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I wonder if it will be harder to sneak alchohol on board


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You missed a key point of LeeAnne's argument - having no impact on others. Dunno bout you, but the last time I looked at a bottle of wine it didn't have a trigger nor did it have bullets that could go right through both you and the cabin wall.


btw - had to laugh a bit - that was one of the hardest things about getting my SO to agree to cruise - he can't take any of his weapons aboard - he's always armed and feels naked without them.


Then I guess I should bring my 9MM, since it is my personal property and ignore the rules. Hec I might have to protect myself from some yahoo who brings his own liquor and gets too loaded, he or she just might break into my cabin and harm me..

Sorry your excuse doesn't cut it. There are numerous items the cruise line prohibits one bring on board and bringing your own alcohol to consume aboard the ship(whether you call it your personal property or not) is one of them, whether you like it or not.

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LeeAnne's offline for a bit - new job - but I'll take her place for a bit. You think the reasons pro-smuggling are lame, we smugglers think the arguments against are pretty lame. You seem to believe that we care what the anti-smuggling crew here thinks of us - I can speak for myself, I dont' care -and I find it quite amusing when they go into spastic fits over someone smuggling AND talking about it freely on the net.


I am not really against whatever someone wants to do, the stupid thing is trying to justify it with all the lame excuses, like that makes it right, so people won't look down at them. I usually don't chime in on the smuggling threads, until the idiotic excuses come out.
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I was going to post a nice, concise, logical opinion on why RCL has the booze policies they do but, after reading through all of these posts, some exceedingly verbose, I must say I lean toward agreement with AllieInMD. No matter what the real reason, if I choose to try smuggling a several bottles of wine aboard (did it once in Barcelona aboard the VOS), I will do it. If they find the bottles and take them, so what. (I am not worried about being denied boarding.)


I think they have the policy because they must have some sort of policy. If the policy deters some cruisers from smuggling booze, then RCL is that much further ahead. I don't believe they will make a big deal out of it if you do get caught. And, as so many have stated here (although it is no excuse), most who smuggle still run up a big bar bill and are smuggling for the convience of having a drink in their stateroom before or after dinner. No cruise line will risk alienating an existing customer just because they may lose $100 or so in bar bills.

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I always enjoy a good civil debate! :)


I wasn't in PR - was Strategic Planning and Gov't Affairs (lobbying and politicians). I could never be in PR - I'm too outspoken ;) Now I crunch data and analyze marketing efforts and tell them what works and what doesn't so that we get the most bang for our marketing buck - and make money.


You'd be surprised how fast even a company our size - 23,000+ employees can move when money is at stake. We do a plan for each entity, and then a master plan for the entire company - we project out and plan out for 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years - and how to get there. But we always have contingency plans for bumps in the road -large and small.


I would never say a company would never do something - look at Coke, who would have ever believed they'd have tinkered with the formula and come out with that 'new coke' years ago?


I hope I'm right too - cuz if RCCL is willing to lose me and my SO over a lil booze in my cabin - then I will go to another line - and I'm really rather fond of Royal :)



Allie, I'm enjoying this debate!


Since you've worked for a $3b company, especially in marketing and public relations, then you know firsthand how long it takes to make a company-wide move.... months. Usually MANY months.


The economy tanked less than a couple months ago, and recently the lines have done some major fare-slashing (not on my Dec cruise unfortunately, but I can't believe how low they are in Australia for example). So, the cruise lines have only had barely a month to start planning how to make up for the revenue shortfalls.


Given how long it tends to take large corporations to implement new policies (or enforcements), and how many countless internal meetings are required, we can expect something to happen in the next few months... if it's going to happen at all.


I'm pleased to hear that you think it's a possibility. At least I think that's what you mean by your sentence above "I don't know where you ever got the idea..."


And as for the difference of opinion, it sounds like we're not THAT different. You feel it's a possibility but very unlikely. I think it's a possibility but more likely.


We will know in a few months. Let's compare notes then! One of us will be right, and I definitely hope it's you!:)

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LeeAnne's offline for a bit - new job - but I'll take her place for a bit. You think the reasons pro-smuggling are lame, we smugglers think the arguments against are pretty lame. You seem to believe that we care what the anti-smuggling crew here thinks of us - I can speak for myself, I dont' care -and I find it quite amusing when they go into spastic fits over someone smuggling AND talking about it freely on the net.


They actually are. "Well, I need my special $110 bottle of wine or my cruise is ruined, or I drink very expensive scotch and they don't have it, I am too lazy to walk a few 100 feet to the bar and get a drink, they cost too much, we can't afford to buy drinks", and on and on it goes. Pretty silly IMO. I drink $250 bottle scotch, they don't serve it on board, so I drink something else. It is not going to kill me or ruin my cruise if I can have my brand. I think it is foolish to go thru the hassell of putting it in another container just to bring it on. When I want a night cap to sit on my balcony with, I pick it up on my way back to my cabin. No big deal.

For those who think RCI is just out to make a buck, then why do they allow you to roll on cases of water, coolers of soda, let people take formal photos with their own cameras, among other things, hec there was a poster who wanted to bring on cases of an energy drink to pass out samples, how do you think RCI would react to that? All they restrict is liquor, drugs, and weapons.

I don't agree with RCI's policies, however I do respect them, as it is their company, ships, and rules. If people don't agree, or can't really afford to pay, then there are other places to go.

Smuggle all you wish, however, it may sad if someday RCI does deny boarding to people if they ever feel that it is really hurting them revenue wise, and feel a need to really crack down. If they ever started to make an example of someone, it could get some attention, and some bad press, but no big deal. I also doubt they would lose very many customers either. RCI is not the only cruise line to prohibit bringing booze on. Yes they may allow you to buy a bottle for the cabin, or bring a bottle of wine on, however it still won't stop the cheapskates from bringing their own anyway. I doubt that it is a real big revenue problem. They really only seem to get tight on spring break cruises, shorty cruises, and cruises with a younger crowd.

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From what I saw on my last cruise, it is getting easier. I do not smuggle personally but I do put certain enjoyable liquid refreshments in my bag when I travel by car, airplane or cruise ship. RCL is bringing their gargantuan latest addition online and now they are going to need more pax. Horror, they are going to have to appeal to the common class for those additional pax - the kind that refuse to wear suggested clothing at dinner. Now is not the time to see how many pax RCL can deliver to the other cruise lines. And the "debate" goes on ad nauseum...

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Well, you've run out of logical arguments that have already been addressed so you resort to personal attacks.


Everything you've stated to make your case has been addressed here:



Evidently, given RCCL's lack of enforcement, as well as that they've never tossed anyone off or denied boarding due to alcohol, that bolsters our arguments, not yours.


If you have a logical polite point to make, please do - otherwise, I refer you back to the ones you've already made and direct you to the answers:





They actually are. "Well, I need my special $110 bottle of wine or my cruise is ruined, or I drink very expensive scotch and they don't have it, I am too lazy to walk a few 100 feet to the bar and get a drink, they cost too much, we can't afford to buy drinks", and on and on it goes. Pretty silly IMO. I drink $250 bottle scotch, they don't serve it on board, so I drink something else. It is not going to kill me or ruin my cruise if I can have my brand. I think it is foolish to go thru the hassell of putting it in another container just to bring it on. When I want a night cap to sit on my balcony with, I pick it up on my way back to my cabin. No big deal.

For those who think RCI is just out to make a buck, then why do they allow you to roll on cases of water, coolers of soda, let people take formal photos with their own cameras, among other things, hec there was a poster who wanted to bring on cases of an energy drink to pass out samples, how do you think RCI would react to that? All they restrict is liquor, drugs, and weapons.

I don't agree with RCI's policies, however I do respect them, as it is their company, ships, and rules. If people don't agree, or can't really afford to pay, then there are other places to go.

Smuggle all you wish, however, it may sad if someday RCI does deny boarding to people if they ever feel that it is really hurting them revenue wise, and feel a need to really crack down. If they ever started to make an example of someone, it could get some attention, and some bad press, but no big deal. I also doubt they would lose very many customers either. RCI is not the only cruise line to prohibit bringing booze on. Yes they may allow you to buy a bottle for the cabin, or bring a bottle of wine on, however it still won't stop the cheapskates from bringing their own anyway. I doubt that it is a real big revenue problem. They really only seem to get tight on spring break cruises, shorty cruises, and cruises with a younger crowd.

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You think the reasons pro-smuggling are lame, we smugglers think the arguments against are pretty lame.


The #1 argument against it is that bringing your own booze onboard is against the rules that you agree to abide by when you purchase your ticket. But I guess you really don't care too much about rules, as is shown on your whole position, or lack thereof, on the hottie hunt thread.

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The #1 argument against it is that bringing your own booze onboard is against the rules that you agree to abide by when you purchase your ticket. But I guess you really don't care too much about rules, as is shown on your whole position, or lack thereof, on the hottie hunt thread.


I really do not think it is fair to bring up Allies position on another thread, although in that thread I felt she only stated her opinion.

This thread is a civil discussion on an entirely different subject, with respect I feel it is best to stick to the OPs original post and answer according to your personal belief:)


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say huh? how is a discussion on a AO program even remotely related? And although it was late last night when I last looked at that thread (hard to focus on involved threads while at work) - I don't think I ever posted anything about rules and breaking them or encouraging breaking them in that thread. If I did - and/or it pertains to this thread - please do refresh my memory. Otherwise I would think you are just torqued over that thread and it's bled over to this one.



The #1 argument against it is that bringing your own booze onboard is against the rules that you agree to abide by when you purchase your ticket. But I guess you really don't care too much about rules, as is shown on your whole position, or lack thereof, on the hottie hunt thread.
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I don't mind that he brought up something I said on another thread - I stand by what I post no matter the thread or when it was. I just can't figure out what the heck the two threads have in common :eek:


I really do not think it is fair to bring up Allies position on another thread, although in that thread I felt she only stated her opinion.

This thread is a civil discussion on an entirely different subject, with respect I feel it is best to stick to the OPs original post and answer according to your personal belief:)


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Well, you've run out of logical arguments that have already been addressed so you resort to personal attacks.


Everything you've stated to make your case has been addressed here:



Evidently, given RCCL's lack of enforcement, as well as that they've never tossed anyone off or denied boarding due to alcohol, that bolsters our arguments, not yours.


If you have a logical polite point to make, please do - otherwise, I refer you back to the ones you've already made and direct you to the answers:



I think maybe you might want to re think your comment. I don't see where I attacked anyone personally. Did I call someone out specifically, I don't think so. I merely repeated the usual useless comments, and excuses from this and past threads, and no where did I refer to any one person. Geesh!!

I don't see where there really is any argument. whenever someone new comes and starts one of these new alcohol threads, its usually the same half dozen, or dozen posters that re hash things over and over again. It is really silly when you look it. I guess I am also guilty of the silliness as well, but then I've also done sillier things too. LOL

Instead of you coming back with some intelligent comment, all you can do is attack me. So go ahead, make my day.

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however it still won't stop the cheapskates from bringing their own anyway


name calling like that is not only inaccurate, it's considered a personal attack.


Oh puleeze I am quit certain it is true of some smugglars not all but some and it was a generalization not a personal attack. Way too much rationalization going on here.

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I haven't attacked anyone, can't say the same about the Booze Police


as for the rest of your post....seen it all and read it all before



I think maybe you might want to re think your comment. I don't see where I attacked anyone personally. Did I call someone out specifically, I don't think so. I merely repeated the usual useless comments, and excuses from this and past threads, and no where did I refer to any one person. Geesh!!

I don't see where there really is any argument. whenever someone new comes and starts one of these new alcohol threads, its usually the same half dozen, or dozen posters that re hash things over and over again. It is really silly when you look it. I guess I am also guilty of the silliness as well, but then I've also done sillier things too. LOL

Instead of you coming back with some intelligent comment, all you can do is attack me. So go ahead, make my day.

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I haven't attacked anyone, can't say the same about the Booze Police


as for the rest of your post....seen it all and read it all before



Well this is an intelligent reponse. Just use someone elses words. Classy.

I guess as long as people who smuggle want to talk about here, there will always be people on the other side of the fence as well putting their 2cents in, like it or not. You may want to call them attacks, some will just call it opinions. If people feel hurt by comments that are made, so be it. Oh Well, I guess theTruth does hurt at times. If one does not want to feel hurt, then don't make the comment in the first place. :eek:

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