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That sounds a little bit like.... why can't every thread on every board be copied onto every other board just in case someone might find it interesting.... If you don't frequent the RCI board you are not likely to find much information about the cruise line on Cruise Critic. Maybe there is something really interesting being talked about on the Carnival board. Could they please copy it over here on the RCI board for those of us who don't go there? Some one might be interested. On second thought....nah.


This site is pretty easy to use but you do have to do a little searching.

People do copy threads from other boards that they think people will find interesting such as the "Favorite Picture of All Time" thread copied from another board. And it was interesting and people here who had not seen it enjoyed it.

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I agree. Many of us have said that over and over again. The RC's need to stop taking this personally, step out of the box and look at this as a Non-RC sees it. People are interested in this RC program/policy/marketing endeavor. They were asking questions about it. Those questions were being stifled. What is wrong with asking questions? Why does it have to be personal? To many of the RC's I would say, instead of being so defensive, aren't you interested in knowing what this program is actually all about? Don't you wonder why RCL seems to be talking (In The Public Eye No Less) out of both sides of its Corporate mouth about this RC Program? Aren't you at all curious in learning the truth, if it can be learned?


Ok, I posted this before from RCCL but I'll do it again as this is what RCCL says about the RC program so it does explain it and it does answer questions. That's it, this is the truth from RCCL copied from a RCCL email I received last night, there's nothing else to tell anyone.

Here is a brief summary about the Royal Champions program.


Royal Champions are a small group of passionate travel enthusiasts and prolific individuals, who were identified by an independent third party on behalf of Royal Caribbean International, as frequently engaging in online discussions and sharing information about cruising on the internet. With the proliferation of online social networks, blogs and discussion boards on the internet – many of which serve as forums where vacationers visit consistently in search for travel information and advice – Royal Caribbean decided to engage these enthusiasts knowing that they would be a valuable source of information for our current and prospective customers. Thus in early 2007, in keeping with our legacy of innovation, we initiated a program in which the Royal Champions were invited to learn more about our brand, our ships and our amenities.


We have provided the Royal Champions with the opportunity to experience our product during inaugural sailings so that they can provide their opinions and informed reviews in the online spaces they are participating in. On a few occasions, they also have served as focus groups providing us with valuable feedback on a number of topics. Royal Champions have been invited - along with traditional media, top travel partners, and loyal Crown & Anchor Society members - to preview new ships and programs and share their opinions if, when and how they see fit. They are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses, which are not paid by Royal Caribbean. Royal Champions do not receive any compensation for their participation nor do we influence what they share or how they participate in their online discussions.

We are gratified by the enthusiasm these Royal Champions have for cruising and our goal is to continue to incorporate their insights to continually improve the Royal Caribbean vacation experience for all of our guests.

I agree that questions about the program should not be stifled or deleted. What I object to is the accusations in the media about us that are not true and I object to CC members accusing us of not being honest with them when we answer questions just because we are RC's. Look at our past and present posts and reviews, decide for yourselves who if anyone has changed because of RC.

I can see this clearly as a non RC as I was a non RC for a few years until 9/08 when I was invited to join and nothing has changed at all except for this saga. I already knew about the first group that had been invited as RC's and I do not remember anyone ever having a problem with the RC program when it announced in 2007.

RCCL is talking about this in the public because why hide it? Focus groups have been used for years in business both as paid and volunteer participants to give their opinion of a product or experience so what really makes this so different?

Well if RCCL is watching our posts like the media says they are I have this to say to them. Dump the RC program as it is and give the RC title to Diamond Plus members only as another perk in C & A to give our opinions on the company and the ships. If people keep cruising RCCL they too will get the title someday once they become Diamond plus. Seems fair to me. :)

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No responses to the points made by "hazence" in posts # 830 and 847??

I would think that those points would be the most important in this entire debate as they are the foundation of the entire controversy.



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It is interesting that , even in this situation, the Royal Champions seem to find little fault with RCCL marketing...if any at all.


It seems all "fault" lies with other posters for discussing this. It is easier perhaps to deal with individual posters comments than what RCCL Marketing said in this article.


Why not duscuss THOSE comments?


This issue originated with RCCL marketing congratulating themselves and describing their own program in a way that hardly flattered ANY of their customers. IMO it is not a good marketing tool to discuss how you cultivate one set of customers to "infuence" another. Yes, it's DONE all the time and it may be "good marketing" among professionals but not when the Duped and the Dupe-ees have to read about their own manipulation. In my opinion, the whole purpose of the program was devalued by their own description of its inception and intent.


There is nothing personal in this toward any individual's integrity. It was RCCL marketing who says the program INFLUENCED you just in the way they wished..but we all acknowledge it was done "subtly."


Well I cruised RCCL several times before I was invited to be a RC in Sept. 08. Who influenced me up until then? What made me keep booking RCCL cruises? Oh I know! I had a great time on our cruise so let's book another! That's it, we had wonderful vacations and we enjoyed ourselves onboard. Who wouldn't want to repeat a great vacation experience? I guess I and millions of others were subtly infuenced by the RCCL cruise experience onboard and having a great vacation:) So for all the mystery, questions and accusations about the RC program it comes down to something as simple as that. So when people ask me.....Did you have a great cruise? Yes! Are you going to book another one? You bet:D

Maybe you can influence someone into taking a first cruise on any cruiseline but you'll have a hard time getting them to take another on the same ship/line if they did not have a good time on the first cruise. People are giving the RC program way too much credit, it's the ships and the crew that sell RCCL and keep people coming back to RCCL not the RC's.

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I agree that questions about the program should not be stifled or deleted. What I object to is the accusations in the media about us that are not true and I object to CC members accusing us of not being honest with them when we answer questions just because we are RC's. Look at our past and present posts and reviews, decide for yourselves who if anyone has changed because of RC.


I can see this clearly as a non RC as I was a non RC for a few years until 9/08 when I was invited to join and nothing has changed at all except for this saga. I already knew about the first group that had been invited as RC's and I do not remember anyone ever having a problem with the RC program when it announced in 2007.


RCCL is talking about this in the public because why hide it? Focus groups have been used for years in business both as paid and volunteer participants to give their opinion of a product or experience so what really makes this so different?


Well if RCCL is watching our posts like the media says they are I have this to say to them. Dump the RC program as it is and give the RC title to Diamond Plus members only as another perk in C & A to give our opinions on the company and the ships. If people keep cruising RCCL they too will get the title someday once they become Diamond plus. Seems fair to me. :)

Suzanne, I totally agree that RCCL or the "3rd party" has never asked any of you to change your posting habits. They didn't have to... you guys were exactly what they were looking for. That letter you just posted says: "Royal Champions are a small group of passionate travel enthusiasts and prolific individuals, who were identified by an independent third party on behalf of Royal Caribbean International".


I think the only thing they are really asking RC's is to keep posting exactly like you have been doing since before you were a RC. Do you concider that a fair statement?


You highlighted a sentence where it says RC's do not recieve compensation. But then at the beginning of that paragraph it says Royal Champions were "Provided with the opportunity to experience our product during inaugural sailings so that they can provide their opinions and informed reviews in the online spaces they are participating in."


So to me what they are saying is they give you a cruise to try out the product and you go back here and give informed reviews. Would you say that is an accurate statement? And if so, would you consider that something for something?


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It is interesting that , even in this situation, the Royal Champions seem to find little fault with RCCL marketing...if any at all.


It seems all "fault" lies with other posters for discussing this. It is easier perhaps to deal with individual posters comments than what RCCL Marketing said in this article.


Why not duscuss THOSE comments?


This issue originated with RCCL marketing congratulating themselves and describing their own program in a way that hardly flattered ANY of their customers. IMO it is not a good marketing tool to discuss how you cultivate one set of customers to "infuence" another. Yes, it's DONE all the time and it may be "good marketing" among professionals but not when the Duped and the Dupe-ees have to read about their own manipulation. In my opinion, the whole purpose of the program was devalued by their own description of its inception and intent.


There is nothing personal in this toward any individual's integrity. It was RCCL marketing who says the program INFLUENCED you just in the way they wished..but we all acknowledge it was done "subtly."


I think most of us just want to discuss what we feel about what was revealed about this program by RCCL marketing. By their own admission, only RCCL really understood how they chose the RC's and why and what the ongoing purpose was.


Now we all know and have our individual reactions. It's about the marketing strategy, not ANY of the RCs or their integrity.



this is why i wish some of the original threads/comments were locked instead of deleted because some of those were personal attacks. so much so that that's what led me to question whether or not certain individuals were getting compensation. those original posts went a long way toward creating a mind set among the rcs that our integrity was being questioned.


i can only speak for myself for sure when i say i did not know we were part of a viral marketing strategy, but i'm also sure none of the other rcs knew it either.


we just thought we were lucky to be invited to the liberty preinaugural and that it was a one time thing. then we we asked to evaluate sometging, and invited to nyc. going to the liberty and nyc cost us $2000+. I took exception to the folks that kept saying we we getting free cruises and otherthings we weren't. one free 2 night cruise doesn't constitute free cruises.


i have no argument with most posting here and have my own questions re the marketing program instituted by rci. i find no fault by either cc or the individual rc folks.


one minor point - it's rachel hancock, not hannock. at least spell her name right.

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I agree that questions about the program should not be stifled or deleted. What I object to is the accusations in the media about us that are not true and I object to CC members accusing us of not being honest with them when we answer questions just because we are RC's. Look at our past and present posts and reviews, decide for yourselves who if anyone has changed because of RC.


I can see this clearly as a non RC as I was a non RC for a few years until 9/08 when I was invited to join and nothing has changed at all except for this saga. I already knew about the first group that had been invited as RC's and I do not remember anyone ever having a problem with the RC program when it announced in 2007. [/size]Well if RCCL is watching our posts like the media says they are I have this to say to them. Dump the RC program as it is and give the RC title to Diamond Plus members only as another perk in C & A to give our opinions on the company and the ships. If people keep cruising RCCL they too will get the title someday once they become Diamond plus. Seems fair to me. :)[/size][/font]



Please note that only a few CCers accused RC's of not being honest. I don't blame you for objecting to accusations such as that.

Most of us have said all along this is not about individuals and not personal.


Many of the reasons for the confusion and lack of understanding between the RC folks posting and the people asking questions is that RCL itself has said things, in public, that contradict itself. Talking out of both sides of its Corporate mouth, if you will. What you just posted (I had seen by the way) was one of the things RCL has said about the RC Program. But they have also said other things PUBLICLY, and many of the questions stemmed from that.


I think your idea about the Diamond Plus Perk is a good one, although it seems all the RC's were not picked because they cruised so much with RCL. Some were, some were not. Again, no one really seems to know why they were picked.


I am glad that you agree that questions about this should not be stifled. That caused a great deal of frustration and more questions. I certainly have no animosity against any particular RC and would certainly hope the feeling is mutual.


Happy Cruising,


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I already knew about the first group that had been invited as RC's and I do not remember anyone ever having a problem with the RC program when it announced in 2007. :)
Actually, there was one right after the program started. I remember a few others over the years here and there but not sure how to find them now....



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I have read the whole 43 page thread and I think I now have the whole story straight.


1. RCCL contacts CC and asks them if they will give them some RCCL posters email addresses.


2. LauraS says no but she contacts the posters and gets their permission for RCCL to contact them.


3. RCCL contacts these people and asks them a bunch of info about themselves and the posters all happily give it.


4. But none of the RC's have any idea what it is for because none of them asked RCCL any questions about it.


5. RCCL gives the info to their marketing company but they don't disclose this to the RC'ers.


6. The 50 Charter RC Members were the first group and then another set of RC'ers were brought in late 2008.


7. Some RC'ers put that title in their signature and some don't.


8. Most RC members have a Diamond or better status.


9. Some of the RC'ers got free inaugural cruises and some didn't.


10. But if they chose to take this free cruise, they had to pay their own expenses to get there.


11. The RC'ers are exposed by some article or blog.


12. Regular posters are upset with RC'ers, CC, and RCCL for the deceit they feel they were dealt.


13. RC'ers have to defend themselves from the angry attacks of posters.


14. CC takes a big hit in their reputation because they agreed to contact the posters for RCCL in the first place.


15. RCCL has someone come on this thread to try and do some damage control for this mess they started.


16. Regular posters want the RC'er to either put "Member of Royal Champions" in their signature or have something by their avatar.


If I left anything out, please feel free to add it yourself. :)

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I have read the whole 43 page thread and I think I now have the whole story straight.


1. RCCL contacts CC and asks them if they will give them some RCCL posters email addresses.


2. LauraS says no but she contacts the posters and gets their permission for RCCL to contact them.


3. RCCL contacts these people and asks them a bunch of info about themselves and the posters all happily give it.


4. But none of the RC's have any idea what it is for because none of them asked RCCL any questions about it.


5. RCCL gives the info to their marketing company but they don't disclose this to the RC'ers.


6. The 50 Charter RC Members were the first group and then another set of RC'ers were brought in late 2008.


7. Some RC'ers put that title in their signature and some don't.


8. Most RC members have a Diamond or better status.


9. Some of the RC'ers got free inaugural cruises and some didn't.


10. But if they chose to take this free cruise' date=' they had to pay their own expenses to get there.[/color']


11. The RC'ers are exposed by some article or blog.


12. Regular posters are upset with RC'ers, CC, and RCCL for the deceit they feel they were dealt.


13. RC'ers have to defend themselves from the angry attacks of posters.


14. CC takes a big hit in their reputation because they agreed to contact the posters for RCCL in the first place.


15. RCCL has someone come on this thread to try and do some damage control for this mess they started.


16. Regular posters want the RC'er to either put "Member of Royal Champions" in their signature or have something by their avatar.


If I left anything out, please feel free to add it yourself. :)


17. Madness here has spread to the Celebrity board and now I am a Celebrity Champion-Charter Member

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I have read the whole 43 page thread and I think I now have the whole story straight.


1. RCCL contacts CC and asks them if they will give them some RCCL posters email addresses.


2. LauraS says no but she contacts the posters and gets their permission for RCCL to contact them.


3. RCCL contacts these people and asks them a bunch of info about themselves and the posters all happily give it.


4. But none of the RC's have any idea what it is for because none of them asked RCCL any questions about it.


5. RCCL gives the info to their marketing company but they don't disclose this to the RC'ers.


6. The 50 Charter RC Members were the first group and then another set of RC'ers were brought in late 2008.


7. Some RC'ers put that title in their signature and some don't.


8. Most RC members have a Diamond or better status.


9. Some of the RC'ers got free inaugural cruises and some didn't.


10. But if they chose to take this free cruise' date=' they had to pay their own expenses to get there.


11. The RC'ers are exposed by some article or blog.


12. Regular posters are upset with RC'ers, CC, and RCCL for the deceit they feel they were dealt.


13. RC'ers have to defend themselves from the angry attacks of posters.


14. CC takes a big hit in their reputation because they agreed to contact the posters for RCCL in the first place.


15. RCCL has someone come on this thread to try and do some damage control for this mess they started.


16. Regular posters want the RC'er to either put "Member of Royal Champions" in their signature or have something by their avatar.


If I left anything out, please feel free to add it yourself. :)[/color']


Well, MANY CCers, had questions about the program but did not disparage RC's at all. They asked questions on CC and their posts were almost immediately deleted. This was what really got a lot of people wondering and asking a lot more questions. CENSORSHIP BREEDS SUSPICION!

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I agree with Colleen. I have no animosity towards, nor do I question the sincerety of any Royal Champion.


It's just that this is the first I have seen of CC squashing, then limiting a topic even if posters will stay within the boundries. Why is CC so vested in doing this? It's obviously detrimental to all. Let all of us discuss...whatever...as long as it stays within CC posting rules. Why does one moderater get to determine that one discussion on a broad topic "is sufficient..." Many topics are discussed again and again and again on all forums. Why not this one? If it's not relevant and no one is interested it will die on its own.


If there were 20 threads on this topic we would lose interest and say "Oh, another one of those." So what is CC's interest in keeping this thread contained, limited, edited and possibly poofed? Don't any of the Royal Champions wonder about that too? I don't think you have anything to hide, it's all out in the open, so why is CC so defensive? I don't get it and think you (RC's) probably deserve an apology from RCCI and CC for unknowingly being put in such a position.


And yes I know that by continuing to ask these kinds of questions I may be put in the "Naughty Room" for life, but I really would like to see more accountability from those involved at a higher level, more freedom for posters and peace in the Middle East (joke).

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Unfortunately........my Websters Deluxe Edition..........dated 1990......does not get in to transparency.


I have spent more hours than I want to think about........reading this thread.


I am a Royal Champion. So what???


I was invited to join........I accepted........and answered an additional email asking form more personal information.


I checked it out.........and it was from Royal Caribbean.


I have not received ANYTHING from RCCL outside of someone asking me if I wanted to be a RC.


There have been more statements on this thread than I can imagine.


There are people that I know personally......and others that I don't know....and the amount of energy.......bursting from both sides.....is beyond belief!


And there are a few people that just want to punish anyone, anywhere, anyhow.......that have anything to do with the RC program.


Why is this such a contention???


Frankly.......I'm amazed of all of the effort of some posters to fight what is real.


Don't talk about it here........go to your attorneys....your broadcasters.......you have a great shot at sinking exactly what your target is..................RCCL.


Oh, by the way........RCL is up today.....as they were yesterday, oh,,,,,and the day before.


So....if you would have purchased 10,000 shares of the stock that you so hate............3 days ago............and sold it today........you would be about $30,000 ahead.


Being an RC.............allows me to purchase stock......say what I like about Royal Caribbean...........and what I don't like about the line.


I did not ask to be an RC.........I was asked.


So were so many others here. Some I know personally......and others I know from just their posts.


I do know this:


I was asked.........as Paulwn was.......and everyone else was.........if I would like to become a member of a group.


I'm not sure why there have been so many attacks against us......


But.........I sure do have names of ones that have beaten down, everything that anyone has had to say about us............


And..........I especially want to thank those of you that have given of your time and effort to try to protect us.......knowing that we are as much in the dark............as others on this board.


So.........transparancy...........maybe like a condom!!


Think twice about my name ..............rubrrick!

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Just wondering "WHY" my post gets pulled/zapped/taken off and others on here don't?? Can't figure it out. GLGolfer/Gary.......can you help me out on this buddy?? :confused:


I really think you folks have posted so much on this thread and subject that you're starting to "get along" on here!! Too funny!!


Rancher Dave Posted:

Actually if everyone reading and writing here put all that time into hurricane relief from Katrina, Rita, Ike, Dolly, Gustav all hitting between South Padre Island and Mississippi, we could have made quite a dent in the damage that nobody has helped clean up yet.


As for the name, lol, and you know why.


Lets all get back to the other threads and offer advice to new cruisers and debate what we like/don't like about any given ship or new policy of RCCL.

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Oh, by the way........RCL is up today.....as they were yesterday, oh,,,,,and the day before.


So....if you would have purchased 10,000 shares of the stock that you so hate............3 days ago............and sold it today........you would be about $30,000 ahead.


I'm not sure how this has anything at all to do with this thread, but if you had bought those same 10,000 shares just one year ago you would be down about a quarter of a million today. Still, that's about $25K better than last week though, hey?

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I have spent more hours than I want to think about........reading this thread.




Actually if everyone reading and writing here put all that time into hurricane relief from Katrina, Rita, Ike, Dolly, Gustav all hitting between South Padre Island and Mississippi, we could have made quite a dent in the damage that nobody has helped clean up yet.


As for the name, lol, and you know why.


Lets all get back to the other threads and offer advice to new cruisers and debate what we like/don't like about any given ship or new policy of RCCL.

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I'm not sure how this has anything at all to do with this thread, but if you had bought those same 10,000 shares just one year ago you would be down about a quarter of a million today. Still, that's about $25K better than last week though, hey?


Davey Inteweb............I believe it's called "averaging"! The last RCL stock that I purchased was at $38.20 per share.


So I purchased some more.....hey!


And, right now nothing has nothing to do with this thread.


It worthless!! And a lot of typing for nothing!!



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#4 is a little inaccurate as some or all the original members did know it was an marketing research company which contacted them for the invite to the Pre-inaugural on Liberty.

I'm now confused because Ocean Boy, who I think is a RCer posted this: "I think it has been made pretty clear that we, or at least most of us, thought we were dealing directly with RCI and had no knowledge of any advertizing group".


So which is it....did they think they were dealing with a marketing group or did they think they were dealing with RCCL directly? :confused:


number 4 again. i believe we did know it was for the liberty preinaugural.

So are you saying that when you signed up to be a RCer, you knew they would be sending you on the Liberty Pre-Inaugural?? :confused:

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Actually if everyone reading and writing here put all that time into hurricane relief from Katrina, Rita, Ike, Dolly, Gustav all hitting between South Padre Island and Mississippi, we could have made quite a dent in the damage that nobody has helped clean up yet.


As for the name, lol, and you know why.


Lets all get back to the other threads and offer advice to new cruisers and debate what we like/don't like about any given ship or new policy of RCCL.


Im not sure what hurricane relief has to do with RC, but our news says Texas is considering legalizing gambling and put it toward helping Galveston get back on its feet, because the feds arent getting the job done. I say go for it. Gambling in Galveston could be a good thing, (and other cities too).

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Davey Inteweb............I believe it's called "averaging"! The last RCL stock that I purchased was at $38.20 per share.


So I purchased some more.....hey!


And, right now nothing has nothing to do with this thread.


It worthless!! And a lot of typing for nothing!!




Eh, I don't think it's worthless. I mean, c'mon...finally we're not endlessly harping on the usual mundane stuff like jeans worn in the dining room or smoking on balconies. That has to be worth something.


I'd actually quite happy for you if you do get to go on a pre-inaugural, if you haven't already. I understand that the booze is free-flowing, at least.


because the feds arent getting the job done


Out of curiosity, what is the state doing? I think Galveston is far from the minds of most people now.

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I'm now confused because Ocean Boy' date=' who I think is a RCer posted this:[/color'] "I think it has been made pretty clear that we, or at least most of us, thought we were dealing directly with RCI and had no knowledge of any advertizing group".


So which is it....did they think they were dealing with a marketing group or did they think they were dealing with RCCL directly? :confused:


So are you saying that when you signed up to be a RCer, you knew they would be sending you on the Liberty Pre-Inaugural?? :confused:

Well, if you look at the old Cruise Critic thread I linked on the previous page, you can read from their own words that some were told that a marketing company was involved in the invatation to the Liberty Pre-Inaugural. As far as your second question, I do not think the Royal Champion label was known about until the invitees met the RCI execs on Liberty.
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Excuse you, Oliver, but I am the one and the ONLY critterchick!:p :D


Well, critter litters, critter chicks, pink boa constricta society ...whatever they are called. LOL.


But if they are called critter chicks (something with critter) or not you are the one critter chick with a place in my heart. :D;)

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