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???Piano Bar Question???


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You are absolutely correct! The ambience was such that: no pay, no play and we are not even talking special requests. We were put off by the incessant begging. actually closer to demanding $$$, seems more accurate. I truly feel it was overkill, but I do give him credit for being a very talented performer and feel he would get more $$$ if he sang more than he begged! ;)

If that was the case, I'd have let the beggar starve, and tell him so. I don't care how good he/she is, you don't beg for money... you're providing entertainment, not huckstering for a side-show.


Seriously, there's nothing at all that kills the mood of the evening more than having an entertainer of any stripe asking/begging for money.


I've worked with stage comics (Sketch, improv and stand up) and most anyone would agree that this kind of crap is never welcome and it makes everyone look bad.


If this happened while I was aboard, I'd be on the cruise director's ear.

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We went to other venues because the piano bar was not entertaining due to his constant "Demand" for tips. I am glad you have never encountered this, I had never either until we saw Mark. I have cruised again since my Oct. 11th cruise on the Glory. I just returned from the Destiny where we spent every night (except the night we were in Cozumel:o). Many of the group I was with did enjoy him every night and are enjoying Damian tonight because they did a B2B. Piano bars are up my alley. I have enjoyed many on the 18 cruise I have done with Carnival. I will enjoy many more and hope that if Mark is ever on one of my cruises he has stopped this very annoying, obtusive behavior. It should be addressed by Carnival as I don't believe it stands up to their standard of operation.


I am a piano bar entertainer and I HAVE to say something. People like you really make me sick.

I have heard about mark hustling tips, maybe it is excessive, maybe not.

If you are offended by something, then LEAVE. JUST LEAVE. I saw you have more than 2,000 posts on cruise critic. That is seriously weird. Some guy is hustling tips so you go home on your little computer and type bad things things about him. Dont you have anything better to do? You have posted multiple negative things about him, and when he defended him self on the blog you made it a point to go behind him and slam him some more. What is wrong with you? Seriously. We GET it, you didnt like the show. But mark is not in a position to tell you what he thinks because you all know who he is, and it could mess up his rep, so I will tell you what I think of you.

I know the kind of audience member you are. The kind of person who will request some obscure song no one has ever heard of and then be SHOCKED that we dont know it. Maybe even make a really dramatic and disgusted face as if we have fallen below your standard, as if YOU knew how to play the song yourself. And IF we did know the song there is a good chance you would pick it apart and not tip us.

You all want the world from us. Every song you can think of and you want it done well. Do you have ANY IDEA how many songs there are? Do you have ANY CLUE how long it takes to learn them HALF way decently? We deserve every tip we hustle. I understand why Mark uses the term "Piano whore", we lay on our backs for you FOR A PRICE. Do you seriously think any musician enjoys all the GARBAGE we have to play for you. Jimmy Buffet, Billy Joel, guess what? WE HATE THEM, but we play it to MAKE MONEY.

Every bull**** song we learn is an investment because some drunk nobody somewhere will want to hear it and we will play it for them. Take in to consideration that most any piano man you meet will know 5 to 6 times more songs than any band you will ever hear. I know Mark knows about 2,000 songs. That is INSANE. If I knew that many I would want to be paid for every song I played.

You may say, "If you dont like it quit". I say to you, do you LOVE your job, or does it just pay the bills? We are WORKING, the same as anyone else. You know the difference between us and you?

Nobody cares about you. There is no board online where ignorant strangers critique your performance. No place online where people get off on some sort of sense of power judging what you do to the tee. People like you dont have the guts to just say what you want to say to OUR FACE and be done with it. No, you write little "comment cards" or go home and write little "blogs" about people. I feel bad writing this ONE thing, because there are MUCH BETTER THINGS i could be doing, but I HAD to get this out because I wonder why people like you are the way they are. People like you should take a step back and look at yourself. When did you get this way? Did you use to be cool? I think maybe you did, I dont know. Get a hobby or something. Cause I will tell you something you should know. We may have to act like we like you, but we dont, we want your money. The same as any other business in existence. Its our JOB to be nice to you and know your songs, its YOUR part in the equation to pay us for that service. If you are not down with that, dont go to piano bars. Period. And certainly dont be a little Nancy and go writing things about people, have a spine.

Thats all.


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but to be buggered for tips is not classy,


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Sorry, I know we're not supposed to correct typos etc. but that's just really, really funny.


I do have a couple of questions, myself.


How do you wrap a drink around a request? What kind of songs do the entertainers know, aside from the much-maligned ones already mentioned in this thread? Jazz? Blues? Rammstein?

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I am a piano bar entertainer and I HAVE to say something. People like you really make me sick.


Ouch. After reading your post, I'm going to look at every single piano bar entertainer, knowing that he basically hates us all, is sick of all of us, can't stand the songs he's playing, and only wants our money.


Thanks. I used to enjoy myself in there, thinking that the entertainer was at least having a little bit of fun.

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I'm sure I'll get some flack for this but here is goes.

I know the economy isn't that great and good jobs are scarce (sp) but don't say you hate playing songs for people without them paying tips. If you hate your job or the people that much, find something else. I happen to finally have a job I do like and it also pays the bills! :rolleyes: I have never been to a piano bar but I have been to places where the DJ's look for tips and play requests. Usually the request is just put down until the first song is played and then they will key up the next request. I have never seen a DJ cut a song off in mid stream and play the new request. I will however, have to keep an open mind until I can experience a piano bar for myself. That being said, does anyone know who is on the Inspiration for the Dec 6th 5 day cruise? I think I saw another thread with a list but can't remember where it is.

Karen, FL:cool:

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I find "Fireface" an oxymoron...."fireface" wants to slam folks on here for not having the "spine" to tell people "to their face" and then comes on here

anonymously and make horrific judgments about people he/she has never met.


Sorry, but we do not have to "get over it and shut our mouths". Like it or not, we are the reason "Fireface" has a job. I suggest if "Fireface" doesn't like the people who are paying their salary....that they find another line of work.


The posters on here merely expressed their opinion that an entertainer was over the top in his presentation of tips. Most never said they don't tip. Most never said entertainers don't serve a tip. ALL were also very complimentary of this entertainers talents and abilities.


And yes, when this entertainer basically called them all a "liar"... they defended themselves with their "proof" of when this happened and how it happened and since we are hearing the same story from multiple people who were not on the same cruise....I am inclined to believe them.


Sorry someone who is suppose to be a professional can not handle a little critizism ... How sad.....

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Wow... this thread sure got ugly. Remember, Mark is also a member here and a little decorum should be exhibited. If you don't like the piano bar or the player, leave... it really is that simple people! If your cruise is ruined because of an entertainer, they make comment cards for that reason. I have on player who is let's just say, not my favorite... but I would never come on here and spew venom about it... just not my style. But one thing I cannot stand, and I go to piano bars on ships and land, is to see people in the bar requesting song after song after song and never putting so much as a dollar in the tip jar. Tipping is the norm at ALL piano bars, everywhere, regardless of where you are... a ship is NO exception. Just because you don't carry cash doesn't mean you can't get cash... the casino is generally not too far away. But if you are going to sit and request songs, expect to put a tip in there, or don't get pissed when your song isn't played!!!! Now, I've never had a player "beg for tips", but I've had plenty make it known that if you want songs played, a tip would be "appreciated". Perhaps this player was just frustrated because nobody was tipping? I don't know, wasn't there and won't pass judgement... but Mark has always been extremely pleasant to me and I know he is loved by many. Now think about it... they are on these ships every week, thousands of new people board, and it starts all over again... the same people over and over asking for the same "piano" songs. Piano man is hated by probably every performer I know, you can sit in the bar for 5 hours and it will be requested easily 30+ times, over and over... and if they don't play it, they get attitude and then roasted on Cruise Critic... it doesn't matter if they just played it 5 minutes ago. Seriously, as passengers we are really quite arrogant and think it should all be about us... everyone else bow down to the almighty cruiser :rolleyes:


I've been fortunate and have had the pleasure of meeting some great entertainers on Carnival. The other S&S'ers are right... we've cruised with Damian now on 3 cruises and he is top notch, the best I've seen on Carnival... and the money flies when he gets going. He tries to play everything but there is NO WAY they can play all the requests. There was a woman that got upset because he wouldn't play Amazing Grace... okay, first of all, this is a fun place to be... not somber. b, not everyone knows every song... and if they are from a different country, or a different religion, who are we to EXPECT a song like that get played? :rolleyes:


I consider myself a pretty good tipper in piano bars, and don't mind making sure they aren't thirsty (hint, the more drinks the more entertaining many times ;))... probably well above average when the player is very entertaining... I don't do it necessarily because I'm making requests (although I do), I do it because I appreciate the entertainment and the hard work these guys put in. I couldn't do it, I'd end up punching too many people in the face :p LOL


It just seems far too easy to leave if you aren't being entertained or you are offended... just my opinion.

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I think what was lacking with the performer in the Piano Bar is humility.

THIS IS A SHOW, people! Why does he have to have humility? It’s all part of his shtick. Who are YOU to tell him how to behave in HIS show? I chatted with him for a while out on the Lido deck on two different occasions. He was nothing but polite, funny, and kind. He was truly appreciative of my compliments and a lot of fun to talk with.



If you feel like being a jerk, demanding money, then people will be in the lounge, or in the casino, or lobby; anywhere else than berated by some guy who CLEARLY hates his job. On the plus side, you won't have to play anything by Elton John or Billy Joel; easy night for you. If he truly enjoyed playing songs and entertaining people, then he wouldn't need to ask for more money.


How on earth can you say that he CLEARLY hates his job? It is CLEAR to me that he rather likes it. Do you LOVE your job? If you truly enjoyed it, maybe you should tell your boss that you would like a decrease in your pay… surly you don’t need to ask for so much money. Do you know how much he is paid by Carnival? Do you know what he is paid by Sweet Caroline’s in NYC? Then don’t tell him how much money he should or shouldn’t be asking for.


Everyone has their own style though and it is a show, not a jukebox....


Think of it like a juke box.... you can sit and listen/sing along for free, but if you want to pick the songs, put something in jar....




I simply am not in the habit of carrying around cash with me when I am out and about on the ship.


I didn’t have any cash on me the first night either. But during the next day I thought of a couple songs I wanted to request. I put a few $1 bills in my purse the next night. No biggie.


If I am sitting there without any $$$ on me, I feel like a freeloader,


Half the time I was there I never requested a song. I didn’t feel like a freeloader, and Mark never said anything to anyone who just enjoyed the show without “joining” the show.


My mother was on the cruise with us. The first night, she was turned off by the way his show worked. Another night she came back in because that is where I was hanging out. She admitted she had a much better time and it wasn’t so bad. She NEVER requested a song and sat up at the bar at the piano the whole time. We even joked when she left (to go to the casino) that “Mark had finally scared off my mom” and he said, “No, bring her back!” Again, SHE NEVER TIPPED him. He was never rude to her or pointed out that she didn’t request anything.


My mom went on another cruise just a week later. She went to the piano bar on that ship and guess what… it was empty. The piano player was boring and had zero personality. She actually said she MISSED MARK! But is she on here flaming THAT piano bar guy simply because she thought his show was terrible?


even though I always tip very well before we leave the ship


I’m not going to call you out on this because I don’t know you. But… this is a lie very similar to the “Yes Dr. Dentist, I floss every day” lie and the “I don’t pick my nose” lie that EVERYONE TELLS. Sure there are some people who do floss, and maybe someone, somewhere who doesn’t occasionally pick their nose, but the “I am a good tipper” lie is just that. A lie. And every performer and waitress, etc knows it is a lie. And every cruise ship company knows it too. Why do you think they put the tips on your sail and sign automatically now instead of just trusting you to make the right decision in tipping with the little envelopes? Because they know that the vast majority of people TIP POORLY. In almost every case, a person TIPS AS SERVICES ARE RENDERED. Not a week later. Why would you expect a piano bar to expect to be tipped any other way?


Yhony (cave-tubing.com) had some guides who were making people uncomfortable with their "tipping requests".


This just proves MY point, and not yours… these guides were driven to be more forceful with their tip requests because they were not being tipped as they should have been. I can’t tell you how many times have I seen tour guests just walk right by the tip jar because they knew they wouldn’t be back and have to see these guides again, so why bother.


I too witnessed his demonstration on how to wrap a $5.00 bill around a request. I also witnessed someone giving him $5.00 to play a song and someone else gave him more than $5.00 to play something else. He kept the original $5.00 without playing their song.


Yes, on our cruise he had a $5 used in the demonstration of how a request should be offered. But that was just subliminal messaging! LOL! I personally requested about 10 songs during the cruise. Every one of the requests came with a ONE dollar bill. And EVERY song was played. I take that back… another person paid $2 to interrupt my song. But you know what… IT WAS FUNNY! And for the record, there were fewer than 5 songs the entire cruise that were “outbid” by someone else. And EVERY TIME it was met with jokes and laughter.


In the interest of full disclosure, I must say that I also requested a song by buying him a $9 shot of Patron. I bought one for myself as well. We did the shot together and he played my request. Some of the best money I spent during the entire cruise.


I felt very uncomfortable, therefore, I left.


This is one of the first intelligent comments I read by someone who wasn’t happy with the show.


I do not like “Vegas style” dancing shows. They’re just not my thing. I can appreciate the work that goes into learning the steps and the natural skill needed to make those steps look good. But I don’t care to watch a bunch of feathered women with naked butts prance around the stage. What if I am offended by the nakedness? Should I start flaming all the dancers, telling how rude I think they are, that they need to have some modesty? Should I write letters to Carnival telling them how unhappy I was at the show? No. Why? Because it is a matter of TASTE. A matter of personal PREFERENCE. You could tell by the way the dance show was packed each night that there were a lot of people who liked the show. Who am I to “hope that Carnival does something” about it? I went to the show one night because my friend had never seen that style of show and wanted to go. Neither of us went back. I can also say that while the comedian was excellent, the hypnotist was a crappy performer and the “magician” was just average at best. Whatever… so I didn’t like the show. Big deal.


I know I could never do it for one hour, let alone 4 hours a night, 6 nights a week.


One afternoon I saw Mark on the Lido deck and asked if the Caper just forgot to list his show or if he was truly off for the night. He said he was off, but a lot of people had approached him and they were disappointed. He said to spread the word and if we wanted him to play that night he would. The piano bar was PACKED that night when he walked in to perform. He was NOT on the clock. Carnival was NOT paying for his time that night and he chose to work his one night off that week because there were guests who wanted to be there with him.


And for all his claims of his Vegas & NY shows etc......Dude! You work on a Cruise Ship!!!!


One important “rule” on a board like this: Don’t talk about things you don’t know about because you will surely run into someone who does know and will gladly call you out on it. He doesn’t just “claim” to work in other places. He DOES. I addition to his cruise ship gig…


He works in New Orleans and in Vegas.


He regularly works at Sweet Caroline’s Dueling Piano Bar in Times Square. He will be performing there on New Year’s Eve. It's a $200 cover charge to get in. (But that doesn’t mean a thing since they only hire the crappiest performers for their biggest night of the year.)


He has produced a CD of piano bar songs but also an original song.


His musical KISS & MAKE UP opened last year at the historic Lucille Lortel Theater in lower Manhattan and starred Broadway performer David Sabella (CHICAGO).


Sounds like he has no talent and isn’t a professional, huh?


[The comedian]was perpetuating the stereotype...like it was beneath him. Sooooo., don't blame me, I'm just pointing out what the industry says about [cruise ship entertainers]...right or wrong.


So as long as the stereotype is out there… right or wrong... it is OK for YOU to perpetuate it as well by “pointing it out?” Would that be your opinion of ALL stereotypes? It’s ok to point them out and bring them up because it’s already “out there?”


Ouch. After reading your post, I'm going to look at every single piano bar entertainer, knowing that he basically hates us all, is sick of all of us, can't stand the songs he's playing, and only wants our money.


If you will read more closely, he says “people like YOU” make him sick. He did not say ALL the people in his audience. And know that YOU are in the minority when it comes to his audience.


If you are offended by something, then LEAVE. JUST LEAVE.

Well written! Now, can we play "guess who?"


It really doesn't matter WHO wrote that response. It was absolutely DEAD ON!


You want to know why there are a lot of complaints about Mark over here? Because the majority of "reviews" to any entertainer or port or ship or meal that is written on a board like this are going to be NEGATIVE. Disgruntled people LOVE to complain about everything and suck other people into their misery. You know where all the people are who DID like him? They are over at his web page thanking him for the entertainment he provided at the last show they saw. They are moving on with their lives, and not wallowing in their little pity pool saying, "Poor me, I didn't like the Piano Player on the cruise ship." They are looking forward to the next time they will get a chance to see him perform.


Mark, if you are reading this, make it the last post you read in this thread. Those that love you, love you. Those that didn't appreciate your entertainment are entitled to their opinion but don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

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I am a piano bar entertainer...


If you truly are then you have just disgraced the profession more than the demand for tipping issue being discussed in here. I think you could be forgiven for being upset but yelling at and insulting your customers is not kosher. Your post has really left a bad taste in my mouth.

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I don't know Amy, it didn't sound like he was only referring to the OP when he made these statements:


"We deserve every tip we hustle. I understand why Mark uses the term "Piano whore", we lay on our backs for you FOR A PRICE. Do you seriously think any musician enjoys all the GARBAGE we have to play for you. Jimmy Buffet, Billy Joel, guess what? WE HATE THEM, but we play it to MAKE MONEY.

Every bull**** song we learn is an investment because some drunk nobody somewhere will want to hear it and we will play it for them. Cause I will tell you something you should know. We may have to act like we like you, but we dont, we want your money. The same as any other business in existence. Its our JOB to be nice to you and know your songs, its YOUR part in the equation to pay us for that service."


That just totally bums me out. Who wants to listen to someone who feels like they are laying on their backs for us drunk nobody's who they don't like at all, playing songs that they hate???

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But yelling at and insulting the entertainer is okay? And don't say the previous posts were not insulting. They were downright ugly.
I never condoned that at all. I was addressing the post I quoted only. When did two wrongs ever make a right?


I don't wish to get in an argument. No one is going to win this anyway. I was just expressing my distaste at that post.

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Kudos to Amy for the above response.


If you frequent piano bars, and especially the dueling piano bars, you will know what type of show Mark puts on. I seem to recall paying $25 once to stop a song (it was the Univ of North Dakota fight song), but someone out-paid me to stop my song. It is all in fun. As for "begging" (and I use the term in jest) for tips, it is all part of that "culture", if you will. FTLOG - how much money did we throw at those guys at Howl at the Moon in FLL? I even paid to have something written on the mirror, and then the price went up if you wanted to erase my profound thought and write your own.


Every piano bar player has a different personality (surprise, surprise) and therefore, his/her show will be different from everyone else's. I like my piano bars loud and rocking, I don't stick around if they put me to sleep with quiet background musak. Should I write a letter to Carnival to complain about the last piano player who was too reserved? :rolleyes:

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I was on the Valor in June of 2007, and Mark was one of the best parts of that cruise. We ended up talking to him on deck a few times. He didn't know one of the songs that we asked him to play, so he went and looked it up. Before the end of the cruise, he had learned the song and played it.

Every piano bar I've ever been to there is the expectations of a tip if you want a song played, so it wasn't that big of a deal. He worked hard and deserved every dollar he received.

We went to the piano bar every night (he even played on his night off), and even thought of making a trip to Sweet Caroline's to see him play.

He made it an amazing cruise!

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I am a piano bar entertainer and I HAVE to say something. People like you really make me sick.

I have heard about mark hustling tips, maybe it is excessive, maybe not.

If you are offended by something, then LEAVE. JUST LEAVE. I saw you have more than 2,000 posts on cruise critic. That is seriously weird. Some guy is hustling tips so you go home on your little computer and type bad things things about him. Dont you have anything better to do? You have posted multiple negative things about him, and when he defended him self on the blog you made it a point to go behind him and slam him some more. What is wrong with you? Seriously. We GET it, you didnt like the show. But mark is not in a position to tell you what he thinks because you all know who he is, and it could mess up his rep, so I will tell you what I think of you.

I know the kind of audience member you are. The kind of person who will request some obscure song no one has ever heard of and then be SHOCKED that we dont know it. Maybe even make a really dramatic and disgusted face as if we have fallen below your standard, as if YOU knew how to play the song yourself. And IF we did know the song there is a good chance you would pick it apart and not tip us.

You all want the world from us. Every song you can think of and you want it done well. Do you have ANY IDEA how many songs there are? Do you have ANY CLUE how long it takes to learn them HALF way decently? We deserve every tip we hustle. I understand why Mark uses the term "Piano whore", we lay on our backs for you FOR A PRICE. Do you seriously think any musician enjoys all the GARBAGE we have to play for you. Jimmy Buffet, Billy Joel, guess what? WE HATE THEM, but we play it to MAKE MONEY.

Every bull**** song we learn is an investment because some drunk nobody somewhere will want to hear it and we will play it for them. Take in to consideration that most any piano man you meet will know 5 to 6 times more songs than any band you will ever hear. I know Mark knows about 2,000 songs. That is INSANE. If I knew that many I would want to be paid for every song I played.

You may say, "If you dont like it quit". I say to you, do you LOVE your job, or does it just pay the bills? We are WORKING, the same as anyone else. You know the difference between us and you?

Nobody cares about you. There is no board online where ignorant strangers critique your performance. No place online where people get off on some sort of sense of power judging what you do to the tee. People like you dont have the guts to just say what you want to say to OUR FACE and be done with it. No, you write little "comment cards" or go home and write little "blogs" about people. I feel bad writing this ONE thing, because there are MUCH BETTER THINGS i could be doing, but I HAD to get this out because I wonder why people like you are the way they are. People like you should take a step back and look at yourself. When did you get this way? Did you use to be cool? I think maybe you did, I dont know. Get a hobby or something. Cause I will tell you something you should know. We may have to act like we like you, but we dont, we want your money. The same as any other business in existence. Its our JOB to be nice to you and know your songs, its YOUR part in the equation to pay us for that service. If you are not down with that, dont go to piano bars. Period. And certainly dont be a little Nancy and go writing things about people, have a spine.

Thats all.


Wow Mark, feel better now. I do love my "job" (most nights) and thankfully it does pay good. I really don't think of my "job" as a job but as a career because I plan on doing it until I retire.


I have never asked for a obscure song to be played. I do tip and enjoy piano bars. We were trying to give you some constructive critisim. If most people enjoy your constant demanding of tips keep your show as you have always done it. We were turned off on the first night and tried to return several times in the week only to hear the same demands for tips. We did leave and are posting our thoughts on the subject. I think you are talanted and would of had a great time but was turned away by the constant talking about "requests are suggestions with a $5 bill wrapped around them". I hope you find a job you love because life is too short to "HATE" what you do and who you do it for. I don't feel I have been rude but the above is rude and makes it sound like "all" piano bar players hate their jobs. I don't think that is true but if you do it might be time to look for a new job.

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I find "Fireface" an oxymoron...."fireface" wants to slam folks on here for not having the "spine" to tell people "to their face" and then comes on here

anonymously and make horrific judgments about people he/she has never met.


Sorry, but we do not have to "get over it and shut our mouths". Like it or not, we are the reason "Fireface" has a job. I suggest if "Fireface" doesn't like the people who are paying their salary....that they find another line of work.


The posters on here merely expressed their opinion that an entertainer was over the top in his presentation of tips. Most never said they don't tip. Most never said entertainers don't serve a tip. ALL were also very complimentary of this entertainers talents and abilities.


And yes, when this entertainer basically called them all a "liar"... they defended themselves with their "proof" of when this happened and how it happened and since we are hearing the same story from multiple people who were not on the same cruise....I am inclined to believe them.


Sorry someone who is suppose to be a professional can not handle a little critizism ... How sad.....

Thanks LHP. I never "hid" behind my remarks. My picture is my avatar. I know have met many people who are on these boards. I will stand behind my posts. I don't feel I have ever been rude in this thread. We did leave and have only responded back to give our "proof". I would have no reason to make this up. I love Carnival, cruising, piano bars and most people.

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I am going to go out on a limb here....because ALL I am going on is my gut.


But I am 99.9999999999999% POSITIVE that "Fireface" is NOT Mark and I certainly do not want folks to believe that it is.


I am also "almost" positive I know who it is and it is not anyone that folks on here would know....but again, please do not attribute the comments by "Fireface" to Mark.


That would not be fair.

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I don't know Amy, it didn't sound like he was only referring to the OP when he made these statements:


"We deserve every tip we hustle. I understand why Mark uses the term "Piano whore", we lay on our backs for you FOR A PRICE. Do you seriously think any musician enjoys all the GARBAGE we have to play for you. Jimmy Buffet, Billy Joel, guess what? WE HATE THEM, but we play it to MAKE MONEY.

Every bull**** song we learn is an investment because some drunk nobody somewhere will want to hear it and we will play it for them. Cause I will tell you something you should know. We may have to act like we like you, but we dont, we want your money. The same as any other business in existence. Its our JOB to be nice to you and know your songs, its YOUR part in the equation to pay us for that service."


That just totally bums me out. Who wants to listen to someone who feels like they are laying on their backs for us drunk nobody's who they don't like at all, playing songs that they hate???


I have to agree with you Sue... the post went over the line, and I am sure doesn't speak for all of the entertainers... there are some that are genuine and enjoy entertaining people. There are always going to be passengers that tick off the players... but to say that it is their JOB to be nice? Seriously?

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I am going to go out on a limb here....because ALL I am going on is my gut.


But I am 99.9999999999999% POSITIVE that "Fireface" is NOT Mark and I certainly do not want folks to believe that it is.


I am also "almost" positive I know who it is and it is not anyone that folks on here would know....but again, please do not attribute the comments by "Fireface" to Mark.


That would not be fair.


I agree with you 100%...

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Geez, I walk away for a few days...


Wow Mark, feel better now. I do love my "job" (most nights) and thankfully it does pay good. I really don't think of my "job" as a job but as a career because I plan on doing it until I retire.


Ummm, Sandgnat... I don't think that Mark is Fireface. In fact, judging by the content and writing style I'm pretty certain he isn't. And you do him a disservice by assuming that. Mark has always been very open with who he is and what his opinions are, sometimes to his detriment.


For everyone else, including Fireface, a little decorum please. There are ways of expressing your opinions without getting nasty.


And yes, this board is a place to express opinions, good and bad. And while I'm fairly certain that FireFace doesn't give a rat's patootie about my opinion, an angry and ugly post like that one, doesn't help anyone, least of all the other piano entertainers. Carnival does monitor these boards and the last thing that I want to see happen is a rule coming down that says the Carnival folk can't post here. There are many out there who appreciate the perspective from the other side of the keyboard. And believe it or not this forum can be very useful for getting the word out and butts in the seats.


Oh and as far as "we lay on our backs for you FOR A PRICE" is concerned, my standard response is that even a john wants to believe that the wh*re is enjoying themselves. And I have to say, Mark is pretty skillful at that because every time I've seen him, he certainly seems to be having a good time.


I hope no one is truly put off from the piano bars by that post, because they can be a lot fun and the styles are as varied as music itself.



That being said, does anyone know who is on the Inspiration for the Dec 6th 5 day cruise? I think I saw another thread with a list but can't remember where it is.


Karen, FL:cool:




Richie Canter is on the Inspiration until the 15th. This is the thread you are looking for http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=362780



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I am going to go out on a limb here....because ALL I am going on is my gut.


But I am 99.9999999999999% POSITIVE that "Fireface" is NOT Mark and I certainly do not want folks to believe that it is.


I am also "almost" positive I know who it is and it is not anyone that folks on here would know....but again, please do not attribute the comments by "Fireface" to Mark.


That would not be fair.

OK if it is not Mark then I am sorry for attributing the quote from "firefox" to him. I am not trying to be rude on this thread just state our perceptions of his demands for tips. I think he is talented and would of spent every night there if it was not for the constant talking of tips. I just think me being singled out here with such a nasty post is uncalled for. We did think he had talent. Maybe he was much more forceful with his demands for tips on our cruise. We were there the first night as he started his gig. In the 1/2 hour we were there we probably heard his demand 5-6 times, it got old quick and we left. We tried to return a few times to only hear the same thing. I have never heard this from any other piano player and I know Damian did not say it while I was in the piano bar and he received many tips and drinks.
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OK if it is not Mark then I am sorry for attributing the quote from "firefox" to him. I am not trying to be rude on this thread just state our perceptions of his demands for tips. I think he is talented and would of spent every night there if it was not for the constant talking of tips. I just think me being singled out here with such a nasty post is uncalled for. We did think he had talent. Maybe he was much more forceful with his demands for tips on our cruise. We were there the first night as he started his gig. In the 1/2 hour we were there we probably heard his demand 5-6 times, it got old quick and we left. We tried to return a few times to only hear the same thing. I have never heard this from any other piano player and I know Damian did not say it while I was in the piano bar and he received many tips and drinks.


It was an honest assumption...which is why I posted!! :)


Now I order EVERYONE to go enjoy a PIANO BAR!!!!!


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