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Royal Champions


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I have no cause here other than stopping people like you attacking and calling good people liars. I am not a coward, and I will stand up to thugs.



jc a bit of advice take a step back before you say something you regret !! we don't hate each other do we ?





This from the associate Vice President of Marketing for RCI


"They are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses, which are not paid by Royal Caribbean. Royal Champions do not receive any compensation for their participation nor do we influence what they share or how they participate in their online discussions."



That doesn't say Liu was wrong


Quote from Lui


"After individuals were chosen for the program, their posts were “carefully monitored during events and on a regular basis to ensure that posts remain POSTIVE and frequent.”



Any idea jc why Lui said this knowing it was being recorded ?







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jc a bit of advice take a step back before you say something you regret !! we don't hate each other do we ?


This from the associate Vice President of Marketing for RCI


"They are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses, which are not paid by Royal Caribbean. Royal Champions do not receive any compensation for their participation nor do we influence what they share or how they participate in their online discussions."


That doesn't say Liu was wrong


Quote from Lui


"After individuals were chosen for the program, their posts were “carefully monitored during events and on a regular basis to ensure that posts remain POSTIVE and frequent.




These quotes are priceless and really summarize it all

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Also, why can't the info be posted in other places for people who never even look at the Stickys or who don't frequent RCL but still might find this interesting?

For a lot of us that is the issue. Not being allowed to post or discuss information relevant to cruising on a discussion board for cruisers.

Good job Colleen. You got an answer, even if it was insufficient...


Why don't you just post what you want here?

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You are way too slippery to say you are a liar. You do it in a underhanded way, by posting this Liu comment which basically says that they were paid.


I have zero respect for the blogger who broke this story. She broke a story about a member of CC that was banned from RCI not long ago, and this is her second shot at RCI that I am aware of. Probably she blogs daily in anger or hatred at CC and RCI. She is a zero in the real world and only thru the internet does her pitiable journalism have any credibility. Those of us who knew the Moran story, knew it was a joke.


I reluctantly risked damaging my IQ and went to her blog again to read her garbage.


Here is a quote from her garbage by the same Liu.


I spoke to Harrison Liu, manager brand communications for Royal Caribbean International, about the Royal Champion program. “Royal Champions are enthusiastic online supporters of Royal Caribbean who remain independent and share their opinions as they see fit,” said Harrison. He is quick to point out that the Royal Champion program is separate from the Crown & Anchor Society program – the line’s loyalty program for customers.


I now copy another bit from her garbage postings, which unless Paul glgolfer is not telling the truth proves what garbage her blog is...


The post also states that Royal Champions were rewarded with all-expense paid pre-inaugural sailings along with invites to events and cocktail parties hosted by Royal Caribbean executives.

They were not rewarded with an all-expense paid pre-inaugural cruise. This is false! They paid for all of their own expenses out of pocket without re-imbursement. Each person had to pay any and all expenses that they had except for the cruise. The cruise itself had no monetary value because it was not for sale.


This practice of pre-inaugurals is not unique. Nobody on the ship paid for the cruise. It was non-bookable. You or I unless we were amongst those invited by RCI could not book the cruise. Therefore, if you want to keep a single shred of credibility, you will apologize to all that you have slandered, and you will then begin an attack on all travel agents that were on the cruise. There were thousands of others that were "bought" by RCI and you seem to have no problem with any of that. So get your pitchforks and go after those in the business of selling you a cruise, and leave private citizens who are not doing business alone. Those travel agents actually have a direct financial interest in selling you a cruise. No Royal Champion is going to get a single penny if you book a cruise. Otherwise, I will continue to destroy your pathetic logic and poor reasoning. :rolleyes:


I am not a lawyer and this is not a courtroom. There is no proof, there is no justice, there is just slanderous attacks by those who do not know anything and dislike their fellow members. I think you and several others should have an identifying sign saying you are a......:mad:



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For those calling for "transparacy." I want to know who is part of the loyalty program and who owns stock. Those people directly benefit from RCI. How do I know I am reading an honest opinion if you are an owner? And those Diamond members, well RCI's obviously showers you with benefits. Are Diamond members honest in their reviews? Might as well require travel agents to be identified also. Those three groups receive far more benefits and perks from RCI than any RCs do based on the RC status. While we are at it I guess we should require anyone who does business with the cruise industry be identified: Brokers, lawyers, produce salesmen...


The RCs identified themselves in their signatures. Some of you chose to turn the signatures off or simply ignore them. You are at fault for not knowing about the program. It does not matter how many times people tell you the truth, you don't want to hear it.

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But jc what you have to realise Harrison Liu or RCCL haven't retracted her statement so that in my eyes means it was correct !!



I think you and several others should have an identifying sign saying you are a......



What should it say jc - you've called me a liar you've insulted my country anything else you'd like to say ? get it all off your chest in one go and then we can move on.






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... Therefore, if you want to keep a single shred of credibility, you will apologize to all that you have slandered, and you will then begin an attack on all travel agents that were on the cruise. There were thousands of others that were "bought" by RCI and you seem to have no problem with any of that....


I think the point here is simply that of transparency. No one expects a TA to be neutral. They are on the ship to promote the ship, to increase RCL's bottom line.


When my local newspaper writes an article about any of the parent company's subsidiaries, it always posts a note stating that the company is owned by the parent.


I personally have no problem with either TA or RC being on here.... if they disclose that they are who they are. If you get money, favours or whatever your neutrality may be in question. Notice, I didn't say that it was... just that it may be. The public has a right to know and to judge that for themselves.


NOTICE: I am not saying anything for or against. Don't read anything of the such into my words. I am not saying that anyone is or isn't biased. I'm just saying that I believe in disclosure. I run a small B&B in Montreal and any time I reply where I see a conflict of interest I have ALWAYS mentioned the conflict of interest, publicly. But that's just my moral code.

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Also, why can't the info be posted in other places for people who never even look at the Stickys or who don't frequent RCL but still might find this interesting?

For a lot of us that is the issue. Not being allowed to post or discuss information relevant to cruising on a discussion board for cruisers.

Good job Colleen. You got an answer, even if it was insufficient...


Go to the HAL boards and post over there with them. They even have a PR person posting with them for back up. ;)

You can say what you want over there. The PR did.



Yesterday, 11:02 AM


Public Relations Manager, Holland America Line Join Date: Feb 2007

Posts: 3


Official HAl response



Hi All~ I am a PR mgr. at HAL and will be chiming in here from time to time. I want to assure everyone that we do not have paid evangelists on any boards. I'll always post my name so you know I'm with the company.




Please understand that I'm not a travel agent, the Reservations department nor a Personal Cruise Consultant and that I am unable to discuss bookings or provide free upgrades.


I know this will get pulled, but I think this is a very cheap shot at us and RCCL from HAL.

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Correct Ephraim thats all we ask transparency!!


All this just makes me think of the Sword of Damocles. And those under the sword aren't just the RC's themselves but RCL who has poisoned anything that anyone says about them, from now on.

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But jc what you have to realise Harrison Liu or RCCL haven't retracted her statement so that in my eyes means it was correct !!






What should it say jc - you've called me a liar you've insulted my country anything else you'd like to say ? get it all off your chest in one go and then we can move on.







You are again wrong. I have not called you liar. I have not insulted your country, I happen to love your country. I have nothing to get off my chest. You are proving yourself to be what you are. It is there for everyone to form their own opinion. I have mine.


Liu clearly contradicts himself and yet you choose one answer, the one that stands out in contrast to all others. By choosing that answer logically that means that Paul and the other Royal Champions, RCI and CC are liars.


That is pretty unbelieveable. Don't you think?:rolleyes:


Again, there are people with real financial conflicts in this situation and yet you attack only those with no financial interests. That tells me a lot...


Further posting in response to your posts is worthless because you discount any information that contradicts your point of view. That is what we refer to as blinded with anger. There is no point trying to change your mind. You are incapable of admitting you are wrong. So enjoy being wrong, you have earned it.:rolleyes:



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I think the point here is simply that of transparency. No one expects a TA to be neutral. They are on the ship to promote the ship, to increase RCL's bottom line.


When my local newspaper writes an article about any of the parent company's subsidiaries, it always posts a note stating that the company is owned by the parent.


I personally have no problem with either TA or RC being on here.... if they disclose that they are who they are. If you get money, favours or whatever your neutrality may be in question. Notice, I didn't say that it was... just that it may be. The public has a right to know and to judge that for themselves.


NOTICE: I am not saying anything for or against. Don't read anything of the such into my words. I am not saying that anyone is or isn't biased. I'm just saying that I believe in disclosure. I run a small B&B in Montreal and any time I reply where I see a conflict of interest I have ALWAYS mentioned the conflict of interest, publicly. But that's just my moral code.


Ephraim, that is all well and good, great you have a code of ethics. This is an internet forum. All members are anonymous, they don't have to share any personal information about themselves. I have made this point several times on this thread and other threads. I can say I am the president of RCI, how can anyone know what is true or what is false? I do say that jj works for Carnival, and how can he prove he doesn't? Maybe people post here attacking RCI, an the Royal Champions because they hate RCI. Do they need to disclose that, too? Do you not see how silly this transparency arguement is. Do you really think a RC has more influence or more of a conflict of interests than a travel agent, or a stock holder?


Once we get past that, then we are left with some real hatefulness attacking good members of this forum. I don't not accept that.



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Cheers jc - you'll just have agree to disagree !!



I do say that jj works for Carnival, and how can he prove he doesn't?



You prove that i do !!


I can tell you 100% that i don't + never have + never will !! infact some members on here know what i do for a living lol



jc you know if what Harrison Liu said RCCL or Lui would have retracted the statement as they haven't that in my eyes means it was correct !!







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Ephraim, that is all well and good, great you have a code of ethics. This is an internet forum. All members are anonymous, they don't have to share any personal information about themselves. I have made this point several times on this thread and other threads. I can say I am the president of RCI, how can anyone know what is true or what is false? I do say that jj works for Carnival, and how can he prove he doesn't? Maybe people post here attacking RCI, an the Royal Champions because they hate RCI. Do they need to disclose that, too? Do you not see how silly this transparency arguement is. Do you really think a RC has more influence or more of a conflict of interests than a travel agent, or a stock holder?


Once we get past that, then we are left with some real hatefulness attacking good members of this forum. I don't not accept that.




I didn't say that they did or didn't. What I said is that when someone does have a conflict of interest, they should disclose it. That's all I have said.


As someone pointed out on here, the HAL PR person does as well. The RC Champions should as well. And so should travel agents. I can't control other people's moral code... but I do know right from wrong and so should they. I have no qualm about those of the 75 who have put it in their signature... but those who haven't, that is a different story.


As I have said before, a few people on here have prejudiced me because I have my moral code that says that I will stand up for someone in a personal attack, whether I agree with them or not. Don't believe me, look for my name and the words "pompous donkey" on another cruise related board. People who don't really know me, understand me or even understand my moral code had decided that I was a "pompous donkey" because I didn't think that CC was the right place for a personal attack on someone else.


I have to live with the fact that those messages are posted on another website, behind my back and prejudicing others. But at least I believe that I did the right thing and stopped a personal attack. At the end of the day I have to live with myself and hold my head up high. I did what I thought was right, even if they saw it as wrong because they really didn't understand me at all.

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All this just makes me think of the Sword of Damocles. And those under the sword aren't just the RC's themselves but RCL who has poisoned anything that anyone says about them, from now on.


There are so few Royal Champions on here compared to the millions of people who have sailed RCCL over the years.

You mean to tell me everyone on these boards did not decide for themselves if they had a good cruise or not?

Whether they would sail RCCL again?

How are we few people, going to ruin the RCCL name and taint the cruise line?

That is totally false.

You are not giving people credit for using their own brains on here or on a ship.

I think you can also see by this thread. Many minds can not be swayed by others. :D

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Cheers jc - you'll just have agree to disagree !!






Cheers? We agree to disagree? Seriously, it is all just light hearted fun? No harm done? :mad: You are pretty nonchalant when you attack other members. Pathetic.:mad:



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I wouldn't say it was fun - there was a serious point to the whole thread.


No harm on my part - didn't attack anyone - just stated the facts !!




Sure i'll by you a pint sometime - oh no you couldn't accept it ( Carnival perk ) LOL LOL






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Now it makes perfect sense as to why there was so much support here for all the negative things RCI has been doing to their product. I knew something was not right.


Common on Brad. You and I have been on the same side of many issues and I'm an R.C.

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All this just makes me think of the Sword of Damocles. And those under the sword aren't just the RC's themselves but RCL who has poisoned anything that anyone says about them, from now on.


look at it from my point of view. i've had royal champion in my signature for 2 years. i'm also d+ with 43 credits. i'm also a member of the pink boa society.


how do i know who you are and whether or not someone is paying you or otherwise compensating you for posting here and other sites just to cause trouble for rci and/or cc. you might be a member of another cruise web site that wants to harm cc. you might be an employee of another cruise line wanting to harm rci.


i don't know. neither does anyone else. i don't have to believe anything you say. you can deny all you want and i can still not believe you.


i don't really believe you are any of those things, but you could be.


look at some of the things that have been posted the last few days. the posters could easily fit what i wrote above. in retrospect, i wish the mods had left some posts stand so you could see how rabid some of them were.


if you look at my recent posts, you'll see what i have received from rci and how much it gost me. draw your own conclusions.


people much higher in the rci food chain than liu have directly refuted his statement that is included in some posts. we get no benefits and have never been told what or how to post. we pay our own way to any events we are invited to. so far, it's cost us over $2000.


sorry about the no caps, i can't use my left hand right now and am typing wiyh one finger.

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I think the point here is simply that of transparency. No one expects a TA to be neutral. They are on the ship to promote the ship, to increase RCL's bottom line.

When my local newspaper writes an article about any of the parent company's subsidiaries, it always posts a note stating that the company is owned by the parent.


I personally have no problem with either TA or RC being on here.... if they disclose that they are who they are. If you get money, favours or whatever your neutrality may be in question. Notice, I didn't say that it was... just that it may be. The public has a right to know and to judge that for themselves.


NOTICE: I am not saying anything for or against. Don't read anything of the such into my words. I am not saying that anyone is or isn't biased. I'm just saying that I believe in disclosure. I run a small B&B in Montreal and any time I reply where I see a conflict of interest I have ALWAYS mentioned the conflict of interest, publicly. But that's just my moral code.


You bet I would expect a TA to be neutral. Their job is to look out for their PAYING clients' best interests not to promote their own interests in a ship or product.

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look at it from my point of view. i've had royal champion in my signature for 2 years. i'm also d+ with 43 credits. i'm also a member of the pink boa society.


how do i know who you are and whether or not someone is paying you or otherwise compensating you for posting here and other sites just to cause trouble for rci and/or cc. you might be a member of another cruise web site that wants to harm cc. you might be an employee of another cruise line wanting to harm rci.


i don't know. neither does anyone else. i don't have to believe anything you say. you can deny all you want and i can still not believe you.


i don't really believe you are any of those things, but you could be.


look at some of the things that have been posted the last few days. the posters could easily fit what i wrote above. in retrospect, i wish the mods had left some posts stand so you could see how rabid some of them were.


if you look at my recent posts, you'll see what i have received from rci and how much it gost me. draw your own conclusions.


people much higher in the rci food chain than liu have directly refuted his statement that is included in some posts. we get no benefits and have never been told what or how to post. we pay our own way to any events we are invited to. so far, it's cost us over $2000.


sorry about the no caps, i can't use my left hand right now and am typing wiyh one finger.


Agree, I wish the worst posts would remain. With any editing needed for a G rated forum. I believe that is why we are in this Tsunami of misinformation and slander.


I feel badly that certain people can not understand the very simple logic, and you RCs continue to be maligned.


jc<---- not a royal champion because that is worse than being hateful to other members who are

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Also, why can't the info be posted in other places for people who never even look at the Stickys or who don't frequent RCL but still might find this interesting?

For a lot of us that is the issue. Not being allowed to post or discuss information relevant to cruising on a discussion board for cruisers.

Good job Colleen. You got an answer, even if it was insufficient...


That sounds a little bit like.... why can't every thread on every board be copied onto every other board just in case someone might find it interesting.... If you don't frequent the RCI board you are not likely to find much information about the cruise line on Cruise Critic. Maybe there is something really interesting being talked about on the Carnival board. Could they please copy it over here on the RCI board for those of us who don't go there? Some one might be interested. On second thought....nah.


This site is pretty easy to use but you do have to do a little searching.

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