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For the Chair Hogs: Why Is It Okay to Hog Chairs?

Sea Hag

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Maybe we should save our toilets too & tables at the buffet. Hell, just bring a marker & put your name on everything you intend to use, even at the shows. HOG, snort, snort.


LMAO! I've got my sharpies ready!!


Can't you just picture someone dropping their belongings at "their" lounger, "their" buffet table, "their" public restroom, "their" theater seats etc... We'd know them by the amount of luggage they had to drag out of their car! After all, they're just "reserving" them in case they decide to use them later or in case their own children need to find them!! :eek:

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Why all this fuss over Chair Hogs? I'm not sure what this means and I don't think I'm a hog but here goes.


We usually get up before breakfast 7:00AM or so, go for a walk or jog. On the way we take our towels and make the effort to put loungers in a good spot in the sun we place our towels and usually a book on the lounger.

We made the effort here! After our work out, shower and breakfast we return to our loungers, usually around 10AM or so.

Is that hogging? ..........we are not hoggin the chairs just reserving our place!!


What bothers me is people that sleep in and then wander around the ship around 10:am or so and then complain they can't get a lounger anywhere.

Get up earlier and make the effort to put some loungers aside!!


Are we chair hogs??? I don't think so.


Sorry but you are. The fact that you've gotten up early to claim a chair that you aren't going to use until 10:00 am is not a good enough excuse. If you get up at 7:00 am and use your chair, that's different. If I get up at 8 am and see your chair unoccupied for an hour, you won't have a chair any longer.


There's no such thing as reserving "your place". If you want the chairs at 7 am, then use them. Don't expect to hold them for three hours while you do your thing.

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LMAO! I've got my sharpies ready!!


Can't you just picture someone dropping their belongings at "their" lounger, "their" buffet table, "their" public restroom, "their" theater seats etc... We'd know them by the amount of luggage they had to drag out of their car! After all, they're just "reserving" them in case they decide to use them later or in case their own children need to find them!! :eek:


I think we should carry it farther than that! I think we ought to invade the galley and stake our collective claims to the dessert case! My cheesecake, my creme brullee, my mixed-fruit tart ..... :D

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Why all this fuss over Chair Hogs? I'm not sure what this means and I don't think I'm a hog but here goes.


We usually get up before breakfast 7:00AM or so, go for a walk or jog. On the way we take our towels and make the effort to put loungers in a good spot in the sun we place our towels and usually a book on the lounger.

We made the effort here! After our work out, shower and breakfast we return to our loungers, usually around 10AM or so.

Is that hogging? ..........we are not hoggin the chairs just reserving our place!!


What bothers me is people that sleep in and then wander around the ship around 10:am or so and then complain they can't get a lounger anywhere.

Get up earlier and make the effort to put some loungers aside!!


Are we chair hogs??? I don't think so.


:rolleyes: You are the epitomy of the chair hog! There is no "reserving," no "saving," no "I put my stuff there at 3 am, so I own this chair." What about "no saving of chairs" is terribly difficult to understand?


Okay I'll take the other side...



Hopefully this is a more practical answer to first time cruisers about chair hogging, and if what I've described makes me one then, well, who cares. I won't be the worst offender on the ship and I won't be bothered with uncomfortable confrontations....and my kids will know where to find me even if I've left for the ping pong tournament.


Um, if you've "left for the ping pong tournament," how will your kids know where to find you? Are you going to leave a note on "your" chair saying, "I'm at the ping pong tournament"? Or are they supposed to just hang out there until you bother to come back? And are you all incapable of leaving notes in the cabin or arranging times to meet places or any number of other things that don't involve "saving" chairs that you have no right to save?


Why can't the rule just be that people sit in chairs when they sit in chairs, and carry their things with them? They can put their things on the side of the pool when they are swimming and take them when they go eat. Seriously, this is ridiculous. If people did that, there would be no issue at all, ever. Chairs would be everywhere, empty. How many people are ever IN the pools, anyway? Or IN the chairs? If we all just carried little pool bags around with our stuff, this issue would be moot. Honestly, people make drama of the smallest things. Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to go to the pool, sit nicely in a chair for a few minutes with your family, take a nice little swim, go eat lunch, and move on with your day? What a concept! I vote NO SAVING SEATS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVER! How's that for simplifying? lol


Seriously, you cannot leave your things on the side of the pool when you go swimming. I will not leave my glasses (prescription; must have), towel, ship card (unless I'm wearing my little waterproof case), beverage, and book by the side of the pool because I don't want to have them stomped on, soaking wet, or accidently pushed into the pool by all the active kids and adults who are constantly jumping in and out of the pools, splashing, and playing. Of course it's fine and expected for people to do those things in the pool because that's what it's for. It's not okay to expect me to risk having my glasses or other items destroyed just so that I'm not seemingly "hogging" a chair if I'm in the pool for 10 minutes. (Perhaps I should mention that we don't swim in ship pools except ones such as the Solarium pools on RCI in adults only areas because too many parents don't give a rip about the rules and sneak their non-potty-trained kids into them.)


Your general idea isn't bad at all, but the excecution would have to be different. I have long said that it would be a tremendous benefit if the cruise lines had little racks of "cubbies" for those who want to swim or hang out by the pool, but who don't need a chair. Things would be safely tucked away and no one would be seen as "hogging" (unless, of course, people start coming down to the pool at 5 am to put their stuff in a cubby to "save" it).:rolleyes:


Maybe someone here should start a poll:



My vote would be "YES"!


(Raising hand and waving arm wildly) YES. You can count on at least 5 more yes votes from our family.:D


I think we should carry it farther than that! I think we ought to invade the galley and stake our collective claims to the dessert case! My cheesecake, my creme brullee, my mixed-fruit tart ..... :D


:p I love it. I fear that we should not give some people any ideas though. I can picture it now: Ten people stabbing each other's hands with their forks to get at the last piece of chocolate cake (at least, the last one that's out at the moment). I mean we all know that there's never enough food on cruise ships and if we don't "claim" some, we'll starve to death.;)



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OK, beachchick, you've nailed it. cubbies are exactly what's needed, and where people could leave their little notes to their kids. good plan. CARNIVAL--TAKE NOTE!! We're done with this chair nonsense! Boy, this subject sure does provide fodder for long threads, though, doesn't it? lol People get so passionate about it!

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Why all this fuss over Chair Hogs? I'm not sure what this means and I don't think I'm a hog but here goes.


We usually get up before breakfast 7:00AM or so, go for a walk or jog. On the way we take our towels and make the effort to put loungers in a good spot in the sun we place our towels and usually a book on the lounger.

We made the effort here! After our work out, shower and breakfast we return to our loungers, usually around 10AM or so.

Is that hogging? ..........we are not hoggin the chairs just reserving our place!!


What bothers me is people that sleep in and then wander around the ship around 10:am or so and then complain they can't get a lounger anywhere.

Get up earlier and make the effort to put some loungers aside!!


Are we chair hogs??? I don't think so.


I thought this was the very definition of a "chair hog"...

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So how about, when you get up to go mini-golf or whatever, YOU stop by the waterslide and tell them where you're going ... when you get back, tell them you're back, go get a new chair. If you kids want to leave the waterslide, they come tell you where they're going (which they should be doing anyway) and come to you when they're back


Or I could just save the chair so we can save all that hassle. That way we meet back at the chair when we get there. No need to worry about timing, notes, locations, etc...it's vacation, not a board meeting. Are you really upset that I walk away from my chair for what I have described as a maximum of 1 hour (usually 10-20 minutes)? I don't like the chair hogs either that save their chairs at 7am so they can eat breakfast. That isn't me. But come on, lighten up people. I also don't want my cruise to become more expensive because Carnival has to hire chair police. Like I said before...this is more of an issue on this forum than on the ship.

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Apologize haven't read the whole thread but on the Jewel in January....they actually had a map of the chairs and a fellow would walk by and note the time on the "chair" diagram and go back and check after 45 minutes. They then moved the items. AND, if for example, you were next to them and said Oh they will be right back...they showed them the diagram and the time that was noted and then asked them to move their friends belongings. All people complied nicely. The fellow with the time chart was not the person that told them to move it was someone with "officer" type shirt on.



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From an old post on the Celebrity board:


Anyway we had a real revolution on Day one of the cruise. We went up to the pool at about 9:30 AM and of course lots of chairs with towels on them and no bodies- two entire rows of about 10-12 chairs. My sister and I asked around and some guy said he had been there since 8 and those chairs had no people, just towels, so we sat in them. Things got worse when more and more people started to show up and could sit because of the supposed "taken" lounges, so we had a talk with security. They said the pool butlers should be the ones to remove the towels and randoms books and bottles of suntan lotion on this otherwise unoccupied chairs. The pool butlers didn't want to deal with it so I asked who their boss was and security said the Chief of Housekeeping. Since I remembered how this guy gets a tip from us too at the end of the week, I asked to speak to him. They then all had a huge meeting for about 30 minutes...the Chief, pool butlers and security. They FINALLY got rid of the junk on the chairs and freed up TWO ROWS of loungers for people. We stayed there till 12 noon and no one ever showed up to claim the stuff they had taken off the chairs either!



And for those who think that a couple minute pee break is too long to be out of chair . . . I always carry my plastic vomit . . . it's good for at least 10 minutes . . .

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Or I could just save the chair so we can save all that hassle. That way we meet back at the chair when we get there. No need to worry about timing, notes, locations, etc...it's vacation, not a board meeting. Are you really upset that I walk away from my chair for what I have described as a maximum of 1 hour (usually 10-20 minutes)? I don't like the chair hogs either that save their chairs at 7am so they can eat breakfast. That isn't me. But come on, lighten up people. I also don't want my cruise to become more expensive because Carnival has to hire chair police. Like I said before...this is more of an issue on this forum than on the ship.


Yes, I tend to get upset since I usually only use the loungers for 1 - 2 hours in the AM. So, is it an hour or 10 mins or 20 mins . . . is this island time (if so, X2). No, it's not a board meeting; but, when did vacations become an excuse to be arrogant, selfish and/or inconsiderate?

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Why all this fuss over Chair Hogs? I'm not sure what this means and I don't think I'm a hog but here goes.


We usually get up before breakfast 7:00AM or so, go for a walk or jog. On the way we take our towels and make the effort to put loungers in a good spot in the sun we place our towels and usually a book on the lounger.

We made the effort here! After our work out, shower and breakfast we return to our loungers, usually around 10AM or so.

Is that hogging? ..........we are not hoggin the chairs just reserving our place!!


What bothers me is people that sleep in and then wander around the ship around 10:am or so and then complain they can't get a lounger anywhere.

Get up earlier and make the effort to put some loungers aside!!


Are we chair hogs??? I don't think so.


Yes you are a chair hog.......... anything over 30 minutes away from the chair and assuming you will get it back is the action of a Chair Hog/Hogette!!! Reserving IS the primary act of a Chair Hog..........

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Why all this fuss over Chair Hogs? I'm not sure what this means and I don't think I'm a hog but here goes.


We usually get up before breakfast 7:00AM or so, go for a walk or jog. On the way we take our towels and make the effort to put loungers in a good spot in the sun we place our towels and usually a book on the lounger.

We made the effort here! After our work out, shower and breakfast we return to our loungers, usually around 10AM or so.

Is that hogging? ..........we are not hoggin the chairs just reserving our place!!


What bothers me is people that sleep in and then wander around the ship around 10:am or so and then complain they can't get a lounger anywhere.

Get up earlier and make the effort to put some loungers aside!!


Are we chair hogs??? I don't think so.


No Way are you a Chair Hog.:D


Welcome to the Club.:D

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No Way are you a Chair Hog.:D


Welcome to the Club.:D


I saw your little 30 minute rule thing at the bottom of your sig. Just so you know...you wouldn't stand a chance if I were ever on a ship with you. And what's more...I'd look you right in the eyes and laugh my head off when you wanted "your" chair back. :D

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:rolleyes: I have long said that it would be a tremendous benefit if the cruise lines had little racks of "cubbies" for those who want to swim or hang out by the pool, but who don't need a chair. Things would be safely tucked away and no one would be seen as "hogging" (unless, of course, people start coming down to the pool at 5 am to put their stuff in a cubby to "save" it).:rolleyes:




OMG! Now we'll be worrying about cubby hogs.

Actually, Beachchick, that's a great idea. It seems to work for the little ones at McPlayground.

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Or I could just save the chair so we can save all that hassle. That way we meet back at the chair when we get there. No need to worry about timing, notes, locations, etc...it's vacation, not a board meeting. Are you really upset that I walk away from my chair for what I have described as a maximum of 1 hour (usually 10-20 minutes)? I don't like the chair hogs either that save their chairs at 7am so they can eat breakfast. That isn't me. But come on, lighten up people. I also don't want my cruise to become more expensive because Carnival has to hire chair police. Like I said before...this is more of an issue on this forum than on the ship.


No, you can't "just save the chair" because there is not supposed to be chair saving. If it's 10-20 minutes, great. If it's 1 hour, no. There are other people onboard, all of whom are also on vacation and who shouldn't have to look at anyone's "saved" chair for an hour or more. The bottom line is that it is not "your" chair. When you're in it or in the pool area or have gone to grab a drink (and come right back) or grab a quick snack (and come right back) or take care of the "call of nature" (and come right back), no problem. When you go off to the ping pong tournament for an hour, take your stuff! You leave the area for another activity, you no longer have the chair. And why should people lighten up when others decide they should be above the simple rules (and courtesy) toward others? There are 2000+ other people on most ships and they all have the same rights and expectations that you do.


OK, beachchick, you've nailed it. cubbies are exactly what's needed, and where people could leave their little notes to their kids. good plan. CARNIVAL--TAKE NOTE!! We're done with this chair nonsense! Boy, this subject sure does provide fodder for long threads, though, doesn't it? lol People get so passionate about it!


OMG! Now we'll be worrying about cubby hogs.

Actually, Beachchick, that's a great idea. It seems to work for the little ones at McPlayground.


Why thank you. I think it's a good idea too. Are the cruise lines listening??? I think that might solve about 25% or more of the perceived chair hogging.



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No, you can't "just save the chair" because there is not supposed to be chair saving. If it's 10-20 minutes, great. If it's 1 hour, no. There are other people onboard, all of whom are also on vacation and who shouldn't have to look at anyone's "saved" chair for an hour or more. The bottom line is that it is not "your" chair. When you're in it or in the pool area or have gone to grab a drink (and come right back) or grab a quick snack (and come right back) or take care of the "call of nature" (and come right back), no problem. When you go off to the ping pong tournament for an hour, take your stuff! You leave the area for another activity, you no longer have the chair. And why should people lighten up when others decide they should be above the simple rules (and courtesy) toward others? There are 2000+ other people on most ships and they all have the same rights and expectations that you do.






Why thank you. I think it's a good idea too. Are the cruise lines listening??? I think that might solve about 25% or more of the perceived chair hogging.



While I totally agree with the cubby idea; I stand by my earlier post:


The cruise lines need to enforce their own rules. We should not have to enforce the rules for them; we are ALL ON VACATION!!!


Cruise Lines: Are you listening????

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I saw your little 30 minute rule thing at the bottom of your sig. Just so you know...you wouldn't stand a chance if I were ever on a ship with you. And what's more...I'd look you right in the eyes and laugh my head off when you wanted "your" chair back. :D


Kristi, I'd like to elect you for president. :)


Actually, I don't have any use for the inconsideration and selfishness of others in social situations. I never did. ESPECIALLY when they're arrogant and brazen about it.


One last year's Transatlantic there were going to be six days-at-sea in a row (crossing the Atlantic). Everybody was getting ready for a nice, relaxing time on the ship - especially around the pool deck - for those six days. Well, the very first day, after breakfast, we had gotten to the pool area around 9AM and immediately noticed that somebody had "reserved" 11 (yes, 11!) lounge chairs IN A ROW directly next to the pool!! There were nothing on these chairs but books, suntan lotion, hats, etc - WITH NO BODIES IN THEM - for over 3 hours! We were sitting in the row behind them, so we had to watch as throngs of people walked by, looking for a place to sit, but couldn't find any chairs together... while these 11 were "reserved". Believe me... had we really wanted any two of those particular chairs, their "STUFF" would have been thrown on the floor (or into the pool), and we would have proudly taken residence.


I was just waiting to see who (or WHAT, in this case) would have the nerve to show up to claim these chairs. Sure enough, at around 12:30, three members of a group strolled over to the chairs, laughing and jabbering - indignant of their selfishness and inconsideration. I was planning on having a conversation with them, but they did not speak English - or pretended not to - and so they just sat there the remaining time, without anybody else joining them by the time we left.


By the way, after an hour of the chairs being empty, I went right over to the pool butler, who said that there was nothing he could do about it (!), and that I had to speak with the security guy who was on deck. Well, I went over to him, brought him right over to the chairs - which were all empty and had been for over an hour - and he was, shall we say, "non-concerned" over it. I asked him who paid his salary...he said the Hotel Director. I thanked him and left.


I knew that we had 5 more sea days, and there was no way I was going to watch this happen every day. So I made an appointment with the Hotel Director, and on the way to dinner that evening went to her office to have a nice little "chat" with her. I told her about what I observed that day, how the pool butlers / security guy did nothing about it, and that "reserving" chairs like was simply not acceptable and wouldn't be tolerated - especially for the next 5 sea days where the pool deck would be very popular. She actually thanked me profusely for letting her know about it. She said "if passengers like you didn't come here to tell me about things like this, I wouldn't know these things were happening". She also asked me for the name of the security guy - which I told her.


Well, the next day there were FOUR OFFICERS patrolling the pool deck. Unoccupied chairs with "token items" were non-existent, the pool butlers were not just standing around folding towels, and I did not see that security guy for the rest of the cruise. Nobody knew that it was me who prompted such a change in the poolside enforcement, but I privately felt good about it.


One of the lessons I learned here is that, if you do see glaringly offensive chair hogging going on.... just make an appointment with the Hotel Manager (it's THEIR JOB) and tell him/her that this is negatively impacting the enjoyment of your vacation, and that you will not tolerate or accept such blantant selfishness and inconsideration from your fellow passengers.


- Rick

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Actually, I don't have any use for the inconsideration and selfishness of others in social situations. I never did. ESPECIALLY when they're arrogant and brazen about it.


I knew that we had 5 more sea days, and there was no way I was going to watch this happen every day. So I made an appointment with the Hotel Director, and on the way to dinner that evening went to her office to have a nice little "chat" with her. I told her about what I observed that day, how the pool butlers / security guy did nothing about it, and that "reserving" chairs like was simply not acceptable and wouldn't be tolerated - especially for the next 5 sea days where the pool deck would be very popular. She actually thanked me profusely for letting her know about it. She said "if passengers like you didn't come here to tell me about things like this, I wouldn't know these things were happening". She also asked me for the name of the security guy - which I told her.


Well, the next day there were FOUR OFFICERS patrolling the pool deck. Unoccupied chairs with "token items" were non-existent, the pool butlers were not just standing around folding towels, and I did not see that security guy for the rest of the cruise. Nobody knew that it was me who prompted such a change in the poolside enforcement, but I privately felt good about it.


One of the lessons I learned here is that, if you do see glaringly offensive chair hogging going on.... just make an appointment with the Hotel Manager (it's THEIR JOB) and tell him/her that this is negatively impacting the enjoyment of your vacation, and that you will not tolerate or accept such blantant selfishness and inconsideration from your fellow passengers.


- Rick


good for you. you went a little bit out of your way to make the remaining cruise a lot more pleasant for the crowd.


As for the pool attendants/security folks, sounds like it was always part of their job, and if confrontration with guests was going to be so distasteful, they should not have accepted the job. easy to tell a guest NOT MY JOB, but you forced the issue and I'm glad you did.

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