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Are we wrong to feel this way? Opinions, please.


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We take a cruise at least once a year. Our last three have been with Carnival and we have enjoyed every one! We always book during hurricane season and Gustav was the first time we've had any trouble. We knew when we booked in March that we were gambling on the weather when we booked our 9/1 Fantasy cruise and take full responsibility for that gamble.


We monitered Gustav for several days and felt relieved when we received this email:

Carnival Fantasy September 1, 2008 Departure

Now 4 Day Cruise on September 3, 2008

August 31, 2008

polaroid_sensation.jpgDear Carnival Guest:

Due to Hurricane Gustav, we will be forced to change the five-day Carnival Fantasy cruise scheduled to depart on Monday, September 1, 2008 to a four-day cruise departing on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 returning on Sunday, September 7, 2008. The four-day cruise will depart from Mobile at 4:00 PM on Wednesday and visit Cozumel on Friday.

Guests that sail on the new four-day cruise will receive a 25% refund of the cruise fare paid. In addition, you will receive a 25% discount of a future three- to five-day Carnival Cruise departing prior to December 15, 2009. This discount applies to the cruise fare only. Please understand this offer is non-transferable.

If you elect to cancel the cruise, we ask that you contact us right away to cancel the booking. You will receive a full refund and refunds will be processed in less than two weeks.

We sincerely apologize for this itinerary change. However, we are looking forward to welcoming you aboard the Carnival Fantasy this Wednesday.


On 9/2, we received another email stating that the ship would not leave Mobile until 6:00 PM. That's OK, we'll enjoy our afternoon on the Lido deck.



Thank you, Carnival! We at least get a four day cruise. Or so we thought.


This is where we need you to please put yourself in our shoes.


On 9/3/08 we left home at 4:30 A.M. for the seven hour drive from N. Louisiana to Mobile expecting to board around noon and relax on the Lido deck until our room was ready. Ahhh...a relaxing afternoon on board with the "drink of the day" and Caribbean music. Life doesn't get much better than this, does it? Or so we thought.


When we arrived in Mobile we were told the ship had not arrived and would be a couple of hours late and to have a seat in the terminal for the wait. The wait turned into over 9 hours! We sat in the terminal and were not able to board the ship until almost 9:30 P.M. The ship did not sail until Midnight! We understand Carnival had no control over the weather and our concern has nothing to do with that.


We feel that we have not been adequately compensated for the lost time on the ship. Yes, we were offered a 25% refund and 25% off a future cruise because we were only going on a 4 day cruise instead of 5 days. Seriously, folks, how can Carnival call this a four day cruise? Sitting in the cruise terminal from Noon to 9:30 and then Mobile Bay from 9:30 to Midnight is NOT a "fun day at sea"!!! The passengers sailing from Galveston were offered a 50% refund and 50% future discount because their cruise was shortened to 3 days. Why weren't the Fantasy guests offered the same incentive? We also got a 3 day cruise!


Once again, we understand that Carnival has no control over the weather. Carnival DOES have control, however, over fair and honest pricing issues with their guests. We only got a three day cruise. It's that simple! We feel we should be offered the same incentives as the other guests whose cruise was shortened. Are we wrong in this thinking?


By the way, once we finally got on board, the cruise was almost as good as it gets! No disappointments in the crew (we even tipped extra for the excellent service). Our waiter, Marlon, was the best we ever had!


My emails to the guest relations department have been ignored. My phone conversations with customer service have produced the same answer: "Sorry...25%".


Once again, we were glad to be able to go on a cruise and realize we had the option of cancelling for a full refund, but opted to proceed based on the fact that we were getting a four day cruise. Would you feel the same way?

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We feel that we have not been adequately compensated for the lost time on the ship. Yes, we were offered a 25% refund and 25% off a future cruise because we were only going on a 4 day cruise instead of 5 days. Seriously, folks, how can Carnival call this a four day cruise?


Remember you took a gamble and it didn't pay off, so why put it all back on Carnival? Besides 25% refund and 25% off a future cruise is more then most people get on other cruises.




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Our Ecstasy Cruise from Galveston was turned into a 3 day cruise to nowhere and was late boarding as well. (not 9 hours)


Since it took 3 hours to get onboard and the boarding did not start until way after lunchtime...Carnival credited our Sail and Sign account with $5 per person. Not a lot of money, but a nice thought.


When we cruised out of Mobile on the Holiday last December...fog made the ship 5 hours late getting back and they credited our Sail and Sign with $10 a person.


I am surprised that they did not do this for y'all.

As far as if 25% now/ 25% future is enough....only you can decide that.


Personally, if you don't believe it is adequate...I would write Carnival a well worded (ie: thanks for the great cruise yada yada.....however the reason for my letter is) and see where that gets you.


We were in Galveston watching Mobile on tv and they took a whooping...it seems one of the outer bands just "trained" up the Mobile Bay. (tornados etc)


Hope it works out.

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Though I wouldn't say you are entitled to additional compensation, if I were in that situation I would hope Carnival would do something to make up for the inconvenience. I'm sure some people would have cancelled had they known they also would not be able to spend their first day on board and no longer had that option once they made the trip. I guess Carnival doesn't have to do anything, but I think it would be good customer service to try and make up for the inconvenience of sitting and waiting for the ship for an additional 10 hours.

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Yes, I would feel the same. I think you should have rec'd 50% not 25%.


Short and-to-the point letters are much more effective than long, drawn out epistles. Write another letter, directing it to the CEO, saying the 25% is not acceptable to you. It IS the principle of the thing. Let us know if your persistence works.:)

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What about hurricanes?

spacer.gifHurricane season encompasses the months of June through November. Due to the unpredictable nature of hurricanes it may not be possible to give information about itinerary changes in advance of the sailing. Carnival's main priority is the safety of our guests and crew, as well as the vessel. It is rare for a cancellation to occur due to an impending hurricane. In some instances an itinerary deviation is implemented to avoid a storm. Hurricanes have been known to change their course drastically at the last minute. Guests that have any questions should contact our Reservations department the day prior to sailing, as that is when we will have definitive information. We will always make decisions that assure the cruise experience will be a great one and that all on board are totally safe.

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I'm not saying you are wrong to feel the way you do and I think you got shafted....however, you got a heck of a lot more than me. They cancelled my cruise this February cuz they changed it from a 5 day to Cabo to short jot to Catalina Island and all they gave me was a $50 per cabin credit if I rebook another cruise within x amount of days. The new cruise cost me not only additional money cuz I booked way in advance but I also had to pay a higher fuel surcharge cuz they raised them since I booked. I was paid in full so now I have to come up with an extra $500 so I would say 25% off this cruise plus 25% off next cruise is pretty generous considering what CCL usually does. JMHO

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While you are entitled to feel however you want to feel, I must say that I would feel differently.

While you were being disrupted from your cruise, other human beings lives were being disrupted even more if not ending.

You tossed the dice and came up short. You didn't throw snake eyes though. You just through craps.

Carnival stepped up more than they were legally obligated to do.

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I wonder why there is always a choir on this forum of people telling others "you book in Hurricane season so dont complaint" is like if the people that pick a cruise in Sept had the right to get stuck in a shorter or bad cruise everyone deserves a good vacation no matter when, I do understand that CCL cannot change the weather, but it gets me upset when I read the same comments over and over .

Writte them a letter , it works better than phone calls for sure.


Good luck,



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Remember you took a gamble and it didn't pay off, so why put it all back on Carnival? Besides 25% refund and 25% off a future cruise is more then most people get on other cruises.





So you are saying that if you show up at the terminal for your cruise, (any port) and then they made you sit in the terminal for 9 hours (not onboard) before boarding you would say that's cool, No issue at all,


I'm as laid back as it gets, but man I would want a little something. I think another %25 is a bit much but a few drinks maybe.

Not leaving till midnight, that wouldn't bother me, if I was on the ship enjoying my vacation.


Forget the deal they got, that was negotiated before the delay, it has nothing to do with leaving late, That was for a shorter cruise.


The deal about leaving late is a entirely different issue and should be handled separately

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I was on the three day Ecstasy Cruise to no where. We booked for the 5 day cruise last September immediately after we returned from our first cruise on the Ecstasy. Right now, I feel that we were all extremely lucky as I watch the progress of Ike and wonder what will remain of Galveston after tomorrow. Kind of puts it all in perspective, at least for me.


Right now, I'm not sure I will book in the middle of Hurricane season again. If I were on the ship today, I don't know what or where I would be returning to. And that would pretty much spoil the whole thing wondering.

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I would write them a letter and send snail mail.I would feel the same as you glad you enjoyed your 3 days.This seems to bring better response then phone call or email.


I agree. A non-confrontational letter pointing out that your cruise did not actually begin until midnight, making it virtually a three day cruise might cause Carnival to reconsider. Glad that in spite of all of this you ultimately had a good cruise, no doubt due largely to having adopted a good attitude.


BTW... Does CruiserVette mean you are a Corvette owner also?

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I don't blame you for being a little upset that your cruise was cut so short. That is one reason I stopped doing 4/5 day cruises. One day of bad weather makes it seem so short! Did they provide any food or drinks while you were sitting there for 9 hours? That is the least they could do.

I would write a letter in a nice way expressing your feelings. Sometimes the tone of the letter does more for you. I doubt they will change anything, but maybe they will at least aknowledge your feelings. Maybe you will get lucky and they will be tired of all the letters complaining and when they read yours expressing your feelings in a nice way they may do something! I know because last year I sent a letter stating many of the great things on our cruise and then mentioned a few "bad" things. They answered my letter specifically mentioning the things I stated and I got one of those 45 day letters. So, they do actually read them. I think it was actually an e-mail. Good luck!

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While you are entitled to feel however you want to feel, I must say that I would feel differently.

While you were being disrupted from your cruise, other human beings lives were being disrupted even more if not ending.


Why do I keep seeing this mentality all over the CC Carnival board? What on earth do those "poor people" have to do with business ethics and cruise pricing?


EVERY DAY that we cruise, lives are in turmoil and ending, all around the globe. There is not a poster on this board that does not understand how lucky they are to be worried about a cruise, and not about death and destruction. When you guys post things like, "Well, you should feel lucky you XXXXX, because there are people out there who are DYING!", you're not making any point at all.


Yes, people are dying. Every day. Everywhere. Yes, the hurricane that caused this poor poster's troubles also killed people. What on earth does that have to do with a fair assessment of how Carnival handled the situation? You're dragging a completely unrelated issue into a thread that doesn't need it. Donate to those victims, if you're upset about it. But don't try to make them the focus of every frickin' hurricane-related question that shows here. Reading that sort of post is a WASTE of everyone's time, as it helps no one, and adds nothing to the discussion.


/end rant


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The number of days of a cruise actually is the number of nights that you use (or have use of) a bed. I think that since you still had a bed for that night, its going to count as a 4 day cruise. Sept 3, 4, 5, 6, disembark the 7th. Yes, you got on board late on the 3rd, but to argue that day does not count at all, when you were in fact on the ship, used its facilities, is not going to fly with Carnival. If your embarkation had been further delayed until the 4th, THEN you would have a three day cruise and might have a stronger case.


I agree with Bases5 that you should approach this from a "we were delayed embarkation by ~5 hours." But that is not a full day, and they are not obligated to pro-rate a cruise on an hourly basis.

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I feel bad for the people who work on the ships. They are far from home, dealing with crabby people, not having time off, etc. As for us, the cruising public, we pay for our cruise and hope it goes where we want to go. Lots of what we enjoy on a cruise can be spoiled by lousy weather. Only god can change the weather. Canival is big, but not that big.

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You cannot go by the days but the number of nights spent onboard. You were onboard for four nights and were able to make one of the ports of call.


The Ecstasy, they were onboard for three nights instead of 5 and were not able to go to any ports of call.


I dont see them wavering from the 25%. You were offered a chance to cancel without penalty. Did you take out cruise insurance? You can fillout a claim for trip interruption and should be able to get a percentage of the insured amount back.


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Why do I keep seeing this mentality all over the CC Carnival board? What on earth do those "poor people" have to do with business ethics and cruise pricing?


EVERY DAY that we cruise, lives are in turmoil and ending, all around the globe. There is not a poster on this board that does not understand how lucky they are to be worried about a cruise, and not about death and destruction. When you guys post things like, "Well, you should feel lucky you XXXXX, because there are people out there who are DYING!", you're not making any point at all.


Yes, people are dying. Every day. Everywhere. Yes, the hurricane that caused this poor poster's troubles also killed people. What on earth does that have to do with a fair assessment of how Carnival handled the situation? You're dragging a completely unrelated issue into a thread that doesn't need it. Donate to those victims, if you're upset about it. But don't try to make them the focus of every frickin' hurricane-related question that shows here. Reading that sort of post is a WASTE of everyone's time, as it helps no one, and adds nothing to the discussion.


/end rant



You got your rant, now here's mine..


I sick and tired of listening to people whine and cry over a few uncomforatble hours waiting or 25% discount wasn't enough or XXX passenger paid $5 less than me or my vaction was ruined because it rained or whatever else somebody can cry about. Time is so short in this world, for the life of me I cannot understand the me me me attitude of so many people.

We are blessed that we can afford and have the opportunity to take such luxurious vacations.

I just found out my All inclusive vacation in Turks and Cacois has been dramatcally changed due to Ike. I could whine and cry but my first statement to the people at Sandals/Beaches was " I hope all of your family/friends/employees in T&C are doing fine." We then proceeded to work out alternative options. I'm disappointed that I won't be able to visit T&C but dang, my problems aren't anything compared to the people of T&C.


I'd like to see people be just a little bit more reasonable, remember that we are very blessed to have the small problems that we have and just roll with the punches that occasionally come our way.

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We take a cruise at least once a year. Our last three have been with Carnival and we have enjoyed every one! We always book during hurricane season and Gustav was the first time we've had any trouble. We knew when we booked in March that we were gambling on the weather when we booked our 9/1 Fantasy cruise and take full responsibility for that gamble.


We monitered Gustav for several days and felt relieved when we received this email:

Carnival Fantasy September 1, 2008 Departure

Now 4 Day Cruise on September 3, 2008

August 31, 2008


polaroid_sensation.jpgDear Carnival Guest:

Due to Hurricane Gustav, we will be forced to change the five-day Carnival Fantasy cruise scheduled to depart on Monday, September 1, 2008 to a four-day cruise departing on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 returning on Sunday, September 7, 2008. The four-day cruise will depart from Mobile at 4:00 PM on Wednesday and visit Cozumel on Friday.

Guests that sail on the new four-day cruise will receive a 25% refund of the cruise fare paid. In addition, you will receive a 25% discount of a future three- to five-day Carnival Cruise departing prior to December 15, 2009. This discount applies to the cruise fare only. Please understand this offer is non-transferable.

If you elect to cancel the cruise, we ask that you contact us right away to cancel the booking. You will receive a full refund and refunds will be processed in less than two weeks.

We sincerely apologize for this itinerary change. However, we are looking forward to welcoming you aboard the Carnival Fantasy this Wednesday.


On 9/2, we received another email stating that the ship would not leave Mobile until 6:00 PM. That's OK, we'll enjoy our afternoon on the Lido deck.



Thank you, Carnival! We at least get a four day cruise. Or so we thought.


This is where we need you to please put yourself in our shoes.


On 9/3/08 we left home at 4:30 A.M. for the seven hour drive from N. Louisiana to Mobile expecting to board around noon and relax on the Lido deck until our room was ready. Ahhh...a relaxing afternoon on board with the "drink of the day" and Caribbean music. Life doesn't get much better than this, does it? Or so we thought.


When we arrived in Mobile we were told the ship had not arrived and would be a couple of hours late and to have a seat in the terminal for the wait. The wait turned into over 9 hours! We sat in the terminal and were not able to board the ship until almost 9:30 P.M. The ship did not sail until Midnight! We understand Carnival had no control over the weather and our concern has nothing to do with that.


We feel that we have not been adequately compensated for the lost time on the ship. Yes, we were offered a 25% refund and 25% off a future cruise because we were only going on a 4 day cruise instead of 5 days. Seriously, folks, how can Carnival call this a four day cruise? Sitting in the cruise terminal from Noon to 9:30 and then Mobile Bay from 9:30 to Midnight is NOT a "fun day at sea"!!! The passengers sailing from Galveston were offered a 50% refund and 50% future discount because their cruise was shortened to 3 days. Why weren't the Fantasy guests offered the same incentive? We also got a 3 day cruise!


Once again, we understand that Carnival has no control over the weather. Carnival DOES have control, however, over fair and honest pricing issues with their guests. We only got a three day cruise. It's that simple! We feel we should be offered the same incentives as the other guests whose cruise was shortened. Are we wrong in this thinking?


By the way, once we finally got on board, the cruise was almost as good as it gets! No disappointments in the crew (we even tipped extra for the excellent service). Our waiter, Marlon, was the best we ever had!


My emails to the guest relations department have been ignored. My phone conversations with customer service have produced the same answer: "Sorry...25%".


Once again, we were glad to be able to go on a cruise and realize we had the option of cancelling for a full refund, but opted to proceed based on the fact that we were getting a four day cruise. Would you feel the same way?


Would I feel the same way - probably. Fair is fair. The situations are slightly different, so the result should be slightly different.


I am glad you had a good time, once the cruise was finally underway.


I agree with the posters that recommend a short letter. Start with the good stuff, and then your complaint. You do catch more bees with honey. good luck!

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I would feel the same way you do.


Though I agree that cruisers "take a gamble" by booking a cruise during hurricane season, in the same token, I think the cruise companies do as well. In my opinion, they have opted to offer cruises during hurricane season in order to maximize their profits. Even though they can't control the weather, they obviously understand the risks involved in operating through this season and should have contingencies in place to accommodate disappointed customers. It just seems like good customer service practice to do so.


I've only been reading this forum for a short time and I think it's a great source for information, but I've noticed that criticism or dissatisfaction of Carnival is generally met with a lot of skepticism, if not downright hostility. Honestly, I think you may get a better reception writing to Carnival than here! :o


You may not "get" anything more from Carnival but if they receive enough negative reviews or complaints in how they handle disrupted cruises during hurricane season, perhaps it will encourage them to review and change their policies. I personally don't agree with the "shut up and be grateful for what you got" attitude. There's nothing wrong with letting them know when your experience didn't meet your expectations. After all, their marketing has a lot to do with what your expectations were and it's in their best interest to meet them.

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And a very good rant it was...indeed...well said!!


I agree! And yes, our hobbies are travel and our Corvette, thus CruiserVette.


Thanks to everyone for the replies. We were really just curious as to how YOU would feel. Having a good attitude and enjoying life are of utmost importance and we usually have a good time regardless of the circumstances.

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I'd like to see people be just a little bit more reasonable, remember that we are very blessed to have the small problems that we have and just roll with the punches that occasionally come our way.


While understandable, your complaints about human nature have no place in a discussion of Carnival's ethics of pricing and handling of situations. If people come here looking for info, and instead are told they are a less-than-stellar human being because of their (very simple) questions, then who is being helped? No one. Not one person feels better, or knows more because of your judgment of their character. The whole point of CC is to help others, and those type of posts do nothing other than (perhaps) make YOU feel like you've "morally educated" us somehow. It's not true, it's not necessary, and it certainly isn't your place to say.


No one here is saying that we should trample victims of a storm in our hurry to fix our precious vacations. Therefore, no one here deserves the criticism you just described. What people are trying to discuss is whether Carnival's policies re: price adjustment for a hurricane-shortened cruise are fair. The problems of the people in the T&Cs, the Sudan, China, or Timbuktu have nothing to do with it.

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Yes, I would feel the same. I think you should have rec'd 50% not 25%.


Short and-to-the point letters are much more effective than long, drawn out epistles. Write another letter, directing it to the CEO, saying the 25% is not acceptable to you. It IS the principle of the thing. Let us know if your persistence works.:)


I agree in part, maybe 50% for that cruise and 25% on a future cruise. The letter is likely only gonna get the OP a 45 day letter in return.

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