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Message Board Etiquette? Your Opinion ....


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One thing I'd like to see some folks consider is quoting the entire post. Some posts are quite long, and the reply refers only to one sentence ... maybe two. Why not delete all but the pertinent sentence(s) and save space and screen loading time? Just a kind suggestion.


That is what I do. :) I find it helpful when other people do it, and so I try to do it, too.

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My pet peeve is smiles..............hate them!


Yes, they are kind of goofy,but they at least give us a clue as to the writer's tone. For example, I think you were being ironic in this post, but you might be serious. Since you didn't use an emoticon, I'm just :confused:.

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Yes, they are kind of goofy,but they at least give us a clue as to the writer's tone. For example, I think you were being ironic in this post, but you might be serious. Since you didn't use an emoticon, I'm just :confused:.


Sorry, but I disagree. I am very serious. I don't think smiles give any clue to the writer's tone. Believe me, I form an opinion when they are used but it is not about the tone.

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Sorry, but I disagree. I am very serious. I don't think smiles give any clue to the writer's tone. Believe me, I form an opinion when they are used but it is not about the tone.
I think we can agree to disagree. A smile or a frown expresses an emotion that is sometimes missing from typed words. They can emphasize a point or cushion a comment. Otherwise, IMHO, it's like talking to someone who has no expression on their face.


To me, the bottom line when posting should be R E S P E C T. Respect for other opinions and our diversity. We don't always have to agree -- and we often don't -- but as long as you respect other opinions and don't make it personal, then post whatever you want as often as you want.


Yes, this is a social networking board as much as an information source. The fact that there are roll calls make it social and that carries over into the cruiseline-specific boards. We get concerned when we learn one of us is ill or a loved one has passed away, and we get concerned when people are put into stressful situations and want to know how they're resolved. We all have a story to tell and no matter how much or how little you post, something to contribute. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. :)


Oh, my pet peeve? Unnecessarily huge signatures. And I'll continue to smile each and every day on these boards. :)

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Sorry, but I disagree. I am very serious. I don't think smiles give any clue to the writer's tone. Believe me, I form an opinion when they are used but it is not about the tone.



Do you mean emoticons in general, or just the smile emoticon? What kind of an opinion do you draw, and is it a reasonable one based upon the content of the post? Personally, I find the use of emoticons helpful to determine nuances of mood and intent (something that can be very difficult to determine online anyway).


In addition to the standard emoticons that the board includes short-cuts for posting, there are others that are exceedingly useful in communicating thoughts, feelings, or ideas ... like:




















There are lots more, but these are some of my favorites. The express all sorts of thoughts, attitudes, and opinions ... and do so in a way that, hopefully, can lighten the mood of an otherwise heated conversation. I know ... sometimes people take them negatively, and some people OVER use them ... but, then, the board has a 5-image limit on each post, so at least they can be kept to a minimum.

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This topic reminds me of what a senator said during a televised Supreme Court confirmation, "... I recall the adage I learned when I first came to Washington that everything's been said, but not everyone has said it yet." It seems like a part of the message is its source, so hearing the same thing from different posters can still add meaning... if I agree of course.



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I think as long as you aren't being deliberately mean and insulting, everyone has the right to jump into a topic. Maybe I may not agree with it or be interested in the subject, but there certainly will be many who are.

And in many case vice versa.


We can all learn and enjoy here.


The smileys and such don't bother me at all, in fact like Revneal mentioned , they can be helpful to determine the posters intent.


I enjoy the pics in people avatars , and many of the little sayings , and the list of their past cruises. It fascinates me where some people have been. :). Hope to run up a long list myself one day *LOL*

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As a fairly new poster who is here for the amazing amount of information I have gleaned here, I can say that whether anyone posts often or seldom you are all new and appreciated to a new person coming in. Your information may be repeated over time but for each of us gobbling up info it is a first. I am amazed by your patience. I know I will be gone as quickly as I arrived after my February cruise and I also know that you will be here helping all the new people asking the same questions. Don't change.


Sail7Seas, you are at the top of my list for helpful, generous and gracious posters. I don't know how I cruised for so many years and knew so little. I will say goodbye with a review but what you all won't see is the absolute admiration for your patience with everything but dress codes and smoking! (kidding)

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This is one of those "It depends" type of questions.


If the poster is asking a factual question, to which there is only one answer, and the answer has been given, it's rude when others re-post the same, exact answer---as if the original reply doesn't exist. It's demeaning to the one who did answer.


If it's an opinion-type thread, then it's fine for anyone and everyone to join in, as long as they can disagree without being disagreeable.


It's also rude to post the same question in multiple threads simultaneously. It's not fair to someone who takes the time to consider your post and respond to it, only to find it's been posed, and answered, in several other threads.


I'll have to agree with the brilliant and charming Ruth. There are obviously some posters who won't take the time to read even 2 or 3 posts in response to a factual question that has been thoroughly answered. It's as if to say, don't bother with other posters, just look for MY posts.


Everyone has a RIGHT to post whatever they want on the boards as long as they respect the terms of service. Being a courteous member of the boards is another situation altogether. I no longer read smoking or dress code threads, because they ALWAYS end up repetitously and discourteously.

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One thing I'd like to see some folks consider is quoting the entire post. Some posts are quite long, and the reply refers only to one sentence ... maybe two. Why not delete all but the pertinent sentence(s) and save space and screen loading time? Just a kind suggestion.


Another version of this situation is when posters "quote" photos. There are times when it is appropriate to the poster's meaning (as in responses to Copper's terrific history thread), but other times it's a waste. Probably the worst example was in Radio's "Live from" thread which included many large wonderful photos. Then people would "quote" a megabyte of photos and say "I just love your pictures". The sentiment is appreciated, the repetition of the photos isn't.

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  • I think you shouldn't be allowed to post if your signature is longer than your post. You sig could be as long as you like, but each time you post with it, you must write enough meaningful post content such that your content will be longer than your sig. Luckily, CC allows me to turn off all sigs when I login, so I don't have to really campaign for this one. Sometimes I get logged out accidentally, and woo-hoo, some of y'all have sigs that are two screenfulls!
  • I think you shouldn't be allowed to quote more lines than you write. You may quote someone else's 40-line post, but you should not be able to add "yeah, me too!" as a reply.
  • I think you shouldn't be allowed to write more than 10% of any one post in bold type. I have a special pet peeve for the 10k+ post club who post every utterance in bold type. There are several of you.
  • I think you should be allowed one reply at a time in each thread. Meaning, you may reply to each thread as many times as you want, but you are limited to one at a time. No more replying six times back-to-back, to reply to someone who replied six times back-to-back two hours ago. This is how people join the 10k+ post club, and I disapprove.
  • Anyone who says "Thread over, move along!" gets a 7-day ban. Second offence, 30-day ban. Third offence... g'bye!

Thank you for starting this thread (even though it was in bold!), so I can air my greviances! :-)

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I see no problem with posting as often as you like and on as many topics as you like ... so long as you don't insult the opinions of others that may happen to differ with your own. After all, we all need to remember, they have a right to their opinion as well ... and every poster on these boards needs to respect that right.


I look upon CC the same way as I look upon a group of friends getting together over the backyard fence, or at the local coffee house. You all talk and you all have opinions on each subject to share. That diversity of opinions is exactly what makes your get togethers fun and interesting. If everyone felt the exact same way about everything, those meetings would get pretty boring.


So add me to the post away camp. I see no reason to impose limits. And, if someone really gets irritated by one particular poster's opinions, I think someone further up on this thread outlined a means to deal with that. Simply ignore their posts!


Blue skies ...



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I agree with a lot of what others have said here, however I have been known to read through 1 or 2 pages of a very long thread, and then post a message without reading every other word. I think we all have our pet peeves, and am not sure exactly what the OP is referring to. What I do not like is people who post numerous times on threads for various cruise lines, when they have a bone to pick with something that went on during 1 voyage, and use that as a means to rip that line apart. Each person here has had a different experience, including when we see a post about a particular ship during a specific sailing, and see that people disagree about how good or bad a time they had on it. As all the repeat cruisers can tell you, each sailing is unique. Sometimes my husband and I disagree about a sailing, and you would think we were on 2 different ships.

What I do not like is the people that use a thread on CC to criticize lawyers or doctors, something that I have seen numerous times.

What I often say about CC is that many people thing that being a critic means that you must criticize.


Robin,just for you! Some random courtroom questions from official courtroom records with both lawyers and a doctors taking center stage! Just a warning; the doctors win this round!;)

Q: Now, doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn't know anything about it until the next morning?

Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?

A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.

Q: And doctor, do you recall approximately the time that you examined the body

A: It was in the evening. The autopsy started about 8:30 pm.

Q: And Mr. Edington was dead at the time, is that correct?

A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy on him!

Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?

A: No.

Q: Did you check for blood pressure?

A: No.

Q: Did you check for breathing?

A: No.

Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?

A: No.

Q: How can you be so sure, doctor?

A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.

Q: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?

A: It is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.

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  • I think you shouldn't be allowed to write more than 10% of any one post in bold type. I have a special pet peeve for the 10k+ post club who post every utterance in bold type. There are several of you.


Did you ever ask why some of us post in BOLD?? I have eye problems and bold type is so much easier for me to read.

There are days when I have a very hard time reading some of the posts.

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Do you think it rude if someone posts often and to lots of different threads?



Do you think it rude to criticize someone who does that?


What do you think? Post to fewer threads? Post less to each thread? Stop criticizing those who post often?
I visit CC for the cruise info, not the social networking. I am always surprised when an informative thread becomes a two way chat about Aunt Tilly's spleen and the prognosis for DH's recovery and what fun we had on that 2003 cruise! These seem to violate the forum guidelines, "Please stay on topic within a forum. Off topic posts that do not violate our Community Guidelines will be moved to our Floataway Lounge forum." Posts are judged on topic if they have anything about anyone who has ever or will ever cruise.


I was amused to run across the same high post count poster who posted nothing but three word sentences of agreement about a dozen times in one day. I wondered if she was some sort of cruise goddess whose opinion carried a lot of weight. (She was not.)


It is fairly easy to ignore the posts that do not interest me. I know better than to read bon voyage and webcam wave threads. They are not my style. Others are here primarily for the social networking. That is fine, too.

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Another good one, John!


It's been very cold here. (I need a cruise.) It's so cold, in fact, that yesterday I saw a lawyer walking down the street with his hands in his OWN pockets! :D


I was going to say that all those lawyer jokes are funny (my son is a lawyer), but I didn't want to be accused of being off-topic for this thread . . .

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Did you ever ask why some of us post in BOLD?? I have eye problems and bold type is so much easier for me to read.


There are days when I have a very hard time reading some of the posts.



KK I am definately at the point where I don't view posting in all caps as shouting. I look at it as "nice easy to read print" *LOL*

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Did you ever ask why some of us post in BOLD?? I have eye problems and bold type is so much easier for me to read.


There are days when I have a very hard time reading some of the posts.



That's just what I was going to suggest. Some folks have difficulty reading smaller fonts.

I keep my email fonts larger than some people do for the same reason KK mentions. And I have a correspondent whose vision requires that I send her emails in extremely large and bold type.

Bold type doesn't bother me. Typing in ALL CAPS does...

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KK I am definately at the point where I don't view posting in all caps as shouting. I look at it as "nice easy to read print" *LOL*


It's like the new cell phones where you can read e-mail, etc., but I have to squint to see the screen! (So no, I don't have one that reads email).

Large fonts, caps, even different colors (like blue) make life easier for many of us.

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