deal!!!! [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

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Donuts, is there anything they can't do....
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I also noticed quite a bit of useless food waste and food smashed and flung about the deck by the kids - food fight. Maybe if people have to pay a little for the food, they will either eat it and enjoy it, or simply stay away.
So now I am supposed to pay the price for someone elses misbehaved kids? If someone is acting the way you describe security can certainly find the adults that those kids belong to. I ship is confined environment. Let the parents pay for their kids misbehavior. That will probably get things under control pretty fast. Charging me isn't going to do a thing to correct other people's kids.

It would also be quite simple to have a rule that no minors are allowed in JR's without an adult. There are many ways to get the situation under control other than the unimaginative one that was devised.
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I don't see what the big deal is to all you gripers about the $3.95 charge. Every cruiseline nowadays has restaurants that are free and restaurants that are included. Obviously, RCI saw the extremely high demand for JR so they took advantage. Why do you think gas prices go up on Thursdays?? Same reason! Basic business principle of supply and demand. Here's a solution - DON'T EAT THERE! I can't afford to eat at Chops and Portofino's everyday, but I don't complain about.


Mariner,Here we come!! (Subtract 2 for my wedding)
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Maybe if RCI had a 24 hr. buffet like Princess does I could see your point but late in the evening with the exception of the cardbaord pizza served in the Cafe Prominade there really is nowhere nice to go eat on a Voyager ship.
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Pfleer, the issue is really about taking away something that was free when people had already booked the cruise. If all of a sudden RC started charging for $3.95 for room service or for use of the gym, would you just happily pay it? I really think RC should have demonstrated a gesture of goodwill by giving a free JR coupon to all who had booked prior to the policy change. Sure, we all could easily afford the $3.95, but it is a matter of principle.
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I do agree with you on that, OceanCruise. It was kind of upsetting that it was free when we booked and now it's not.

Cafe Promenade supposedly has very good food for late night snacks, cookies, sandwiches, etc. Plus, there's room service. How would you know how the late night food was, you've never been on RCI? Oh, I know, someone posted it on here. There are also several posts stating how good the cafe promenade food is.


Mariner,Here we come!! (Subtract 2 for my wedding)
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Whoops, got the whole "Ocean Boy / Ocean Cruise" names mixed up. Thought both posts were by Ocean Cruise. My apologies!


Mariner,Here we come!! (Subtract 2 for my wedding)
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I would just like to point out that this fee is OPTIONAL. You don't have to eat at Johnny Rockets ... there are other places to get food.

And I for one would rather have the lower cruise prices with extras added for OPTIONAL features.

I also think that "minors not allowed" or "no children without adults allowed" would be a good idea.

I do not mind the extra charge for what I [B]choose[/B] to spend it on.

Splendour of the Seas - Med
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Well you are a bigger person, and I am the kind of person that makes people not want to post here. Those are not slams, because they are true since you said those things. See it is all in the eye of the beholder. As far as telling you what is good for you, that would be a complete waste of time. I only wanted intellectual honesty from you. You made big boasts about choosing better the cruiselines you want to support. I am honoring that statement by helping you to do what your empty threat implies. Don't waste our time reading empty threats, be a man or woman and do what you say you are going to do. Fortunately, as a superior man/woman you are not required to be honest.

I try to logically discuss your arguements, it is called debate. Of course, fillabuster away, you have the right, just try to keep the pompousity meter off the ceiling, please.

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