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It wsa bound to happen - chair hogs

Deaf Dude

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No problem


Hand over "HAT 'to deck hand if chair is empty too long

I'm sure they will return it without a problem


On CB the chairs around MUTS always had towels on and no one on them I would wait ...30 minutes..... later removed them


Voila ..no one ever came back on a 9 day cruise!!!

I now refuse to consider a chair with towel as occupied.If you are not IN the chair ...IT IS FREE!!!!

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i have an honest question about chair hogging....in the morning i usually go out, grab a chair for myself, and start reading, i usually try and get a quiet area and get the chair next to me for my boyfriend who strolls out not long after me. by the time he comes out weare still the only 2 in the area...during the day when we go for a swim or eat we leave our towels, books, sunglass cases and non important things on our chairs....is that a no-no? i never thought of that as hogging since we have every intention of going back to them...but now im concerned? i dont want to be one of those people in the wrong!!


Nothing wrong with that at all.


A chair hog is someone who saves a chair and either doesn't show up for hours or who leaves to do something else for an hour or so, expecting to return to the chair. Also known to show up in the showlounge, one or two people saving a front row for all their friends who may or may not show up. If I see this, I just sit down anyway. Let 'em scream and holler, I'm totally impervious. Usually tell them to go complain to the Purser......Which they won't do because they know saving seats is a no-no. Heck, they can rant and rave all they want.


There is sort of an informal "30 minute" rule a lot of people adhere too. If your going to be gone for more than that, be courteous; take your stuff with you.


Nobody will take your stuff if you are in for a swim....just keep an eye out and let people know if they approach your chair that you are in the pool......

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On my first couple of cruises, on the old Home Lines Atlantic, there were deck chairs actually assigned to you...and when you arrived at the pool, the deck chair attendant took the chairs off the stack & set them up for you. He always got a nice tip at the end of the week.;). I have a vague recollection also (I think it may have been on the Horizon) of deck chairs with numbers on them, on little brass plates on the back. Or maybe I'm mixing up the Atlantic and the Horizon???


On my last cruise, on the Miracle in May, I got myself situated in a lounge chair...2nd row from the pool...at around 8AM. There were towels & flip flops already on about 10 chairs in the 1st row...and not a person to be seen. At around 9:30AM, 3 women came looking for a place to sit & there was nothing left. So they sat at the edge of the pool, chatting, for 30 minutes or so...and then removed items from 3 of the "saved" lounges & sat down. At least another hour went by and finally someone from that group showed up. She was a young woman, very attractive, probably young 20's and she was alone...but what a mouth on her. She was SCREAMING at these women something awful. To their credit, they didn't budge. Several cruisers also spoke up in defense of the 3 women.


The chair-saver eventually collected the remaining flip-flops & towels and left. Never saw her again the rest of the cruise.


WAY back when Homelines only had the few original ships, they CHARGED for deck chairs. It was something like $1.50 a day or flat rate for the week. Your lounger was numbered and the deck attendant would set it up for you anywhere each day. If you wanted an area by the pool, you had to get there early in the morning to get the best places. Those who came around later would get subsequent locations.


Some folks wanted the lounger placed on the open promenade or other decks on port or starboard side of the ship..... They also offered light blankets on the promenade if someone felt chilled in the shade.


This was in the 70's.

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I'm sorry but it is my vacation too and I don't see nothing wrong with getting up taking a dip in the pool, walking for short while, going to the bar to get a shot of PATRON :D etc. LOL


I think it will be wrong if someone goes and takes my stuff off a chair. I beleive that is worse. I mean really do you go around like a parking meter attendant and record how long something has been left on a chair. I would like you to try doing that to us. My 6"2 240lb hubby will sit on you. LOL :p


My dear, the rules say you cannot save chairs.... If you chose to save chairs and not occupy them, or leave for longer than 30-40 minutes, someone can and will probably take it. The deck hand can remove it, so can another passenger..... Your 6'2" hubby has nothing to say about it.....and certainly would find himself in the hands of security if he did anything to anyone or even threatened. That sort of brutish behavior is not permitted on a cruise ship.


Do him a favor, start training him to behave in public where there are rules in place.


By the way, I'm 68, female. I remove things from saved chairs all the time. Would Bluto want to sit on me? I don't think so.....As the saying goes; "touch one hair on my old grey head....................."""

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I'm sorry but it is my vacation too and I don't see nothing wrong with getting up taking a dip in the pool, walking for short while, going to the bar to get a shot of PATRON :D etc. LOL


I think it will be wrong if someone goes and takes my stuff off a chair. I beleive that is worse. I mean really do you go around like a parking meter attendant and record how long something has been left on a chair. I would like you to try doing that to us. My 6"2 240lb hubby will sit on you. LOL :p



Going for a dip or getting a shot of Patron is not the problem. Getting up and going for a short walk that winds up at the shopping area or meeting some other friends along the walk that takes you into a bar for an hour or two is not like a 5 or 10 minute trip for a dip or a shot. I have and will wait 30 minutes for someone to return and if they are a no show then they loose the chair. I have yet to see anyone sit in the pool for more than 30 minutes without returning to their chair or take more than 30 minutes to go to the bar. So hopefully your hubby likes sitting on a 6' 1" 255lb lump. :)

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I'm sorry but it is my vacation too and I don't see nothing wrong with getting up taking a dip in the pool, walking for short while, going to the bar to get a shot of PATRON :D etc. LOL


I think it will be wrong if someone goes and takes my stuff off a chair. I beleive that is worse. I mean really do you go around like a parking meter attendant and record how long something has been left on a chair. I would like you to try doing that to us. My 6"2 240lb hubby will sit on you. LOL :p



Going for a dip or getting a shot of Patron is not the problem. Getting up and going for a short walk that winds up at the shopping area or meeting some other friends along the walk that takes you into a bar for an hour or two is not like a 5 or 10 minute trip for a dip or a shot. I have and will wait 30 minutes for someone to return and if they are a no show then they loose the chair. I have yet to see anyone sit in the pool for more than 30 minutes without returning to their chair or take more than 30 minutes to go to the bar. So hopefully your hubby likes sitting on a 6' 1" 255lb lump. :)

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On Carnival last Aug, 10 days out of NY, never again. Crazy woman, all greased up in a black bikini, she shouldn't have been wearing by the way..lol throws my things on the deck and tells me that I better get my F****** A** in the chair now or else spraying in my face while she was yelling. This is at 10 am on the last day. Security told me this happens all the time. They said they would lock her in her cabin for the rest of the cruise. I said it wasn't necessary she made a fool of her self in front of old people and children and everyone knew who she was so she had to live with the looks for the rest of the cruise. I only went to the rest room..

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I'm sorry but it is my vacation too and I don't see nothing wrong with getting up taking a dip in the pool, walking for short while, going to the bar to get a shot of PATRON :D etc. LOL


I think it will be wrong if someone goes and takes my stuff off a chair. I beleive that is worse. I mean really do you go around like a parking meter attendant and record how long something has been left on a chair. I would like you to try doing that to us. My 6"2 240lb hubby will sit on you. LOL :p



Going for a dip or getting a shot of Patron is not the problem. Getting up and going for a short walk that winds up at the shopping area or meeting some other friends along the walk that takes you into a bar for an hour or two is not like a 5 or 10 minute trip for a dip or a shot. I have and will wait 30 minutes for someone to return and if they are a no show then they loose the chair. I have yet to see anyone sit in the pool for more than 30 minutes without returning to their chair or take more than 30 minutes to go to the bar. So hopefully your hubby likes sitting on a 6' 1" 255lb lump. :)

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Those lounge hats look like a part of the chair. I normally wouldn't think that was a chair saving thing. :rolleyes:
Ya - maybe just grab it and use it for your own chair - then you can fight over the 'sign' instead of the chair!:p
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I'm sorry but it is my vacation too and I don't see nothing wrong with getting up taking a dip in the pool, walking for short while, going to the bar to get a shot of PATRON :D etc. LOL


I think it will be wrong if someone goes and takes my stuff off a chair. I beleive that is worse. I mean really do you go around like a parking meter attendant and record how long something has been left on a chair. I would like you to try doing that to us. My 6"2 240lb hubby will sit on you. LOL :p



Going for a dip or getting a shot of Patron is not the problem. Getting up and going for a short walk that winds up at the shopping area or meeting some other friends along the walk that takes you into a bar for an hour or two is not like a 5 or 10 minute trip for a dip or a shot. I have and will wait 30 minutes for someone to return and if they are a no show then they loose the chair. I have yet to see anyone sit in the pool for more than 30 minutes without returning to their chair or take more than 30 minutes to go to the bar. So hopefully your hubby likes sitting on a 6' 1" 255lb lump. :)

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Sorry guys but you got me all wrong...1st of all I would not hog a chair. Like I said take a dip, maybe go to the bar and get a drink. What I am concern about is how would you know if I am gone more than 30 minutes (which I won't be cause it doesn't take that long to go get a drink)..


I think it is wrong to leave something on a chair for the entire day. But you guys are just as bad taking something that is not yours off a chair. I can't even think about doing that. If anything get security..IMO that would be better.


G'MA you need to relax a little. Hubby knows how to act in public. I was making a joke. I have noticed from many threads that you seam to have an answer for everything and sometimes they can come across a know it all :p

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G'MA you need to relax a little. Hubby knows how to act in public. I was making a joke. I have noticed from many threads that you seam to have an answer for everything and sometimes they can come across a know it all :p

Yeah...she has that effect on everyone.:rolleyes:

The Dr. Ruth of cruisin !!! LOL:p :D

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My next cruise I think that I will get up early and watch all the action!



I do get up early to get a chair but around noon is when the action begans.:D That is the time that a lot of hogs have gone to lunch leaving the chair for a extended time and and the new sun worshipers are yanking off the hogs towels so they can get a seat....it doesn't take a lot to amuse me.



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Sorry guys but you got me all wrong...1st of all I would not hog a chair. Like I said take a dip, maybe go to the bar and get a drink. What I am concern about is how would you know if I am gone more than 30 minutes (which I won't be cause it doesn't take that long to go get a drink)..


I think it is wrong to leave something on a chair for the entire day. But you guys are just as bad taking something that is not yours off a chair. I can't even think about doing that. If anything get security..IMO that would be better.


G'MA you need to relax a little. Hubby knows how to act in public. I was making a joke. I have noticed from many threads that you seam to have an answer for everything and sometimes they can come across a know it all :p


Most of the time, it's easy to spot a chair hog. When you're having to sit in the shade because nothing else is available or way up on top, then you can see pretty much the whole pool area. When you've looked down on 4 or 5 groups of chairs that have been empty for an hour or two while you've trooped up and down stairs just to take a dip, get a drink, or whatever, it gets old. So, while it may be rude to move some smuck's stuff, it's MUCH ruder to go do something else and hog chairs that you're not even interested in, while people who really do want to relax by the pool on their vacation want and would use those chairs.


So, yep, I'm gonna move anybody's things who doesn't show up after 45 minutes or so. I don't care who they are or what they say nor how loudly they say it. I paid for this trip and if they're not going to use the public equipment that I want to use, they have no right to hold it for "later" use when I want to use it NOW. I won't be moving and they'll need to discuss it with the purser's desk. :)

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Sorry guys but you got me all wrong...1st of all I would not hog a chair. Like I said take a dip, maybe go to the bar and get a drink. What I am concern about is how would you know if I am gone more than 30 minutes (which I won't be cause it doesn't take that long to go get a drink)..


I think it is wrong to leave something on a chair for the entire day. But you guys are just as bad taking something that is not yours off a chair. I can't even think about doing that. If anything get security..IMO that would be better.


G'MA you need to relax a little. Hubby knows how to act in public. I was making a joke. I have noticed from many threads that you seam to have an answer for everything and sometimes they can come across a know it all :p



Waitors bring the drinks.. does not cost you anymore!

If someone leaves their chair for more than thirty minutes the staff will even tell someone to move it so they can have the chair.. With that said.. I have still never had the problem of not getting a lounger.. it may not be front row and center to the pool but so what!

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Cute!! Wish I'd thought of it first. $$$$$$


No matter. If the user is gone more than 30 minutes' date=' the chair is mine.


Expensive lounge chair cover will be found nearby, folded neatly......but, my behind will be in the chair.[/quote']


Do you actually stand there for 30 minutes and watch the chair?

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