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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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I just found this thread and it is so entertaining! I have seen some outlandish behavior on ships but I think my favorite was.....

I believe it was while sailing Zenith in '95, we had a stop in St. Thomas. Quite a few guests took the Kon-tiki excursion (can you say booze cruise). As we went to board the ship there was this man with a lovely handlebar moustache....that had been braided and beaded. I seem to remember that he had "taken a nap" and friends had it done to him. That night, formal night, there he was with his beaded stache....I think it took him a day or two to get it undone! What a sight.

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If this is the med I'm thinking of (and taken) I totally feel your pain. I'm taking it because of a condition (not diabetes) and it's the only thing that helps. I must say, it hits you without warning and there's no waiting. I took it on my last cruise and I avoided sugar like the plague because I didn't want "issues" while on an excursion. It did do it's job on that cruise, I ovulated for the first time in 3 years on that cruise and I have yet to do it again. Maybe this one will be lucky for me too!


Glyset is the med and it is for diabetes, I also took Advandamet-both did the same thing to me-my system could not tolerate them. I can't take a diabetes med that works the way they do-none of them.

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And we already have a laughter generating story about the cruise.

I'm going on this cruise with my parents, to celebrate my mothers birthday. We had originally booked a mini-suite. Today we got the call for an upsell, and long story short we are now confirmend into a penthouse.... well I'm in the kitchen fixing dinner and hear my parents talking about how nice the room is going to be, etc. etc. The concierge service, the butler, when my dad says that he may never even leave the room. He's just going to hang out on the balcony in his sock monkey robe.... :confused: What??? I come into the room and ask him what the heck his sock monkey robe is, and they start laughing at me! They said that they were talking about the soft fluffy robes....:rolleyes:


We've nowhere to go but up after that........

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Ok - here is our strange story. Two years ago we were on the RCL Voyager of the Seas, thrilled at our first balcony cabin. We hadn't even left the port when we were serenaded with Frank Sinatra music. The idiot in the cabin next to us had brought a "boom box". After 2 hours of "ain't love a kick in the head" I went down to the purser's desk to complain. They told me that boom boxes were prohibited, and just see what happens. So, that evening as we climbed into bed and just started nodding off - our neighbors came in from the bars and casino and proceeded to entertain everyone with their music. Even with the balcony door closed, we could hear every note! We heard the husband yelling at his wife "I paid a lot of money for this cruise and I want to enjoy myself" when she said maybe the music was too loud. So, the next day I again proceeded to the Purser's desk. When I told the clerk the last name of this troublemaker - she got all excited and said "We know him" and I'm thinking what is she talking about? Evidentally one of his bags didn't show up right away and not wanting to wait in line at the desk, he went to the front of the line at the Purser's desk and tried to jump over the counter in anger when they told him this wasn't allowed. Again I was told what he was doing was not allowed and they would talk to him. Nothing much changed and now we fast forward to night 3 and the husband and wife are drunk and loud and fighting. We call security (I've lost count how many times we had done this already). Well, our neighbor (he wasn't very bright, but by this time he'd figured out that the complaints were coming from our cabin) - goes out on his balcony and tries to kick the partition down separating our cabins. He was also banging on our wall. I guess he wanted to come in and kick some a--! I'm a 48 year old woman, my husband, teenage son and teenage daughter all have a brown belt in karate - which made me feel semi-safe until security came. He would not allow security into his room, so they had to force their way in. They posted an all night guard outside our room. Fortunately for us the next day was our first day in port and he was escorted off the ship and he flew home. We have recently sailed on RCL Explorer of the Seas and ran into our "security guard friend" and we think of him as family. We talk and laugh about that jerk! You would think after 3+ days of this aggravation and lack of sleep that RCL would have at least sent us a bottle of wine. When we returned home we enlisted the help of our TA and eventually got $600 off a future cruise. This was, by far, the worst behavior we'd ever seen on a cruise!

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yeah this is NO fun at all


our last cruise which got hit with Noro was really bad to begin with but we had drunk neighbors playing rap music at 2AM and yelling at each other on the balcony till 4 in the morning


We kept calling the desk but nothing really ever got taken care of.


We usually like to have the balcony door open all night and snuggle under the blankies but that was totally not happening with these folks.


The neighbors on the OTHER side were perfectly delightful people except that they were EARLY risers and were all out on their balcony at 5 in the morning - how the heck do you fit 8 people on the balcony of a D1?


Ok - here is our strange story. Two years ago we were on the RCL Voyager of the Seas, thrilled at our first balcony cabin. We hadn't even left the port when we were serenaded with Frank Sinatra music. The idiot in the cabin next to us had brought a "boom box". After 2 hours of "ain't love a kick in the head" I went down to the purser's desk to complain. They told me that boom boxes were prohibited, and just see what happens. So, that evening as we climbed into bed and just started nodding off - our neighbors came in from the bars and casino and proceeded to entertain everyone with their music. Even with the balcony door closed, we could hear every note! We heard the husband yelling at his wife "I paid a lot of money for this cruise and I want to enjoy myself" when she said maybe the music was too loud. So, the next day I again proceeded to the Purser's desk. When I told the clerk the last name of this troublemaker - she got all excited and said "We know him" and I'm thinking what is she talking about? Evidentally one of his bags didn't show up right away and not wanting to wait in line at the desk, he went to the front of the line at the Purser's desk and tried to jump over the counter in anger when they told him this wasn't allowed. Again I was told what he was doing was not allowed and they would talk to him. Nothing much changed and now we fast forward to night 3 and the husband and wife are drunk and loud and fighting. We call security (I've lost count how many times we had done this already). Well, our neighbor (he wasn't very bright, but by this time he'd figured out that the complaints were coming from our cabin) - goes out on his balcony and tries to kick the partition down separating our cabins. He was also banging on our wall. I guess he wanted to come in and kick some a--! I'm a 48 year old woman, my husband, teenage son and teenage daughter all have a brown belt in karate - which made me feel semi-safe until security came. He would not allow security into his room, so they had to force their way in. They posted an all night guard outside our room. Fortunately for us the next day was our first day in port and he was escorted off the ship and he flew home. We have recently sailed on RCL Explorer of the Seas and ran into our "security guard friend" and we think of him as family. We talk and laugh about that jerk! You would think after 3+ days of this aggravation and lack of sleep that RCL would have at least sent us a bottle of wine. When we returned home we enlisted the help of our TA and eventually got $600 off a future cruise. This was, by far, the worst behavior we'd ever seen on a cruise!
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yeah this is NO fun at all


our last cruise which got hit with Noro was really bad to begin with but we had drunk neighbors playing rap music at 2AM and yelling at each other on the balcony till 4 in the morning


We kept calling the desk but nothing really ever got taken care of.


We usually like to have the balcony door open all night and snuggle under the blankies but that was totally not happening with these folks.


The neighbors on the OTHER side were perfectly delightful people except that they were EARLY risers and were all out on their balcony at 5 in the morning - how the heck do you fit 8 people on the balcony of a D1?



easy-not all 8 people were in the balcony-they had friends across the hall. but that was tacky of them going out and making all that noise that early.

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There's a mix up between the two of you.....there were 8 people ON the balcony, but not 8 people staying in the balcony room.


yeah there weren't 8 people staying in the room-they had connecting rooms and all 4 people from EACH room got up between 430-5AM every damn morning and partied on a single balcony worshipping the sun

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Glyset is the med and it is for diabetes, I also took Advandamet-both did the same thing to me-my system could not tolerate them. I can't take a diabetes med that works the way they do-none of them.


I can help you find the medicial thread Please keep your posts a little more on the subject and lighter.

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Some of these stories are soooo funny:)


I hope we see some weird and wonderfull sights, only hope were not one of them.


Was there also a thread on things you've seen in the Dinning room/around the pool? that was also very funny but cant find it anywhere now.

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When I first posted on this thread, I had only gone on one cruise and didn't have any stories to add. Well, after my Costa cruise I have two weird stories involving the same person.


Before the cruise I had joined a meetup group on yahoo. There were probably 25-30 people on the group and we chatted and exchanged pictures and planned meets onboard. As I was picking up my bags in FLL, I heard someone behind me say my name. I turned around and didn't recognized the man. He said "my name is 'James' and I recognize you from the yahoo group". We decided to share a cab to the port as both of us were travelling alone. At the time I needed a wheelchair to go long distances so when we arrived at the dock I asked a porter if he could get me a wheelchair. Since James was with me, he got to go to the front of the line with me and be one of the first ones on the ship. While in line, after talking to him for just a little while it was obvious that he was gay. Now this really didn't bother me at all and we had a nice conversation and I thought that he was a nice guy. (Here comes the weird part).


We went to the Lido buffet and were sitting at a table when a couple of ladies asked to sit with us. Within two minutes, James began talking about a trip that he had made to Thailand. What made it weird was, he started telling us (the ladies and I) about the sex trade in Thailand and how you could get anything you wanted. Including young boys of all ages. :eek: I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was obvious that the ladies thought that we were together, so I quickly told them that we had met in line and that it was time for me to go. I got out of there quick. I mean that was just sick and totally inappropriate conversation.


A couple of nights later they had a Black Tie and Tiara party. When I went to the showroom that night to watch the show, who did I see? James, decked out in a white tux with black tie and wearing a tiara on his head looking like the bell of the ball.


Needless to say on my upcoming cruise I won't be joing any precruise meetup groups!!!

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When I first posted on this thread, I had only gone on one cruise and didn't have any stories to add. Well, after my Costa cruise I have two weird stories involving the same person.


Before the cruise I had joined a meetup group on yahoo. There were probably 25-30 people on the group and we chatted and exchanged pictures and planned meets onboard. As I was picking up my bags in FLL, I heard someone behind me say my name. I turned around and didn't recognized the man. He said "my name is 'James' and I recognize you from the yahoo group". We decided to share a cab to the port as both of us were travelling alone. At the time I needed a wheelchair to go long distances so when we arrived at the dock I asked a porter if he could get me a wheelchair. Since James was with me, he got to go to the front of the line with me and be one of the first ones on the ship. While in line, after talking to him for just a little while it was obvious that he was gay. Now this really didn't bother me at all and we had a nice conversation and I thought that he was a nice guy. (Here comes the weird part).


We went to the Lido buffet and were sitting at a table when a couple of ladies asked to sit with us. Within two minutes, James began talking about a trip that he had made to Thailand. What made it weird was, he started telling us (the ladies and I) about the sex trade in Thailand and how you could get anything you wanted. Including young boys of all ages. :eek: I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was obvious that the ladies thought that we were together, so I quickly told them that we had met in line and that it was time for me to go. I got out of there quick. I mean that was just sick and totally inappropriate conversation.


A couple of nights later they had a Black Tie and Tiara party. When I went to the showroom that night to watch the show, who did I see? James, decked out in a white tux with black tie and wearing a tiara on his head looking like the bell of the ball.


Needless to say on my upcoming cruise I won't be joing any precruise meetup groups!!!


You may miss out on a good thing. On our last Panama Cruise, we met up 60, or 70 other cruise critics and had a ball. A lot of us met up in fact before the cruise. We met with each other every other day, and Princess even gave us a fairwell party.

We still converse from time to time on line, and we ALL of us say it was the best cuise ever. In fact for my wife and I it was going to be our last, but on the strength of that cruise we are going for another!

What I am saying is, don't let one bad apple spoil what may be an event of a lifetime. Good luck.



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Thanks John, I guess what I should've said was that I would be very careful about meeting people from a pre-cruise meetup on the ship. You're right, others that I did meet were nice and it was fun putting faces to names.

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I've been involved myself in a few inappropriate conversations, but discussing the availability of underage kids for sexual reasons would cause me to stand up and walk away, for sure! You handled it tactfully and with grace.


But there are a lot of us out there who want to meet you for upcoming cruises, to join those roll calls and participate!


We have one we are on for a May cruise, and in fact, 14 of us are meeting today at a restaurant for our 3rd pre-cruise luncheon! Quite a diverse bunch, from all walks of life. It's great fun making new friends. :D

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No-there were 8 of them out there




I "got" that-what I meant is four came from across the hall. I know a couple of cruises ago our next door neighbors were part of a family reunion group. they had the balcony but either his or her sister was across the hall in an inside. The mom and some of the grandkids were next door to sis in an inside also.


They had their little family parties on the balcony too-but at a decent hour.

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At least the 8 folks on the balcony were pleasant happy folks. The 2AM goons on the other side were unhappy, angry, drunks, who could do nothing but slam things and yell at each other.


I tell ya, I was never so happy to be off a tub and back home (well it took a couple of days because the airline lost my luggage)


my face says it all in this pic... (this was one of the HAPPY SHOTS)



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Joel, you have my scorn-you made fun of a little kid?


My guess is he won a swimming medal or spelling bee medal or something similiar and proudly wanted to wear it. I think it was very kind of his parents to allow him to wear it.


This reminds me of a picture of my hubby as a little boy. He is wearing a scarf around his neck. Why? Because his favorite TV character from his favorite TV show wore a "cravat" and he wanted to be like his favorite character.


Yes, my MIL found it silly and feared he would be made fun for wearing her scarf to sc hool on picture day but still she allowed him to do that because it was important to him. You know loving parents do that.


Shame on you for making fun of a little kid who was simply proud of a medal he had won.


I also find it very jerky that you entertain yourself by making fun of people's photos. It defiently does not say much about you for sure.



Actually, sadly some 'loving mothers' would let their 10yo wear a medal all the time, or a cape or scarf, which is why God invented good loving DADS, who would take one look a his boy dressed like that, say "Son, I love you, and I'm proud of your medal, but give it a rest, you look like an ass" I feel nothing but pity for kids whose parents are afraid to say it like it is, they usually have a tough time in life as they get older. And, if I ever have a whoops, I crapped my pants moment, feel free to laugh, because I certainly would be!

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Well this isn't exactly on the same level of craziness or weirdness as some of these post's...but it is kind of funny and interesting nonetheless. On my cruise I did on the Valor 6/3/07 I got to know quite a bit of the crew. I enjoyed libations with them on a couple of our stops (Shipwrecks on St Thomas, and some place in St. Martin) and thought they were all around a cool bunch!


So one night after the piano bar was closed, I was talking with Mark the piano whore. I asked him what the crew did at night when the weren't hanging out at the disco or casino bar with the guests. He said that there was a crew bar. That instantaneously got the wheels turning. Mark assured me that there was no way I'd be able to find it, and that even if I got close I'd be escorted back to passenger levels of the ship.


Of course I took that as a challenge. So sure enough the last night on the Valor, I waited until about 2am, and then did my sneaky James Bond run down to the crew bar. I felt like James Bond peaking around corners, and hiding in stairwells, but the truth is that I was probably drunkenly walking into walls and making a ton of noise.


But needless to say, I made it! I walked into the crew bar holding a beer with a giant grin on my face, head held high, and loving every moment of astonishment I could read on the last 3 patrons in there. At the time, it felt like the crowning achievement of my life. I drank the rest of my beer, chatted a bit, and then retired back to my room. The look on the crew members faces was just priceless!

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I am still recovering from my Majesty of the Seas cruise with my 55 year old mother Nov 14-18. Apparently, the trip up the stairs for Muster from deck 2 to 7 caused my mom to suddenly decide she needed to REALLY use the bathroom even though she had plenty of notice and time to use it while we hung out in the cabin before 4:30 drill (as usual, she was on the cell phone yapping away about nothing instead).


They wouldn't let her back inside at first, but eventually she got through to find a rest room. Held up Muster waiting for her....everyone is glaring at me because of course I am part of the guilty party holding up the drill and departing the port....(and i am wondering if there is an extra available cabin or if it is too late to jump over the railings and hang out in South Beach for the week instead)


She comes back finally and Muster begins. I am standing a few feet away from her but I suddenly smell something funky-bad in the breeze. I ask her if everything is okay. "Oh, I didn't quite make it in time", says she very nonchalantly. What?!!? I look down and see she has big poo stain on the front of her light demin pants. Ooooh lovely. I step back away from her more, but then notice the back of her jeans. Both legs....all the way up. Poo streaks. Very noticable and stinky poo streaks. There is no denying what it is if anyone else sees it. (and of course, the smell is undeniable!). It was far worse than anything i'd seen from my three sons when they were infants and toddlers.


As soon as the drill is over and all is clear for sail away, I hand her my life jacket and instruct her to walk with both lifejackets behind her. We wait on the deck for as long as we can so we don't subject any poor soul from walking behind her and catching the stank.


Finally made it back and I drink 1/3 of the bottle of my contraband Captain Morgan (+ Diet Coke) while she cleaned up so we could go to early seating dinner where the embarassment kept on going...(I keep waiting for one of our table mates to write something about her in the thread about table mates)


That is so bad!!! Your poor mother. I would have needed more than the 1/3. :(

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Our first cruise was on the Inspiration (Aug 2007). While docked in Calica, a PLAGUE of locusts rose out of the jungle and landed everywhere on the ship (I'm talking thousands of them).


Anyway, the last morning at sea, I trotted down to the rear of the ship to have a cup of coffee and cigarette, only to see locusts all over the chairs. I swatted most off, but one just wouldn't move (kinda stared at me). I finally picked it up (8 inches long), and tossed it over the railing. What amazed me is, these things could fly, and could fly well. It started flapping away, and was catching up to the ship. As it approached, it would gain altitude, and finally flew over me towards the sun deck. Unfortunately, it landed in this woman's hair, causing her to scream, and throw her drink. Her husband, laughing hysterically, plucked it out and hugged her.


I quietly tip-toed away. :o


Carnival Inspiration August 2007

Carnival Celebration March 2008 (4 days to go!!)

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I hadn't SCUBA dived in a while so I took a scuba refresher onboard the Voyager of the Seas with 1 other pax so I could take in some diving in Cozumel.


While we were on the bottom of the pool doing our thing with the instructor... A bikini clad vision of beauty dove into the pool and started swimming laps. Each time the goddess would swim by we would stop what we were doing to admire her breast stroke from a fish eyes view. :)


That was until about the 4th or 5th lap by she inadvertently kicked the instructor. She then kicked and fluttered out of the pool like she had been stung by a jelly fish... Show was over so we went back to the lesson.


DISCLAIMER: I am not a pervert who goes around staring at women. The 3 of us found it humorous and so did the DW later.

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