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Greedy in the dining room ?

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On our last cruise my brother-in-law ordered 2 appetizers, 2 entrees and 2 desserts each and every night. And he finished everything. No, he's not fat either. I have no idea where he put all that food and why his waistline isn't huge!! :)


The only time I have ever ordered extra was on lobster night, I asked for a second lobster tail "on the side" but he brought me the entire meal. I felt bad as I could not eat the potato/vegetables, and was wishing he just would have grabbed the extra tail, put it on my plate, and left the rest in the kitchen.


Sometimes DH and I will each order our own dessert and then order another one to share.


On one of our cruises our waiter brought extra entrees and desserts "just to try" quite often. But that's the only time that's happened.


I don't think it's wrong for people to ask for extra of anything. It's their cruise, their business.

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It's not "piggish" or "greedy" to deviate from one person's standard of "one appetizer, one main course, one dessert".


For instance: On Friday night I had four things from the "starter" list, no entree and no dessert. I just felt like eating those things. (if anyone cares, it was berry soup, duck consommé, shrimp cocktail and spinach dip). There was Caesar Salad served family style, also.


Another night, I had one appetizer and two entrees and no dessert.


Another night, a soup, an appetizer, a salad and an entree.


I am not a pig, and I was not displaying bad manners.


Those of you who make nasty comments on this thread are just narrow-minded and misguided. (and yes, those are euphemisms in this instance :rolleyes: )


I am not narrow minded nor misguided. I will order 2 of items I like at times. However I do feel when someone says "bring me everything on the menu" every night are being greedy. Especially when they get up before they are half way through and say they have a migraine and are going to bed.

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Everything balances out in the end. I rarely order appitizers as I eat very little and will save my appitite for the entree and desert. Yet others will by pass a desert for the full appitizer, salad, soup and entree. I have also been the benificary of someone ordering a second appitizer, entree, or desert and passing it around the table for everyone to sample.

And as for wasting food - the cruiseline is not going to pack up the extra food and ship it to the starving children in Africa. The scraps are going to go to feeding the fish. No I do not advocate ordering just because you can and eating only a bite. But it probably is rare that there is someone that does just that.

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I asked for a second lobster tail "on the side" but he brought me the entire meal. I felt bad as I could not eat the potato/vegetables, and was wishing he just would have grabbed the extra tail, put it on my plate, and left the rest in the kitchen.


That's because the whole meal is "plated", and they cannot just get the lobster tail by itself, unless the kitchen prepares a platter of them to take around. They do that sometimes if they have extra lobster.


If you order a second entree, just ask the waiter if he'd mind putting it by itself on an empty plate, and he can definitely do it. It's much faster and easier for them to pick up the whole dinner plate when they get the rest. It's like an assembly line.

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My DH and I found out that the head chef was from India and since we love Indian curry we asked our head waiter if we would be able to get a curry from the kitchen for the next dinner. The following night sample dishes of chicken curry was brought out for the whole table to enjoy.


And yes, I have ordered 2 appetizers. Just means I have to do a few more ShipShape miles around the ship:D !

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Yes, you can do this.


However, to tell the truth, the desserts on Mariner of the Seas weren't very good. With only two exceptions, they tasted "whipped"; that is, they seemed to be excessively light as if they'd been whipped for a long time to incorporate air and expand the ingredients. They didn't have much taste.


Exceptions: The cookies, which were available in the Windjammer and the Promenade Cafe pretty much all the time. They weren't really special; rather, they stood out in comparison.

The best desert -- by far -- was the cappachino cheesecake on the last night. It actually tasted like cheesecake; it was rich and dense, not overly fluffy.



But I digress . . . several people at our table ordered two appetizers, two lobsters, etc. at various times over the week; the waiters didn't blink. I'm certain that one night one adult at our table ordered the child's spaghetti plate (it wasn't small, just more simple in taste) instead of an adult entree. They will bring you anything you want!

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They will give you all the food you want. I have ordered two appetizers and two deserts in the past when I liked both selections on the menu. I have also shared deserts with others at the table so each got a taste. Once I ordered an entree that I thought I would like and as it turned out I did not. I think the waiter knew that it was not well liked (second seating) and was watching me taste it. He volunteered to get me something else and he had a suggestion. I took his suggestion and the entree was wonderful.


As for room service they will bring anything you order. We came back from a day ashore. We had not had lunch and dinner (second seating) was four hours away. Solution was to order room service while we relaxed. I ordered on the TV. I looked at the menu and it had pizza which sounded great so I ordered four slices along with some other things. When the waiter brought it to the room, he made a comment about only seeing two people in the room. It turns out the pizza was not by the slice but 8" pizzas! :eek: oink oink


We do not like to waste food but that one time we did. Have a great cruise.

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On one of my cruises last summer, my table had a reputation for not ordering what we wanted on the menu. Rather we would just tell the waiter what we DIDN'T want. It was always just VERY few things that we didn't want. We all ate THAT much !!!!!!!! This was on Carnival by the way. Since there was nothing better to do, we figured at least we'd enjoy the food. On RCI there's always so much to do that I prefer to eat normally so I can enjoy the next day without being stuck in bed. :cool:

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Chops did the same thing ... I just couldn't pass up the mud pie but by the time we finished dinner, there was NO WAY I was going to get it down then, so they packed it to go...


Can you order two or three entrees at chops, or does that only hold true for the dining room? I presume since you have to pay so much extra at Chops you can gorge yourself with three fillet mignons.



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Another reason parents shouldn't make food a 'battleground' issue with kids.



I can assure you it was not a 'battleground' with my Dad. With five children to bring up on a small wage, and him being the youngest of ten children who were practically dragged up, we ate what was put in front of us - by the way there were no desserts except on a Sunday:( If, on very rare occasions, we did not finish what was there, believe me there was always another sibling waiting with their knife and fork at the ready to take what was left - that was what caused the frown on occasion - he believed that, if you finished what was on your plate, that should be enough and also that everyone should clear their own plates. However, he did not make an issue out of it, one glance was enough:eek:

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It's not "piggish" or "greedy" to deviate from one person's standard of "one appetizer, one main course, one dessert".


For instance: On Friday night I had four things from the "starter" list, no entree and no dessert. I just felt like eating those things. (if anyone cares, it was berry soup, duck consommé, shrimp cocktail and spinach dip). There was Caesar Salad served family style, also.


Another night, I had one appetizer and two entrees and no dessert.


Another night, a soup, an appetizer, a salad and an entree.


I am not a pig, and I was not displaying bad manners.


Those of you who make nasty comments on this thread are just narrow-minded and misguided. (and yes, those are euphemisms in this instance :rolleyes: )



Who are you quoting who was making nasty comments:confused: Everyone is stating their own point of view - are you perhaps trying to ratchet this thread up to a slanging match:confused:

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Bottom line:


It is your vacation, enjoy yourself!!



It is nice to be able to sample different foods that you would not normally get at home. RCL as well as other cruiselines, waste a great deal of food anyway........really, do we need a midnight buffet?


So, who cares if you do not clean your plate every night. We all want to try the foods but not everyone wants to gain 10lbs. lol:)

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The only time I have ever ordered extra was on lobster night, I asked for a second lobster tail "on the side" but he brought me the entire meal. I felt bad as I could not eat the potato/vegetables, and was wishing he just would have grabbed the extra tail, put it on my plate, and left the rest in the kitchen.


That brings to mind another tip. My DH is a pretty "ordinary" eater and usually doesn't want anything but the steak that is offered every night. In fact, TWO STEAKS! (And yet he has great cholesterol readings!!) But instead of ordering it as two entrees, he asks the waiter just to add another steak on his plate so he doesn't waste the baked potato. The food is preplated, so it is easier for them just to grab another plate; however, your waiter should be happy to make that adjustment so you don't waste food. Again, that's easy if you order it at the same time you make your regular entree order instead of adding it on after you find you like it.


(Note: There's nothing wrong with later asking for more if you find you really like something. Just be considerate of the wait staff and order with your main order IF YOU KNOW AHEAD OF TIME that you want two--or more.:) )


Our dear waiter got so he brought us a variety of desserts every night.


We SO PREFER traditional dining. You can't beat the pampering you get.


Can you stand one more tip? If you end up at a table with people you don't like, you can see the maitre d' and ask for a change starting the second night. We all know there are some unpleasant people on the ship - or just some people you won't "click" with - so don't suffer through it and let it keep you from enjoying this wonderful dining experience you are looking forward to.

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Now that we've pretty much explored all the neat things you can do in the main dining room, let me caution you to save some room for the wonderful Promenade Cafe. There is nothing like it. It's my favorite place on the ship. You can get coffee/tea/hot chocolate and then some of the wonderful little sandwiches and desserts (and fruit as well) and then sit at an outside table and people-watch. And it's all free. On the Liberty it was seldom we could not get an outside table. There are inside tables as well.


Try the fabulous little fruit tarts when they have them. They are to die for.

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Can you order two or three entrees at chops, or does that only hold true for the dining room? I presume since you have to pay so much extra at Chops you can gorge yourself with three fillet mignons.



HI OTT! It's Patty from PA (EOS 12/7)...I'm trying to find out who is going where (since I'm not going anywhere :( ). I've kept in touch with a few people and Babie is trying to talk me into sharing a cabin with him, but can't make up my mind. Anyhow...enjoy those entrees or whatever. This time...don't get sick on the first day!

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I've kept in touch with a few people and Babie is trying to talk me into sharing a cabin with him, but can't make up my mind.


Hi Patty! We are going out of NJ on the Explorer for 9 days Caribbean over Thanksgiving. Would you know who has any of the pictures that were shot at the M&M, was it? where we had so much fun, there should be one of me with Babie's head dress.:D


Anyhow, we are driving from Ohio directly to the ship, that way I should avoid picking up the norovirus as I did in that San Juan fleabag of a hotel.



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Cheers for your help - I'll order several. :o

I want my moneys worth of food. :p


BTW is the same with room service ? There are two of us in our cabin - could we order like 4 course ? LOL ( Painting a really good picture of me here aren't I?! I joke , I have a bottom less pit and a stomach that never seems to grow!)

You don't have to tell room service that there are only two of you- just tell them how many orders of each item that you want! My husband always orders coffee for four so he won't get stuck with that little coffee pot. And cookies??? We've been known to order for 4 just to get what we want.


As far as the dining room, order what you want! We've even had waiters that brought us things we hadn't asked for - saying we needed to try something! (of course that was a few years ago, before all the cost-cutting measures began!) I don't think anyone will mind, as long as you don't leave it untouched. We had a friend who once ate 7 lobster tails in one sitting- and still had dessert afterwards. The waiters just kept bringing them... :o

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Now that we've pretty much explored all the neat things you can do in the main dining room, let me caution you to save some room for the wonderful Promenade Cafe. There is nothing like it. It's my favorite place on the ship. You can get coffee/tea/hot chocolate and then some of the wonderful little sandwiches and desserts (and fruit as well) and then sit at an outside table and people-watch. And it's all free. On the Liberty it was seldom we could not get an outside table. There are inside tables as well.


Try the fabulous little fruit tarts when they have them. They are to die for.


Those, and the coconut cookies!! Yum!:)

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My father was also from a large family and a very poor one, he had to leave high school to work to help support the family and then joined the military because it was the only place he would get '3 hots and a cot'. My mother also joined the military as it was the only place she had to go. After they were married and raising 3 of us, paying for Catholic school, and my father in construction we ate a lot of potato soup during the lean winter months.


We didn't waste anything either, but we were not required to 'clean our plate' if we were not hungry nor was it discouraged for a sibling to take our leftovers if we hadn't eaten them. Not everyone in a family has the same appetite and metabolism as others - or even same person every day.


Oh I'd say he made it an issue if still X years later you're seeing your father's face while eating and adjusting because of it.


I can assure you it was not a 'battleground' with my Dad. With five children to bring up on a small wage, and him being the youngest of ten children who were practically dragged up, we ate what was put in front of us - by the way there were no desserts except on a Sunday:( If, on very rare occasions, we did not finish what was there, believe me there was always another sibling waiting with their knife and fork at the ready to take what was left - that was what caused the frown on occasion - he believed that, if you finished what was on your plate, that should be enough and also that everyone should clear their own plates. However, he did not make an issue out of it, one glance was enough:eek:
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My father was also from a large family and a very poor one, he had to leave high school to work to help support the family and then joined the military because it was the only place he would get '3 hots and a cot'. My mother also joined the military as it was the only place she had to go. After they were married and raising 3 of us, paying for Catholic school, and my father in construction we ate a lot of potato soup during the lean winter months.


We didn't waste anything either, but we were not required to 'clean our plate' if we were not hungry nor was it discouraged for a sibling to take our leftovers if we hadn't eaten them. Not everyone in a family has the same appetite and metabolism as others - or even same person every day.


Oh I'd say he made it an issue if still X years later you're seeing your father's face while eating and adjusting because of it.



Allie - We seem to have had a very similar upbringing, except that I presume I am a lot older than you. My father also joined the army in the early 30s, after lying about his age, to escape from poverty - and I do mean poverty. He was in the regular army until he sustained awful injuries in WW2. However, he still managed to hold down a job until he retired at the age of 63 (he is now nearly 90). I can assure you, again, that he never made any issue of it, but as I say he did make us aware with just a glance that, if he had managed to put food on our plates (and in his childhood he more often than not went hungry), we should finish it but he also could not abide any notion of 'gluttony' - to his mind, a plateful of food was enough. He would be absolutely aghast at the amount of waste food on a cruiseliner.


Don't get me wrong, I love cruise food and enjoy sitting down to a wonderful dinner each night. However, I cannot see how any adult wants more than one starter, main course or dessert, just because they are on the menu. On one cruise I even saw a passenger at the buffet with a platter containing at least 5 different desserts who then proceeded to take a mouthful of each and then leave all of them saying that they did not like any of them (I was sitting at the adjoining table).


I know you will come back with some sort of 'remark' (we have crossed swords before) but I do not think you should assume that my father has coloured my attitude towards food in some way - I assume you are not a professional psychiatrist and you are definitely not my psychiatrist:mad: I simply act like an adult and to my mind adults do not need to have everything they see - that is the way children act until they are taught better.

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Hi Patty! We are going out of NJ on the Explorer for 9 days Caribbean over Thanksgiving. Would you know who has any of the pictures that were shot at the M&M, was it? where we had so much fun, there should be one of me with Babie's head dress.:D


Anyhow, we are driving from Ohio directly to the ship, that way I should avoid picking up the norovirus as I did in that San Juan fleabag of a hotel.





OTT, what hotel did you stay in in San Juan? I am going out of SJ in Dec... I don't want a fleabag place or the NoroVirus

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Allie - We seem to have had a very similar upbringing, except that I presume I am a lot older than you.


Hmm, my father would be mid-70s now if he were alive and both parents served during the end of the Korean War, so not that much older.


we should finish it but he also could not abide any notion of 'gluttony' - to his mind, a plateful of food was enough.


'seconds' of something is not gluttony


Don't get me wrong, I love cruise food and enjoy sitting down to a wonderful dinner each night. However, I cannot see how any adult wants more than one starter, main course or dessert, just because they are on the menu.


I surely can, as can most passengers. Two items look good and you are having a hard time choosing between them - and on a cruise there is no additional cost for getting more than one so you get both.


I know you will come back with some sort of 'remark' (we have crossed swords before)


Isn't that what internet boards are for? discussion?


but I do not think you should assume that my father has coloured my attitude towards food in some way - I assume you are not a professional psychiatrist and you are definitely not my psychiatrist:mad:


Actually, I have often thought of ordering more than one dessert but a picture of my father's disapproving face at childhood dinner tables always puts me off:(

Doesn't take a psychiatrist to see it has colored your attitude towards food - that comes from your own words.


I simply act like an adult and to my mind adults do not need to have everything they see - that is the way children act until they are taught better.

Sooo - people who thought of ordering more than one dessert, and actually did so, because they don't have a picture of a father's disapproving face at childhood dinner tables putting them off - are acting like children who don't know any better? I'm thinking they are normal adults on vacation with a healthy attitude towards food.


Not all father's taught them such things, and most father's or mother's would be happy for their child to have as much to eat as they want - as a single mother with some tough past times I surely am happy when my fridge/freezer/cabinets are full. When I took my kids on Explorer both sometimes had seconds, one night my son had 2 steak dinners and ate every bit - that fresh air and sea water builds the appetite. My daughter was always an adventurous eater, my son not - but he tried many new things on that cruise - some he liked, some he didn't and got something else. It gave him the chance to try new things that he normally wouldn't have had at a restaurant at home.


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You are absolutely unstoppable in the condescending way you react to other posters. You obviously think you are the font of all knowledge and that your viewpoint is the only correct one.


I am 62 and was bought up in post-war austerity in my early years - didn't do me any harm, medically or psychiatrically. I really think you should stop these medico-psychiatric comments you seem to make on some of these boards - your comments on the thread about taking a 6 month old on a cruise are a prime example of someone talking out of the top of their hat:D .


Oh and by the way your grammar is not correct - no need for the apostrophes in father's and mother's in your last paragraph advising how you love to see your children eat (you see we can all be condescending if we choose to) - I love to see my children and grandchildren eat well but in no way would I condone overeating or wasting food - you can plainly see the results of overeating all over cruise ships - all things in moderation:p


By the way 'seconds' is not the same as ordering several different dishes in the first place and then possibly wasting them.

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