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So-it's 2009 for what-2 days now. On page one there are more complaint threads then happy threads.

More people complaining about what's been taken away, what new charges are out, what coupons and credits cann't be combined, the crappy Diamond lounge set up for them, etc........ Oh boy:eek:


Is there anyone left in the world that actually books a RC cruise based on initial price-no disccounts, and does not spend the entire trip in search of free stuff? Anyone left that even though they may have 16 RC caps-are still thrilled in todays economy to be blessed that you still can go on vacation? Anyone left do fitness activities just because you want to and really don't care if you get chips for free stuff? Anyone left that could care less what level they are at and if they don't have the use of a CL still enjoy a RC vacation?


Would't life be so much easier if we all expected nothing in return but a nice vacation. Then any little thing extra you get may be appreciated???


Did anyone really think in the tanking economy, risng fuel costs and the list could go on that sooner or later RC would have to re-vamp a system that will not qualify for a government bail out like GM?;)


You have a cruise planned-be happy!!!!:)


:Suit of armour is on: :p

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I think that some of these cruisers (note that I said some not all) that have been lucky enough to go on more than several cruises get to thinking that they are somebody and definitely get too picky. They have gotten spoiled and just keep expecting more. I guess I can say that since I am one of the little people.........lol!!! :rolleyes: I hope not to become one of them and keep everything in perspective.

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AMEN! I just don't have time to listen to the chronic whining. I may read a couple of posts in those "types" of threads just to see what the hub bub is about, but often don't go beyond that...I just don't have time for that kind of negativity in my life and surely don't want it on my vacation.

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AMEN! I just don't have time to listen to the chronic whining. I may read a couple of posts in those "types" of threads just to see what the hub bub is about, but often don't go beyond that...I just don't have time for that kind of negativity in my life and surely don't want it on my vacation.


So why whine about the whiners:rolleyes::p

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So-it's 2009 for what-2 days now. On page one there are more complaint threads then happy threads.

More people complaining about what's been taken away, what new charges are out, what coupons and credits cann't be combined, the crappy Diamond lounge set up for them, etc........ Oh boy:eek:


Is there anyone left in the world that actually books a RC cruise based on initial price-no disccounts, and does not spend the entire trip in search of free stuff? Anyone left that even though they may have 16 RC caps-are still thrilled in todays economy to be blessed that you still can go on vacation? Anyone left do fitness activities just because you want to and really don't care if you get chips for free stuff? Anyone left that could care less what level they are at and if they don't have the use of a CL still enjoy a RC vacation?


Would't life be so much easier if we all expected nothing in return but a nice vacation. Then any little thing extra you get may be appreciated???


Did anyone really think in the tanking economy, risng fuel costs and the list could go on that sooner or later RC would have to re-vamp a system that will not qualify for a government bail out like GM?;)


You have a cruise planned-be happy!!!!:)


:Suit of armour is on: :p


I'm here. My wife and I (and now our daughters) go on a cruise because we love the overall experience, especially on RCI. Who cares if the weather is not perfect, we miss a port, or the concierge only put two olives in my martini, instead of three? I don't care what I get for a C&A gift, that the entertainment might not be broadway quality, yet is still entertaining, or that the dining room food is only very good, as opposed to a small 5 star restaurant with a 5 star price.


Heck, we go on a cruise knowing it is not our own private yacht. It is a mass market, affordable vacation with excellent service, a view that can't be beat, and a chance to do what we love to do: relax, be active, eat, see the beautiful ocean, etc. There will be crowds at times, a cranky crew member or two, rude fellow passengers, missed ports or excursions, due to weather, chair hogs, jeans on formal night, blah, blah, blah...


When I'm cruising, the last thing I want to do is worry about what everyone else wears, thinks, does or says. I am on a beautiful ship with an overall great group of passengers, enjoying good service, food and a carefree vacation, that we can tailor to meet our preferences. I book directly and early. If there is a price drop, I ask for a credit. If there is not, so be it. I know the fare I am paying when I book, and I know what to expect when I get on board. Every one of the mass market cruise lines provides essentially the same product. Each has attributes that appeal to some more than others. RCI meets our needs at this point in our life. I won't bash another cruise line, just because of my current loyalty to the RCI product. As long as folks continue to cruise, prices will remain affordable, cruise lines will stay in business, and I can look forward to holding my beautiful wife, looking out at the moonlight reflecting off the water and relax, knowing that the captain and crew are doing their best to make sure we're enjoying ourselves.


Happy cruising!



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I so agree with you. I pass over reading many threads due to them being about a complant. I am so tired of hearing about the food - it's too hot, it's too cold, it is not enough etc. etc. My attitude is - I didn't shop for it, I didn't have to cook it, and I don't have to clean up after it. It is all good to me. I am on a cruise, I am going to have a good time. If I want lobster I'll go to a restaurant to eat it. I am not going to stop cruising.

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I haven't posted very much - but I have been a long time lurker. DH and I have only been on 3 cruises in the past - all with RCL - and we are always happy to be on a cruise! No complaints here!


I've traveled to too many other places in the world (on mission trips) to see that we have it made here in this country. So, I don't take anything for granted, and I'm always grateful for what I have. I also do a lot of volunteer work with the Red Cross, where I've traveled to disaster sites - and when I see people lose everything but the shirts on their back - I count my blessings.


DH and I are counting down the days until this June, when we're going on a 12-day cruise on the Brilliance of the Mediterranean. I can't wait!


So, count me in as one of the happy & blessed! :)

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Well I am not happy. I don't have a cruise booked. :( (I think that will change next week though). I try to look on the positive side because not everything will go your way. I play down any negative things and just be happy that I can cruise.

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So-it's 2009 for what-2 days now. On page one there are more complaint threads then happy threads.

More people complaining about what's been taken away, what new charges are out, what coupons and credits cann't be combined, the crappy Diamond lounge set up for them, etc........ Oh boy:eek:


Is there anyone left in the world that actually books a RC cruise based on initial price-no disccounts, and does not spend the entire trip in search of free stuff? Anyone left that even though they may have 16 RC caps-are still thrilled in todays economy to be blessed that you still can go on vacation? Anyone left do fitness activities just because you want to and really don't care if you get chips for free stuff? Anyone left that could care less what level they are at and if they don't have the use of a CL still enjoy a RC vacation?


Would't life be so much easier if we all expected nothing in return but a nice vacation. Then any little thing extra you get may be appreciated???


Did anyone really think in the tanking economy, risng fuel costs and the list could go on that sooner or later RC would have to re-vamp a system that will not qualify for a government bail out like GM?;)


You have a cruise planned-be happy!!!!:)


:Suit of armour is on: :p


Me, me, me!!! Thank you for this post. I expressed similar sentiments on one of the whiny threads the other day. I think it killed the thread.:D May it rest in peace (or not!!).

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I'm pretty happy. I just found a price drop that will save us $140, and also give us the credit to become Diamond!!! Can I get a whoop whoop?!!!!


Congratulations! But in the spirit of this thread, you get that whoop, whoop only if you would have been happy even if you had not received those benefits.:) (I'm sure you would have been.)

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Makes me SPECIAL!


Well, not really....Helps at booking time for price, not worried about another trinket or doodad,, heck, I don't bother with the lounge because it is normally stacked to overflowing. So I guess I am a satisfied customer who comes back because I like the product.


The only whine I ever hear when home is "When are you going to take me out to dinner?" (Only kidding, I am a lucky man!).

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I'm happy with what I get...and don't expect or demand little perks that will not contribute to the overall enjoyment of my trip...I always figure that I am lucky to be able to go on vacation with my wife and kids to different places in the world...and not b**** about some little thing that someone in some little place forgot about...life't too short to complain all the time...remember...you're here for a good time, not a long time...and you're a long time dead

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Congratulations! But in the spirit of this thread, you get that whoop, whoop only if you would have been happy even if you had not received those benefits.:) (I'm sure you would have been.)


I was happy after I booked, definitely!! The benefits were something extra, and I'm happy to have them, of course, but I love cruising.

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Me Too!!! I just cruise because I like it. Can't take them very often but enjoy the heck out of each and every one. My vacation mantra is "Don't sweat the petty stuff and Don't pet the sweaty stuff". I figure that I'm not working, not cleaning, not meal planning or cooking, and as long as someone else is doing it for me that is all I need. Last cruise we didn't know until we departed where we were going because of all the damage due to hurricanes. Had a blast calling it our "Mystery destination cruise". Still had a good time. Can't wait till October gets here so I can enjoy the heck out of it and go with the flow.



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I feel truly blessed because I live within 90 minutes of 2 ports

I feel truly blessed because I have President's week off - first vacation without our kids and 15 year annivesary

I feel truly blessed that I can still shop for and get excited about a cruise

I feel truly blessed because I have an excuse to shop for a stunning gown

I feel truly blessed that cruising while not always cheap is still very affordable verse our other vacations.


The cruise line would have to charge a lot more and take away a lot more, before I stop recognizing all the blessing this type of vacation brings to my life. Things are changing but there is still a lot left to be appreciated.


The only time one should not expect change is from a vending machine.


Much Blessings


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I'm here. My wife and I (and now our daughters) go on a cruise because we love the overall experience, especially on RCI. Who cares if the weather is not perfect, we miss a port, or the concierge only put two olives in my martini, instead of three? I don't care what I get for a C&A gift, that the entertainment might not be broadway quality, yet is still entertaining, or that the dining room food is only very good, as opposed to a small 5 star restaurant with a 5 star price.


Heck, we go on a cruise knowing it is not our own private yacht. It is a mass market, affordable vacation with excellent service, a view that can't be beat, and a chance to do what we love to do: relax, be active, eat, see the beautiful ocean, etc. There will be crowds at times, a cranky crew member or two, rude fellow passengers, missed ports or excursions, due to weather, chair hogs, jeans on formal night, blah, blah, blah...


When I'm cruising, the last thing I want to do is worry about what everyone else wears, thinks, does or says. I am on a beautiful ship with an overall great group of passengers, enjoying good service, food and a carefree vacation, that we can tailor to meet our preferences. I book directly and early. If there is a price drop, I ask for a credit. If there is not, so be it. I know the fare I am paying when I book, and I know what to expect when I get on board. Every one of the mass market cruise lines provides essentially the same product. Each has attributes that appeal to some more than others. RCI meets our needs at this point in our life. I won't bash another cruise line, just because of my current loyalty to the RCI product. As long as folks continue to cruise, prices will remain affordable, cruise lines will stay in business, and I can look forward to holding my beautiful wife, looking out at the moonlight reflecting off the water and relax, knowing that the captain and crew are doing their best to make sure we're enjoying ourselves.


Happy cruising!




This is so true of a cruise or any vacation. But I think after awhile some cruisers get jaded. I am happy whenever I get away, even if it is it a day trip to my sis in the country.

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I'm here. My wife and I (and now our daughters) go on a cruise because we love the overall experience, especially on RCI. Who cares if the weather is not perfect, we miss a port, or the concierge only put two olives in my martini, instead of three? I don't care what I get for a C&A gift, that the entertainment might not be broadway quality, yet is still entertaining, or that the dining room food is only very good, as opposed to a small 5 star restaurant with a 5 star price.


Heck, we go on a cruise knowing it is not our own private yacht. It is a mass market, affordable vacation with excellent service, a view that can't be beat, and a chance to do what we love to do: relax, be active, eat, see the beautiful ocean, etc. There will be crowds at times, a cranky crew member or two, rude fellow passengers, missed ports or excursions, due to weather, chair hogs, jeans on formal night, blah, blah, blah...


When I'm cruising, the last thing I want to do is worry about what everyone else wears, thinks, does or says. I am on a beautiful ship with an overall great group of passengers, enjoying good service, food and a carefree vacation, that we can tailor to meet our preferences. I book directly and early. If there is a price drop, I ask for a credit. If there is not, so be it. I know the fare I am paying when I book, and I know what to expect when I get on board. Every one of the mass market cruise lines provides essentially the same product. Each has attributes that appeal to some more than others. RCI meets our needs at this point in our life. I won't bash another cruise line, just because of my current loyalty to the RCI product. As long as folks continue to cruise, prices will remain affordable, cruise lines will stay in business, and I can look forward to holding my beautiful wife, looking out at the moonlight reflecting off the water and relax, knowing that the captain and crew are doing their best to make sure we're enjoying ourselves.


Happy cruising!




Very nicely put.

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