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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Linda, great to see you on here! If you promise to hang out with us, I will attempt to be here too! Sounds like an interesting diet but I don't know how long I could follow it since we do eat out way too much.


Ok, time to work!

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Donna..So good to see you..safe and sound

even if not sane! LOL

So sorry having trouble helping your mother.

(looking at how you all handle these things..

only child here, two older parents..living far

away..my turn to come)

Please keep coming in..we miss you when

you don't talk to us.


Shelia..I'm so happy I make you smile and calling

me "a dear"..tell that to my husband! LOL

Your doing great on your woe and exercise, pass

some of your movtivation on to me please.


Baby.. Thank You for information on what to see in ports.

In Athens if not a shuttle will take the train in and plan to

see the Acropolis and Parthenon for sure. Plus

whatever we have time for. Hit the main places first.



Think we will be getting to Mykonos to late to do justice

to Delos. Will just enjoy the island.


Santorini is the island I want to see the most. In fact

the day we're there is our anniversary. Want to eat at a cafe,

with a view and be/feel romantic. Maybe husband will buy me

one of those "exspenive jewelry pieces"..Yet Right! Not!

The cruise is my present. I'll take it!


Rhodes, think we will just enjoy the island as well.

Haven't decided what to do yet.


Some places we might take some tours, like

Romes, Naples maybe Athens. Not sure yet.

Most you can do on your own. Just don't trust

the trains in Italy.


Linda..Good to see you..Happy that your talking to

us, please keep it up. Glad Shelia and I keep you

Smiling..That's our job! LOL

Yes I agree that diet/woe would be hard to follow.

Your doing good doing it this long. Keep up the good work.

You lose weight but like you said.. could you keep it up for life?


Carolyn..Where are you? Packing? Locking the kids in the

closet? LOL


Everyone have a Great Holiday Weekend..whenever

it starts for you. Enjoy!

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Belle, This group helps me keep my sanity!


It was borderline yesterday. Got a call at 2 that Mom had fallen while taking the garbage out and was being rushed to the hospital 50 miles away with a probably broken hip (hospital in town was full). Working on flights and cars to get down there then got hold of her and she said it wasn't broken. She was right and was home by 7:30 last night. She has a bump on her head and they discovered that the bladder infection that put her in the hospital a few weeks was still hand on so she is back on antibiotics but she is feeling fine today and is going to get her hair done! She is pulling this "all's well that end well" routine and we are saying that if taking the garbage out is hazardous then it is time to give up the house. That finally over and a upper front bridge fell out while I was using the water pik so emergency dental visit this morning. Guess it was a good thing since he starts vacation tomorrow and won't be back until July 10th! Then I top it off by taking my Pathfinder and remembering when I got to work that it was supposed to go and have the brakes checked today and I was supposed to take the car! Under no circumstances am I going to hit the delete button today!


Weekend plans are working on little projects around the house, checking out to see if there are any decent cruise deals out there (new car looming over my head) and just finding some time to chill!


Baby, Water!


Will try to stop back later!


Have a great day!

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Donna ~ Take care sweetie!!! Boy, you need a big {{{HUG}}}. I hope everything with your DM works out. Good luck finding a cruise and try to relax this weekend! Your post wore me out. LOL


Work has been stressful this week, but should be A-ok after today.


My DS is having surgery next week and I'm getting nervous about that. My mom had surgery yesterday and she's doing fine.


I'm not going to the gym tonight because I'm working late trying to get a proposal out. I've been 3 nights this week so I don't feel so guilty. I still think I'm eating too much food because I'm not losing anything. DH says I need to hide the scales because I'm suppose to be focusing on getting a lean body and not so much my weight. We'll see. ;)


Belle and all ~ What are your plans for the 4th (those in U.S.)? We're going to a party on the lake on Sat. and then a family party on Sun. I don't think we're doing anything on the 4th. I hope to work around the house.


Take care, all!

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Hey everyone...

not sure when I posted last but here's a "nut shell" update...

went to doctor on Monday re: foot... (follow up since May, have been having some pain on the other side of foot where screws are.. knew I broke something in that area but was told it was stress fracture and would heal from cast, then boot and immobilized). Well since last weekend foot was terribly painful, so when I saw doc. told him and after they took x-rays of area where screws were he had other angles done of foot... well it's STILL broken.. (told him it has been bothering me for a couple of months now to different degrees... that I told the PT folks too but they weren't concerned ... think they may have had me do "something" that might have twisted that area). So had to do an MRI on Weds. (well, I was able to get it done on Tuesday instead... didn't want to wait too long since we're supposed to leave on 7/14 and with the holiday next week... who knew when I'd see doctor for follow=up... he's only in office on Monday and Wednesday.. other 2 days he's in surgery and hard to get appointment). So now I wait, wearing darn boot... foot hurt badly yesterday and today wore boot all day outside... it's not too bad right now.

Linda, someone from the "6 week thread you posted" sent me the program. Still can't figure out which body type I really am. Not sure if I'm a C or D.. with the blueprint and then getting the exercised. Also I have low blood pressure (as well as hypothyroid and bit of low bloodsugar) so low salt all that water really isn't too good for me. I understand the small portions BUT you really need to stay home. Think my problem is a bit of excess skin (flappy arms) a bit jiggle in stomach (excess skin from 9 lb Alex 13+yrs ago and losing a bit of weight) I have always had somewhat larger calves (not sure if it's muscle or what), could use toning of hips/thighs... and of course now I can't really exercise (broken foot that I need to stay off of). Also see that he doesn't approve of ANY dairy, and right now I feel I need to have a little bit (for healing of bone) so I have a low carb/fat yogurt daily (curbs my sweet tooth as well), but also use it as a minnie meal.

Glad this week is almost over... things are falling into place OK (with the wait). Mom's getting back to her "routine" since her MD got her on procrit (can't believe they prescribed it for her on a weekly basis since it's SO $$$-- she's got very low anemia.. and they tried the iron pills). SHe's really perked up, has gotten her appetite back and also is no longer in a deep depression (I was getting very concerned that she was "giving up will to live"). Don't know if I can start to "relax" about her since when I do crap happens... but at least I'm not worried that when I go away I'll be called back for a funeral (it was really looking that bad and I warned her about it before they MD finally decided to prescribe med... it was such an incredible improvement after 1 shot....).

WIll port more tomorrow..

Hope everyone is well.


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Carolyn ~ I'm soooo sorry your foot is broken. Oh my goodness! When it rains, it pours, doesn't it? You knew something was wrong and it was a good thing you kept after the doctors with it. Take care and you'll still enjoy your cruise! My friend just came off one to Alaska and her DH has a broken foot with the boot.


Nick, my DS, is having his tonsils and adnoids removed. He has sleep apnea real bad and the surgeon thinks this will cure it. His tonsil on his right side is HUGE and actually swells during the night. It is so strange. Just keep him in your prayers on Thursday. Thanks!!

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Sheila...good luck to your son. I hope it will be an uneventful procedure and that it will improve his sleep.


Carolyn..what a bummer! I hope now your foot will heal properly. You knew that something was not right. We have to be our own doctors!


Belle, the train to Athens sounds good. There is a lot of traffic on the roads, so it will probably be a lot faster than the shuttle.


You will be in Mykonos for the sunset. The best place is Little Venice.


Your anniversary in Santorini! How wonderful! Do you want to have lunch with a view...or just a drink? I can make a recommendation. If you do buy jewellery, bargain, bargain. I took cards from so many stores, but threw them all out! We just found that the prices coudn't be justified.


Donna, so good to see your post! And, yes, I am drinking my water!


Glad that all turned out well with your mom and with your teeth! I am still replacing a bridge ( a year now!) First it was root canal, then it was surgery, now it is almost done....about $4000 later...no insurance...could be a cruise, eh?


Happy Fourth of July to all! We have a holiday tomorrow...July 1 is Canada's birthday. Last night our Jazz Festival opened. It was wonderful.


I have been very bad. Didn't exercise yesterday like I said I would. Noshed late last night...a terrible thing that I usually don't do. Today I will log what I eat. Tonight I want to go to see the new Meryl Streep movie.


Gotta go...lots to do!

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The luxury of 4 days off in a row is almost here! One will involve "work" but the rest should be what we want and when we want. Almost as good as going on a cruise!


Baby, journal and water! Then more water!


Sheila, I'm sure you'll see a dramatic improvement after the surgery and be glad when it is over! Glad your mom is ok so now just plan on relaxing over the weekend.


Belle, Have fun this weekend! I know you have lots of plans so should enjoy it!


Linda, Any big plans?


Carolyn, Don't you just love these people that are practicing medicine! Sounds like a little bit of attention on their part and you would be doing much better now! Glad the shot worked on your mom and that she is getting back to her old self again. Cruise is coming up fast and you'll enjoy it much more with less worry about her!


Nothing major happening at this end. Trying to behave but it has been hit and miss. Goal as of tomorrow (beginning of the month) is to start using the equipment again even if it kills me. Mom is stable and still refusing to listen to reason so the daily checks on her tend to be quite interesting. Tonight is Milwaukee to pick up my new George Foreman (with removable plates) then the only other must do is to check out the grand opening of the new wing of our prime outlet at some point over the weekend. Will try to check back in later now off to pour more water!


Have a great Friday!

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Hope everyone has a GREAT ONE!


Donna..Hope you get some relaxing time to yourself.

Also hope your mother will be doing better to and you

won't get phone calls.


Baby..Please give some recommendations for a place

in Santorini. Would like to have a nice lunch or a

drink or both! Thanks.

Went to see the same movie tonight. Did you like it?

Wonder what "new size" I am? LOL


Shelia..Prayer's for your son. Know everything will

be fine. Just think he can have ALL the ice cream

he wants. Feels so good going down his throat.


Carolyn..So sorry about your foot. You knew more was

going on. Just go and enjoy your cruise with your boot.

Maybe help you get on the ship first!

Glad your mother got some pills to help her feel better.


Hope you ALL have a good time..enjoy..but try not to overeat.

Drink your water.

We're going to a BBQ Sunday..ate out today but was good.

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Sorry to interrupt this thread....


DonnaW - I am booking B744 on the Grand class ship (Star Princess) and need your expertise. Can you either email me (my signature has my email address) or post to this thread: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=7048300&posted=1#post7048300


I noticed you were posting here and figured I could get your attention here. I would like some more information on this balcony.




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Been a day of running and just answered the last post so I am now back!


Belle, Have fun tomorrow! Santorini will be a wonderful spot to spend your anniversary! SissyG said that was her favorite port and couldn't say enough good about it!


Sheila, Any big plans for the rest of the weekend?


Carolyn, How are you feeling? That cruise is getting close! Hope your mom is still improving.


Baby, Water! Water and more Water! How was your Canada Day? We were there a few years ago for it and the Jazz Festival in Toronto and had a wonderful time!


Joe surprised me with a gift certificate to one of my favorite boutiques this morning so hit that when it opened and picked up 3 tops then came home and we went out to the grand opening of the new wing at our Prime Outlet Mall. Picked up another travelers top and jacket at Chico's but he was making me crazy because he was suddenly HUNGRY so will have to get back to Chico's to use my coupon. Didn't find anything of great interest in the new section but it appeared that we were the only ones that didn't since there was a line about a block long to get in the Coach outlet. I am terrible with purses and toss them everywhere so wouldn't even consider buying one that I would have to worry about but it seemed that I was in the minority today.


Hoping we get to stay home tomorrow so I can actually get something accomplished so I will try to get out here again and see how all of you are doing!


Have a great evening!

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Had a great BBQ with our friends...(20)

good food, good drinks, good weather!


Hope you all had a good day.


Have nothing really planned for the tomorrow,

try to go back to the gym, shoulder

is better I hope. BBQ and fireworks the 4th.


Have a safe 4th. Don't drink and drive.

To much water and you have to find a bathroom! LOL

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Hi girls! Sounds like all of you had a great weekend!


Donna ~ That was so nice of Joe!!! What was the occasion? I'm with you with the purses. ;)


Belle ~ Don't overdo it at the gym with your shoulder. You don't want to hurt yourself more. Glad you had a nice day with the friends!


We went to two parties this past weekend. One was at the lake and the other was at my BIL/SIL out by the pool. Both were fun, but I really enjoyed the one yesterday at the in-laws. We had a great time. I brought my laptop and bored everyone with my trip pictures. LOL They requested it so they had to suffer through them all. We have another family outing tomorrow that should be fun (my side of the family).


I'm making out my grocery list for John to go shopping today. I'm putting a whole gallon of chocolate ice cream on there for Nick. Any other suggestions? I've already got applesauce. Thanks for all of the prayers for him. {{{HUG}}}

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Sheila, I thought it was because he knew how mad I was last weekend but now I'm not so sure! It may have been prevetative since he knew I would get at the downstairs at some point this weekend! Sounds like your having a great weekend so enjoy! How about pudding/pudding pops?


Belle, Sounds like you have been having a great weekend but don't overdo!


Baby, Where is your water?


Carolyn, How are you doing?


Linda, Sounds like you just may be hotter and wetter than we are though we could compete.


Ok, better get back to work! Think I'll see if there is anything on PPV to tempt me to get the ironing done!


Have a great day!

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Hello to all you ladies,

Thank you all for making me feel so welcome and letting me join this wonderful thread. I've been reading it for months just to keep up with all of you.;)


Life here has been hectic and this woe of eating is driving me nuts! I'm still sticking with it. I have an extra incentive(sp?) to keep at it. I have to go to the Drs. and he will want to do blood work. I know with this woe my blood work will come back just fine. Its been tough to stay with it and we haven't been able to do it 100% since I came back from cruise.


Sunday was just a busy day. Most of you know that my dh is a pastor. In honor of July 4th, we had just one service on Sunday instead of the normal three. This was followed by a picnic on the grounds. The men of the church did BBQ pulled pork and everyone brought dishes. Needless to say the only thing that was on the woe was a plate of sliced tomatoes. The good news was that we only had one plate of food not heaped up and had a small spoonful of whatever we wanted. I was able to eat lots of salads, just a little sampling of potatoes, veggies, meat and no desert:D .


Adding to all this fun has been Connor. Connor is our grandson who is fourteen months old. He has been with us since June 21st and his mom, dd1 will arrive at the end of this week. She is an eighth grade science teacher and she will spend until the 24th of July here with us. Connor is a real delight and he has made me realize why we have children when we are young! Last night he ran a 103.6 fever, had me up several times during the night. By 8am the fever had broken and he rebounded just fine. I, on the other hand am dragging my fanny on the ground. But he is a delight to have and the apple of his Grandpa & Grammie's eye.


No big plans for the 4th here. Joe will smoke ribs and 12 lbs of chicken breast. We will have Tater tots(Connor's favorite food next to chicken) and some veggies for dinner. No sweets in the house...I'll eat them if I have them in the house. Will be drinking lots of water:p !


Everyone have a safe and happy 4th.


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I thought I sent a LONG message for everyone... guess it got lost in cyberspace.


Good to see you're trying to stick w/Michae's WOE... I got the package.. I'm having a hard time trying to blueprint myself... not sure if I'm a C or D... and I'm trying to be very honest. Glad you're enjoying summer.

Sheila, {{}} wishing Nick an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. Also hope that you're Mom's making progress w/recovery too.

Donna, Hope you're resting and enjoying your 4 days off... Hope things settle down w/your Mom (have been through it).. it's SO stressful trying to handle things from a distance... especially when they want to stay independent. Has she been falling a bit.. check her sodium levels... that can be a major problem w/older seniors and goes undetected,... very hard to manage/treat.

Baby, know you had "your holiday" on Saturday.... how's the wedding plans coming along. Drinking your water?

Belle, when are you leaving for your cruise... Greece WOW (I'm half Greek, though you'd never know looking at me.. my Dad was 100% but his parents were from the north and he was blonde as a kid).

Think I covered everyone... it's late so I'll post tomorrow.


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Happy 4th all,


Baby, Where is that water? How are the weddding plans coming along?


Belle, How is the shoulder? Do you get to stay home and relax for awhile now? Make any additional plans for today?


Sheila, He will do fine with the surgery and you'll get to baby him a bit. Enjoy it since it will likelly be the last time! I haven't tried it yet but I will let you know when I do. It is smaller than the other one but if we eat correctly, it is more than adequate (Note: Joe gets 1 burger).


Linda, Having 3 dgd's with the youngest just turned 3, I know where you are coming from. I think I would collapse if they were here for an extended period of time since I don't think that I ever get to sit down when they are! Hope you get to enjoy the day and I know you'll enjoy the memories you have been making with Connor.


Carolyn, She only had the actual falling spells when the doc put her on the wrong medication. The ER doc figured it out and took her off them right away. She probably gets too much sodium but her biggest problem is that she doesn't get anywhere near enough liquids which then leads to a whole lot of other problems. I would be surpised if she gets 16 ounces of water a day and the only other liquid is a cup of coffee in the morning. I have been fighting this battle forever and it is definitely one I won't win. All is quiet there now so fingers crossed that she is actually not hiding things and is doing better!


As is usual, weekends are my downfall and this one hasn't beeen particularly good. Will try to get my act together today so I start off tomorrow on track. Now I have the box of work I brought home that I need to start on so I don't end up staying late every night that is left this week!


Everyone have a great 4th!

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Hi everyone! Happy 4th of July to all! We just finished a long weekend because July 1 is Canada Day. The previous weekend was also long because June 24 is Quebec's "national" (as in wishful thinking!) day! We get 2 long weekends in a row...so ..who cares!!


Welcome, Lynda, to our little group. It is a lot easier to follow than the heavily populated threads. Sounds like you did very well at the picnic. I have been going up and down 1 and 1/2 pounds. Sunday night, a friend made a buffet dinner. I tried not to eat TOO much. However, she is Iraqui and the food is spicy ( although she reduced the spices for our North American palates). Also, I drank wine and couldn't resist her home-made baklava ( a small square). Next morning...up 1 and 1/2. But today it is gone with the wind!!! Some of my friends are new grandmas and they sound just like you!!! I will have to wait a few years!


Sheila...I don't know about tonsils...my kids didn't have them out. My brother did when we were kids, but I don't remember much, except for the ice cream! What about mashed potatoes, really smooth with lots of added milk? Or is that too warm? Tell him all the losers send him hugs!!!!


Donna, are you still at the same stressful job? Any changes there?


You are our Chico Lady! We will be in the U.S. later this summer, and I will hit the store. I head straight for the sale rack! We don't have the good outlets that you do, unfortunately. We do have a store like your TJMAX (I think it is the same owner), but I don't go too often because I am not a good bargain hunter and the lines at the cash are slow! I do better at my favourite stores when they have a sale. But..there is nothing like an American sale...discount on top of discount...if you are lucky.


I wore my Chico outfits in Greece. But I took far too much clothes, although I did wear almost all...even had to wash a few things. Because we had cooler weather in the evenings, I needed both long and short sleeves. Nevertheless, on our next land trip, I will have to pack more sparsely....oy vay!!!!


I just finished my morning coffee and now I am drinking water! I have been trying to walk every day. Today, I have other things to do. As soon as I finish this, I will get started. Today, we pay the visa bill with all the Greek charges...another oy vay!!!


Dumb question category...is PPV pay per view???


Belle....one of our favourite restaurants was Vanillia. It is in Firostefani, which is right next to Fira. The food, view and service was excellent. Probably the best fish I had in Greece. Don't go to Selene"s. View is excellent, food is good, but service was surly...don't need that on your anniversary! I don't know if it is worth spending extra money to eat in a restaurant, when you have the dining room on a ship. Better to buy a present!!!! You can get the view everywhere. If you do buy jewellery...BARGAIN! They reduce the prices substantially. Check out jewellery at home first, so that you can have an idea of values. Whatever interested me was thousands and I didn't think it was worth it.


The Devil Wore Prada...you know, I was disappointed. The week before, we saw Breakup and we liked that even less. What did you think of the movie? Meryl Streep looked fabulous, and she is a great actress, but somehow the story was annoying.


Carolyn..isn't it awful when you write your heart out and lose it? It's happened to me...and I don't even understand WHY!


Do you still have relatives in Greece? In Athens, we visited the Jewish Museum and it was very interesting. For centuries, there was a substantial Jewish population, but WW2 took care of that, sadly.


You must be getting excited about your cruise. Isn't it very soon?


As for the wedding plans, we have the synagogue and the band. At the synagogue we chose, they offer a "package". Isn't everything "a package" today?? It is all-inclusive just like a resort!!!! The only extras are the music, photographer/videographer and the invitations. This makes the whole process very easy. We went to hear our chosen band, which happened to be playing there this weekend. The room looked fabulous and at 11:30 pm, everyone was still dancing up a storm!


Now for some serious business....I have to improve my WOE...way of eating, exercising and even existing!!! I MUST lose a few pounds and I must exercise, either walk or stretch every day. Water goes without saying. I drink in the morning, but then forget to do it. I must not buy the oh-so-tempting forbidden foods when I grocery shop. And I MUST get my house in order. We had major work done this year and the house is still upside down. It will probably take the rest of my life to get it in order!!!


I will get started NOW!!


Have a great day, all!

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Do I ever hear you about getting WOE (E for everything) in order. I'm trying to watch the eats, but not having much success in the scale area... also trying to keep the "contraband goodies" that I can't resist out of house (at least until after cruise). Kids are good about this, knowing that at times my willpower is nill, Mike on the other hand is NOT supporting me at all... he'll eat more of the icecream than the kids and he needs it LESS (wonder if his suit will fit him, didn't look that good in the BarMitzvah photos. .he should've had his jacket buttoned at times and didn't... as usual so he looked a bit like an unmade bed... never fails. At least he's a good father (most of the time these days) to the kids.

With my foot I'm just getting SO discouraged. We're at the 10 day countdown so I'm not sure what I'll wear or not esp. since I'm going to have to lug the boot with me. Luckily we're driving to port so we can take ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Think I'm just going to indulge myself especially since we'll have access to concierge lounge...


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Fireworks are over

BBQ's are done

Your WOE has begun..


Seems like we all want to get serious...



Hope everyone had a good weekend and

and maybe had an extra day or two.


Carolyn..You have only ten days till your

Cruise! Wonderful! Sorry your foot is still

bothering you. Just wear your boot and get

special treament...let everyone wait on you!

Our cruise isn't till Nov.(you should plan a Greek

Cruise in your future) See your father's heritage.


Shelia..How's it going? Sounds like you had

two nice parties this weekend. Great on inches lost.

Doing great on your exercise.


Donna..You bought work home? This a Holiday!

Thought you were going to look for another job?

Your working to much!

Hope your mother keeps feeling better.


Baby..Thanks for the name of the restaurants name.

I don't know if we will eat because of all food on

ship. Always feel funny buying lunch/dinner in port, with

all the food on ship is "free"! (well kinda) LOL

But it is such fun to eat some place different.

I do know I want to at least get a drink or snack..

Maybe Greek Salad..who knows?

Have to sit and have a great view. Think will

depend on the weather too.

The Devil and Break Up were slow and predicable.

I liked them, not great movies but entertaining.

(I love movies of all kinds, except real scary and gory)

Tomorrow going to see The Lake House.


Linda..Glad you joined us. Know you have a busy

life with your husband. Woe must be hard with the

extra dinners and things. My Aunt was a minister's

wife. Your BBQ'S sounds nice and no dessert in

the house..good for you! To much stuff here.


We had a couple of bbq's too. One away and one here.

First one, stayed the same..see what the scale says

tomorrow. (Wed.) Wish me luck.


Luck to you all too! No gains from this long weekend!

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Hi friends!! Glad all of you in the U.S. had a great 4th. Mine was spent with my family eating, of course. Why is it that all of us in the South make eating an event? LOL I also cleaned out my study! That was a BIG accomplishment. My desk has never been so clean. Now, if we can all just keep it up. ;)


Linda ~ I'm so glad you mentioned Connor. I was going to ask you how he was and how your DD was handling motherhood. BTW, how do you like Jacksonville? I'm going to have to check out your 6 week body makeover because I might have to try it before my surgery. I really don't think I could stick with it though.


Carolyn ~ Before you hit the submit button on a post, copy it into your clipboard so if it disappears, you can just paste it. That's what I do and it saves a lot of frustration. How's the foot feeling? Are you getting excited about your cruise? Which ship are you going on? Which islands? I'm just full of questions, aren't I? LOL


Belle ~ When are you going to Greece? I know you've mentioned it, but I can't keep up. :o I'm not going to be able to hit the gym any time this week and I feel awful because of it. I'm going to try and do some exercises at home though.


Baby ~ My best friend's DD is getting married on Saturday and it has been a whirlwind with my BF. I know she'll be so glad when it's over. Good luck with the planning and that all-inclusive package sounds wonderful.


Donna ~ DS will normally let me baby him any time. He's a mama's boy. LOL The next week is going to be something because he likes to "milk it" when he's sick. That's OK though....I don't mind. BTW, you know that weekends and holidays are my downfall also. I guess you and I will just have to get back on the waggon today! :D


Remember I mentioned that I'd lost inches since starting the gym? Well, I've also gained inches in the wrong place....my abs! I don't know if it is the added calories or my IBS, but my pants are tight in the gut. It is driving me nuts! I think I'm going to really reduce my caloric intake the rest of the week and see if that helps.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Letting you know..I'm sending

prayers and good thoughts

for your son, you and husband.

Sure everything will be fine.

You'll just have to wait on him hand and foot.

You know men, no matter the age! LOL

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First....Sheila...thoughts are with your family today. Can't wait to read that all is over and all is well.


Belle...glad you enjoyed the Fourth. Hope you didn't do too much damage!!!

What did you think of Lake House? A friend of mine (who likes almost all movies) didn't care for it.

I feel the same way as you do concerning the Free Food. The only times we eat off the ship are when we are too far to return for lunch!

Do you and hubby like to walk? You can take a WONDERFUL walk along the Caldera, starting at Fira. You can make it as long or as short as you like. You pass all the local hotels and the view is amazing.


Donna...I am on glass #3. Not such a great achievement, since I had to drink 2 of them with my Actonel.


Carolyn...I make good plans every morning...carrying them out is another story! But, as soon as I finish this, I am going to go for a 45 minute walk.


On what ship are you sailing? What is the concierge lounge? We are inside cabin people, so how would I know?????

Maybe you could treat yourself to a nice massage or other lovely treatment! Something that will pamper and relax you.

Living inland, we have never had the luxury of driving to the ship. It really makes the luggage situation easy.

Just take care of yourself and your foot!


Have a great day, all! If I take the walk as planned, I will report back! (Now, I have really made a commitment!!!)

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