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Pear soup recipe?

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Anyone have the recipe for the Chilled Pear (or any of the chilled) Soup served on the ships? If so, could you share?


I will post them all. ;)

Many of these were posted quite some time ago by B]CC LibertyBelle.[/b]


RCCL Chilled Pear Soup


5 cups yogurt

21/2 cups pears ( canned)

21/2 teaspoon lemon juice

2/3 cup pear juice

1 tsp pear William liquor

1 piece pear diced for garnish

mint leave


Combine all ingredients and blend in a food processor until smooth consistency. Garnish with diced pear and mint




Strawberry soup.


1pint (150G) Fresh Raspberries (gently washed)

1pint (150g) Fresh Strawberries (gently washed and trimmed)

2 cups (500ml) sour cream

1cup (250ml) whole milk

1cup (250ml) Ginger ale

1/4 cup (60g) Granulated Sugar

2 tablespoons triple sec ( Triple Sec is an alcohol... It is a very refined, white curacao and tends to be very sweet.)

2 tablespoons Fresh lemon juice

Fresh Mint leaves (for Garnish)


1. Reserve 6 of the strawberries and 12 of the raspberries for garnish. In a blender or food processor combine the remaining berries and puree until smooth. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve over a nonreative bowl, pushing through as much of the pulp as you can, leaving the seeds behind.


2. Whisk the remaining ingredients, except the reserved berries and mint, into a puree. Cover and refrigerate until cold. To serve, divide the soup among chilled soup bowls and garnish with the reserved berried and mint leaves.



Chilled Apricot Soup:


20 Fresh Medium apricots (around 5 cups diced) (700g)

1 cup (250ml) Club Soda

1 cup (250 ml) Dry White Wine

1/2 cup (70g) Granulated Sugar

Juice of 1 Lemon

1/3 cup (75 ml) Cognac

Whipped Cream and chopped fresh mint for Garnish


1. In a medium sauce pan, bring 2 quarts (2L) water to a boil. Working in batches plunge the apricots in the boiling water and leave them in just until the skins are loosened, 10 to 20 seconds. With a slotted spoon, transfer the apricots to a large bowl of cold water to cool. Slip off the skins and cut the apricots in half. Remove the pits and dice the apricots.


2. In a large noncreative bowl, combine the apricots, club soda, wine, sugar, lemon juice and cognac. Ladle the mixture in batches into a blender and puree until smooth. Transfer soup to another bowl. Cover and refrigerate. To serve, divide the soup among chilled soup bowls and garnish with whipped cream and fresh mint.




Chilled Washington Apple Soup


6 cups (1.5L) water

Juice of 2 lemons

4 tablespoons granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (plus extra for garnish)

18 Golden Delicious Apples, Peeled, cored and roughly diced

4 cups (560g) vanilla ice cream


1. In a large nonreactive saucepan, combine all ingredients except the ice cream. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, until apples are soft.


2. Transfer the soup in batches to a blender and puree until smooth. Strain the soup through a fine sieve into a non reactive bowl. Let cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate until cold, about 4 hours. To serve, stir in the ice cream and divide into soup bowls. Sprinkle with Cinnamon and serve immediately.



Chilled Pineapple Soup


2 pounds (905 g) chopped fresh ripe Pineapple

2 cups (280g) sour cream

1 cup (250ml) ginger ale

1 cup (250 ml) whole milk

1 cup (140g) granulated sugar

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice

1/4 cup (35g) unsweetened flaked coconut


1. In a nonreactive bowl, combine all the ingredients together, except the coconut. Transfer mixture in batches to a food processor and puree until smooth. Pour soup into a clean nonreactive bowl. Cover and refrigerate until cold.


2. Meanwhile, toast the coconut: In a dry skillet over high heat, toss or stir the coconut, taking care not to scorch it, until lightly browned. To serve, divide the cold soup among chilled soup bowls and garnish with coconut.




Chilled Roasted Peach Soup


4 ripe large peaches, peeled, halved and pitted

1 1/2 cups (345g) granulated sugar

2 cups (500ml) peach nectar, plus extra if needed

1 star anise, cracked

1 vanilla bean, split

Juice of 3 oranges

Juice of 2 lemons

1/2 pint (150g) strawberries, gently washed

2 springs fresh mint


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F/ 200 degrees c. Lightly coat a baking sheet with butter. Place the peach halves; cut side down, on prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle peaches with 1/2 cup (70g) sugar and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until well roasted.


2. Transfer peaches to a food processor, along with any drippings from the baking sheet. Puree until smooth, stopping 2 or 3 times to scrape down the sides. Transfer to a large noncreative bowl and set aside.


3. In a small noncreative saucepan, combine peach nectar, remaining sugar and star anise over medium heat. Use the tip of a blunt knife to scrape the vanilla bean seeds into a mixture. Bring to a boil and then remove from heat. Let syrup infuse for about an hour in a warm place. Strain through a fine sieve into a noncreative bowl and add citrus juices.


4. Tasting as you go, slowly add the peach syrup to the peach puree until desired flavor is achieved. If the soup is nicely flavored but too thick, thin it with a little plain peach juice. Cover and refrigerate until completely cod.


5. To serve ladle the soup into chilled soup plates or cups and garnish with the sliced strawberries and mint sprigs.





8 cups (1kg) peeled and finely diced mango (about 12 mango)

1 cup (250ml) water

1 cup (250ml) ginger ale

1/2 cup (125 ml) rice wine vinegar

1/2 cup (125 ml) light olive oil

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

2 cucumbers, peeled, seeded and finely diced

1/2 cup (70 g) finely diced red onions

3/4 cup (100g) chopped fresh cilantro


1. In a blender or food processor, combine half the mango with the water, ginger ale, vinegar, oil and sugar. Puree until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer the soup to a noncreative bowl. Cover and refrigerate until cold (about 4 hours)


2. In another noncreative bow, combine remaining 4 cups (560g) mango, cucumber, red onion and 1/2 cup (70 g) cilantro. Cover and refrigerate until cold.


3. To serve divide the cucumber mixture among chilled soup bowls that are each sitting in a bowl of crushed ice. Ladle the soup over the cucumber mixture and sprinkle with the remaining 1/4 (35 g) cilantro. Serve immediately.


__________________________________________________ _______________


Watermelon Gazpacho


1 cup peeled and thinly sliced cucumbers

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

6 cups (840g) cubed seedless watermelon

1/2 cup (125 ml) cranberry juice cocktail

1 red bell pepper, cored, seeded and finely chopped

1 medium onion, finely chopped

1 stalk celery, finely chopped

1/4 cup (35g) minced fresh Italian parsley

2 to 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice

1 tablespoon sherry vinegar

8 mint leaves for garnish


1. In a small bowl, toss the cucumbers with salt and set aside


2. In a food processor or blender, combine watermelon and cranberry juice. Pulse briefly until just blended (do not over process or the juice will become frothy and pale). Strain the mixture through a fine sieve over a noncreative bowl, pushing down on the solids to extract as much liquid as you can, leaving the pulp behind.


3. Stir in bell pepper, onion, celery, parsley, lime juice and vinegar. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour to let flavors blend.


4. To serve, rinse cucumber and pat dry with paper towel. Divide soup among chilled soup bowls and garnish with cucumbers and mint leaves.



Chilled Lemon Soup

Serves 10-12

From the Enchantment of the Seas


3 cups lemon juice

5 tbsp. sugar

5 cups plain yogurt

5 lemons

4 cups water

1 bunch Cilantro leaves, reserve stems


Place a non-reactive pan over medium heat and boil the water with lemon juice, zest, cilantro stems and sugar until thickened. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved. Strain through a fine strainer. Chill for one hour.


In a large bowl, place the yogurt and slowly wisk in the chilled lemon mixture.


Once thoroughly mixed, place in the refrigerator. Take the cilantro leaves and finely chop. Serve soup in chilled soup bowls and garnish with chopped cilantro leaves.

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I have most of the others also if you want them. ;)


RCCL Chilled Pear Soup


5 cups yogurt

21/2 cups pears ( canned)

21/2 teaspoon lemon juice

2/3 cup pear juice

1 tsp pear William liquor

1 piece pear diced for garnish

mint leave


Combine all ingredients and blend in a food processor until smooth consistency. Garnish with diced pear and mint





Has anyone lately told you.........that you are THE BEST!!



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Has anyone lately told you.........that you are THE BEST!!




I just keep some of the food recipes on file. :D

Anyone for RCCL Flourless Chocolate Cake? I got this myself on the Viking Serenade in 1998 and one from my cookbook.

RCCL Garlic Soup. Thanks to CC marle7

Vidalia Onion Tart with Red Pepper Coulis Garnish - Thanks to CC Sue L.


I have all these too. ;)

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Would love the flourless chocolate cake recipe.


Here are two of them. ;) The newest cookbook that I bought in

Nov/Dec. has changed the recipe again.

Why I have no idea? These are the older ones.


This is the recipe people have the most luck with.

Royal Caribbean’s Chocolate Flourless Cake.

Flourless Chocolate Cake from the RCCL Cookbook by Rudi Sodamin


Yield: 8 - 10 servings




12 ounces semisweet Chocolate chips

1 Tablespoon pure vanilla extract

1 Tablespoon dark rum

1/4 cup strong brewed coffee (double or triple strength works)

5 large eggs

1/2 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup heavy cream


Whipped cream, fresh fruit and mint leaves for garnish.


1. Preheat the oven to 325F

Coat a 10 inch spring form cake pan with butter and wrap the outside of the pan with a double thickness of aluminum foil to prevent water from seeping in. Wrap very tightly.

Chill a large mixing bowl.


2. Place the chocolate, vanilla, rum and coffee in the top of a double boiler set over 1 inch of simmering (not boiling) water.

Whisk until the chocolate is smooth and no small lumps remain.

Turn off the heat and remove the mixture from the hot water.

Transfer to a large bowl and let cool.

3. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the eggs and sugar.

With an electric mixer, beat until pale in color, stopping 2 or 3 times to scrape down the sides of the bowl.

Add 1/4 of the chocolate mixture and beat until incorporated.

Pour this mixture into the remaining chocolate mixture.

Stir until combined.


4. Bring a large kettle of water to a boil.

Meanwhile, in the chilled mixing bowl, whip the cream until soft peaks form.

With a rubber spatula, fold the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture until just combined.

Pour the mixture into the prepared cake pan and cover the top with aluminum foil. Place in a roasting pan and pour enough boiling water into the roasting pan to come halfway up to the outside of the cake pan.

Bake for 30 minutes or until small cracks appear on the surface.

Test the center to make sure it's solid. Otherwise, you have fabulous flourless chocolate pudding!

5. Remove the cake from the oven and let cool to room temperature in the pan on a wire rack.

Chill in the refrigerator overnight until ready to serve.


6. To serve, unmold the cake and place on a chilled dessert plate.

Garnish with whipped cream, fresh fruit and mint leaves.




There are two different recipes out there for this cake, both from RCCL. This first one is the recipe I got from the Viking Serenade where I first had it in 1998. This is the recipe from the old RCCL recipe website that is no longer on line..

Some people have not had good luck making this one. It is a solid, pull it off the fork with your teeth cake, cake.

Flourless Chocolate Cake from the Old RCCL Viking Serenade

Serves 8




1 lb. semi-sweet chocolate

1 tbsp. vanilla extract

1 tbsp. dark rum

3/4 cup coffee brewed strongly (double or triple)

8 eggs

1/2 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup heavy cream (The cream is only used to decorate the top of the cake.)


Preheat the oven at 300f.

Butter a 10-inch mold and refrigerate it until ready to use.

The recipe says to wrap the mold in two layers of foil so that the water bath does not seep into the batter. Wrap very tightly.

Place chocolate, vanilla, rum, and coffee in the top of a double boiler.

Place over 1-inch of simmering water.


Whisk until the chocolate is smooth and no small lumps appear

Turn off the heat and remove the chocolate from the hot water. Transfer the mixture to a larger bowl.

In a medium mixing bowl, combine the eggs and sugar.

With an electric mixer, beat until pale in color, stopping two or three times to scrape down the sides.

Add some of the chocolate mixture and beat until incorporated.

Pour this into the remaining chocolate mixture until just combined.

Pour the mixture into the prepared mold.

Place in a roasting pan and pour enough boiling water into the pan to come half way up the sides of the mold.

Bake for one hour at 300f.

Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool at room temperature.

Chill in the refrigerator overnight.

Turn over the mold, cover the top of the cake with the whipped cream.


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I have been searching forever for the lowfat coconut cake... I LOVE that stuff, and would have never tried it unless our server brought it out "just to try." I ate the whole thing! It's my favorite menu item I look forward to on cruises. :)


I also love that cake but can not find a recipe for it. :(

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Alexis, do you have the raisin bread recipe by any chance? I got it from Miami, but it was in ship's proportions. First ingredient: 12 lbs of flour...:eek:


Sorry, I wish I could help you. I looked in the books and nothing at all like that. :(

I can't help but picture you mixing that baby in a trash can. Can you imagine when it rises.:eek:

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The receipe is in the Savor cookbook on page 59.


Is that the Austrian Striezel?

I was looking for Raisin Bread. :confused:


OK critterchick, I will copy it for you. ;)

If I don't have it tonight, I will have it on here tomorrow. :D

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Here you go. This is what is the raisin and cranberry AUSTRIAN STRIEZEL that igot2cruz calls what you want.



2 (¼ -ounce or 7 g) packages dry yeast

1 tablespoon (15 g) sugar 2 tablespoons (30 ml) rum

1 cup (250 ml) water, lukewarm

2 pounds (900 g) all-purpose flour

¼ teaspoon (1.2 g) salt

½ cup (120 ml) milk

4 eggs

½ cup (120 g) butter, room temperature

1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract

Zest of ½ lemon

½ cup (120 g) raisins

½ cup (120 g) dried cranberries


1 egg yolk, beaten


Garnish - slivered almonds




Preheat oven to 400F or 200C.



1.To prepare dough, combine yeast, sugar and ½ cup (120 ml) water in a bowl and whisk until yeast has dissolved. In a stand mixer or a large bowl, combine all ingredients except raisins and cranberries and mix for 2 minutes at low speed, then for 8 minutes at high speed using a dough hook. The dough should be soft and elastic.


2.If kneading by hand, add flour a cup (250 g) at a time and knead for 10 minutes. Add raisins and cranberries to dough and mix well. Shape dough into a ball.


3.Cover and set aside in a warm, draft-free place for 20 minutes.


4.Punch down dough and divide into 1 pound (450 g) loaves. Cover and allow to relax for 20 minutes.



5.Cut dough into 3 equal pieces and hand roll each dough into 12-inch by 4-inch strip (30 x 10 cm).


6.Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and spray with nonstick spray. Transfer rolls to the baking sheet and braid,tucking the ends under.Cover and let rise for 20 minutes.


7.Brush braids with egg yolk and let rise for another 10 minutes. Brush a second time and sprinkle with slivered almonds.


8.Bake for 20 minutes, until nicely golden or until loaves sound hollow when their undersides are thumped.


Serves 6.

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Alexis, I think I love you! I know my husband will! Thank you so much!:)


I had no idea that is what it was called. It is a good thing igot2cruz told us where to look for it.

And, that I bought the book in December. :D

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