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Med Excursions/tour companies for families


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Can those of you who have been to the Mediterranean lately recommend some good tours/companies for families? I want to do private tours due to the size of my group and my young son.


It will be me, DH, my 2 DS (2/12) and my in laws.


Stops are: Barcelona, Nice, Naples, Athens, Rome, Santorini, Naples, Dubrovnik, Venice.


Truly appreciate any tips anyone on the family boards may have! We need to start booking ASAP.. where has the summer gone?!?

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This was 2 years ago:

Barcelona- Jose Soleir (sp?) can't find his card right now ( hopefully someone can fill in the spots).

Nice- Michel LeGrand revelationtours@aol.com

Naples- Sarah aptours@libero.it

Athens-Dennis Kokkotos georgetaxitours@yahoo.com

Rome- Stephano Constatini allagrande@hotmail.it

Santorini- no need. get up the hill (funicular or mules) take the bus to Oia

Florence? ( you had Naples twice)-Francesco Medina info@limoinflorence.it

Dubrovnik & Venice- haven't been there...yet!


Pre cruise we stayed at Continental Palacete in the Versaille Room ( big room plenty of space- bathroom a bit small, free internet, 24 hr buffet& drinks).

Post cruise we rented an apartment in Olympic Village (walking distance to beach & Mall, secure area with guard). Slept 10 but we were a party of 6. Washer/dryer, pool, tennis court, full kitchen, balcony.

I'm sure you will get plenty of input from the board, but this will give you a good start. These guides are among the best and book quickly.

Have a wonderful time planning your itinerary!!!


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Hi Winedown--


We just got back from the Med and used the following companies:



Naples and Florence--Rome in Limo


Google them both and you will find their websites. They were both FABULOUS! I wrote a really long (9 page :D ) review that can be found here, if you want some info on how the tours are.




We also spent several pre/post days in Barcelona. No guided ours, but did plenty on our own. During our ship stop in Villefranche, we took a local bus over to Nice. Very inexpensive.


What ship will you be on?



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I was the exact same cruise on the Summit in May of this year with my 3 kids -you will LOVE it.


We took the most amazing tours in Livorno and Naples. I will get back to with the tour companies.


I don´t know how to show the review I wrote in May , on the Celebrity board. Can you all teach me how to put the link here (I am challenged by computers!)



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We used RomeinLimo for Rome, Naples and Livorno. We were mostly happy but you should realize that all of these are drivers and not truly "guides." They cannot accompany you into places like Pompei, the Vatican museums, the Acropolis etc. They basically deliver you there and assist you with your tickets, etc. If you have a really good driver he'll give you interesting and helpful commentary as well. In addition to our drivers, we arranged through RomeinLimo to book private guides for Pompeii and the Vatican, which was very worthwhile.


We also used Spiros Taxi Service in Athens. Spiros sent his associate, Dimitris, who was excellent. In Rome our driver was Mauro, who was our favorite. In Nice we used MedTours and our driver was Yanick -- he also was excellent. Our drivers in Naples and Livorno were polite and professional, but didn't say more than was really necessary (ie., "this is Positano -- I will pick you up again in 45 minutes").


Private tours are great when traveling with kids because they can customize the trip to your group's desires, and you can sort of change your plans on the fly (within reason).


Also remember that the price doesn't include admission to the various sites. I was surprised that every museum and site (Coliseum, Acropolis, Vatican, Pompeii, etc.) required payment in cash and offered no child discounts for admission (although maybe they would for a 2 year old).


Have lots of fun. Wish I was going back already.



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You guys are the best.. I can get good info and not get flamed for bringing my kids to Europe! Woo Hoo!


Celebrat- I read your review.. and Can I be your friend?!? You just seem like the coolest person. Seriously! It was so witty and stream of consciousness.. And the pics were amazing! You are very talented. You should seriously write travel reviews as a career- maybe focused on families.. You could travel all the time, and write it off too!


Jungle Jane- Thanks! I will keep that in mind. The private vatican tour would be incredible.


Brazil- Would love that info or the link.. Knowing that kids had fun is important...


Thanks again ladies. I am so tired of getting flamed on other pages for bringing my 2 year old its not even funny! Cant we all just get along!?!?!?

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We used Scott from Vatican artwalks. He personalised our tour for our family and comfortably got us to ALL of the places we wanted to go despite the views of many on the boards who said that it would be impossible. He took us in a completely different order to most tour companies and we avoided the crowds. It was wonderful. In Dubrovonik we struck it lucky with a fabulous taxi driver and ended up staying with him for about 5 1/2 hours. We saw far more than we would have seen if we had done every ship excursion - and at a fraction of the price. Plus, we were in a beautiful air conditioned mercedes with a very proud and enthusiastic Croation who spoke very good English. I have referred many CC members to him and I know many have called him and booked him ahead of time. His name is Rade and the number for him calling from the US is: 011-385-98-847-152. If you are interested, I can email you a photo of him and his taxi. Many CC members have this photo/ Just email me on jennie1@exemail.com.au if you are interested. Honestly, it was one of the best days of our 42 day cruise! Dubrovonik is a beautiful surpise package and Rade made it so much fun.

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You guys are the best.. I can get good info and not get flamed for bringing my kids to Europe! Woo Hoo!


Celebrat- I read your review.. and Can I be your friend?!? You just seem like the coolest person. Seriously! It was so witty and stream of consciousness.. And the pics were amazing! You are very talented. You should seriously write travel reviews as a career- maybe focused on families.. You could travel all the time, and write it off too!



With those great compliments, OF COURSE you can be my friend!!! ;) Now, if I could only find someone to HIRE me as a travel writer....what a dream...


And--just disregard those "travel with kids to Europe" kid bashers. Hold your head high! They don't know what they're missing. When we got back from our trip, one of my co-workers said, I don't know why you took those kids to Europer. It's not like they'll remember anything." I gave her my best "Nelly from Little House on the Prairie" look. Whatever!



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You guys are the best.. I can get good info and not get flamed for bringing my kids to Europe! Woo Hoo!


If you can afford it and want to go why not? Family vacations are for everyone. By getting private guides you'll make things a lot easier on yourself and family. You'll see lots of families on any mass market European cruise in the summer.

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Can those of you who have been to the Mediterranean lately recommend some good tours/companies for families? I want to do private tours due to the size of my group and my young son.


It will be me, DH, my 2 DS (2/12) and my in laws.


Stops are: Barcelona, Nice, Naples, Athens, Rome, Santorini, Naples, Dubrovnik, Venice.


Truly appreciate any tips anyone on the family boards may have! We need to start booking ASAP.. where has the summer gone?!?


I would suggest like the others to go with a private tour as they are more flexible and can probably cater better if things change with the kids. I would be selective of visiting too many museums as kids tire of those quickly. I'm not sure what to say about doing tours with your two year old, too young for kids club and too old to be able to sleep thru it all...


We just finished a cruise with kids 7, 11, and 14. Overall our 11 and 14 year old went out with us in every port, but by the last two they were getting worn out and prefered lounging at the pool and watching the continuous first run movies on TV. Go figure, in Europe and they want to watch movies they'v already seen. Our 7 year old was hit or miss interest on the tours. We took her out in Venice, Kusadasi, Naples, Rome, and Florence/Venice. Given the choice she probably would choose the kids club. They did a great job on Princess for the kids.


The other thing was kids sometimes enjoy the simple things. Climbing Pisa was loved by all, as was the ruins, especially the toilets in Ephesus. in Pompii they had had enough ruins after the first 5'. All of them were dissapointed we didn't take the time to do more leisure stuff like lounging at the beach especially when they saw Amafli. YOu have to decide early on if it will be for the kids or for you to see some history and culture.


Good luck!

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Thanks All.. This is really what I was hoping to see on this thread! I can not tell you how much I appreciate all of your advise.


I have to confess.. I am not a huge museum person either- Not for this kind of trip especially. What I have been asking the tour company guides for is more of an "authentic" experience. I lived in Dijon and was a French major, so I am very excited to just "be" in Europe again.. I really want my 12 year old to appreciate other cultures are and also understand how others live.. See the architechture, soak in the history.. it was an experience like that which gave me my love for foreign language.. It may do the same for him.. who knows!


I did book Revelation in Nice (thanks Travel Bugs!) and they recommended a bunch of things, including a stop at a candy factory- my 11 year old is already excited! Eze will be for me (My FAVORITE place in France..) and then we will go from there... So we are definitely doing things a llittle differently to accomodate the group.


My 20 month old is very easy- he is on our motorboat every weekend for 3 hour+ cruises (in his carseat) then being strolled thorugh whatever port we decided upon... He will eat anything. (olives are a big hit right now.. he must know we are going to Italy) So I am not too worried about him... My inlaws will also be with us- so with 4 adults, we are in good shape.. We were also lucky enough to get a suite with a dining room and butler service (NOT bragging.. but we saved up to ensure we could do that)- This way we can eat in the room each morning, as well as at night if we choose... or if he is just too pooped to make it to the dining room.


The private tours are a big piece of it too- we dont have to annoy the kid haters, and can really craft our day based on interests and attention spans.


Some ports ( one or two max) we may let the 12 year old stay at kids club- havent decided yet. For example Florence when we do a tour of the Tuscan country side and a wine tasting.. But he will definitely join us for Rome, France and Pompeii....


The experience is slowly shaping itself - in large part due to each of you who have been kind enough to offer your own personal experience so that I may learn from it and make this a trip to remember for all of us. Ok. maybe not the 2 year old... but he will see pictures!!!

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Darn , I am really lame with computers!!!


You can check out photos of our trip at http://www.picasaweb.google.com.br/brazilgirl1987


Go to the Celebrity boards and put "Summit Review -Part One" in the forum search.


If a kind soul can figure out how to find it and put it here as a link , I´d really appreciate it.

I think it´ll be helpful as we visited all the same ports as you´re visiting.


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Yes- Thanks Celebrat!! :) My new friend!




Your reiew brought tears to my eyes at time. I could see you and your family kicking the pinecones.. Your experience is exactly what i am looking for.. just the experience of BEING in these wonderful places and not getting caught up in checklists of MUST DO'S... Thank you so much for sharing! Your driver in Rome was very disapointing. It concerns me as that is the only port where we may use Rome in Limo.. I will need to do a little more research.... Your review was very nice- and the details on the dining were great. I was married on Summit a few years back- and LOVED the Normandie. (So much so I scoured the inernet to get an original cutaway diagrame of the ship just as they have in the vestabule outside the restaurant. It reminds me of my honeymoon every day as I see it in my living room!) I never dined at the Waterfall- that may be a nice alternative as well. I done even mind if we eat in our room most meals.. I want to be relaxed!


I do have to ask.. please tell me you have received your special jewelry back by now...


Thanks again for sharing and making the effort to get the thred for me!!



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Yes , I did get my special jewelery back (after a long wait!).


Truly , our Med trip was unique...perfect! I think the most important thing is to not be caught up in the "20 monuments I must see " mentality. Otherwise , you risk missing out on what makes each place special-the people...


My kids learned so much and it was really a bonding experience for us as a family to be able to see so many beautiful and important places together for the first time.


The driver in Rome was really a disappointment. It is an amazing city though and we still loved our visit there. I´d consider contacting Andreas (my Livorno guide) and asking about his contact in Rome. They are really special guides.


I just booked a Baltic cruise on the Constellation for June 27th ..14 days of Scandanavia and Russia. I am starting my planning now!Already so excited!



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CONGRATS on the Baltic cruise. I am super-jealous. We would love to go back to Europe, and I keep looking at the Adventures by Disney "Fairytales and Castles" trip...


Ugh Ugh Ugh--I am just in a mood to book something....but it's just not in the budget right now.




I shall live vicariously through you!



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Good idea - Celebrat , send your review to "Parents " magazine or something like that! then come join us in the Baltics.


It does look beautiful! And just to make everyone really jealous (I am mean , aren´t I-ha!) , I think we are going to extend our trip and hang out in Paris and London too. (My husband still doesn´t know about this part!)Iwill be turning 40 (boo hoo) in July 2009 , so it´ll be a special celebration.


Wine Down , your cruise leaves almost 1 yr to the day after our adventure. The weather was so perfect. Wonderful time of year to go!

Celebrat , no future cruises in mind? Of all of the ships you´ve been on , which was your favorite and what was your favorite itinerary?



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