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Gulang, Gulang....... Goodbye Song


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They have said Goodbye to the Stewards standing along the staircase and at the railing and singing that Oh So Traditional Farewell Song HAL has presented for years.


DH and I were so beyong disappointed, saddened, annoyed......fill in the Blank.


We were FURIOUS!


No more Goodbye Song on Maasdam.


Last Night of the cruise, they did the Master Chef Dinner, followed by Baked Alaska and seems it was Goodbye to the Goodbye Song.


There is so little Tradition left to HAL that it saddens us beyond measure.


This isn't even a MONEY item they took away from us....... This was just something that many of us love.


Can Love in Any Language be Far Behind? It's about the only thing left.


Who can possibly think taking all the tradition away makes HAL better? Do they care at all what guests want/treasure/care about?

Are they so bent and determined to homogenize all the cruise lines to melt one into the other?

Who is pulling all these traditions away from us? Who tramples on every tradition in this way and we lose once again??

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With all that they are changing and taking away Hal is making it much easier to look at other alternatives for vacation time. We have already started looking elsewhere, we are booked on a river cruise for next year. After that we thinking about a land vacation. So far on the five cruises we have done with Hal we are more than satisified with them.

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Who can possibly think taking all the tradition away makes HAL better? Do they care at all what guests want/treasure/care about?

Are they so bent and determined to homogenize all the cruise lines to melt one into the other?

Who is pulling all these traditions away from us? Who tramples on every tradition in this way and we lose once again??



Sail, with almost two years of faithful cruising on HAL, I trust that you will let Seattle know how upset you are about the scuttling of some of the best traditions of the line. The company seems to be losing sight of the elements that make HAL a favorite of so many of us.

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Maybe Carnival is starting to influence HAL too much!!


this isn't about Carnival IMO


it's about 1 person: the "Prince" :mad:who someone let become a King


the "Royal One" has finally stepped over the line .. the question is whether someone in Seattle OR Miami will do anything about it before it's too late


changes are one thing: destruction of tradition is another:mad:


how bout it "Sir Bill"


you gonna change this one or is your decision final

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With all of Hal's cutbacks in the DR, the poor waiters that are left don't have time to sing a farewell song. I am STRONGLY against Hal taking away "tradional" things that have made HAL the Hal I have known for 46 years!!!!! Hal needs to rethink some of their decisions. Adele

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that it has to do with the anytime dining. I always enjoyed the goodbye song too and it amazed me how the waiters could fit it in with all they had to do. Anytime dining has thrown added stress to these amazingly hard working guys. Seems like a no-brainer that adding the anytime dining is to blame.

Sure wish they would have settled for those that want to eat anytime go to the Lido.


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that it has to do with the anytime dining. I always enjoyed the goodbye song too and it amazed me how the waiters could fit it in with all they had to do. Anytime dining has thrown added stress to these amazingly hard working guys. Seems like a no-brainer that adding the anytime dining is to blame.

Sure wish they would have settled for those that want to eat anytime go to the Lido.



respectfully, can't agree Rocks


anytime dining has now been around for quite a while


didn't seem to bother anyone until very recently


interestingly enough, if you ask the waiters how they feel about eliminating Galang, Galang, I believe nearly all would express disappointment


IMHO, there is no justification for doing away with Galang Galang


if you try to find a reason, the Royalty will win again


isn't it time someone finally said, "enough is enough"

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that it has to do with the anytime dining. I always enjoyed the goodbye song too and it amazed me how the waiters could fit it in with all they had to do. Anytime dining has thrown added stress to these amazingly hard working guys. Seems like a no-brainer that adding the anytime dining is to blame.

Sure wish they would have settled for those that want to eat anytime go to the Lido.




Sea King has it right. This has nothing to do with AYW Dining. It is only happening (at the moment) on Maasdam..... probably one of the 'experiments' they can point to and say how well the guests loved the change and then will sweep it fleet wide.


The Stewards are VERY disappointed about not singing that song. They enjoyed doing it for us as much as we love hearing it. They certainly do not prefer throwing salad bowls around the dining room to singing us a lovely song that brings tears of warmth and friendship to the eyes of their guests.


It literally boils my blood to see all HAL's special touches brushed aside with no regard for the tradition that made so many of us love HAL.



You may think we are herds of cattle and you can use your prodder to shove us about but give us a bit more credit than that.


At the moment, it is the wonderful crew that keeps many of us loving HAL. When crew finally have their fill of these many changes and they look and go elsewhere (as some are already doing), many guests will follow. If crews are unhappy, guests are unhappy. Unhappy guests do not recommend the cruise line, their word of mouth becomes negative, they bring themselves, their friends and relatives Old and YOUNG, with young families, to other cruise lines.

Please hear us. We care when you take away tradition.


Perhaps that is fine by HAL. Maybe they want to be rid of the traditionalists entirely.


This is one good way to do it.


Plain and Simple...... This is going just too far! It is total disregard for your hard working stewards (the company's best asset) and disrespectful and dismissive to your guests. We've seen a series of bad ideas and this one is right at the top along with discontinuing Captain's Welcome Aboard, Dutch Night, AYW (which is not working wonderfully as they'd like us to believe), Ships's Hostesses and the list goes on.

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They sang the good buy song on the Westerdam and the Zaandam --- must be optional now.


It seems they are doing the same as they have done in the past. They try it out on one or two ships first and then announce how well received their stupid idea was welcomed so make it fleet wide.


Did we ever see the Tally of what the original folks on Oosterdam test runs for AYW Dining really thought of it? They decide they are going to make a change, 'pretend' they are testing it out but the decision has been made and you will most likely see it on your next ship.


Whoever it is that is descimating every bit of what made HAL so very successful and loved by many ought to spend a year's contract on the ship and see how he would handle the implementation and disappointment of guests.


I don't like many of the money saving choices that have been made but at least there is a logic and I understand every business needs to make money.


This doesn't cost any money...... is it a power trip?


This 'genius' obviously doesn't care a whit for crew or guest........

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It seems they are doing the same as they

This doesn't cost any money...... is it a power trip?


This 'genius' obviously doesn't care a whit for crew or guest........


The truth be known -- Too many corporate decisions are made by newly minted graduates with a masters degree in business. They tend to be faux genius's that make broad based decisions on the 40th floor after a five martinii lunch, and have no practical expirience.

Ive always been impressed with the staff on the ships but not with the HAL home office.

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So true about the TEST on the Oosterdam for AYWD dining.


No one ever saw the end results -- but on this site -- many expressed how they didn't like it.


HAL had already decided that it would soon be fleet wide no matter what any of us thought or said.


The same for the Master Chef's Dinner -- many of us have said we are sick of it -- but it hasn't gone away either.

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Ok I will add my 2 cents too :D .


I only have 5 HAL cruises, but even I notice the changes from 2001 to 2008 !!


I like things the way it used to be !!! :p


On our last cruise, several of the dining staff said they did not like the AYWD either.


We sail HAL for the traditional cruise---but----(listen up HAL) mostly for the crew. And they are getting overworked.


We jump lines only because Mike needs his golf cruises, and he won't fly, but HAL is our favorite line.


So, I'm with you guys. :)



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I may be sounding like a 'broken record', but sometimes things bear repeating often until something changes!

There is this incredible disconnect between what happens in the 'ivory tower' in Seattle and the reality that exists on the ships when it comes to passengers. I don't know why this is has to be, but the 'bone-heads' in Seattle seem to think it is important.

All one has to do is read the threads about passenger service, and while it is certainly not universal, you will find that we as passengers, more often than not, have good things to say about the service of the crews on the ships....the traditions....the little 'no-cost' touches that just make the cruise that much more enjoyable....the treatment and respect we receive from crew. By the same token, the nasty complaints and horror stories of poor treatment, disrespect, and an ignorance of where revenue and paycheques for the company come from when we are talking about head office in Seattle.

The thing that I find most amazing is that Holland America Corp. is a well run business with a solid business plan that has worked for decades. They spark it up every so often and make business changes improve performance, and generally, they are changes that keep the business healthy. For the most part, they did, at one time, leave the other half of the equation to the pro's that ran the hotel/food/ beverage/entertainment on the ships in order to keep the passengers happy and coming back. This is reflected in the postive posts about crew, entertainment and food that we see here.

Of course in this specific case of the 'goodbye song", the saddest part of all is that there are a large group of very fine people who embraced the opportunity to express their culture by saying, "thank you and goodbye" in their own way. This was a gesture in return for the the respect the vast majority of us as passengers have shown them during our cruise. An understanding of that reality requires an atmosphere that does not exist in the thin air of the high reached of HAL's corporate headquarters.....right Mr. CEO and President!

Just some thoughts.

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They have said Goodbye to the Stewards standing along the staircase and at the railing and singing that Oh So Traditional Farewell Song HAL has presented for years.


DH and I were so beyong disappointed, saddened, annoyed......fill in the Blank.


We were FURIOUS!


No more Goodbye Song on Maasdam.


Last Night of the cruise, they did the Master Chef Dinner, followed by Baked Alaska and seems it was Goodbye to the Goodbye Song.


There is so little Tradition left to HAL that it saddens us beyond measure.


This isn't even a MONEY item they took away from us....... This was just something that many of us love.


Can Love in Any Language be Far Behind? It's about the only thing left.


Who can possibly think taking all the tradition away makes HAL better? Do they care at all what guests want/treasure/care about?

Are they so bent and determined to homogenize all the cruise lines to melt one into the other?

Who is pulling all these traditions away from us? Who tramples on every tradition in this way and we lose once again??


I don't know the tradition but I feel like I know this website filled with those who have been faithful to HAL for years. HAL may not realise how much business you bring them by your memories, knowledge and support. I know it hooked me. In that sense I think HAL may want to rethink removing some traditions that the return cruisers celebrate. If you complain, hopefully they get that you are faithful return sailors and are one of the best persuasions HAL has for deciding to try HAL.


In the meantime, I'm sorry.

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I may be sounding like a 'broken record', but sometimes things bear repeating often until something changes!


There is this incredible disconnect between what happens in the 'ivory tower' in Seattle and the reality that exists on the ships when it comes to passengers. I don't know why this is has to be, but the 'bone-heads' in Seattle seem to think it is important.


All one has to do is read the threads about passenger service, and while it is certainly not universal, you will find that we as passengers, more often than not, have good things to say about the service of the crews on the ships....the traditions....the little 'no-cost' touches that just make the cruise that much more enjoyable....the treatment and respect we receive from crew. By the same token, the nasty complaints and horror stories of poor treatment, disrespect, and an ignorance of where revenue and paycheques for the company come from when we are talking about head office in Seattle.


The thing that I find most amazing is that Holland America Corp. is a well run business with a solid business plan that has worked for decades. They spark it up every so often and make business changes improve performance, and generally, they are changes that keep the business healthy. For the most part, they did, at one time, leave the other half of the equation to the pro's that ran the hotel/food/ beverage/entertainment on the ships in order to keep the passengers happy and coming back. This is reflected in the postive posts about crew, entertainment and food that we see here.


Of course in this specific case of the 'goodbye song", the saddest part of all is that there are a large group of very fine people who embraced the opportunity to express their culture by saying, "thank you and goodbye" in their own way. This was a gesture in return for the the respect the vast majority of us as passengers have shown them during our cruise. An understanding of that reality requires an atmosphere that does not exist in the thin air of the high reached of HAL's corporate headquarters.....right Mr. CEO and President!


Just some thoughts.


Great thoughts!:)

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I am curious and a little confused.

You mentioned that the Master Chef's Dinner was on the last night of both cruises -- Right?

You also mentioned that you went to the Pinnacle those nights as you don't like the Master Chef show -- like so many of us.

But why would you be furious about the dining wait staff not standing on the stairs and singing when you weren't even there?

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For those of you that don't know what's being discussed here. On the last evening (the night before disembarkation the next morning) at the conclusion of dinner, one of the crew in the diningroom will pick up the mike to thank us pax for having sailed with them.

He'll usually hold a little speech which will end in a series of "goodbye's" in different languages, with "Hasta la vista, baby" usually the last one;) The remainder of the crew in the diningroom (dining room stewards, assistant dining room stewards, doormen aka Yum Yum men, supervisors, etc.) will then assemble up and down the stairwell(s) in between the two DR floors and sing an Indonesian farewell song called "Gelang" (see below). Many of the pax will pick up their dinner napkins and will wave them in the air to the beat of the song. It's a HAL tradition and a lot of us don't want to see it go!

Gelang sepaku gelang

Gelang sirama rama


Gelang sepaku gelang

Gelang sirama rama


Mari pulang marilah pulang

Marilah pulang ber sama sama


Mari pulang marilah pulang

Marilah pulang ber sama sama




Goodbye, Goodbye

Let's say goodbye together


Goodbye, Goodbye

'Till we meet again


Let's go home, Let's go home

Let's go home together


Let's go home, Let's go home

Let's go home together



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I may be sounding like a 'broken record', but sometimes things bear repeating often until something changes!


There is this incredible disconnect between what happens in the 'ivory tower' in Seattle and the reality that exists on the ships when it comes to passengers. I don't know why this is has to be, but the 'bone-heads' in Seattle seem to think it is important.


All one has to do is read the threads about passenger service, and while it is certainly not universal, you will find that we as passengers, more often than not, have good things to say about the service of the crews on the ships....the traditions....the little 'no-cost' touches that just make the cruise that much more enjoyable....the treatment and respect we receive from crew. By the same token, the nasty complaints and horror stories of poor treatment, disrespect, and an ignorance of where revenue and paycheques for the company come from when we are talking about head office in Seattle.


The thing that I find most amazing is that Holland America Corp. is a well run business with a solid business plan that has worked for decades. They spark it up every so often and make business changes improve performance, and generally, they are changes that keep the business healthy. For the most part, they did, at one time, leave the other half of the equation to the pro's that ran the hotel/food/ beverage/entertainment on the ships in order to keep the passengers happy and coming back. This is reflected in the postive posts about crew, entertainment and food that we see here.


Of course in this specific case of the 'goodbye song", the saddest part of all is that there are a large group of very fine people who embraced the opportunity to express their culture by saying, "thank you and goodbye" in their own way. This was a gesture in return for the the respect the vast majority of us as passengers have shown them during our cruise. An understanding of that reality requires an atmosphere that does not exist in the thin air of the high reached of HAL's corporate headquarters.....right Mr. CEO and President!


Just some thoughts.



What an incredibly well thought out post - thanks so much for putting into words what I have been feeling. I remember so well tearing up several times during this "farewell" song and then noticing that some of my favorite Stewards were waving to me (or at least in my direction:D). In fact, I have some great photos of the "farewells" and remember those Stewards oh so fondly.



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It really irks me that HAL will be able to say they have had very few negative comments about it being discontinued on Maasdam as no one knows they won't be hearing it until after dinner the last evening. That is when it is always sung but by then the comment sheets have been filled out and turned in.


By the time people realize they've stopped the Stewards from singing Galang Galang, it is too late to write it on comment sheets. Wow.... well planned, one would think. :(

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For those of you that don't know what's being discussed here. On the last evening (the night before disembarkation the next morning) at the conclusion of dinner, one of the crew in the diningroom will pick up the mike to thank us pax for having sailed with them.


He'll usually hold a little speech which will end in a series of "goodbye's" in different languages, with "Hasta la vista, baby" usually the last one;) The remainder of the crew in the diningroom (dining room stewards, assistant dining room stewards, doormen aka Yum Yum men, supervisors, etc.) will then assemble up and down the stairwell(s) in between the two DR floors and sing an Indonesian farewell song called "Gelang" (see below). Many of the pax will pick up their dinner napkins and will wave them in the air to the beat of the song. It's a HAL tradition and a lot of us don't want to see it go!


Gelang sepaku gelang

Gelang sirama rama


Gelang sepaku gelang

Gelang sirama rama


Mari pulang marilah pulang

Marilah pulang ber sama sama


Mari pulang marilah pulang

Marilah pulang ber sama sama




Goodbye, Goodbye

Let's say goodbye together


Goodbye, Goodbye

'Till we meet again


Let's go home, Let's go home

Let's go home together


Let's go home, Let's go home

Let's go home together




I'll take the opposing view point. I find the whole production maudlin and will not miss it. Let me have a well prepared and well served dinner without having the waitstaff sing or parade around.

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