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WARNING! dangerous experience on Radiance Cruise!

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I know there are similar laws in Europe!! I was asking whether anyone knew anyone who had actually been ARRESTED for it in Europe. As far as I am aware, the fruit is confiscated and a warning is issued, if it is obviously an error. As I said, large quantity smuggling is probably treated as an 'arrestable' offence. But I don't think that in Europe they would go so far as to arrest people for such an error.


Would they?


We watched the series Homeland Security USA while it was on and if I recall correctly someone was caught bringing in some sort of food contraband - something small like a piece of fruit - oh yes, it was a sandwich that they had not eaten and the dog sniffed it out of a suitcase. I believe they were fined $300 as the OP was but no one was arrested. It is taken very seriously. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

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Sorry but shouldn't this thread be titled


"WARNING!!!! Dangerous experience in Santiago"


To post under the title "WARNING!!! Dangerous experience on Radiance Cruise" is a bit naughty and very very misleading.


I am amazed that someone who it seems is a very very experienced cruiser and traveller could be so silly. To lead your family into Santiago without checking your facts about the safety of the area is ridiculous.


Leaving 74 year old inlaws in Santiago and leaving them to deal with the Police and the embassy is unforgivable. Surely one of you, just one could have stayed behind. I would have made your wife stay. They're her parents and what with the apple smuggling she hadn't got your holiday off to the best of starts.


Sounds like a script for a National Lampoons Vacation.

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I do believe the OP has stated that they were on a contract and were legally bound to teach some dancing (if I remember correctly) on this cruise. I do not think there was a choice for them other than to go on the cruise.



One of them could easily have stayed behind for the sake of one day surely ?

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The whole thing is unfortunate.


But..after reading this several times, I think that 1) You kinda set yourself up for this to happen by your actions, 2) You are in someone else's country, expecting to be treated the American way.


You'r lucky all they had to do was stand in the rain with suitcases. I'm sure people that live there are used to standing in the rain too. If you looked supsicous because you were standing in the rain with no shelter, you're lucky someone didn't just throw you into jail.


I have traveled all over the world, and just returned from 10 days in Nicaragua. Most hotel propreiters are not going to tell you that an area is dangerous as they don't want to lose your business. Also, even if it is a dangerous are for many of them that's just the way it is and they are so used to it. Look at all the people who live in Isreal and what they endure on a daily basis. They just deal with it.


Lessons to learn: don't act like an ignorant tourist. The whole situation to me reeks of many cultural issues that you wouldn't necessarily be aware of unless you had some familairty with the area, the people, or read up on it.



Firstly, before you all lynch me....let me just say that i really love this ship!...the Radiance really is one of my favourite ships!...but i feel i should make everyone aware of our the horrible situation experienced on our 14 night Valparaiso to Buenes Aires cruise which departed on 28th March 2009.

The story starts quite light heartedly but read down to get to the really serious bits.........!!

We flew from London UK to Madrid and then changed and flew Madrid to Santiago all with Iberia (before you ask, no, i wasnt impressed with the airline.) I took a group of 33 with me for a Dancing Cruise...something i organize frequently on cruise ships. It was all packaged by RCI so all hotels and transfers were included and handled by RCI. After a 2 hour delay at Heathrow airport, we finally arrived at Santiago, very weary and with no luggage....this was still in Madrid as had not made the connecting flight.

Now, before i go on, all of the RCI staff were indeed absolutely brilliant....apart from 3! ....2 of which were the RCI reps at the airport who told me to go to the Iberia desk and fill in claim forms for the whole of my group of 33 (not something i am used to doing) which involved writing long serial numbers from small stickers still partially stuck to our boarding cards....not only for my group of 33....but for the whole of the passengers who had lost luggage...think there was about another 20!

To be honest, i think the RCI reps could have done this or at least helped rather than leave us all to fight it out ourselves!

At the same time, my wife was arrested as a sniffer dog found an apple in our hand luggage which one of my 9 year old triplet daughters had put in.


My wife was taken for questioning for just over an hour where the apple was weighed and she was fined $300!! To be fair, there had been an announcemnet on the plane that no fruit and veg could be taken in but it hadnt sounded a big deal and no mention of a fine was made....my wife and i hadnt realised our daughter had not eaten the apple or that the rules would be applied so forcibly to just one apple....a suitcase full of apples might have seemed more suspicious!


We eventually arrived at our hotel in Santiago and was met by a very efficient RCI rep who turned out to be very helpful later.


Its now about 1pm in the afternoon and 9 of us decided to walk out around the town and to eat out at some quaint roadside cafe. No one warned us of the dangers.

We found a cafe about half a mile from the hotel on a lively, typically Chilian street and ordered our food and drinks.

Unknown to me, my mother in law (aged 74) foolishly had £1000 cash in her handbag in dollars, chilian pesos, argentinian pesos and sterling along with her and her husbands passports, her reading glasses, hearing aid, tablets, mobile phone and my childs ipod. (She later said that she hadnt been able to work out how the safe in the room had worked and so had hurried down to reception to join us on our stroll)

Having my own children with me to look after and my own bag, i never really took much notice of my in laws and what my motherin law was doing with her handbag.

We sat at the cafe chatting and waiting for our food. My mother in law had placed her handbag on the back of her chair (i know thats a foolish thing to do but i couldnt see it from where i sat and so was unaware she had done this)

A largish Spanish looking lady came and pushed behind her and sat at the table right behind her. I looked straight at her as it seemed an odd thing to do when there were other free seats in less crowded sections and so i watched her closely thinking that she looked a little suspicious (i still couldnt see that my mother in law had placed her bag on the back of her own chair). The Spanish lady (ill call her that cos i dont know what she was...er Hispanic?) got out her mobile phone and made a call. I still watched her. Suddenly, to my right a phone started to ring and another lady started to make a commotion and jump about. We naturally all looked to our right to see. When we looked back, the Spanish lady was gone! 2 Minutes later i heard the dreaded words ' i cant find my bag'!


After waiting in vain for the police to come for 40 minutes, we returned back to our hotel.

The hotel staff were now quick to tell us that no one should go out in this area with money, jewellery or passports as the area is known for crime. Another of our group returned from their walk having had their necklace snatched from their neck. The hotel said someone (not in our group) had also been mugged walking out of the hotel! To be fair to the hotel, many of our other group members had been warned by the doorman and reception not to wear jewellery or take money out....but sadly, we had not been told.


My wifes parents were very shaken and upset. The RCI rep went with us to the police station to translate which was very kind. She then informed us that RCI would not allow them to join the ship next day! Today was Saturday, the ship leaves Sunday and the Embassy didnt open until Monday. The ship would then be at Sea until Wednesday.


They tearfully waved myself and my wife off, their 3 grandchildren and the other members of our group now totalling 31. I gave them all of my cash (so we had none) and instructions on how to get to the embassy on monday....not easy for upset people of their age.

The RCI rep obviously had to leave with us and so they were left alone. They were scared to go out, had to make 4 visits to the Embassy, get passport photos taken, be interviewed seperately by the commissioner of the police and endure a number of other unpleasant things. It was of course their own fault, not Royal Caribbeans and im not saying it was but i think its important for people to be aware of how this situation would impact if it happened to you.

They had to pay 3 extra days to stay in the hotel, for food and had to book flights and pay for those so that they could join the ship in Puerto Montt.

I was surprised to see that RCI offered no facillity to help them book flights or give advice on how to obtain new passports.


They eventually got their passports on Tuesday evening and so confirmed their flights and caught the 90 minute flight to the ship next day. Of course, there was no rep to now meet them at the airport so they caught a taxi to the ship. Myself and my family were out on a pre booked tour when they arrived but were dismayed to hear they had been refused entry to the secure compound surrounding the ship and had been made to stand for almost an hour in the pouring rain with their suitcases by their side and no shelter.

I complained to the hotel director that they should have at least been given shelter and somewhere to sit and that it was unacceptable for them to be made to wait so long. He said it was the Chilian authorities who had kept them waiting but said he would look into it.

He later offered to upgrade them to The Grand Suite from their inside cabin. It was a really lovely cabin which my in laws accepted but they were now so upset that they just wanted to go home. It was a feeling they kept for the whole of the cruise and were never their normal selves for any of the remaining days.


It was a sad lesson to learn and i hope you all learn from this experience. I think RCI could have handled it better though. There were apparantly 10 others who lost thier passports in Santiago! 2 got to the ship to find they could not find their passports but were allowed aboad as their passports were alledgedly in their cases.

My in laws are platinium members and have sailed with RCI a number of times.....does anyone know if there was any other way they could have joined the ship rather than be left behind to fend for themselves?


All that aside, everything else on our cruise was excellent, ...and i agree with what everyone says....the staff really are fantastic on this ship!

Flavia the group co ordinator was awsome and Matias the acting coach was brilliant!

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Would a copy of the passport page have been sufficient to allow the MIL on the ship?

We try to have a copy located somewhere it can be faxed anywhere in the world.



No a copy of your passport won't work to satisfy immigration authorities which is why even if they had one, they wouldn't have been allowed on the ship. A copy of your passport is helpful in getting a replacement passport - but that's about it.

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Having been on the Radiance just a year ago, I was interested in seeing what the danger was. Bad title. Made me think something awful happened on the ship. Sad that everything went wrong on your way to the cruise, but don't blame it on the ship or on RCCL.

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I've only read 2 pages and became very upset with some of the posts. It seems like more and more people on this board are just all to willing to look for the worst, possibly it's their own reflection that angers them. Throw their comments away.


I'm so sorry for your experience. I thoroughly can understand a child putting the apple in the pack without a parent knowing. I also understand about laws, to me this is one of those 'grey' area's and thoroughly depended on the person with authority. Compassion goes a long way.


I always do a lot research on the ports we go to and have learned so much about how people steal things from you.


There were many tips others have shared. Another tip don't swing your camera around either - they will snatch it in a heartbeat! When we went to Barcelona we learned that these thieves work in teams, two behind you and one to the side. The ones behind you will look where your wallet/purse is and use a straw to spit a wad of paper on you (so light you don't feel it), so the one on the side of you knows where to locate it. Blows my mind how thieves come up with these things.


Glad the overall trip went well.

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Firstly, before you all lynch me....let me just say that i really love this ship!...the Radiance really is one of my favourite ships!...but i feel i should make everyone aware of our the horrible situation experienced on our 14 night Valparaiso to Buenes Aires cruise which departed on 28th March 2009.

The story starts quite light heartedly but read down to get to the really serious bits.........!!

We flew from London UK to Madrid and then changed and flew Madrid to Santiago all with Iberia (before you ask, no, i wasnt impressed with the airline.) I took a group of 33 with me for a Dancing Cruise...something i organize frequently on cruise ships. It was all packaged by RCI so all hotels and transfers were included and handled by RCI. After a 2 hour delay at Heathrow airport, we finally arrived at Santiago, very weary and with no luggage....this was still in Madrid as had not made the connecting flight.

Now, before i go on, all of the RCI staff were indeed absolutely brilliant....apart from 3! ....2 of which were the RCI reps at the airport who told me to go to the Iberia desk and fill in claim forms for the whole of my group of 33 (not something i am used to doing) which involved writing long serial numbers from small stickers still partially stuck to our boarding cards....not only for my group of 33....but for the whole of the passengers who had lost luggage...think there was about another 20!

To be honest, i think the RCI reps could have done this or at least helped rather than leave us all to fight it out ourselves!

At the same time, my wife was arrested as a sniffer dog found an apple in our hand luggage which one of my 9 year old triplet daughters had put in.


My wife was taken for questioning for just over an hour where the apple was weighed and she was fined $300!! To be fair, there had been an announcemnet on the plane that no fruit and veg could be taken in but it hadnt sounded a big deal and no mention of a fine was made....my wife and i hadnt realised our daughter had not eaten the apple or that the rules would be applied so forcibly to just one apple....a suitcase full of apples might have seemed more suspicious!


We eventually arrived at our hotel in Santiago and was met by a very efficient RCI rep who turned out to be very helpful later.


Its now about 1pm in the afternoon and 9 of us decided to walk out around the town and to eat out at some quaint roadside cafe. No one warned us of the dangers.

We found a cafe about half a mile from the hotel on a lively, typically Chilian street and ordered our food and drinks.

Unknown to me, my mother in law (aged 74) foolishly had £1000 cash in her handbag in dollars, chilian pesos, argentinian pesos and sterling along with her and her husbands passports, her reading glasses, hearing aid, tablets, mobile phone and my childs ipod. (She later said that she hadnt been able to work out how the safe in the room had worked and so had hurried down to reception to join us on our stroll)

Having my own children with me to look after and my own bag, i never really took much notice of my in laws and what my motherin law was doing with her handbag.

We sat at the cafe chatting and waiting for our food. My mother in law had placed her handbag on the back of her chair (i know thats a foolish thing to do but i couldnt see it from where i sat and so was unaware she had done this)

A largish Spanish looking lady came and pushed behind her and sat at the table right behind her. I looked straight at her as it seemed an odd thing to do when there were other free seats in less crowded sections and so i watched her closely thinking that she looked a little suspicious (i still couldnt see that my mother in law had placed her bag on the back of her own chair). The Spanish lady (ill call her that cos i dont know what she was...er Hispanic?) got out her mobile phone and made a call. I still watched her. Suddenly, to my right a phone started to ring and another lady started to make a commotion and jump about. We naturally all looked to our right to see. When we looked back, the Spanish lady was gone! 2 Minutes later i heard the dreaded words ' i cant find my bag'!


After waiting in vain for the police to come for 40 minutes, we returned back to our hotel.

The hotel staff were now quick to tell us that no one should go out in this area with money, jewellery or passports as the area is known for crime. Another of our group returned from their walk having had their necklace snatched from their neck. The hotel said someone (not in our group) had also been mugged walking out of the hotel! To be fair to the hotel, many of our other group members had been warned by the doorman and reception not to wear jewellery or take money out....but sadly, we had not been told.


My wifes parents were very shaken and upset. The RCI rep went with us to the police station to translate which was very kind. She then informed us that RCI would not allow them to join the ship next day! Today was Saturday, the ship leaves Sunday and the Embassy didnt open until Monday. The ship would then be at Sea until Wednesday.


They tearfully waved myself and my wife off, their 3 grandchildren and the other members of our group now totalling 31. I gave them all of my cash (so we had none) and instructions on how to get to the embassy on monday....not easy for upset people of their age.

The RCI rep obviously had to leave with us and so they were left alone. They were scared to go out, had to make 4 visits to the Embassy, get passport photos taken, be interviewed seperately by the commissioner of the police and endure a number of other unpleasant things. It was of course their own fault, not Royal Caribbeans and im not saying it was but i think its important for people to be aware of how this situation would impact if it happened to you.

They had to pay 3 extra days to stay in the hotel, for food and had to book flights and pay for those so that they could join the ship in Puerto Montt.

I was surprised to see that RCI offered no facillity to help them book flights or give advice on how to obtain new passports.


They eventually got their passports on Tuesday evening and so confirmed their flights and caught the 90 minute flight to the ship next day. Of course, there was no rep to now meet them at the airport so they caught a taxi to the ship. Myself and my family were out on a pre booked tour when they arrived but were dismayed to hear they had been refused entry to the secure compound surrounding the ship and had been made to stand for almost an hour in the pouring rain with their suitcases by their side and no shelter.

I complained to the hotel director that they should have at least been given shelter and somewhere to sit and that it was unacceptable for them to be made to wait so long. He said it was the Chilian authorities who had kept them waiting but said he would look into it.

He later offered to upgrade them to The Grand Suite from their inside cabin. It was a really lovely cabin which my in laws accepted but they were now so upset that they just wanted to go home. It was a feeling they kept for the whole of the cruise and were never their normal selves for any of the remaining days.


It was a sad lesson to learn and i hope you all learn from this experience. I think RCI could have handled it better though. There were apparantly 10 others who lost thier passports in Santiago! 2 got to the ship to find they could not find their passports but were allowed aboad as their passports were alledgedly in their cases.

My in laws are platinium members and have sailed with RCI a number of times.....does anyone know if there was any other way they could have joined the ship rather than be left behind to fend for themselves?


All that aside, everything else on our cruise was excellent, ...and i agree with what everyone says....the staff really are fantastic on this ship!

Flavia the group co ordinator was awsome and Matias the acting coach was brilliant!


It sure is sad that the OP started out his post knowing that he was going to get flamed. That's CC for you. Sad, but true. There are some very judgemental posters here. Shame on you. He was just trying to give people the heads-up.


OP, thank-you for your informative post. We have young children and live very close to the US border and cross it a probably a half dozen times each year. I am going to tell my girls your story so they will know not to place prohibited items in their carry-on or bring them in the car. We will also heed your warning and make sure that we leave our valuables in our safe and carry our money in a concealed manner. I don't carry a purse on vacation, but my husband does bring his wallet. I'm really sorry that this has happened to you and that there are posters here that have been judgemental of your actions or attacked your honor towards your family members. Thanks again for telling us your story.

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Hi I know this is off the subject, but where did you obtain your travel insurance? My TA wants to charge like $350. Thanks.


We have Travel Medical and Travel Protection through our mastercard. There is an annual fee - $49 for Medical Protection and $60 for Travel Protection. That gives us up to $1 million in emergency hospital, ambulance, air ambulance, medical and dental expenses. The Travel Protection gives us car rental insurance, trip cancellation, interruption and delay and baggage protection....and it's unlimited travel for the year.

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Really sorry that happened. Pick pockets are every place, even in the USA. I always carry a copy of my passport keep one in my room, ALWAYS WEAR A MONEY BELT. ALWAYS CHECK OUT THE PLACES YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT, IT ONLY TAKES A FEW MINUTES TO DO.


Again sorry for your Inlaws

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Since just one week from right now we will be in Santiago, and in a RCCL hotel, I would like some information about your adventure.


What hotel were you in?

What was the restaurant where you had the theft?


Any other information you might have about where not to go around that hotel.




Jim and Joan

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Firstly I do feel sorry for your In-Laws, not because of the theft but to have you in their family...


What has this got to do with RCI ? They upgraded there cabin to a grand suite... they are not the Police nor Port Authorities... They did more than you did...


The poor elderly couple make that stressful flight to join the ship only to find your out on some excursion..how nice... must have been a good day for you...


Blaming others for not being aware of dangers or for that matter laws.. is pathetic. When you do come to write you review tell us why you abandoned such an elerdly couple to cope on their own.


Seems a shame you sat back and said nothing even though you clearly stated the 'Spanish' woman looked suspicious, your vigilance does not match you account of the theft. Are you perhaps trying to justify some other failings in your handling of the entire matter.


I would love to hear from others in your group, may be a different version of events we would enjoy reading.


No Sympathy for you at all.




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I know there are similar laws in Europe!! I was asking whether anyone knew anyone who had actually been ARRESTED for it in Europe. As far as I am aware, the fruit is confiscated and a warning is issued, if it is obviously an error. As I said, large quantity smuggling is probably treated as an 'arrestable' offence. But I don't think that in Europe they would go so far as to arrest people for such an error.


Would they?


I don't believe anyone was arrested for the apple..... detained and questioned yes, fined yes but not arrested. Big difference.



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I don't believe anyone was arrested for the apple..... detained and questioned yes, fined yes but not arrested. Big difference.




Actually not a difference at all. Being detained and issued a fine constitutes an arrest.

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We have Travel Medical and Travel Protection through our mastercard. There is an annual fee - $49 for Medical Protection and $60 for Travel Protection. That gives us up to $1 million in emergency hospital, ambulance, air ambulance, medical and dental expenses. The Travel Protection gives us car rental insurance, trip cancellation, interruption and delay and baggage protection....and it's unlimited travel for the year.


is this only for canadians? unable to find this coverage for americans.

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Firstly I do feel sorry for your In-Laws, not because of the theft but to have you in their family...


What has this got to do with RCI ? They upgraded there cabin to a grand suite... they are not the Police nor Port Authorities... They did more than you did...


The poor elderly couple make that stressful flight to join the ship only to find your out on some excursion..how nice... must have been a good day for you...


Blaming others for not being aware of dangers or for that matter laws.. is pathetic. When you do come to write you review tell us why you abandoned such an elerdly couple to cope on their own.


Seems a shame you sat back and said nothing even though you clearly stated the 'Spanish' woman looked suspicious, your vigilance does not match you account of the theft. Are you perhaps trying to justify some other failings in your handling of the entire matter.


I would love to hear from others in your group, may be a different version of events we would enjoy reading.


No Sympathy for you at all.





Wow, that is a rather rude and inapporpriate post. I think the OP made it clear they did help their in-laws (i.e. providing them with all the cash the OP had). They also explained that they had obligations (they were running a group program for a group of 33 people on the cruise who had all paid a premium to participate in said program) and the OP had three children with them as well which would have made staying behind extremely expensive and impractical. Before you insult and render harsh judgment on people who have just experienced a hardship and are trying to help others avoid such a scenario, you might want to get your facts straight. You definitely owe the OP an apology (as well as the myriad of people reading this thread you have no doubt offended).

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I do believe I pointed out the facts...


In this day and age anyone who needs to be told to protect their belongings and dont carry large amounts of cash and passports in a handbag is clearly not in touch with the world.


To go on an excursion and leave the elderly couple to fend for themselves is rude !


So before attacking my post look at the facts... I know alot of people reading this will support me and post accordingly.


Taking 3 kids and the in-laws makes me wonder how serious this guy was about looking after his group of dancers... he could'nt even be bothered to complete lost luggage forms.... he wanted someone else to do it for him, a theme throughout his OP blame someone else for everything !




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Sure are a lot of Monday morning quarterbacks on here ... at least two of them should be married to each other!:rolleyes:


I personally feel for the OP. I know many times in my life if I could rewind time, I'd do things differently. I at least appreciate the heads up.


I do agree about the title though. Could have been a little less alarming and appearing to blame RCI.


The whole post is a warning ... thanks for that, Danceman.

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If you're worried about others commenting - aka - giving their opinion - why post this?


If I was arranging a trip for a group of individuals, I'd be sure to know the regulations, etc.


I think you're being unfair on RCI. It was not their responsibility to manage your passport dilemma, etc.


Happy cruising...

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Sure are a lot of Monday morning quarterbacks on here ... at least two of them should be married to each other!:rolleyes:


I personally feel for the OP. I know many times in my life if I could rewind time, I'd do things differently. I at least appreciate the heads up.


I do agree about the title though. Could have been a little less alarming and appearing to blame RCI.


The whole post is a warning ... thanks for that, Danceman.



ROFL......I just spit my diet coke all over the screen!!! :D :D



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I've only read 2 pages and became very upset with some of the posts. It seems like more and more people on this board are just all to willing to look for the worst, possibly it's their own reflection that angers them. Throw their comments away.


I'm so sorry for your experience. I thoroughly can understand a child putting the apple in the pack without a parent knowing. I also understand about laws, to me this is one of those 'grey' area's and thoroughly depended on the person with authority. Compassion goes a long way.


I always do a lot research on the ports we go to and have learned so much about how people steal things from you.


There were many tips others have shared. Another tip don't swing your camera around either - they will snatch it in a heartbeat! When we went to Barcelona we learned that these thieves work in teams, two behind you and one to the side. The ones behind you will look where your wallet/purse is and use a straw to spit a wad of paper on you (so light you don't feel it), so the one on the side of you knows where to locate it. Blows my mind how thieves come up with these things.


Glad the overall trip went well.


There is nothing "grey" about agriculture import laws.


OP sorry to hear about your family's misadventures and thanks for sharing your story. Despite the heavy flaming, it was a helpful post. I'm cruising SA later this year and appreciate the warnings!

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is this only for canadians? unable to find this coverage for americans.


Could be. It is a Canadian Mastercard. I not sure if there is a similar program for other Countries. You could phone your CC provider to see if they have some sort of optional insurnace you can purchase. Good luck! I know it saves us a lot of money as we travel more than once per year.

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