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No compassion

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I think most of you are missing the point. The OP knows that the cruise line could not do anything, but was told by security that they would get back to her, which they didn't. The ball was dropped by RCCL right there. When someone says they are going to do something, how small it may be, they should do it. A follow up with a genuine "We are sorry about what happened" probably would of went a long way.


We had a similar situation happen to us in Miami a couple years back. After we got off the ship we hailed a cab to take us to our hotel for a one night post cruise stay. As we were giving our bags to the bellman, we noticed we were missing a bag, the bag we had put on the front passenger seat. The cab driver should of noticed the bag because it was sitting right next to him. But I take responsibility because I should of counted the bags when we got out of the cab. We lost quite a few clothes in that bag. While I was not seeking anything from the Intercontinental Hotel, I did receive a few blank looks on the workers faces. They had no idea how to handle the situation. No sorry, No compassion, just a "check back later". While the hotel was not at any way at fault of the situation, our stay there was affected by the "what do you want us to do about it" look on there faces. When I checked on the bag a few hours later, they didn't know what I was talking about.


RCCL did not have to do anything or show compassion for the cruiser, but I'm sure the OP will remember this the next time they book a cruise. A heartfelt sorry or followup would of went a long way.


Get back to her with what? They are not a law enforcement agency or any type of investigative body. She could have made a call to the Police in Nassau at anytime and asked them if they have any further information or if she could be of any further assistance. The Police in Nassau have no business discussing anything with Royal Caribbean about the complaint. It didn't happen on the ship. Being in law enforcement this whole case is a dead duck. Is she going to fly back and pick the suspect out of a line up, assuming that she could make the ID? And then fly back at another time in the future if their is a trial?

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What would you prose RCI do? Start staffing onboard grief counselors?


I would take that job, I am a psychologist and would love to be paid to sail. And by the way, as a therapist, we do respond with compassion, but we also make people take responsibility for their own actions. It sounds like the OP is displacing his/her anger from the incident onto that of RCCL.

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I would take that job, I am a psychologist and would love to be paid to sail. And by the way, as a therapist, we do respond with compassion, but we also make people take responsibility for their own actions. It sounds like the OP is displacing his/her anger from the incident onto that of RCCL.


I don't think their would be enough work for you if all you did was council victims of crimes on cruise ships. LOL


Grief counselors for purse snatch victims. I think that is taking it just a bit over the top.

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Maybe instead of being negative, we should start a thread about the places, dangers and scams (oh, my!) that we have encountered while traveling. Just a thought....:)


Hi, I tried to do that about San juan only to be flamed by KooKruiser and Jeka. I got comments like Geez why don't you just scare the hell out of everyone,or you must not live in a city. I was trying to be informative about issues in San Juan, but some people are afraid of being truthful about problems in ports. Like nothing bad ever happens. I just tried to tell people to be careful especially at night, stay in groups. Don't assume that because it's in a tourist area that you're safe. A thief is attracted to areas that he knows will have unsuspecting tourists with lots of money. I'm saying be aware of your surroundings and don't let your guard down just because you're on vacation. :)

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Hi, I tried to do that about San juan only to be flamed by KooKruiser and Jeka. I got comments like Geez why don't you just scare the hell out of everyone,or you must not live in a city. I was trying to be informative about issues in San Juan, but some people are afraid of being truthful about problems in ports. Like nothing bad ever happens. I just tried to tell people to be careful especially at night, stay in groups. Don't assume that because it's in a tourist area that you're safe. A thief is attracted to areas that he knows will have unsuspecting tourists with lots of money. I'm saying be aware of your surroundings and don't let your guard down just because you're on vacation. :)


And never ever wear bermuda shorts with white socks and penny loafers. That is a dead give away. You might as well walk around wearing a tee shirt with a bulls eye on it.

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I don't know what you expected from the ships staff. If you were robbed in a mall's parking lot would you expect the mall to do anything? When you leave you are on your own. It is a shame that you couldn't move on and enjoy the rest of your cruise. Unfortunately crime happens all over.

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Get back to her with what? They are not a law enforcement agency or any type of investigative body. She could have made a call to the Police in Nassau at anytime and asked them if they have any further information or if she could be of any further assistance. The Police in Nassau have no business discussing anything with Royal Caribbean about the complaint. It didn't happen on the ship. Being in law enforcement this whole case is a dead duck. Is she going to fly back and pick the suspect out of a line up, assuming that she could make the ID? And then fly back at another time in the future if their is a trial?


Regardless if they were going to do anything, they said they would get back to her and didn't. The OP did the right thing by reporting it to the cruise ship, not by expecting RCCL to do something about this crime, but maybe the reporting of these crimes might influence the cruise lines to rethink going to this port if there are alot of cases. Most of the major cruise lines stopped going to St. Croix a decade ago because of both major and minor crimes on passengers. Cruises are just starting to return after the government got their act together and cleaned things up.

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Regardless if they were going to do anything, they said they would get back to her and didn't. The OP did the right thing by reporting it to the cruise ship, not by expecting RCCL to do something about this crime, but maybe the reporting of these crimes might influence the cruise lines to rethink going to this port if there are alot of cases. Most of the major cruise lines stopped going to St. Croix a decade ago because of both major and minor crimes on passengers. Cruises are just starting to return after the government got their act together and cleaned things up.


But obviously the OP expected the cruise line to do something, otherwise there wouldn´t have been any dissappointment about the lack of compassion.

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But obviously the OP expected the cruise line to do something, otherwise there wouldn´t have been any dissappointment about the lack of compassion.


Maybe undertanding was expected, which is something I would of expected in that situation.

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Regardless if they were going to do anything, they said they would get back to her and didn't.


In these days, that's interpreted as a transfer of responsibility.


And what would they get back to her about anyway?

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(Edited) "...We had a similar situation happen to us in Miami a couple years back. After we got off the ship we hailed a cab to take us to our hotel for a one night post cruise stay. As we were giving our bags to the bellman, we noticed we were missing a bag, the bag we had put on the front passenger seat. The cab driver should of noticed the bag because it was sitting right next to him...."


Out of context and off thread but we did meet a very honest cab driver who took us to the airport in NYC recently. I divide our money and credit cards between two billfolds when traveling. After going through security I noticed both billfolds were missing. We immediately canceled our credit cards. Then we noticed we had missed an incoming telephone call on our cell phone. It was the cabdriver informing us he found both the billfolds in the back seat where we were sitting. At home a few days later the billfolds arrived in priority mail with everything intact. You can be assured we sent that cab driver a huge tip.

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My dissappointment was in the RCCL security guard. He held up the line getting off the ship to take down the information even my cabin number and told me that he/they would investigate and get up with the local police and then get back with me. As stated earlier when I spoke with him the following day he acted as if he did not know what I was talking about! There is an element of trust here on my part. There again it is my career as a teacher that gives me a false sense of trust when someone in an official position gives me their word. I have had my hand slapped.

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In these days, that's interpreted as a transfer of responsibility.


And what would they get back to her about anyway?


Not really sure, but if I report something and someone says they will get back to me, they should. If the security officer played dumb with me the next day, I would of brought that up with his superior.

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My dissappointment was in the RCCL security guard. He held up the line getting off the ship to take down the information even my cabin number and told me that he/they would investigate and get up with the local police and then get back with me. As stated earlier when I spoke with him the following day he acted as if he did not know what I was talking about! There is an element of trust here on my part. There again it is my career as a teacher that gives me a false sense of trust when someone in an official position gives me their word. I have had my hand slapped.


The security officer on board the ship was wrong for telling you that. They have no investigative authority off the ship. He should have just said that you will have to contact the Police in Nassau if you require any further information.


And in all honesty, and I don't mean to minimize this because we all react different in various situations. But if this happened to me I would be on the pool deck 30 minutes later with a drink in my hand enjoying the music. This whole crime probably took a total of 5 seconds to occur and it was over. The suspect grabbed you camera case, you screamed, he dropped it and ran off. It was not like this guy came up to you from behind and with one hand put a knife to your throat and covered your eyes with his other hand and started making demands. That would be very scary becuase time seems to stand still. But what happened to you took less time then it would taken to reach into my pocket for a piece of gum. Boom..........its over.

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My dissappointment was in the RCCL security guard. He held up the line getting off the ship to take down the information even my cabin number and told me that he/they would investigate and get up with the local police and then get back with me. As stated earlier when I spoke with him the following day he acted as if he did not know what I was talking about! There is an element of trust here on my part. There again it is my career as a teacher that gives me a false sense of trust when someone in an official position gives me their word. I have had my hand slapped.


So it all comes down to dissappointment about a single security guard onboard that didn´t follow up, where probably wasn´t anything to follow up. I´m with you that the security guy shouldn´t have promissed something he couldn´t follow up on.

OK so what one man made a mistake, mistakes happen, it´s human to make them.


To make an all abroad "No compassion" statement is kinda over the top.


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No, I was not alone and it happened in a lighted area. There were 6 police on the beat from the port area to Senior Frogs! Yes, I did tell other passengers. The thing that upset me most is that it was not followed up on by the staff. I did not expect them to make an "all call warning" however somewhere/somehow passengers should be warned/cautioned.

I read it someplace that if you carry a purse keep it close in front of you... that way you will not lose your purse. I read it happened to another passenger in Carnival where her mother was robbed in broad daylight at a resturant seating the woman placed her shoulder strapped bag behind her seat and it was gone. with her passports, money childs medications etc.. well over 10,000.00 in that purse these people were foreigners and the one who was on the phone with the perpertrader was calling her to take snatch the purse, away. what is this world coming too.

That is why i am creating a bra and pantie where you can hold your money where you will not be able to carry a purse anymore. Wait its coming and by next year this time you will be able to carry your room key, credit card and money that no one get, they have to mug you first to get it. I developed this cause everytime i go on a cruise i get someone stealing from me... Now you know what I do... I leave the purse empty put the words in a big piece of letters SUCKER and leave nothing in it No keys, no money... nothing... I am develping this for socks too.

If you want 1 sample send me your email... only this lady not everyone. I am making these to protect ladies and gentlemen about robbers... those cities need to protect us, after all we put money into your pockets. but its not the cruise's fault this happened and I am very sorry this happened to you, but you need to be aware of this it can happen to anyone anywheres, so remember keep your purse close to you the next time and most of all if you are aware of somthing strange tell alot of people around you. they will be able to protect you.

The cruise ship is not going to do anything about this, its their jobs is to protect you, but not your personal belongings, but their thing is to make sure you have a good time that is why they have these cruises.

Email me and stay in touch


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I read it someplace that if you carry a purse keep it close in front of you... that way you will not lose your purse. I read it happened to another passenger in Carnival where her mother was robbed in broad daylight at a resturant seating the woman placed her shoulder strapped bag behind her seat and it was gone. with her passports, money childs medications etc.. well over 10,000.00 in that purse these people were foreigners and the one who was on the phone with the perpertrader was calling her to take snatch the purse, away. what is this world coming too.

That is why i am creating a bra and pantie where you can hold your money where you will not be able to carry a purse anymore. Wait its coming and by next year this time you will be able to carry your room key, credit card and money that no one get, they have to mug you first to get it. I developed this cause everytime i go on a cruise i get someone stealing from me... Now you know what I do... I leave the purse empty put the words in a big piece of letters SUCKER and leave nothing in it No keys, no money... nothing... I am develping this for socks too.

If you want 1 sample send me your email... only this lady not everyone. I am making these to protect ladies and gentlemen about robbers... those cities need to protect us, after all we put money into your pockets. but its not the cruise's fault this happened and I am very sorry this happened to you, but you need to be aware of this it can happen to anyone anywheres, so remember keep your purse close to you the next time and most of all if you are aware of somthing strange tell alot of people around you. they will be able to protect you.

The cruise ship is not going to do anything about this, its their jobs is to protect you, but not your personal belongings, but their thing is to make sure you have a good time that is why they have these cruises.

Email me and stay in touch



Is their going to be a male version of this bra? Like on Seinfeld, Frank Costanza and Kramer invented the Manzier.

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Unfortunately in today's sue happy society sometimes showing compassion is a sign of accepting blame and they have to watch their backs as no company is going to take on the ills of the world.


I think you are right. I also remember reading that 20% of all lawsuits would be avoided if the defendants had apologized up front.


That said, I don't think the OP was blaming the cruise line at all and would have been happy with just a bit of sympathy. A little sad faced, "Oh, I'm so sorry that happened to you on your vacation" and a bit of chocolate sent to the cabin with a note is not an admission of guilt.



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I remember that vividly. The "Bro" or the "Manzier". :D


LOL. I forgot about the "Bro" part. That was a good episode. If I recall Frank was staying with George for a while becuase he seperated from Estelle. And George had him sleeping on Jerry's old couch which was urinated on by Papi the restaurant owner. Very funny....:)

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LOL. I forgot about the "Bro" part. That was a good episode. If I recall Frank was staying with George for a while becuase he seperated from Estelle. And George had him sleeping on Jerry's old couch which was urinated on by Papi the restaurant owner. Very funny....:)



OMG! :eek: Remember when Papi peed on Jerry's couch?:eek:

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OMG! :eek: Remember when Papi peed on Jerry's couch?:eek:


And then Sid Farkis heard that Frank and Estelle were seperated and wanted a date with her. LOL


Maybe we should start a Seinfeld thread. People are going to start complaining that we went off topic. :)

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