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Royal Champions


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Just out of interest...


Those of you who are RC's....had you been told that the RC scheme was attached to a marketing & PR company who wanted to use you as a way to promote Royal Caribbean and that you would be rewarded for doing so, would you have accepted the invitation?


Just thinking that if you were not aware that RC had no actual connection per se with RCI but was a marketing tool by an outside company employed by RCI, then your frustration towards those of us who question the morality of a scheme like this would be understandable.


That is what I mentioned in my post last night. I have no ill will toward nor am I suspect of ANY RC. Most of the RC's are well known and trusted on these boards. I just wonder if many (any) of them would have accepted the RC title if they had really known/understood what the program was really being used for?

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Hypothetical...but possibly close to a nerve.


PR company employed by cruise line adopts a club type initiative, invites those who have been recommended to them by a well established cruise discussion board and the cruise line as being good solid sorts that have always given the cruise line decent reviews/opinions.


PR company doesn't tell the member of the club OR the cruise discussion board owner what their true agenda is...incase it ruffles feathers.


OOOPS... the scheme is uncovered on a couple of websites and all hell breaks loose.


Cruise discussion board deletes every mention of it, evades giving straight replies and the members of the club are in uproar.




Cos they were both taken for a ride, they were both used and were both fleeced into thinking that this club was something to do with the cruise line and thus legitimate.


Ending...well RCI have been made to look shady, the PR firm have their trousers round their ankles, the club members and cruise discussion board are acting like deer caught in headlights, not sure what to do or say cos it just dawned on them that they were Royally used.

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No, I read every word. Maybe we should? I don't make those decisions but maybe that would be a good thing. But I'd also then like everyone here to tell me what benefit they've received. Did you get a free upgrade? Discounted upgrade? Free stateroom benefits that you didn't qualify for? Free drinks at a CC party? If full disclosure is what people want, I want FULL disclosure. I went on a Royal Caribbean member cruise and I'm a diamond level. As diamond level we received a free excursion to the beach in St. Maarten. Judge my posts accordingly. Do you honestly believe that you haven't been getting that? Maybe you can do some research and look at member reviews written by Royal Champions and those not Royal Champions for the same cruise. Let's really compare them. I'll even help research it. Who's a Royal Champion that wrote a review recently? Ship and date? I'll find two reviews and link to them.

Since June of 2008, as an RC I have received no call from the upgrade fairy (but then that's not unusual)....................have received no discounted upgrade.................no free stateroom benefits.................. and free drinks at the M&M party was lemonade and ice tea.


I did do a Member's cruise to Alaska in 2007 where all D/D+ members were invited to partake in a free excursion to Mendenhall Glacier followed by a Salmon Bake. Oh and we did receive 8 wonderful gifts during the 14 day cruise.


Cy its already in the Press http://consumerist.com/5166291/royal-caribbean-caught-infiltrating-review-sites-with-viral-marketing-team.



Admin why are you confusing perks that have been earned by repeat cruising with Champs getting perks for Championing RCCL ??






You keep telling us about Champs getting perks..........and yet you won't disclose to us what they are.


I think that the Admin has clearly listed what perks you all think that we are getting when we became RCs.


When I board a ship, my SeaPass says Diamond Plus Member............and that is really all that I am interested in. You see, we had to earn that level.


The next time you go on a cruise and you get a price fare reduction because you live in a particular state..............and others who do not live in your state do not...............remember you are also getting a "reward".

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Yep, I'm in the newer group and have only received an invite to attend the Oasis preview in NYC last fall. Couldn't make it as we had other plans. Certainly wasn't a "free" cruise.


Anybody who takes anything that Ms. Potter writes as gospel is not doing their research very well.


Ms. Potter, from what I have read of her work is ... I can't say.:D If I said I would have to explain what manure is, and how it is made.



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Yea everyone likes freebies, but this isn't a freebie for a problem encountered on a cruise or one that was available to everyone. It was another effort by a large corporation to co-opt information on the internet, specifically high posters on CC. I think that is a little different. It's not about Royal trying to influence individuals, they are trying to influence the information on a website that is itself influential to their industry. Like all corporations Royal doesn't like information about their industry to be available and not have control of it. This is a continuing trend toward the corporate control of information.


The thing that disturbs me the most about this is that it involved posters and never was discussed. This is the place people go to get cruise news. You can find out about the latest of anything cruise related on this site, but here is cruise news that involved members for years and it just became news on this site because it made the news. Why didn't anyone involved think that this was worthwhile news to post?

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Since June of 2008, as an RC I have received no call from the upgrade fairy (but then that's not unusual)....................have received no discounted upgrade.................no free stateroom benefits.................. and free drinks at the M&M party was lemonade and ice tea.



But you did get a free 2 day cruise for championing RCCL am i right ?



Goldryder you're spot on there's a lot of flapping going on !!




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Good grief... does a single fact ever make it into one of your posts. Good lord knows that defending Laura an Cecelia by me is insane, but posts like this force me to defend them.
I'm so cold suddenly!!! Has something frozen over? Brrrrrrr ;)
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I see a few extreme views on each end of the spectrum, and this is the focus of almost all of the posts on this topic.


On one hand, there are the RCs who feel that all the ruckus and excitment is all about conspiracy theorists who claim that all RCs receive extravagant rewards, or even paycheques as a few RCs have mentioned. Rubbish... there are a great many of us who understand that the rewards are MINIMAL (a 1-2 day free cruise). Please don't dismiss this point because the thought is that everyone thinks you are getting paycheques or free 7 day cruises. We all don't share the extreme views against RCs.


On the other hand, you have the anti-RC's who propose that anything and everything said by an RC is to be ignored. These anti-RCs have even used name calling, and lumped many RCs into a small box that fits some warped concept. Again.. Rubbish! I am SO glad for these RC's who have been an invaluable source of information for EVERYONE, including the anti-RCs.


Somewhere in between is the real story. After reading more and more of these posts, and some of the comments by both sides, I'm very close, but not right beside the RCs' views on this.. but I admit, I will most certainly read their opinions with a little more critical eye because of this new persective that I have learned over the past few weeks. And I for one, hope that they continue to post and that those who have a problem with what they post will do what we all can do: ignore it, and move on.


Todd - Thank you for your comments. At least someone is reading everything posted and making judgements based on facts and not emotion.


I agree with everyone's comments about ignoring us since our posts will be biased in favor of RCI. My only comment is that you will be missing a wealth of information from long time cruisers that have cruised on many different lines.


I've identified myself as a RC since the Liberty preinaugural. It's hard to define my posts for he last year as I've been mostly involved with the roll call for the 46 day repositioning cruise of the Mariner around the horn of South America. Haven't written a review yet, but one thing that will be included is the fact that many of us had what we called the Mariner "crud" off and on for most of the trip. Coughing and hacking were the sounds of the cruise. Many folks got to be very good friends with the ship's Doctor.


Again, thanks for your comments and open mind about this issue.

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To be honest, I have no idea if the information in the article is true or made up. Since I don't know for sure, I'm not so quick to assume anything deceitful. From what I've seen this evening, half the people here believe everything they read and the other half have actual experience being a Royal Champion and they're denying the accusations. Why is it so easy to believe the negative and deny the positive? Hmmm...a discussion for another time perhaps...


Anyway...I look forward to learning more about this issue.


(By the way, I'm a diamond cruiser with RCI and I work for Cruise Critic. Shouldn't that qualify me for RC? :-) I'm kidding.)


Cecelia..you are a CHAMPION in any sense of the word...and as for the article...I agree...we have no way to verify it one way or another.....maybe people's minds just started working in funny ways....but it got ugly for a while over the past couple days......



maybe we all should retreat to a corner with a big bowl of ice cream, or grand marnier souffle or some cookies and take a "time out!!"


thanks for referreeing us though.......and Laura, thanks for your post!


Now.....where did I leave my souffle......;)

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To me this is not about awards or perks. It is about full disclosure of a a web sites intentions and affiliations. I have recently noticed that because of this sites non disclosure of the intentions of RCCL's Champions that some travel sites sites are now posting who owns them. I belive in this case it was in our intrest to disclose this fact to the readers of this board.


It is in our intrest to read the rules and disclosure statements before we decide to sign up for a message board .This information is sometimes sold and used for the benifit of companies. It's usually stated before you complete the sign up process.


However this does not exuse the moderater or RCCL from not disclosing the facts of this

rather sorry attempt to hide these facts. As always read these reviews with caution.

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again how is this rccl's fault, this is not their website..or is it?

it was known by the owner and allowed, rccl is not at fault. they may or may not have implemented this Rc idea but the bottom line is this idea of RC's was allowed here from the admin /owners or whatever ya call them

just my opinion


RCL has their own agenda and is implementing it right here on these boards for the cost of a few pre-inaugural berths. Pretty good deal for them. Just business.

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I guess I didn't read all the threads because I didn't see anyone call anyone anything nasty but then I tend to skip over nastiness. It is the perception that people who are given incentives, whether money, products, privilege, or otherwise cannot be completely unbiased that appears to be hurting those who are RCs. While it may be true that none of the RCs who post here are influenced by the incentives, it is human nature to be suspicious of those who are part of a "viral marketing plan" created by a company, as described by the company representative.


PLEASE do not take this personally. It has nothing to do with you as a person and is a mistake made by RCCL. Full disclosure should have been made in a way that all of us would know the purpose of the Royal Champions. I honestly believe that had this been done, this would not be a problem. We would come to love and trust each of the people involved based on their past and future posts.




I agree 100%.....


What it boils down to, at lesat in my noggin, is that peoples' perception is THEIR reality. If someone perceives that Royal Champions are unbiased based on whatever incentives they may or may not get, it is sad, but there is NOTHING that can be done to alter that perception and therefore the reality. Sad yes, but I believe it's true. I guess we all have that little voice inside (i have SEVERAL!!:D) that tell us something smells funny...or that there appears to be a hidden adgenda...


we just have to decide to which voice we wish to listen!

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Since June of 2008, as an RC I have received no call from the upgrade fairy (but then that's not unusual)....................have received no discounted upgrade.................no free stateroom benefits.................. and free drinks at the M&M party was lemonade and ice tea.


I did do a Member's cruise to Alaska in 2007 where all D/D+ members were invited to partake in a free excursion to Mendenhall Glacier followed by a Salmon Bake. Oh and we did receive 8 wonderful gifts during the 14 day cruise.



You keep telling us about Champs getting perks..........and yet you won't disclose to us what they are.


I think that the Admin has clearly listed what perks you all think that we are getting when we became RCs.


When I board a ship, my SeaPass says Diamond Plus Member............and that is really all that I am interested in. You see, we had to earn that level.


The next time you go on a cruise and you get a price fare reduction because you live in a particular state..............and others who do not live in your state do not...............remember you are also getting a "reward".


We would have more luck banging our heads against a brick wall then getting an answer. :rolleyes:

Have a good day. :D

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What it boils down to, at lesat in my noggin, is that peoples' perception is THEIR reality. If someone perceives that Royal Champions are unbiased based on whatever incentives they may or may not get, it is sad, but there is NOTHING that can be done to alter that perception and therefore the reality.



Couldn't agree more !!



Isn't Fact 50 Champs were reward with a free cruise or was that lies ????






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We would have more luck banging our heads against a brick wall then getting an answer. :rolleyes:

Have a good day. :D

Hi Alexis..............yep they just keep chopping at the bit about all these great "free" perks and rewards we get..........but they just won't tell us what we are supposed to be getting............that I haven't received since June of 2008!:(


I'd be doing cartwheels just to receive a call from the upgrade fairy for any of my upcoming cruises!:p

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Sigh...I can no longer see the forest for all the trees.


To everyone that believes that we engaged in some cover up by removing threads on this subject...you're mistaken. I told all of you why that happened but some people refuse to believe something I'm telling you outright. And you continue to say over and over how deceptive we were. You've insulted me and everyone associated with the board and I find it offensive. Such is life...


As for this Royal Champion thing...no one has one piece of evidence that anyone has been paid for their participation. It seems that this program is a loyalty program, not unlike every loyalty program every cruise line has. Was Royal Caribbean more aggressive in their efforts to create this type of loyalty program? It appears so. But I don't believe for a minute that every other cruise line won't jump on this bandwagon if it proves successful for RCI. If you believe that a cruise line has a loyalty program in order to give you a warm fuzzy then you don't understand loyalty programs. They exist entirely and completely to retain your business and entice you to spend more money. And tell your friends.


I'm sure this issue will continue to dominate for as long as someone wants to discuss their outrage repeating the same thing over and over. And someone wants to defend their reputation over and over.


I'll continue to read the thread in order to make sure the board guidelines are followed. No namecalling. No attacks. No unwanted comments to other members. And no discussion of board moderation. If you find a post of yours removed, write to me at boards@cruisecritic.com and I'll tell you what happened.


For me, I've addressed this enough.

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Now its on MSNBC - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29554810/



lack of transparency somes it up !!







I extracted this from the link you provided..............


"The post also states that Royal Champions were rewarded with all-expense paid pre-inaugural sailings along with invites to events and cocktail parties hosted by Royal Caribbean executives."


Now I understand why I see no credibility in what I read in the media.:mad:

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I've been a member of CC for about 4 years and in that time, it seems that there has been this coup by the nasty people that makes staying less palatable. If someone says they like something, they're a cheerleader. If someone complains and complains and complains, they are just "telling it like it is."



I see it a little differently than you. I see a bit of a possible "coup" by certain posters/groups of posters to "silence" any negative criticism of (particularly Royal Caribbean) cruise line policies. These posters feel free to call anyone disagreeing with Royal Carib. policy changes "whiners and moaners", even starting a thread (Club?) to "stamp out" these so-called whiners and moaners. Read through this very thread and apparently now ANYONE who even questions or has questions about the RC PROGRAM is now branded a "Conspiracy Theorist". If that is not name calling, what is? Is it only name calling when one particular group is the victim?

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Who here actually thinks MSNBC or Ms. Potter actually has a clue about anything. A showing of hands will suffice. I see two, thank you JJ and Ally for participating.:D


Cecilia, it is supposed to get very cold here tonight, well below freezing, but it is hot, about 70, right now. Sorry about the misspelling of the name.



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Media lol


"In May 2007, the Royal Champions community of online enthusiasts was invited to their first big event, the pre-inaugural sailings of our newest ship Liberty of the Seas in New York and Miami."


"President Adam Goldstein hosted the New York party and CEO Richard Fain hosted the Miami party. The events generated abundant positive word-of-mouth on various sites and created a cohesive community of Royal Caribbean online enthusiasts that are regularly leveraged for ongoing marketing initiatives."







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get rid of the corporate strings and everything that goes with it. Surely it should be an open and honest site where people can say what they want (within reason - courtesy etc rather than outright nastiness) and let people share their experiences without the doubt about whether or not others are paid in kind with freebee cruises etc.


I say again....staff and owners of sites like these should never accept free cruises just because they own or admin a discussion site,


I agree with you 100%. That's the problem with mega cruise site's like this (and others) that accept advertising money. Then, they are "beholden" to them to a degree. Far the most part, I prefer the smaller cruise site's that do not accept any kind of advertising.....then, open & honest reviews can be posted without worry of reprisal from the contributing companies.


I think it's a great idea for the "RC's" to have to have that "designation" in their sig lines......

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