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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Only 1 of those nasty little things jumped into my mouth and it was good:D


I can just imagine the breadstick popping into your mouth, forcing it to open :p :D


I just finished 20 minutes on the eliptical and stepped up the resistance quite a bit. I used a book on cd and it really helped pass the time.


I climb on my treadmill for 10 minutes twice today. I finally did it :p I always forget to put on some music to help me pass the time, my treadmill being next to my computer is a good thing. I could even learn some spanish while I am walking. I'll try to think about it tomorrow.


I really appreciate the help and the encouragement I get here. Let's keep up the good work!!!

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Vicki - thanks for the protein suggestions. I did pick up some low fat cheese sticks at the store that I can take to work. Wow - electric breadsticks at Olive Garden. Just like the Energizer Bunny. All kidding aside you cannot deprive yourself of everything all the time. I don't think one breadstick is that bad. Sounds like you did pretty well.


I feel pretty good tonight. I had whole wheat pasta with a small amount of spaghetti sauce and a huge salad for dinner. I keep remembering little things that helped from previous diets. I certainly have the track record for that.


I just finished 20 minutes on the eliptical and stepped up the resistance quite a bit. I used a book on cd and it really helped pass the time. Did some yard clean up this afternoon but my bad knee started really giving me trouble so I had to back off. Sometimes you are darned if you do and darned if you don't.


My fasting blood sugar this morning was 91 so I am really happy about that. Even if I never lose a pound I need to get my sugars back under control. Time to put away laundry for the week and then walk the dog and then bed! Work tomorrow.



I did good, a week ago I would have ate the whole basket of bread sticks by my self and dared anyone to try and take one. This time I took one and passed the basket as far away from me as possible they same with the salad bowl.

I had my son run off several movies on my Zune today so I can take it to the Y tomorrow. It does make the time on the treadmill pass quicker.Also having him run off several books(Nicholas Sparks newest one)

That's great, it's important to keep your blood sugar in check.

I'm off to bed soon I only managed about 2 hours sleep last night so I am tired and 6:00qm comes around real quick(that is when we leave the house to go to the Y. Then on to work.


I can just imagine the breadstick popping into your mouth, forcing it to open :p :D




I climb on my treadmill for 10 minutes twice today. I finally did it :p I always forget to put on some music to help me pass the time, my treadmill being next to my computer is a good thing. I could even learn some spanish while I am walking. I'll try to think about it tomorrow.


I really appreciate the help and the encouragement I get here. Let's keep up the good work!!!


Yeah:) you did the treadmill. you could download all kinds of good music on the computor. Spanish would be nice too.

I am looking forward to the much needed encouragement on this forum and know that it will keep me motivated and encouraged.


Well I am tired off to bed


"Say Goodnight Gracie"

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Grrr... I had to do a quick dinner and opted for a calzone. Oh well... lots of walking this week! And one day isn't going to kill me.


Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 1 more day of work and I get a day off! And Tuesday is supposed to be beautiful here!


I love Olive Garden! Actually I love all Italian food. I have a super good recipe for potato soup that I put some turkey italian sausage into and it is just like the sausage soup at Olive Garden. Sooo good. Now I want to make some! :)


Carissa :)

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:eek::eek: I have to find a way to reduce my carbs intake. I just entered my breakfast on the www.fitday.com and my carbs are allready more than 100% for the day :eek::eek: That is just after my breakfast :eek::eek: Some changes will have to be done quickly here!!!!! I am going to look to find low carb foods that do not contain a lot of chemical products instead..

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Grrr... I had to do a quick dinner and opted for a calzone. Oh well... lots of walking this week! And one day isn't going to kill me.


Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 1 more day of work and I get a day off! And Tuesday is supposed to be beautiful here!


I love Olive Garden! Actually I love all Italian food. I have a super good recipe for potato soup that I put some turkey italian sausage into and it is just like the sausage soup at Olive Garden. Sooo good. Now I want to make some!


Carissa :)



I hope your day off will be a great one, hey make up the soup but do it low calorie. I try to do this with alot of recipes.

As for the original soup my DH found the recipe online at copycat recipes and makes it.


:eek::eek: I have to find a way to reduce my carbs intake. I just entered my breakfast on the www.fitday.com and my carbs are allready more than 100% for the day :eek::eek: That is just after my breakfast Some changes will have to be done quickly here!!!!! I am going to look to find low carb foods that do not contain a lot of chemical products instead..



I am having a very hard time giving up carbs.

Good luck in the hunt for low carb foods..let us know what changes you make.

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I started the morning off just fine....went to the Y at 6:00am with DH and did the treadmill for 70 minutes and all of the machines that the gym trainer put us on.

Came home ate a little something for healthy for breakfast and went to visit a patient and ate a very healthy lunch of homemade veggie (only) soup and salad.

But then came home and went carb berserk.:eek:

I get so mad at myself when I do this.:mad:


I have all the healthy food in the house and even have it available to eat fast, but went straight for the bread.


For punishment I should go back to the Y and do the treadmill for another 70 minutes. But seriously I need to get this habit under control.


Thanks for listening.


Hope everyone else had a good day.

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Well I had a pretty good day food-wise. Work-wise it was slow - which almost never happens.


I am marinating some chicken breasts to grill since it has decided to turn nice outside. Planning on a large bowl of broccoli with a little bit of cheese sauce and some fresh pineapple.


I eat a lot of carbs. If I follow my diabetes diet I count carbs but I do eat a lot of them. I could never do a diet without carbs - I enjoy bread, pasta and potatoes too much.


I hope to hit the eliptical tonight and then walk the dog. I could not sleep last night so I ended taking tylenol with sleep aid (my knee was throbbing) so I found drowsy half the morning. I also had the shakes around 11:00 so I had to eat my sandwich then. I had run out test strips and not refilled the container so I could not even check my sugar. Oh well, I've had this long enough to know when it is low and it was.


Hope everyone has a great evening! Spring starts Friday.

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Hi, can I please join too?

I am 33 and have a 5 yr old daughter.

My first cruise is in about a month and a half.

I have recommitted to WW. I am doing it on my own. Stopped the meetings, as I wasn't going as often as I liked.

I lost 40 pds a few yrs back.

This time around I am down 25 pounds.

I would love to lose 10 pds before the trip.

Today I did my first Zumba DVD. Has anyone tried it? It had me sweating. I liked it! Will try to do it 4 times a week...

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Mamalicious - of course you can join us. The more the merrier.


A cruise that soon sounds wonderful. My friend at work leaves Saturday. I am so green-eyed jealous.


Just had my delicious dinner....later

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I eat a lot of carbs. If I follow my diabetes diet I count carbs but I do eat a lot of them. I could never do a diet without carbs - I enjoy bread, pasta and potatoes too much.


So do I!!! But now, instead of taking white bread and white pasta, I will go for the whole wheat kind. I am also going to forget the muffins in the mornings.


Hi, can I please join too?

My first cruise is in about a month and a half.


Welcome and I hope you have a great cruise!!! I miss cruising so much. My last cruise was in April 2007 :(

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Hi, can I please join too?

I am 33 and have a 5 yr old daughter.

My first cruise is in about a month and a half.

I have recommitted to WW. I am doing it on my own. Stopped the meetings, as I wasn't going as often as I liked.

I lost 40 pds a few yrs back.

This time around I am down 25 pounds.

I would love to lose 10 pds before the trip.

Today I did my first Zumba DVD. Has anyone tried it? It had me sweating. I liked it! Will try to do it 4 times a week...



WELCOME.......Glad to have you aboad

I too am envious my first cruise isn't until October.

What cruise are you taking?

I have a lot of friends that love Zumba classes as for me I have never tried it. Finding a good workout is wonderful.


Well I had a pretty good day food-wise. Work-wise it was slow - which almost never happens.


I am marinating some chicken breasts to grill since it has decided to turn nice outside. Planning on a large bowl of broccoli with a little bit of cheese sauce and some fresh pineapple.


I eat a lot of carbs. If I follow my diabetes diet I count carbs but I do eat a lot of them. I could never do a diet without carbs - I enjoy bread, pasta and potatoes too much.


I hope to hit the eliptical tonight and then walk the dog. I could not sleep last night so I ended taking tylenol with sleep aid (my knee was throbbing) so I found drowsy half the morning. I also had the shakes around 11:00 so I had to eat my sandwich then. I had run out test strips and not refilled the container so I could not even check my sugar. Oh well, I've had this long enough to know when it is low and it was.


Hope everyone has a great evening! Spring starts Friday.




That chicken dinner sounds great. Did you grill the pineapple also....it tastes so good when we do it on the grill.

The reason I try to limit carbs is that my metabolism just doesn't burn them.

Sorry to hear your knee hurt you, I hope you went out and bought your test strips. My DH has to check his daily he is type 2 and takes meds to control it but not shots.

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I had plenty of test strips at home. I just had not filled the case. Will do it tonight.


Dinner was very good and filling. Either I am eating a little better or my stomach is shrinking. Don't care as long as I am not so hungry all the time.


Did the eliptical tonight. Off to walk the dog. Wow - sounds like same old same old.


My cruise is in August on the NCL Dawn. I cannot get my countdown clock to work. Vicki - what ship are you on in October?

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I started the morning off just fine....went to the Y at 6:00am with DH and did the treadmill for 70 minutes and all of the machines that the gym trainer put us on.

Came home ate a little something for healthy for breakfast and went to visit a patient and ate a very healthy lunch of homemade veggie (only) soup and salad.

But then came home and went carb berserk.:eek:

I get so mad at myself when I do this.:mad:



I had to laugh... that is ME! I can be so good for most of the day but one weak moment and I'm consuming a whole box of cookies. I even think that if I buy Snackwells, which are lower fat, that I'm doing myself a favor. However, it doesn't matter how low fat those cookies are if I stuff myself with 1,000 calories of that sweet goodness!


I wasn't motivated to run much tonight - just a blah day in general. But I did put in a half hour on the treadmill. I figure that is better than nothing.


I wish you all well with your day/evenings.



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I had plenty of test strips at home. I just had not filled the case. Will do it tonight.


Dinner was very good and filling. Either I am eating a little better or my stomach is shrinking. Don't care as long as I am not so hungry all the time.


Did the eliptical tonight. Off to walk the dog. Wow - sounds like same old same old.


My cruise is in August on the NCL Dawn. I cannot get my countdown clock to work. Vicki - what ship are you on in October?



Dinner did sound good. Is it leftover for tonight.

With all the walking the dog is getting in is he/she loosing weight too.:D

We are on the Carnival Legend leaving out of Tampa, doing a Western Caribbean Cruise.


I had to laugh... that is ME! I can be so good for most of the day but one weak moment and I'm consuming a whole box of cookies. I even think that if I buy Snackwells, which are lower fat, that I'm doing myself a favor. However, it doesn't matter how low fat those cookies are if I stuff myself with 1,000 calories of that sweet goodness!


I wasn't motivated to run much tonight - just a blah day in general. But I did put in a half hour on the treadmill. I figure that is better than nothing.


I wish you all well with your day/evenings.




Half an hour of work out is still good.

I am learning that since I have no self control that I should not even bring anything unhealthy within reach or it goes into my mouth then travels to my butt.:eek:


we weighed in sunday with the other players our contest. Im down 43lbs and the wife is down 29lbs. still got aways to go till the july 5 cruise but we are pretty motivated:)



Congrats...you both are doing so good. What changes did you both make to lose your weight? I have no doubts you will win the contest. :)

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Here is an update as to how my day went:

Went to Y at 6:00am and did the treadmill for 70 minutes, came home gathered up my breakfast and lunch and went to see my patients.

I did a few stretches with my therapy bands while sitting with my patients.

Ate my breakfast: 1 cup Kashi oats and 3 ounces turkey sausage(I make my own)

Ate my lunch: Homemade veggie only soup and a salad.

So far so good, now if I can just get through dinner. I put in a tip roast, potatoes and carrots in the crock pot this morning so dinner is ready.



Here is hoping everyone is having a




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I had an absolutely horrible day at work. It is the first day in about 2 weeks where I thought I would succumb to stress eating. That is always one of my weaknesses. I went and sat outside for a few minutes ate 2 rice cakes. I still felt stressed out at lunch and believe it or not I almost did not eat. Now, that rarely, if ever, happens.


I had made a delicious salad with lettuces, other veggies, grapes, strawberries, some of last night's leftover chicken. I finally started eating it and it was wonderful.


I felt much calmer in the afternoon. Came home and have just raked up old leaves for an hour. It is absolutely beautiful today. I just found out my husband will probably not be back on Friday like we thought. He won't be back until next week now. We had planned on having my daughter and her boyfriend for dinner Saturday so I will probably reschedule that.


Time to make some dinner. I am not sure what but I am sure getting hungry. My sugar went to 51 when I was walking last night so I ended up having to eat before bed - more carbs and calories but I could not help it.


How's everyone else doing?

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I had an absolutely horrible day at work. It is the first day in about 2 weeks where I thought I would succumb to stress eating. That is always one of my weaknesses. I went and sat outside for a few minutes ate 2 rice cakes. I still felt stressed out at lunch and believe it or not I almost did not eat. Now, that rarely, if ever, happens.


I had made a delicious salad with lettuces, other veggies, grapes, strawberries, some of last night's leftover chicken. I finally started eating it and it was wonderful.


I felt much calmer in the afternoon. Came home and have just raked up old leaves for an hour. It is absolutely beautiful today. I just found out my husband will probably not be back on Friday like we thought. He won't be back until next week now. We had planned on having my daughter and her boyfriend for dinner Saturday so I will probably reschedule that.


Time to make some dinner. I am not sure what but I am sure getting hungry. My sugar went to 51 when I was walking last night so I ended up having to eat before bed - more carbs and calories but I could not help it.


How's everyone else doing?




I'm so sorry you had a bad day at work:(

But it sounds as if you handled it perfectly,it took alot of self discipline so be very proud of your self.:)

I knew that chicken would be left overs today.:D

Hope you can keep the sugar under control tonight.




You want more leaves I have plenty that need to be raked.;)

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Hello. I am looking to join a weight loss support group. DH and I started dieting 5 days ago. He has about twice the weight to lose (110 to my 60)but men lose so much more quickly he will probably reach his goal first :mad:.


I will be 43 in couple of weeks. Two sons 20 and 18. We are self employed (EMS) and I work 16 - 18 hour days, lots of stress and sleep deprivation. Working out is difficult and I lack motivation for finding time. The diet we started is do-able.


We cruise in less than 2 weeks. I have a short term weight loss goal for this cruise. Of course we will cheat during and return after. Next cruise is not until July.


Looking forward to motivating with you.



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