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$14.95 for STEAK???


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When I began this thread I had no intention of starting such a conversation! I only wanted confirmation or not on the charge. Thanks for that, anyway. Glad I know now. Amazing the way this has twisted and turned over 12 pages. Wonder if RCCL is listening/reading.....

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Its nice to know that thre are watchdogs out there to makke sure we are not getting scammed. Does this mean we won't see you on any more RCI cruises?? Seems to me that would be the way to express your anger, instead of your ranting here.


Curley, you're sounding more and more like a Caribbean Way suit. Surely you're not, right? :)

Interesting that you choose the word "anger." :confused: A more accurate description would be "disappointment" (which resulted from clear vision, an expectation of integrity, and an eight-year history with RCL) and "concern" (which resulted from seeing this same scam playing out in other fields, including air travel).

As for how to express that concern, well I'm sure your advice on strategy is welcome. :rolleyes: By somebody. Else.

Meantime, count on me to be posting here for the long-haul, suggesting that the maximum number of RCL's loyal customers start reconsidering their future bookings. 'Cuz nobody likes to have a company play them for a fool.

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Now YOU got it. :rolleyes: RCI is no different than any other business. If it costs more to provide the expected level of service, then you raise your rates accordingly. I say enough of this sneaky tactic where they're making the consumer feel guilty for expecting quality.





Twoputt - glad there are still a few rational folks around like yourself and Tranquil Waters. It becomes more remarkable each day how many RCL flag-wavers here are gleefully ready to sacrifice value in exchange for blind loyalty to a corporation (or to the dubious principle of boundless greed).


What you're suggesting here is a consumer-friendly, honest approach to marketing: RCL - and every other cruise line - charges a fare, and includes the food, entertainment, cabin service and core recreation facilities (pool, jacuzzis, library, etc.) in return. If costs require, then raise that basic fare.

For those who have trouble following the logic, let's see why that's more consumer-friendly than the new "tack-on-fees, cutback-on-amenities" system that Royal Caribbean appears to be moving toward.

Until now, we've all been able to price out Royal Caribbean's cruises (the product) to determine if it fit our budgets and our definition of value. That "all-inclusive" aspect made it very simple: If your fare nets out at $X a night per person (including port fees and tips), say, you compare that $X against the cost of a night's hotel in the same port, 3 restaurant meals and a pro-rated share of an airline flight between the ports. You can throw in the cost of a mid-range show or nightclub act, too, since you're getting that onboard as well.

Now, try doing the math when RCL is free to throw on bonus charges for your meals. Maybe this month it's just the $15-a-night steaks, but if you're booking in January maybe you should budget in some extra in case they start hitting us for $6 for eggs benedict, $11 for an omelette, and $8 for dessert after lunch. Next spring? Who know: Maybe the steak goes up to $18, the bread is another $3 and water refills carry a 50-cent service fee.

Suddenly, you can't really make an informed decision - because you can't trust the cruise company to stick to its traditional agreement.

Now here's a heads-up for the Kool Aid Krowd, not that I expect many of y'all are gonna pay attention. When you carry on about how RCL is justified in nickle-and-diming its long-time customers so that it can add ice skating rinks, flowriders, mini golf, etc. ... well, you might want to start pondering how far RCL will take the pay-as-you-go philosophy if they succeed in ramming it through in the dining room.

Do you really believe they won't eventually start charging for the climbing wall? For using the sauna? The jacuzzis? The basketball court? How about a $3 cover charge for the midnight comedian? How about $5? Maybe the headliner should be worth $20? ("Hey, if you don't like it, just use the free entertainment ... the TV. Er, oops, sorry, looks like we've installed a coin-op box on the TV. That'll be 25 cents an hour please.")

"You'll be tendering to port, ma'am? Certainly - that's $8 for the 10 a.m. boats, or $6 if you wait til 11 o'clock."

"A copy of the Compass? Certainly, sir. Will you be paying that $1 in cash, or should we charge it to your account?"

"So ... will you be using the stairs during your cruise? Or should we add the elevator access fee directly to your SeaPass charge?"

Be VERY clear here: This is not really all that far-fetched. For if the company can wedge in the principle that it's OK to whack you for a basic dinner entree, there's really no incentive whatsoever to keep the suits from expanding that glorious "choice" concept through every phase of cruising.

For evidence, look no further than the airlines. In their bid to make fares look artificially low, they're eliminating virtually everything that made flying enjoyable - and, when it's convenient for them, restoring it with a new fee tacked on. On some of the cheesier lines, you'll be charged for water - yes, WATER!

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When I began this thread I had no intention of starting such a conversation! I only wanted confirmation or not on the charge. Thanks for that, anyway. Glad I know now...


NO WAY! REALLY? I didn't catch that the first 3 times you posted it!


P.S.: popcorn.gif

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Curley, you're sounding more and more like a Caribbean Way suit. Surely you're not, right? :)


Interesting that you choose the word "anger." :confused: A more accurate description would be "disappointment" (which resulted from clear vision, an expectation of integrity, and an eight-year history with RCL) and "concern" (which resulted from seeing this same scam playing out in other fields, including air travel).


As for how to express that concern, well I'm sure your advice on strategy is welcome. :rolleyes: By somebody. Else.


Meantime, count on me to be posting here for the long-haul, suggesting that the maximum number of RCL's loyal customers start reconsidering their future bookings. 'Cuz nobody likes to have a company play them for a fool.


What difference does it make whether I am a RCI suit as you call it. no I am not, however, I am a CEO of my own company, sit on 2 boards of directors of 2 others, and chair 2 fairly important charities in my area. I do know a little about running a business.

Well in looking at your signature, you either need to update it, or you are a bit behind the times, in not being on a RCI ship in the last 30 months.

How would even know what is what, by reading someone elses rant? I have been cruising for over 25 yrs and the last 6yrs on RCI with 3 cruises in the last 12 months, leaving on my next in 4 weeks. Nothing has really changed in the last 5 yrs IMO, including the food.

You obviously need a lesson in business. Cruise lines, including RCI are not just going to keep raising their prices, as at some point, they will not attract the middle consumer, which is a big majority of who they are marketing to. There are plenty of people who think the food is just fine. There are plenty of people who like being given the option of how to spend their money.

It is too bad some people are disappointed, and not everyone is going to be pleased. That is why there are choices one can make in cruise lines as well.

What do you think you are going to get for $125 per day.

You think the airlines are a scam as well. They are just trying to survive.

The only scam is someone pretending to know the facts without having the experience.

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What difference does it make whether I am a RCI suit as you call it.


Surely you're aware that a corporation's flaks are not reliable sources of consumer information about that corporation's actions. They spin, they duck, they dodge, they masquerade, they even prevaricate - because that's what they're paid to do. Kind of an fundamental reality of business, dontcha know.



I am a CEO of my own company, sit on 2 boards of directors of 2 others, and chair 2 fairly important charities in my area.


Oh how perfectly marvelous! A vewwwwwy important businessman, yes indeedy!

And such a modest chap, too. :eek:

From the sounds of this post, you must make a ... uh ... memorable ... dinner companion on a 12-nighter. :rolleyes:



... you are a bit behind the times, in not being on a RCI ship in the last 30 months.


Nothing has really changed in the last 5 yrs IMO


Hmm, there seems to be a little issue with ... ah .... "consistency" ... in this reasoning. But, hey, no problem. Nothing we haven't seen before.



Cruise lines, including RCI are not just going to keep raising their prices, as at some point, they will not attract the middle consumer, which is a big majority of who they are marketing to.


Gee, looks like 27 other folks on this thread have posted some form of displeasure with the $15 steak trend ... ranging from mild opposition to decisions to cruise with other companies (or not at all).

That's 27 people on one little thread, on one board, on one website in just a few days. ;)

2112, 48Michelle s, @C4ME, Brad1185, catnip, cb at sea, carolyn 22, cruisetek, English in Spain, GQuagmire, Gracie 115, GXmanDC, icruiz2, isujim, jerboy, Lynnees, Marysunshine, MACruises, Maraprince, mafig, newmexicoNITA, pbhunt, pmshirl, PSCruiser, richsea, Tranquil Waters and twoputt.plusone

My, do none of us fall into that middle consumer category? Not even one or two?

Is it just possible at a few of us might have families ... and maybe even fall into the demographic that RCL is marketing to?

'Cuz wow, it doesn't look like the $15 steak is popular in these parts. :cool:

Exactly how does RCL really profit by discouraging or outright alienating customers at that rate?


You obviously need a lesson in business.


Oh, you adorable little rascal, you! :)


The only scam is someone pretending to know the facts without having the experience.


Finally! We knew you could hit one if we just pitched slower and lower! We're all very proud.

Yes, you're right ... whoever was inexperienced enough to try to pass off RCL's chiseling as "choice" has got plenty of 'splainin to do.

And I believe Tranquil Waters schooled him pretty well on post 82. Funny, though, there still hasn't been an apology to Tranquil Waters or to the rest of the board.

I'm sure that's on its way. Right? :D

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Surely you're aware that a corporation's flaks are not reliable sources of consumer information about that corporation's actions. They spin, they duck, they dodge, they masquerade, they even prevaricate - because that's what they're paid to do. Kind of an fundamental reality of business, dontcha know.





Oh how perfectly marvelous! A vewwwwwy important businessman, yes indeedy!

And such a modest chap, too. :eek:

From the sounds of this post, you must make a ... uh ... memorable ... dinner companion on a 12-nighter. :rolleyes:





Hmm, there seems to be a little issue with ... ah .... "consistency" ... in this reasoning. But, hey, no problem. Nothing we haven't seen before.





Gee, looks like 27 other folks on this thread have posted some form of displeasure with the $15 steak trend ... ranging from mild opposition to decisions to cruise with other companies (or not at all).

That's 27 people on one little thread, on one board, on one website in just a few days. ;)

2112, 48Michelle s, @C4ME, Brad1185, catnip, cb at sea, carolyn 22, cruisetek, English in Spain, GQuagmire, Gracie 115, GXmanDC, icruiz2, isujim, jerboy, Lynnees, Marysunshine, MACruises, Maraprince, mafig, newmexicoNITA, pbhunt, pmshirl, PSCruiser, richsea, Tranquil Waters and twoputt.plusone

My, do none of us fall into that middle consumer category? Not even one or two?

Is it just possible at a few of us might have families ... and maybe even fall into the demographic that RCL is marketing to?

'Cuz wow, it doesn't look like the $15 steak is popular in these parts. :cool:

Exactly how does RCL really profit by discouraging or outright alienating customers at that rate?




Oh, you adorable little rascal, you! :)




Finally! We knew you could hit one if we just pitched slower and lower! We're all very proud.

Yes, you're right ... whoever was inexperienced enough to try to pass off RCL's chiseling as "choice" has got plenty of 'splainin to do.

And I believe Tranquil Waters schooled him pretty well on post 82. Funny, though, there still hasn't been an apology to Tranquil Waters or to the rest of the board.

I'm sure that's on its way. Right? :D


You can attack me all want. No big deal here. Apologies, sorry, haven't broken any rules. One does not have to apologize for ones opinion.

Nothing says you are required to like what a particular company does, in fact the best way to show your displeasure, is to not give them your money, it's ok to do that, that is the real way they learn. I see a lot of the same posters here who like to complain about anything they can, and how RCI is just a money grabbing company, however, they keep booking their cruises with them. And if one is not booking with them any longer, why come here and complain.

In all the talk going on here, I have not once read where anyone has even suggested writing a letter to RCI, and in a nice way ask them to explain what the new policies will be, whether it will be fleet wide, and if it will be permanant.

I guess most folks would just rather complain and whine about it, or try to persuade others to jump on the RCI bashing bandwagon rather than try and seek out some kind of explaination. Hec, even a good TA could probably get an answer from their rep.

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Just got off the Majesty today. Indeed, the menu everynight had a "Chops" N.Y. Strip Steak for 14.95. However, there was still a sirloin steak available in the alternatives. We assumed because the Majesty doesn't have a Chops, this was their way of making it available. I didn't have it so I couldn't say if it was worth it.


By the way, we were quite happy with the quality of the food in general.



For those who said they took away your sirloin steak, and are now forcing you to pay for another, just because you want steak, you may have been a little misinformed. Again you have two different stories going on here.

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I think that it is a good idea to charge extra for certains items. Have a base price for the cruise and chage extra for the use of the kids programs, pool, flow rider, for the people who order 4 or 5 extra lobster tails at dinner, extra desserts etc.


Keep the cruise faire low and pay for what you use. I do not want to pay more when I do not use alot of the services or eat more than I should because the food is all you can eat.

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For those who said they took away your sirloin steak, and are now forcing you to pay for another, just because you want steak, you may have been a little misinformed. Again you have two different stories going on here.


I guess having such an impressive business resume doesn't guarantee one a good reading comprehension. :rolleyes:


It has already been posted and explained that some ships have totally replaced the free option with the $14.95 option. And some ships are offering both the free option and the $14.95 option. No misinformation going on......:p


And want to take any bets as to which senerio will be in effect on all ships in the not to distant future? :eek:

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I think that it is a good idea to charge extra for certains items. Have a base price for the cruise and chage extra for the use of the kids programs, pool, flow rider, for the people who order 4 or 5 extra lobster tails at dinner, extra desserts etc.


Keep the cruise faire low and pay for what you use. I do not want to pay more when I do not use alot of the services or eat more than I should because the food is all you can eat.


I think most cruisers would like this. But RCI will never do it because they know that they would make less $$ that way. What they will do instead is keep raising prices even as they slowly increase adding fees for formerly "included" times. :(

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I guess having such an impressive business resume doesn't guarantee one a good reading comprehension. :rolleyes:


It has already been posted and explained that some ships have totally replaced the free option with the $14.95 option. And some ships are offering both the free option and the $14.95 option. No misinformation going on......:p


And want to take any bets as to which senerio will be in effect on all ships in the not to distant future? :eek:


Sorry, not trying to impress anyone. Reading was never one of my strong points. You are correct, maybe no misinformation, however more than 1 story, of which one, or if both may be correct.

I don't need to bet, I'm sure it will be pay as you go. No problem here.

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The offer of a better grade steak for a fee is a great option for families with small children and for persons travelling in a group. Sometimes all you need is a decent steak and now you can without everyone else in your party paying extra to eat in the alternate dining venues.

I have nothing against the alternate pay restaurants, love them in fact. However we all know the difficulties there can be in getting reservations.

Again as most have stated choices are always a good thing and should not be classified as being nickled and dimed.

Looking forward to Oasis and all the options that are sure to be offered on her (pay or otherwise!!).

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Why pay for anything when there is plenty of good food included in the cost of the cruise?


I agree. We went to Portofino on Brilliance and I didn't think it was worth the extra cost. People rave about the service but I got fine service in the dining room.

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I think that it is a good idea to charge extra for certains items. Have a base price for the cruise and chage extra for the use of the kids programs, pool, flow rider, for the people who order 4 or 5 extra lobster tails at dinner, extra desserts etc.


Keep the cruise faire low and pay for what you use. I do not want to pay more when I do not use alot of the services or eat more than I should because the food is all you can eat.



Now see, I would be totally against charging for the kids programs. I don't have kids, but I want to have someplace for them to go, and me be exposed to fewer of them on a ship. :cool: I would much rather prefer that people have to pay to keep their young'uns OUT of the kids program and that the kids programming was mandatory. :D


I am happy to have kids programming rolled into my cruise fare, and wish that more people would take advantage of it. ;)

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I go along with bplazo and megacruiser in general.


There are a lot of things on a ship that I didn't (one time cruiser) do that I knew I was paying for. The midnight buffet never made my adjenda, but I'm sure I paid for some of it. Also, the five plates of lobster I paid for but didn't eat, the comedy shows I failed to stay up for, the parts of the ship with staff I never visited, and more. I accept that as a cost of the taking cruise and using the things I do use. But I also see that in these times it has become a good option to maintain basic retail pricing reasonable for the target market, and to start charging for the things that not everyone uses if that's what it take to maintain good, competitive base pricing.


As much as we want, not everything is going to stay the same. Companies change marketing strategies to gain larger markets. I reallybelieve when RCI started building the bigger Mega ships, bigger than anyone elses, they were making a statement of where thier marketing strategy was going. They wanted the masses. This is unfortuate for those who liked them for thier older strategy, but it's a price that RCI was willing to deal with. Now, they and Carnival have that market and they hope to make it GROW ... thus bigger ships and more of them. The mass market doesn't have the same expectations of classy foods and entertainment. They want to have fun but spend less. I'm one of those. But, I'm willing to pay for those things (Chops, an better steak, and etc.) when I want it for a change. But mostly, I will choose the free offered one, the pasta, pork or hamberger??? when offered. You will see more things charged for, I am sure. You will also still see many things stay the same. Dining will offer both sit down and buffet as now, the same you see on the outside market. There will be things to do onboard for free as that is a major draw to the ship ... inclusive vacation or ship as a destination instead of a transportation. Business is business and RCI is big business.


These are just my thoughts of where I see things going and not comdemations of your thoughts or desires.

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Now see, I would be totally against charging for the kids programs. I don't have kids, but I want to have someplace for them to go, and me be exposed to fewer of them on a ship. :cool: I would much rather prefer that people have to pay to keep their young'uns OUT of the kids program and that the kids programming was mandatory. :D


I am happy to have kids programming rolled into my cruise fare, and wish that more people would take advantage of it. ;)

I don't see the kids program going to pay for use. It's part of the destination. Parents want it, non parents want it. Charging would cause many parent either to not use is or not take the cruise.

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I don't see the kids program going to pay for use. It's part of the destination. Parents want it, non parents want it. Charging would cause many parent either to not use is or not take the cruise.


What makes the kids' programs any different from say the late-night comedian or the after-dinner shows or the ice rink or the classical musican in the centrum? It's all part of the destination too and you chose to use it or not. Sorry but your arguement doesn't wash. Heck - maybe they should put a cover charge at the entrance of the casino. How's that for double-dipping? :rolleyes:



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Heck - maybe they should put a cover charge at the entrance of the casino. :rolleyes:





:eek: Ruh-roh ... the sound of "KA-CHING!!!" is echoing in the exec conference rooms on Caribbean Way.

If RCL implements this idea next year, twoputt, you should at least hit them up for a share of the profits! ;)

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:eek: Ruh-roh ... the sound of "KA-CHING!!!" is echoing in the exec conference rooms on Caribbean Way.


If RCL implements this idea next year, twoputt, you should at least hit them up for a share of the profits! ;)


Sorry - I mis-read your post and edited my reply. I kind of doubt that the suits want to share any of their loot.



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