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Princess has gone from first to worst in our eyes


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I owe nothing to Princess and don't defend any of the cruiselines. I just don't see any legitimate gripe here. Carnival has the automatic closing balcony doors and it's for the very reason others have discussed here. Most importantly here is that OP has engaged in some pretty wild hyperbole with the is thread saying Princess went from first to worst because of this obscure thing. Yeah, right. Food was great, activities were top notch, entertainment was great but the dang room made noise when balcony door left open. That gets you to worst. I am taking my first Princess Cruise on Friday. If the wind causes my room to make a funny sound when the balcony door is open, it won't effect my opinion of Princess Cruiselines. If you are going to be critical of any cruiseline on CC, please keep the hyperbole to a minimum.
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[quote name='MoneyGuy']Thank you. I'm taking a beating on here. [/QUOTE]
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Sorry about that but you handed all of us some [I]very[/I] large sticks to use![/COLOR]
[quote name='jeffstew']Please explain what that "full intent" is. Is it not painfully obvious to you that the balcony door is not supposed to be left open? [/QUOTE]
Obviously he is not capable of being able to figure that out himself. [/COLOR]

[quote name='Donder1']Leaving your balcony door open is not safe. If you were to get hit with a rogue wave, you could be seriously injured or even [B]drown[/B]. [/QUOTE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Boy can you just imagine what he'd expect from Princess shoud that happen! :eek::eek:[/COLOR]

Happy Holiday to all! Most of your responses have really made my day! :D:D
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[quote name='cpj']Your dealing with the PDT (princess defense team) what do you expect[/QUOTE]

The OP was looking for sympathy for a problem he caused himself over a year ago! :rolleyes: Get off it:p:rolleyes:
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[quote name='Toto2Kansas']I would guess that seeing the maitre d' when boarding is about all you can do. Since you were a travel agent for 15 years, I am sure you know why your numbers went down instead of up? My guess, full suites booked since you were on the waitlist and they are given priority dining reservations. ;) Someone recently called Princess that had the same problem, and that is the answer they too were given, as they didn't belive me when I told them why. lol[/QUOTE]

Toto......it wasn't that I'm not sure that's the problem, it's that I wanted them to tell
me. Instead they sent a form letter saying it's first come first served. I just think it's
funny that they're saying that when they're obviously not following it. I didn't want to
be moved up, just not moved back. Why couldn't they just say suites or even Platinum
bookings get priority.....I don't have a problem with that. The more money people spend
on a cruise line the more they should benefit.
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[quote name='Pam in CA']Actually, the OP's complaint was that he looked for repair of a problem that didn't exist as it resulted from his own negligent actions. Whether it's from Customer Service or the posters on CC, [B]he's not going to get sympathy.[/B] Now he's stamping his feet and throwing a tantrum. I agree that Customer Service or whoever he complained to should have reminded him of the notice in his cabin and on the door and in that respect, they were wrong. But he was even more wrong in the first place. [B]I fail to understand what kind of sympathy he expected to get.[/B] Just because he wanted to do something that had the expected negative result doesn't mean people should bend over backwards to make him happy.

IMHO, there's absolutely nothing for Princess (or any cruiseline, including NCL) to apologize for. Gee, you ignored the requests and warnings and now you're not happy? Give me a break!

BruceMuzz, thank you for the very clear explanation.[/quote]

IMOP almost everyone knows [B]sympathy[/B] is found among true friends and family or sh*t and syphil*s in the dictionary:D. One should not seek what is not offered. I have a clue about the sympathy given among friends and family. It starts with, you know I love you, but what the #$# where you thinking? If you are smart you block out everything after 'love'. People don't bend backwards, friends and family do, which is why you seek sympathy there, if you don't have a dictionary. There are times even with family and friends, the dictionary is your best bet:D Now I am not happy with Princess customer service because they have ignored my repeated request for an explanation about my deposit. I figure I booked a cheap cruise, try and deal with cheap service. Not seeking sympathy, I have a dictionary :-)

In case someone knows it driving me nuts. They took only a small amount for the deposit on my cruise, less than 10 percent. I am afraid if it's a computer error my trip could be canceled before final payment. They keep telling me the deposit amount should have been either 10 or 20 percent, it's neither but they don't know why.
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KJ-Did you deposit during one of the lowered deposit deals that some TA's offer? In other words, did you pay $100 per person for the deposit? If so, no worrys, many TA's offer this several times each year and it is definitely on the up and up. You won't have a problem one, even though it is well under the 20% range. I can make a booking for $10,000.00 during one of these special deposit sales and the deposit is still only $100 per person.
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[quote name='Toto2Kansas']KJ-Did you deposit during one of the lowered deposit deals that some TA's offer? In other words, did you pay $100 per person for the deposit? If so, no worrys, many TA's offer this several times each year and it is definitely on the up and up. You won't have a problem one, even though it is well under the 20% range. I can make a booking for $10,000.00 during one of these special deposit sales and the deposit is still only $100 per person.[/quote]

I have done the numbers 6 ways til Friday. For 4 of us the total deposit was around $222. More like $55 per person. I booked directly with Princess and they sent the confirmation but still have no idea the odd amount. I could understand 10 percent of the amont or $100 per person. I have never seen this, unless it's a computer error.
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[quote name='kooljamming']I have done the numbers 6 ways til Friday. For 4 of us the total deposit was around $222. More like $55 per person. I booked directly with Princess and they sent the confirmation but still have no idea the odd amount. I could understand 10 percent of the amont or $100 per person. I have never seen this, unless it's a computer error.[/quote]

Well, wasn't what I thought then. I don't think I have ever heard of that before????? I can see why you are concerned. But as long as you have your booking confirmation, and you called and checked, I am sure all will be OK. Do you have four in one stateroom? It might be you were only charged the deposit for the first two passengers? Still trying to figure this one out. lol
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[quote name='Toto2Kansas']Well, wasn't what I thought then. I don't think I have ever heard of that before????? I can see why you are concerned. But as long as you have your booking confirmation, and you called and checked, I am sure all will be OK. Do you have four in one stateroom? It might be you were only charged the deposit for the first two passengers? Still trying to figure this one out. lol[/quote]

Yeah, we are 4 in the same room. I just wish someone would say, here is why. Many calls to Princess and they have NO idea. This will be our biggest family vacation. We are desert rats heading to Alaska in August:D
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KJ-I don't know your sailing date or the length of your cruise. But I just went to one of the online sites I use to price cruises. I picked a cruise to Alaska in August, for 2 adults and 2 children, all in the same stateroom. They are NOT running the lowered deposit special right now. The deposit due for this sailing is $200 for ALL four passengers. That should set you mind at ease, at least a little bit. ;)
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I was once charged what I thought was too small a deposit. After reading some threads on CC about bookings being cancelled because the required deposit wasn't made, I was worried about mine being cancelled, so I just made a small additional payment so the deposit did equal 20%. If you are really worried about the booking being cancelled, you can make an additional payment, too.
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[quote name='kooljamming']Yeah, we are 4 in the same room. I just wish someone would say, here is why. Many calls to Princess and they have NO idea. This will be our biggest family vacation. We are desert rats heading to Alaska in August:D[/quote]

did you go up the chain of command (a supervisor?)? I know it's frustrating to seek answers (am having that problem with my medical group over some medicine my doctor prescribed two months ago, that I still haven't been able to get...just sent a letter to the doctor, just in case it's his staff causing the problem).

The day we left to held north for our Alaskan cruise, it was over 104 degrees here.
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The OP's complaint is reminding me of someone on our rollcall for my last cruise. After the cruise, she posted her review, complaining about many things, including the fact that the pineapple wedges in the Horizon Court had their rind left on. For me, the rind allowed me to eat the pineapple with my fingers and also told me this pineapple wasn't from the can. I guess you can't please all people.
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Hmm. Seems to me that when the first review was written it was Mr. Money (great cruise - little problem). Now Mrs. Money has obviously nagged him for the past [U]year[/U] because now "Princess has gone from first to worst in [B]OUR[/B] eyes". Now he gets it from the CC community (and rightfully so) for "their" view. Poor dude... :rolleyes:
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[quote name='DaisyRose']I was once charged what I thought was too small a deposit. After reading some threads on CC about bookings being cancelled because the required deposit wasn't made, I was worried about mine being cancelled, so I just made a small additional payment so the deposit did equal 20%. If you are really worried about the booking being cancelled, you can make an additional payment, too.[/quote]

Thanks. I will make the additonal payment just for peace of mind:D:D
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[quote=Cruisin' Chick;19064530]did you go up the chain of command (a supervisor?)? I know it's frustrating to seek answers (am having that problem with my medical group over some medicine my doctor prescribed two months ago, that I still haven't been able to get...just sent a letter to the doctor, just in case it's his staff causing the problem).

[B]The day we left to held north for our Alaskan cruise, it was over 104 degrees here[/B].[/quote]

Yesteday I was out in shorts and tees trying to find gloves and fleece for the kids. Begining of August Hemet might be around 110 dgrees in the shade. Forget that, there is no shade in Hemet:D I keep reading about dressing in layers. Now that I am at peace with the deposit, I can search for 'winter' clothes. At least we won't be running the A/C for a week in August, of course with the door closed :-)
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Well I'm 99% certain this same OP posted this same issue under another thread a couple of weeks ago, although I have gone back 15 pages and cannot find it, I think actually for some reason it was removed. It seems to me that the title was something like "Don't try to get ahold of the CEO of Princess" or something like that.


Now I may be totally wrong, but when I read this post that was just posted yesterday, I had a total recollection of reading this exact same thing about the noise in the bathroom, and the balcony door open, and the kids room next door being no problem. Did I dream all this???????


Anyway, point is agree with most posters here. If you keep the balcony door open, as we often do, even though we know we are not supposed to, then one must deal with the wind noise and I finally often get up and shut the door. Its not just on Princess ships, but every single one we have been on for some 40 years, well, since they had balconies anyway, guess thats not 40 years, and ALL of them have a notice in the room to please keep the balcony door shut!!!


So either I am having a major, Sr. moment, or this whole post has already gone around once by the same OP.

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Not much sympathy so far, I see. If Princess had at least apologized, I'd be fine. They didn't even do that. I was disappointed that three attempts to let them know of the problem passed without any result. That's what annoyed me. I'm in the service business. I think they should show that they care about this.



It does not appear that Princess like to reply to e-mails I have written directly to the CEO three times over the past 8 weeks and am STILL WAITING FOR AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.:confused: Someone did say that Princess reads cruise critic I wonder why they do iof they dont take notice of moans about they lack of business acumen in replying to people even if it is just an apology or explanation

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It does not appear that Princess like to reply to e-mails I have written directly to the CEO three times over the past 8 weeks and am STILL WAITING FOR AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.:confused: Someone did say that Princess reads cruise critic I wonder why they do iof they dont take notice of moans about they lack of business acumen in replying to people even if it is just an apology or explanation


I have never attempted to contact or email the CEO, but I have emailed Princess once, about a year ago, about a small problem/question. I received an email response within 24 hours that they would 'look into it', and a follow up about three weeks later by regular mail. I was very pleased with the quick response time, and the resolution to my question/problem was taken care of in very short order.

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Yesteday I was out in shorts and tees trying to find gloves and fleece for the kids. Begining of August Hemet might be around 110 dgrees in the shade. Forget that, there is no shade in Hemet:D I keep reading about dressing in layers. Now that I am at peace with the deposit, I can search for 'winter' clothes. At least we won't be running the A/C for a week in August, of course with the door closed :-)


I think most stores are now on their summer clothes...but the wintery clothes may come out again by early summer. We had booked our Alaskan cruise in January that year so I was able to scoop up some clearance bargains. Turned out we didn't need the "wooleys" I purchased. Just think layers. If the kids will wear undershirts, pack a few of those as well as some v-neck sweaters. Basically, more rough and ready type of clothes for the port days, flannel shirts, jeans that kind of things.


I'd packed gloves, hats, etc. and we didn't need them except for maybe the morning of the glacier viewing.


This is what my girl looked like that morning (she wasn't too happy about getting up at 6 during her vacation):




Note her footwear.:D

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