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Solo cruise on the Maasdam 10/24-11/07

airlink diva

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Greetings fellow solo cruisers!!

I know it's been over a month since my cruise,but I had alot going on returning back from it. I had major car problems,a minor illness and had to change my internet service. Now I'm back to normal and online daily!

My most recent cruise was a 14 day Southern Caribbean cruise on the Holland America ship Maasdam. This was my second time on the Maasdam (I did a 10 day last year), my fourth time on Holland America, and my 7th solo cruise. This was my longest cruise and I really enjoyed the lenght of the cruise because I was away from my boring daily grind.

Thanks to everyone on cruisecritic who gave great suggestions and advice!!

Let's begin!!

Fort Lauderdale--I sailed in a day early and stayed at the Hyatt Place. This is a great reasonable price hotel. Due to a tip from another person on this website,I got the room for $79 dollars. I was more than please with the hotel. The staff were great and helpful and there are shops near by for last minute items.

Half Moon Cay--This is HAL private island. To me, this is the perfect beach day and I look forward to this stop as a relaxing day on a beach. The sand is a clean,power white,the water is a clear blue. No vendors to bug you while on the beach!! I always book a clamshell and get off the ship early. I head way down the beach,claim my clamshell and them spend the next couple of hours reading,napping,swimming and working on that ongoing debate on how clear blue the water is!!

San Juan--First time in this port!! Due to great info on the San Juan port of call board, I went to eat breakfast at La Bombonera. It was about a 10 minute walk from the port area. I had a mallorca (a ham and cheese pasty),oj and coffee. I could tell that I was the only tourist in there at the time. It was like a local diner because when certain people walked in the place they were greeted by staff and other customers. I sat their and soak in the atmosphere. My Spainsh is very limited,but I learn a few words and a smile always work. The staff was very nice and more than one stop to ask me was everything ok. The coffee is a local blend and I had three cups!! The mallorca was so yummy!! Cost for the breakfast with tip was about $11,but it was one of my great cruise moments.

I then went to fort San Cristobal. I arrived before any of the ship tours got there so there were only a few people about. I'm a history nut and love visiting such places and gaining knowledge. To think that the fort is over 350 years old and still look good is amazing. The rangers offer short talks about the fort near the entrance. There are alot of photo ops abound. Also, bring water!!! I made the mistake of thinking that since I work outside,no water needed!! I had to purchase two bottles while there to cool down.

I then wandered about the area and stop to purchase cigars from a local vendor that a friend of mine go to every year.

My next stop was for my Segway tour.

I will tell anyone to take the Segway tour in San Juan!! There were only three of us on the noon two hour tour (they also offer a 45 minute tour). Nataile, was our guide for the day and she got each one of us train on the Segway and a test run prior to the tour. Nataile also had our cameras and took photos of us at various stops. This tour also include visiting Castillo San Felipe Del Morro. This is a great tour and I suggest it for something different.

I went back to the ship after this tour and left again to drop some postcards off at the post office and then sat on a bench near by and people watch.

St Thomas--I booked a tour with a local tour guide suggested on St. Thomas port of call board. However, he never arrived and I end up taking a tour offered in the port area. The driver was really nice and gave great insight about St. Thomas. One thing that I liked about him was there were about six people who wanted to head to Megan's Bay. He told them that he could drop them off there and return to pick them up, but due to heavy rains the day before, he was hearing that the bugs were very bad in the area. One of the ladies mentioned that last year they were at Megan's bay with alot of bugs and it was'nt a nice experience. He offered to take them to two other local beaches and pick. It was a nice tour, but due to the number of ships in port that day, it was a packed island and was just not my cup of tea.

St Kitts--I booked a tour with Ilva Wallace, a local tour guide suggested on the St Kitts board. It was a moment of confusion because they had moved the local vendors to a new location and I was in the wrong area. But the local police all know Ms. Wallace and called her to let her know where I was. She greeted me like a was a friend visiting for the day. I was on this tour by myself so I had my own guide and driver and was set on my time and where I wanted to go.

I did a full tour of the island,including visiting Brimstone fort. Ms. Wallace has great insight and pride in her island and I left gaining a friend. When the tour was over, I asked Ms. Wallace to suggest a place for lunch with local food. She escorted me to a resturant and introduced me to the owner. The owner explained about each of the dishes she offered and I got a little of everything. I had a great lunch, sitting on a deck eating and people watching. I also did a little shopping in the port area. The vendors were very nice and if you told them no, that was it. I even talked to one vendor for about 10 minutes about myself and the states and never once did she ask me to buy anything. But they all wanted to know if I enjoyed their island and to tell others about St. Kitts.

Dominica--I booked a tour with Beno. Since I was the only person that pre-booked, he added others on the tour with me. I hate to say it, but I saw for myself how the term "ugly Americans" come about. The women that I was with were some of the most ignorant,racist,stupid people that I ever toured with. I was so ashamed to even be with them n this tour. What I saw on the tour was a lush Eden like island. The vendors roadside were some of the most friendly people with very reasonable prices on their items. I some of the best candy in my life at one of the stops we made. I want to visit this island again,but not touring witch such people.

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Barbados--It was in Barbados that I did my only ship tour. I booked a photo tour with a local photo artist Mr. Carrington. I was expecting a large busload of people, but to my surprise, there were only six of us on this tour. Mr. Carrington himself stated that the normal size of this tour was 30 to 40 people. This was a great size because during the stops, Mr. Carrington was able to work with each one of us and give great tips. I really had a good time of this tour. The only fault was one person with us had failed to read on how long the tour was and had another ship tour that overlap. We had to cut our tour short to get her back to the port area.

I then came off the ship and headed to the Boatyard. The taxi driver suggested another beach,but I heard some good things about this beach and the 20 cost included your chair,one drink and a ride back to the port. The beach and water was nice,but the music loud and I only stayed two hours.

St. Lucia--This was my second time at this board. The first being last year on Easter Sunday and everything was closed. No better excuse than to take another cruise to visit again. I also toured again with Cosol. There were 16 people from the ship on the tour and they split us up between two mini vans. I wasn't the only repeat tourist with him that day. That tells anyone how great a tour guide is when you want to book the same tour again with the same tour guide. There were some changes in the tour this year compared to last year. For one, everything was open. Also, we didn't have the snacks of local foods offered because the lady that prepare it wasn't working on Easter Sunday. Also, the hotel between the Pitons is under remodeling so he took us to another beach that's being built up.

Cosol was wonderful as usual, but did give us some sobering insight on how what's going on in the US effects them in St. Luica. The tourist is way off and alot of the hotels were cutting back on staff because of the low numbers. They depend on the US dollars and people and the numbers were really down. They hoping things turn around so people will return to their wonderful island.

I know this point was brought to face when we did a service stop to pick up people from the ship tour. There were several boats of young men coming out offering to dive for money drop off the ship. This was not going on last year when we were there so thing are getting bad.

Guadeloupe--This was one of the ports that I really was looking forward to. I booked a tour with Shoretrips.com It was the most that I ever paid for a non ship tour of $160. It was high mainly because the Euro is stronger than the dollar and it was a long tour.

I was met by my guide at the port area. Along with me was a grandmother and her four grandchildren. They were staying on the island visiting from France. The grandchildren could speak limited English and I can speak limited French. My guide was wonderful in translating in English and not making me feel like an outsider. We were traveling in a Land Rover and once we got out of the city, we hit a small road and head to a even smaller dirt road within a large sugar plantation. We made various stops to learn about the sugarcane plant, to pick local fruit and even ate some termites (I only ate one!!) Words can't express standing the middle of a sugarcane field on a small winding road with the view of the distance mountains. We next stop near an apartment complex to view a tree that was over 300 years old. We then took to the highway and turn on a small road to a pasture. We crossed the pasture, passing the cows to arrive at a small beach that only the locals would know about. We then headed to another beach were there was only 15 of us enjoying it.

We then drove through small towns like Sainte Rose until we reach Deshaies. We had lunch at a local woman's home. This woman's home sits overlooking the ocean and she had a wonderful garden. She had coffee plants in which she uses,local fruit and vegetables. She was very gracious and we were greeted with a local fruit punch and fruit rum punch. The punch and rum punch was out of this world and some of the best I ever had. I had the place of honor at the head of the table. She was quite glad to see me and my guide explained the so few Americans,esp black Americas, traveling alone and do the tour. We started out with a fresh salad and blood sauage. We then had breadfruit,plantains,other local produce and a spice chicken. Fresh brewed coffee was also offered. I thanked her in my limited French and ask my guide how to say it was a wonderful meal in French. I purchase a bottle of rum and coffee from her. I hate that I only purchased one bottle, because that rum was the best that I ever had from any of the islands.

After lunch, we headed to a local waterfall. We had to climb down to get to this area. Along the small stream and waterfall,you had families out of the day enjoying themselves.

After this we headed back to the port area to drop me off. I received kisses and good bye from everyone.

This was the best tour that I ever been on and regret that HAL stop going to this port. I can say that out of the 1200 people on board the ship,no one had a day like me in Guadeloupe.

St. Maarten--This was my second time in St. Maarten,but I went with another tour guide. I went with Joyce Prince on my tour. I was the only person with her that day so once again, I was on my time and were I wanted to go. I wanted to spend more time on the French side. I can always find wonderful things in the craft market on the French side and last year I never got a chance to go to the fort on the French side.

I had a great time in the market. I purchased paintings,curry,polish jars, and other items. I went up to the fort. Unlike the other island, this fort is in ruins and no efforts in upkeeping it. It does offer amazing views.

We next stop at a local vendor that Ms. Prince knows where I purchased rum and hot sauce. My next stop was a local supermarket for a certain type of rum for a friend of mine. My last stop with Ms. Prince was lunch at a local resturant.

After eating, I went across the street to buy me a mango shake to drink on while walking back to the ship. This small snack shop is located in a gas station lot. They had a small wheel with various color balls in it. I asked the woman ahead of me what was that about. She explained that when you bought something at the snack shop,you had a chance to spin the wheel and win a prize according to the what color ball you get. She told me to try with my purchase. I didn't want to at first,but did. Guess what, I got the ball for free gas!! I was shocked and so were some of the other patrons. I gave it to the woman who suggested to me!! I had fun here like I always do!!

Road Town--I was going to stay on the ship because one I was tired and two, I did the baths last year. But I took the local tour. It was reasonable price and I had a very strong painkiller at Cane garden bay beach.

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I can say as a solo cruiser, I had a good time on my tours on the islands. There are some that stand out to me. Eating breakfast at La Bombonera, standing at the top of the fort Brimstone in St. Kitts,eating sugarcane in a field on a hot Sunday morning in Guadeloupe are things that I will cherish and look back with fondness.

With the exception of the people that I toured with in Dominica, I found that my fellow people on the tours to be nice. I even had some that were amazed that I was traveling alone. I had one guy on my tour in Roadtown that told me he admired me for enjoying myself by cruising solo.

I wanted to cover the tour and ports first and then the ship

Cabin--I had an outside cabin on this cruise. One of the things that I love about cruising solo is having a cabin to myself!! There were some days that I went to bed right after dinner and others I was up until early morning hours watch tv and ordering room service!! I also enjoyed sitting in my cabin some days just watch the ocean.

Themal Spa-I purchased the themal spa access pass once I got on board. I enjoyed this so much last year and wanted to do this again this year. Every afternoon, I would go about 4 p.m. and stay until 6 p.m. (sometimes I would stay until 7 p.m.) I miss those cermaic heated tile chairs now!! I had this area to myself everyday except for one. Most people come in the mornings,but not late afternoon. This was my own private area every day.

Dining-I was seated at a large table for 8 that had six solo cruisers and a married couple. One of the ladies changed tables after the first night. We had a great group. Half my table were from Canada. This was also the first cruise where three nights we had an officer eat with us. During these nights, the wine glasses where kept filled!!

I also ate at the Pinnacle Grill one night as a treat!! The steak was wonderful and the cream brullee!!

Fellow solo cruisers--We were in full force on this cruise. 99% were women, but it was a friendly group. Alot of the solo cruisers were season cruisers,but I met two that were on their first cruises. HAL offers some great solo rates and they are very solo cruise friendly.

Cruisecritc roll call ---I can't express enough about joining your roll call!! I had a great time chatting about the cruise before sailing and then meeting on board. There were some that I only met and saw at the meet and greet and others that I did tours with,ate lunch or breakfast with or hung with.

Overall, I had a wonderful time. Yes there were a few things that I didn't like,but overall, it was a great cruise.

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Solo cruising is great -- I'm glad you had a good time on your cruise. Yes, that freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want is nice.

Funny how people can't believe we're "out there by ourselves," lol.

Keep on cruising! :D

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Hi Tamara:)sounds like you had a wonderful time!

Love having the cabin to myself as well:D


Sorry you had some idiots on the one tour:eek:

sure does make things less than pleasant....

I was on a tour once (can't remember which Island)

but had a family on it who did nothing but complain:mad:.....


Anyway, welcome home and glad you had fun:)

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To me Maasdam is HAL's most elegant ship in terms of its decor. I sailed her to Alaska back in 2003 with Captain Consen, the HAL captain with the booming voice who can roll his Rs endlessly. :D


I'm sorry to hear about your experience in Dominica with the idiots. :rolleyes: Isn't Dominica a beautiful island? I'm almost afraid to tell people about it because I want it to remain natural and unspoiled.


I dislike St. Thomas (too crowded and commerialized) so I usually head over to St. John.


Thank you for taking the time to post your experience and insights on the different ports.


Glad you had a good dining experience. On my next HAL cruise I'm trying the As You Wish Dining for something different.


BTW, I'm just "up the road" from you in Nashville.



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Tamara... It sounds like Holland America is great for solo cruises. I'm curious how many were in their 30s - 40s though?

On my cruise, the majority of the solo cruisers were in their late 30's to 60's. The majority in mid 40's to early 60's. Most of these were women. You did have some that were younger and older. I met one young lady in her mid 20's from Holland on her very first cruise to Ron, one of my dinner tablemates in his 80's.

Due to doing alot in the ports, most evenings after dinner, I would head to my cabin for prepare for the next day. I'm not really a night club person and at home I rarely get to sleep more than six hours without Max wanting to go outside to use the restroom. I did go to the Crow's Nest about two or three times and to the casino one night. Also doing so much in port each day tired me!!

But I enjoy the relaxing air about HAL and that's one of the reasons that I keep coming back.

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Hi Tamara - Thank you for that wonderful trip review! I did a solo cruise on HAL's Eurodam in Nov. and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I remember that Maasdam was docked next to us in Tortola and she looked like a very lovely ship. So glad you enjoyed your cruise!



I wish I knew that! Prehaps we could had met!! It was quite funny when we were in Tortola, the tour guides thought that the ship was arriving around the time that the Maasdam did. They were waiting to add more people to the tour.

I have a few photos of both ships to compare the sizes. I also got a great shot of the Eurodam with the Holland America Logo.

I was sitting in my cabin looking back on your ship with regret. Mainly knowing that I was leaving my last port and heading home!!

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I wish I knew that! Prehaps we could had met!! It was quite funny when we were in Tortola, the tour guides thought that the ship was arriving around the time that the Maasdam did. They were waiting to add more people to the tour.

I have a few photos of both ships to compare the sizes. I also got a great shot of the Eurodam with the Holland America Logo.

I was sitting in my cabin looking back on your ship with regret. Mainly knowing that I was leaving my last port and heading home!!


Tamara - If you were in Tortola on Nov. 4, then here's our ships docked next to each other! :D I took this picture from the ferry boat to Virgin Gorda, where I did The Baths tour.


I clearly remember pulling into Tortola around noon and waving to the Maasdam passengers. That was fun!


I agree...I wish I'd known you were on the Maasdam, too. We could have enjoyed some cocktails and tales of our voyage!





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Thank you so much for posting your review here!!


I have stuck with Carnival because I have had wonderful solo experiences. I am a single mom and either cruise as the only adult with my kids or solo. I have been actually looking into HAL for a cruise in 2010. I do, though, tend enjoy the nightlife - comedians, Piano Bar etc

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I LOVE reading these positive posts from solo cruisers. After several years of indecision, I'm finally taking my first solo on HAL's Oosterdam in October. I used to cruise with my husband who is now my ex-husband. He was always miserable cruising and kept disappearing, even during dinner. LOL! Soo, I am really looking forward to doing what I want when I want.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Tamara....

Thanks for the great review! I am traveling on the Maasdam May 8th from FLL to Montreal, and there's a decent roll call for that cruise. I have cruise solo for the last 17 of my 20 cruises, and love it. I was on the Zaandam fro San Diego roundtrip to Hawaii, October of 2007. What I liked, is they sat all solo cruisers at my table for eight. We became great friends. The one thing I didn't like were the cocktails. VERY weak and the bartenders looked scared to death as their hand with the shot glass shook. I'm wondering if it's the same on the Maasdam. On my Royal Princess cruise this month, one of the gals I drank with said she had the same experience on her HAL ship (don't remember which one). Even though I tip sfter each drink, they still wouldn't make them right. They'll gladly sell you doubles, but I tell them I want a strong single. You would think they'd realize that many people ask for the drink to be "not too strong", and so it should average out. It seems that Celebrity wins the good drink category....they have been free pouring since 2005. Jini

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