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Sneaking a smoke...possible or not??


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Well, as I assumed,,,many people who disagree with smoking replied, and I understand where you are coming from. I was also asked why did I choose Celebrity...well,,,being a newbie,,lacking info, etc. I booked this cruise thru RCI cruise. I did specifically ask about smoking, but was told probably not in cabin but the balcony would be fine. I also asked questions about dress code,,,was told not to worry about it,,,nice shirt and tie would be fine (that would be without a jacket) to a formal meal. After I booked and room was assigned,,,I started seeing some of the comments about new smoking laws.

I questioned my RCI cruise specialist and was told that oh yeah,,,the new law is in effect Oct /08. So you see,,,I guess I should have known about this forum and others.....seemed like I did a reasonable amount of research,,,but, again, being a newbie,,,,guess you live and learn.

Celebrity looked like a nicer cruise line,,,so I took it over Carnival. What can I say??

I would never be stupid enough to throw a butt over board, or anything of the nature.

Sorry if I offended any of you non-smokers, or people with allergies. But,,there still are some considerate smokers out there and I happen to be one of them just wanting to have a relaxing,,non stressful holiday. LIke I said, I guess I have learned that in the future, if I like cruising,,,Celebrity is NOT the way to go!

I do appreciate all the answers,,,even though some of them were pointing fingers at smokers and painting us all with the same brush.


I can't believe how stupid people think smokers are. If they do not have an ashtray, check the water glass and you will see ashes at the bottom.. I say go ahead and smoke, if not on your balcony go to the bath room turn on the fan and then spray some perfume. Bet the non-smokers won't be able to tell. Or have your smoke on the balcony and if you are reported say "What I don't smoke" . And for those of you who think I smoke I don't., I am just so tried of listening to the smoking cause cancer thing. So does smog, and booze (liver cancer). A smokers having a smoke on the balcony before they go to bed, where is the problem. Hopefully you will get people like me as your neighbor, who couldn't give a ******.:rolleyes:

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I say go ahead and smoke, if not on your balcony go to the bath room turn on the fan and then spray some perfume. Bet the non-smokers won't be able to tell.
That's what all former smokers thought when they were smoking. I can't believe I thought I was fooling anyone when I would duck into the bathroom and crank open the window for a smoke and then spray with room spray! DH and I were recently in the elevator in a medical building and as I stepped in I remarked, "Someone who smokes has been in here." And the elevator was empty when we got on. I wasn't angry or upset, just amazed that I could tell.
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Many, many hotels going smoke free in all their rooms. It is their biggest expense, refurb and cleaning of rooms that guest have smoked in so I imagine is a huge problem for the ships as well. When they said "make smoking history" they meant it. I'm an ex-smoker, and I used to plan my life and times around it too, don't miss that. Smoke em if you got em on the ships that allow, soon that'll be history too.

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Unlikely - RCCL had the perfect opportunity with the new Oasis - but didn't make it non-smoking. Carnival Paradise is the only mass market line that tried total non-smoking - it was a dismal failure financially and they abandoned it. There will be some lines that ban it, but not all.


I don't think this person should break the rules - very well could be put off the ship - and breaking the rules just gives ammo to the anti-smoking zealots. Just pick a more compatible line next time.


Smoke em if you got em on the ships that allow' date=' soon that'll be history too.[/quote']
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The 'dismal failure" Paradise sailed smoke free about 10 years!~ :eek: They never changed the itinerary. People got bored.


The latest statistics re: smoking are for the first time, less than 20% of the U.S. population smokes. I don't know the numbers for Canada but suspect it is similar.


Smokers are becoming such a small percentage of the U.S. population and so many cruisers on the ships most of us sail are from U.S. and Canada...... guess, it is only a matter of time when their numbers will no longer be significant and cruise lines will say, No to smoking in cabins, verandas, public areas except maybe a small outside area.


The fewer the numbers the small their influence.


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I think you are wrong there with the 10 years - the ship came into service in 1998 and abandoned smoke-free in 2003. If it were strictly the itinerary, they'd have just changed the itinerary and kept it non-smoking :) I've seen several sources that it was about the poor financial performance due to the no smoking - here's just one of them:


From Wikipedia: Due to poor revenue, Carnival decided to discontinue the smoke-free ship in December 2003 because non-smokers tend to not drink or gamble as much as those accustomed to smoke.

Hmm, I don't disagree smoking has dropped - but I don't believe it's always as much as is stated. For example, here in MD they raised taxes a huge amount at once, and then put in the smoking ban. Cigarette sales dropped. The anti-smoking zealots ran around rejoicing in their 'success' - they had saved so many people from themselves - and cut smoking in MD.


Then the State had to deal with a very sudden and very unexpected decrease in tobacco tax revenue - they expected a drop due to people quitting - but the drop was staggering. When they investigated they found that the number of smokers hadn't dropped like implied, they just went to other states to buy their cigarettes. I do that at times - I'm in VA frequently - I can buy a carton for literally half the price.


I do believe that the lines are seriously courting overseas cruisers - and from what I hear the ships with sailings not originating here are full of smokers. And - given tough economic times - and all the ships about to come online - I don't think that they will alienate customers. Heck, some lines still allow in-cabin smoking :eek:


The 'dismal failure" Paradise sailed smoke free about 10 years!~ :eek: They never changed the itinerary. People got bored.


The latest statistics re: smoking are for the first time, less than 20% of the U.S. population smokes. I don't know the numbers for Canada but suspect it is similar.


Smokers are becoming such a small percentage of the U.S. population and so many cruisers on the ships most of us sail are from U.S. and Canada...... guess, it is only a matter of time when their numbers will no longer be significant and cruise lines will say, No to smoking in cabins, verandas, public areas except maybe a small outside area.


The fewer the numbers the small their influence.


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Didn't realize that was their policy, well, we will never use that cruise line. Not really sure why you would chose this cruise line being that you are a smoker??? Personally, I know how that goes since I am a smoker too, but I wouldn't want to take that chance! Good luck to you.

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Sorry ... Not on Celebrity ships anymore. New Smoking Policy as of Oct 1/08 .


Pat :)


This is the thing to look out for, I beleive the various cruise lines policies are changing, probably on a seasonal basis/refit basis and as such, if todays "rules" no longer apply and you may get caught out.

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Maybe this is due to some sort of safety regulation. If they had to make a rule like this, then something probably happened that led this rule into being.


If you are wondering if you should try it, you probably shouldn't.


Used to be you could go anywhere and it was IMPOSSIBLE to find a smoke free place. Now it's the complete oppositte. As a nonsmoker, I appreciate this. For the smoker, it's a bum rap.


You'll probably just have to do what the rules say. If you don't, and you get caught, you'll forfeit your right to complain.


Seriously,,,I need to know if I need to have a bedtime smoke,,,on my balcony,,,on Celebrity Century ship,,,4 nite cruise,,,will I be busted?? What is the worse case scenario. Has anyone done it?? Do I have to get dressed and go to one of the smoking areas. I really cannot believe that when you are on vacation you cannot smoke "outdoors" which is what a balcony is.

I need you to be honest,,,have you done it,,,what happened,,,and what is the worst that can happen. We are on holidays,,,dress code,,,rules,,,,etc.etc. I sure hope that I did the right thing by booking a cruise to see if I like it.



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I've been a smoker for over 60 years now. Know I should quit but.........


Researched many of the new smokeless products that are on the market and settled on one called Aeros. Great hold over product for those tough times in the airport, hotel, shipboard, etc. Just a plastic tube. Nip the ends off and use like a regular smoke. Each one lasts up to three days. No smoke, no smell, no junk. Have Menthol, Regular and Cigar flavors. Not the sensation of the real deal but sure cuts the edge. First few puffs of a fresh one need to be taken slowly. Will set you back on your heels. :eek:



Thanks for the tip on Aeros!


DH is a smoker and was upset that he wouldn't be able to have his last smoke of the day on our balcony so he decided to order the Aeros and see if they'll work for him. DH never smoked in our cabin (home either) as I'm not a smoker and he would never light up if our cruise neighbors were out on their balconies either. He said he'd be fine the rest of the day but he enjoys that last smoke on our balcony in private. Hope the Aeros work for him for his balcony smoke time. The website for Aeros Smokes is www.aerosinfo.com


Pat :)

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Then the State had to deal with a very sudden and very unexpected decrease in tobacco tax revenue - they expected a drop due to people quitting - but the drop was staggering. When they investigated they found that the number of smokers hadn't dropped like implied, they just went to other states to buy their cigarettes. I do that at times - I'm in VA frequently - I can buy a carton for literally half the price.


It is a national statistic that the percent of Americans who smoke is now under 20%. This is not a state by state statistic. There are less than 20% of the population and the number continues to drop. We can only hope it drops into obliteration very soon, for everyone's benefit.


The fewer smokers, the less influence they have. When the numbers get this low, they have ineffectual 'threat power'.... ie I'll stop cruising etc


Oh yah..... any idea what it costs your state for smoking related illnesses? Loss of work? Fires caused by careless disposal of cigarettes?



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I can't believe how stupid people think smokers are. If they do not have an ashtray, check the water glass and you will see ashes at the bottom.. I say go ahead and smoke, if not on your balcony go to the bath room turn on the fan and then spray some perfume. Bet the non-smokers won't be able to tell. Or have your smoke on the balcony and if you are reported say "What I don't smoke" . And for those of you who think I smoke I don't., I am just so tried of listening to the smoking cause cancer thing. So does smog, and booze (liver cancer). A smokers having a smoke on the balcony before they go to bed, where is the problem. Hopefully you will get people like me as your neighbor, who couldn't give a ******.:rolleyes:


Canadian Hey,,,So glad that there are still people like you around.....I am a very considerate smoker,,,,I am talking about one smoke with my coffee in morning,,,,probably one at night,,,,,honestly,,,how much damage could that do to anyone, especially when it is outdoors! I guess I can only hope I have neighbours on all sides of our balcony that are there to enjoy the trip,,,not give lectures on smoking, etc. REally getting tired of it. Booze,,,idling cars,,,,people driving two blocks instead of walking,,,,factories polluting the air,,,additives in our food,,,raw milk,,,the list goes on....these fore mentioned are all taxing our health system and for those of you that do not smoke,,,,yours too. But,,,because the government has plugged the no smoking thing,,,,it is an issue!! What the government won't admit is that they would be broke if they didn't have the taxes collected from us smokers!! That is why cigarettes are still legal in Canada anyways.

Anywho,,,keeping my fingers crossed for good balcony neighbours!!!! I have already checked,,,I sail in Feb,,,,so too late to switch and rebook to another line or I would have.

Interesting how people openly discuss smuggling booze in suitcases,,and that is Ok,,,,mmmmmm isn't that breaking the rules too?????????? What can I say???

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Well, being an analyst, I know that you can make statistics say anything you want them too.


Don't know what it costs my state - I have private insurance so I don't depend on the state for any of my medical costs. Here there are many more home fires reported from electrical, dryer vent, kerosene heaters, and candles than smoking - it's that season - we'll be hearing about them weekly through the winter months. And a good portion - of that $232 million dollars of charity care my company gave away in healthcare in the last reported FY was for illegals not smokers - so the claim that it's the major drain on the state and the healthcare system is pretty much bunk.


And - ever looked at the cost of alcohol related illness/abuse/car wrecks - healthcare wise and law enforcement wise? But nobody complains about that.


It is a national statistic that the percent of Americans who smoke is now under 20%. This is not a state by state statistic. There are less than 20% of the population and the number continues to drop. We can only hope it drops into obliteration very soon, for everyone's benefit.


The fewer smokers, the less influence they have. When the numbers get this low, they have ineffectual 'threat power'.... ie I'll stop cruising etc


Oh yah..... any idea what it costs your state for smoking related illnesses? Loss of work? Fires caused by careless disposal of cigarettes?



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Well, being an analyst, I know that you can make statistics say anything you want them too.


Don't know what it costs my state - I have private insurance so I don't depend on the state for any of my medical costs. Here there are many more home fires reported from electrical, dryer vent, kerosene heaters, and candles than smoking - it's that season - we'll be hearing about them weekly through the winter months. And a good portion - of that $232 million dollars of charity care my company gave away in healthcare in the last reported FY was for illegals not smokers - so the claim that it's the major drain on the state and the healthcare system is pretty much bunk.


And - ever looked at the cost of alcohol related illness/abuse/car wrecks - healthcare wise and law enforcement wise? But nobody complains about that.

Thank you Allie. I always enjoy your posts. I am 5 months nic free now. My DH still smokes. He has rights too and is also considerate........He will quit when and if he decides to and not because he is being forced to. If he has to leave the cabin for a smoking area, so be it. It is not like he cannot find a place to have a smoke.

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Like Sail, I wonder if there's a point, but....MegaMania, all of us are very sorry your stupid travel agent put you in this position. You're on the wrong cruise line for your needs, and that stinks. I really, really hope you cruise again on a line with smoking rules that meet your needs.


I have no problem at all with considerate smokers....zero, nada, zilch. They follow the rules. That means I know what places I should avoid because smoking is going to occur (and remember, this is a pretty serious health issue for me, nothing to do with the "perils of second hand smoke" or a mere preference).


But MegaMania, you insist you're "considerate", yet figure it's OK to break those rules! I'm sorry, but smokers who smoke where it's specified there is "NO SMOKING" are NOT considerate. You give people like me no way to keep ourselves healthy. And, no, I'm not claiming a tobacco "allergy". I have problems with fireplaces, burning leaves, pollution and anything that puts particulate matter in the air, including tobacco smoke. There are enough other "wild cards" without having to deal with smoke drifting into the space I sleep on vacation. It takes very little to start me coughing, and very little more for my sinuses to start bleeding. I don't have your cruise booked, but who's to say someone just like me isn't your neighbour?


Besides, you're not helping your fellow smokers who DO follow the rules. You're giving the radical non-smokers ammunition: "Look, they break the rules, so the rules don't work. Now we have to ban smoking totally." :rolleyes:


Smokers have no idea how easy it is to "track" cigarette smoke. You'll probably have at least 50 nearby cabins who might search you out and turn you in. Don't make your cruise more unpleasant by risking a fine.


I wish you well, and hope despite the odds stacked against you, you enjoy your cruise.

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Thanks. I'm always amazed at the people who absolutely can't deal with anything, especially facts, that isn't exactly what they've been told or contravenes or takes away from what they've been told day in and day out - or when asked to look at another side of a subject.


I did a lot of research when we had one of the longest smoking threads ever - stunning how people will panic over the mouse in the room while ignoring the lion about to swallow them whole. Reality and science are clear - we aren't going to die from second hand smoke, we're going to die from the pollution from cars and industry long before that - or a car wreck.




Thank you Allie. I always enjoy your posts. I am 5 months nic free now. My DH still smokes. He has rights too and is also considerate........He will quit when and if he decides to and not because he is being forced to. If he has to leave the cabin for a smoking area, so be it. It is not like he cannot find a place to have a smoke.
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I can't believe how stupid people think smokers are. If they do not have an ashtray, check the water glass and you will see ashes at the bottom.. I say go ahead and smoke, if not on your balcony go to the bath room turn on the fan and then spray some perfume. Bet the non-smokers won't be able to tell. Or have your smoke on the balcony and if you are reported say "What I don't smoke" . And for those of you who think I smoke I don't., I am just so tried of listening to the smoking cause cancer thing. So does smog, and booze (liver cancer). A smokers having a smoke on the balcony before they go to bed, where is the problem. Hopefully you will get people like me as your neighbor, who couldn't give a ******.:rolleyes:


This is a perfect example of how certain selfish, inconsiderate smokers can give ALL smokers a bad rep. This is definitely one of the more selfish, inconsiderate posts I've seen on this topic.


First, let me say that, like Fannish posted above, I have absolutely no problem with considerate smokers. I recognize that there are places they are allowed to smoke, and if I don't want to be exposed to it, I will avoid them...and if I go in them anyway, I will not complain about their smoke.


But we non-smokers have a right to not have to smell it in areas that are explicity non-smoking. And on Celebrity, that includes the cabins and the balconies.


I also recognize that second-hand smoke is probably not going to kill me. But the bottom line is that I truly detest the smell of tobacco - ESPECIALLY if it's anywhere near where I'm eating. The smell of cigarette smoke can completely destroy my enjoyment of a meal. If I'm eating in an area that allows smoking - oh well, that's my cross to bear, and I will not expect anyone to deny themselves a cig on my account (but I will probalby try to find some place where I can't smell it). But if it's a non-smoking restaurant, you can be damn sure I will insist that the offending smoker put out his butt. Why should MY meal be destroyed by someone who is blatantly breaking a rule?


Interesting that you ask how "stupid" people think smokers are. Well I can tell you this: it's pretty "stupid" to assume that we can't smell your smoke wherever you've smoked, for a very long time afterwards...particularly if it's in an enclosed area like a cabin or bathroom. Do you REALLY think that the fan in the bathroom is going to eliminate the smell? Or that perfume is going to hide it??? Please. :rolleyes:


As for smoking the balcony - as others said above, I too would report it in a heartbeat. I eat the majority of my breakfasts from room service, on my balcony when weather permits. Celebrity's new smoking rules assure me that I will be able to enjoy my breakfast and coffee without my neighbor's smoke wafting up my nose. That's one of the reason I chose Celebrity. Nor do I want to be in a cabin in which someone was "sneaking" smokes in the bathroom for the entire week before me. The smell of stale cigarette smoke in a small room like a bathroom is something that I find truly disgusting. This is why I always ask for non-smoking rooms in hotels. Celebrity has a policy that assures me I will not have to smell it in my cabin. But your breaking the rule means that someone will. Very considerate.


As for what might happen - I don't care how much "perfume" you spray in your room or bathroom - trust me that your cabin attendant will know instantly that you broke the rule. And you may very well find yourself with a $250 "cleaning fee" applied to your on-board account, as specified in Celebrity's smoking policy.


Canadian Hey,,,So glad that there are still people like you around.....[/Quote]


I was disappointed to hear you say this, because it sounded as if you were at least making an attempt to be a considerate smoker...whereas this poster openly states he/she thinks its perfectly fine to smoke where it is not allowed, and where it would directly impact others. *I* for one am NOT glad that there are still smokers like that around.


I am a very considerate smoker,,,,I am talking about one smoke with my coffee in morning,,,,probably one at night,,,,,honestly,,,how much damage could that do to anyone, especially when it is outdoors!


Your intentions indicate that you are NOT a considerate smoker, as you are saying that you fully intend to break a rule that causes unpleasantness to your fellow passengers. If I am eating my breakfast next to your balcony, or trying to enjoy my nightcap, I do not want to smell your smoke - and Celebrity's rules say that I don't have to. So I would report you...and you would probably have to pay that $250 cleaning fee.


I guess I can only hope I have neighbours on all sides of our balcony that are there to enjoy the trip,,,not give lectures on smoking, etc. REally getting tired of it.


Considerate smokers generally don't get "lectures on not smoking" because they are considerate, and don't inflict the smell of their cigarettes on others - ESPECIALLY where the rules specifically state they are not allowed to. So, just don't do it, and you won't get any lectures.


Anywho,,,keeping my fingers crossed for good balcony neighbours!!!!
As I'm sure your balcony neighbors are too - and they are more than likely hoping they are not stuck next to someone who will selfishly break the smoking rules and foist their smoke on them. Want to have good neighbors? Start by BEING one.


Interesting how people openly discuss smuggling booze in suitcases,,and that is Ok,,,,mmmmmm isn't that breaking the rules too??????????
My smuggled booze has no impact on you. I don't make you drink it. I don't make you smell it. I don't even make you see it. I drink it in the privacy of my cabin, impacting no one but myself. See the difference now?


And finally...sorry, but I couldn't resist...

That's true. However' date=' alcohol related auto accidents kill about 43,000 people a year.[/quote']


On cruise ships??? :rolleyes: :p

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To all of you who took the time to give me insight on the "rules" on Celebrity cruises,,,,I thank you.

I would have appreciated some of the "obvious anti-smoking, bad for health, etc." comments to have been fewer, but so be it.


I do understand the concerns,,,but some people truly are "anal" about such things. I agree it was a total misunderstanding when making the original booking with celebrity,,,I am not stupid enough to purposely set out to not abide by the rules. However, being a new person to cruising,,,not knowing about ship layouts,,,different rules for different ships,,,this all happened. So,,,I accept responsibility for that and have learned a valuable lesson. It is only thru boards like this that I was able to even find out the no smoking policy. I was very saddened, because even though I do not smoke a lot,,,it sure would have been nice with my morning coffee, in my p.j.'s or late at night in the same. To boot, probably Celebrity won't appreciate me even slipping wherever I must to have my night time smoke, unless I am properly dressed!! Oh well live and learn.

From what I read, 'Most" of you understood the predicament I find myself in without getting nasty about it! For that I thank you.

I planned this trip as a gift to husband for Xmas. He too will be disappointed with all the "rules". I just hope that we can get thru it and at least experience some of the fun of cruising. Heads up next time!!

I sure hope that there are people who are not so "anal" about other issues than smoking. Man!! cruising is all about relaxing and holidays isn;t it??


Anywho,,,I have all the info I need,,,again my thanks.:)

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:) I've got a thought.


If you have ever considered quitting, maybe this might be a good chance to give it a try?


Just a suggestion.


A wise nurse, many years ago on a CC board, wrote: "Let's face it. Most smokers are going to have to give it up for one reason or another so may as well do it now and get it over with." That stuck in my head for many years.


Have a great cruise either way. :)

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