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What if you don't like formal wear?


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The point about dressing for dinner is NOT to judge people who don't, it is just the rules


Rules, rules, not a nice prospect for anyone taking a holiday being told that there are rules applied. Not that I have ever seen these published anywhere and in practice (on Ventura) the code only seems to apply in the dining rooms.


I quite like dressing up for dinner and ate a few times in the Waterside dressed in full monkey suit, but really Vetura is not a classy ship by any measure and those refugees from OV should feel quite at home aboard.



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We have only been on two previous cruises, a mini cruise and a caribbean cruise. The second was with Carnival who had formal nights but were very relaxed about the dress code. We have booked our next cruise with P & O on Ventura and hope they will inforce the dress code more stringently. I want some escapisum on my holiday, I want to do and be someone slightly different from my usual mundaine self. If some people don't want to enter into the spirit then go with another cruise line. Some on this forum are undoubtably snobs where cruising is concerned, I am not, I just want to enter into a fantasy for one fortnight a year. :D

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We have only been on two previous cruises, a mini cruise and a caribbean cruise. The second was with Carnival who had formal nights but were very relaxed about the dress code. We have booked our next cruise with P & O on Ventura and hope they will inforce the dress code more stringently. I want some escapisum on my holiday, I want to do and be someone slightly different from my usual mundaine self. If some people don't want to enter into the spirit then go with another cruise line. Some on this forum are undoubtably snobs where cruising is concerned, I am not, I just want to enter into a fantasy for one fortnight a year. :D



Exactly my thoughts too!!

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I just want to enter into a fantasy for one fortnight a year. :D


That is such a refreshingly honest admission and a really good reason for wanting to dress up. I'm sure there would be nobody who would do anything other than help you live your dream.


But ..... have you thought that perhaps some of the OV cruisers (grit your teeth you lot, I'm going to use the usual stereotype) who go round in football shirts, flaunt tatoos, and have shaven heads, are also trying to act out their own fantasy - perhaps they think they are David Beckham :D


Both positions (formal and casual) actually seem to be closer than one would think and if the Ventura were to be renamed "Fantasy island", I'm sure all parties would be able to get on together - they would just have to be careful not to stray into somebody else's reality.


I think it has been nicely summed up by Balf when he said "but really Ventura is not a classy ship by any measure and those refugees from OV should feel quite at home aboard."

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Thank you Cottonbuddas,I feel you are old enough to appreciate the following referrence to a very bad 1970's American show, but I now worry I am entering "The Love Boat":eek: God forbid!!!!!!!:D

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I really can't beleive what I'm hearing on this thread, as a new person not only to cruising but to this forum I'm begining to wonder whether we've done theright thing booking a P&O cruise. Although we're not ones for dressing up we are quite looking forward to the 4 formal nights but as my husband has a shaved head and my best friends husband has tattoo's I feel we may be frowned upon. We are not football hooligans or the like, all in our 50's maybe we would have been better booking an ov cruise at least we beleive in live and let live......

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Hi Bridmo


It's a wonderfully tolerant thread from the P and O clientele, isn't it? I've tried a number of times to point out that the stereotypical view they have of Ocean Village folk is a million miles from the reality but I'm afraid no one is listening. Unfortunately they seem to not want the facts to get in the way of their prejudices. I wonder how many of the people posting negative views have actually travelled with OV?


Cottonbuddas - OV cruisers don't need to act out any fantasy, we can just be ourselves without any pretence to being something we are not. Why trot out when the old stereotype unless you are trying to inflame this thread once again? The reality is that the majority of guests are middle class professionals and these days far more elderly than the OV target audience would suggest. On the whole lovely, intelligent and happy travellers. The ships have a relaxed, happy ambiance which the casual atmosphere generates. Why do you use a grin after being nasty about other people - is that supposed to indicated that your mean-spiritedness towards others is actually meant to be funny? I'm not thin-skinned but this is not decent behaviour.


I can only assume that P and O Cruises is a closed club and new members are actively discouraged, or at least that is what is implied by many of the posts here. Many of the posts are positively gleeful when someone gives up and states they will be cruising with another line and not going over to P and O after all.....


Bridmo - I hope your cruise experience is great and that this thread just turns out to have been populated by an unhappy minority. I have been considering P and O myself for my next cruise but personally I'm still wavering and lurking on forums to see if the itineraries compensate for these attitudes or whether I should go for a different formal but more friendly line.

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I did try to wind up a very aggresive thread with a light hearted comment. Fred will shortly be enjoying his cruise. I hope this forum hasn't taken from his family some of the excitment and anticipation associated with a holiday. As for now I will leave the children in the play-ground to carry on their pointless fight, tattoos bow ties and all---------ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

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It's a wonderfully tolerant thread from the P and O clientele, isn't it? I've tried a number of times to point out that the stereotypical view they have of Ocean Village folk is a million miles from the reality but I'm afraid no one is listening. Unfortunately they seem to not want the facts to get in the way of their prejudices. I wonder how many of the people posting negative views have actually travelled with OV?


Cottonbuddas - OV cruisers don't need to act out any fantasy, we can just be ourselves without any pretence to being something we are not. Why trot out when the old stereotype unless you are trying to inflame this thread once again? The reality is that the majority of guests are middle class professionals and these days far more elderly than the OV target audience would suggest. On the whole lovely, intelligent and happy travellers. The ships have a relaxed, happy ambiance which the casual atmosphere generates. Why do you use a grin after being nasty about other people - is that supposed to indicated that your mean-spiritedness towards others is actually meant to be funny? I'm not thin-skinned but this is not decent behaviour.


I can only assume that P and O Cruises is a closed club and new members are actively discouraged, or at least that is what is implied by many of the posts here. Many of the posts are positively gleeful when someone gives up and states they will be cruising with another line and not going over to P and O after all.....


Oh dear. Like Saidia, I too thought that the thread was being wound up on a lighter note - I didn't know that some would again choose to display the chip on their shoulders and take it seriously.


Now History Addict, it may have escaped your notice that I am NOT a P&O cruiser (having been on the Ventura only once) and have been jumped on by the regular P&O clientele every time I mentioned that some of my experiences did not reflect well on that ship. What I have objected to in this thread is the attitude from the regulars that they are superior beings who patronise OV cruisers by telling them to shop in Asda (as if it was money that prevented them from dining in B&W).


But then Saidia came along, who admitted that the cruise was her two weeks' of fantasy and she loved to dress up and imagine ...... To balance this brave declaration, I suggested that some OVers might fantasise too and (in line with the stupid stereotypes often thrown at them) suggested David Beckham. The smilie was put in to show that David Beckham was unlikely to be the object of fantasy for anybody, be they P&O or OV.


However, there is one thing I can agree with and that's your penultimate paragraph about P&O being a closed club. I'm sure that's not P&Os wish, just the desire of many posters on here to continue in their private little world of making eachother feel superior and special. But, after your post, perhaps they have a point :p

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'I wonder how many of the people posting negative views have actually travelled with OV? '


or to turn it around...

I wonder how many OV pax have sailed with P&O, we have been insulted all the way through this thread too!


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I wonder how many OV pax have sailed with P&O


We have not and are less likely to do so in the future due to the attitudes of some (but by no means all) on here.


Such a shame as P&O could keep all present & potential ex ov passengers happy but we doubt if this could be achieved on the same ship.

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We have not and are less likely to do so in the future due to the attitudes of some (but by no means all) on here.


Such a shame as P&O could keep all present & potential ex ov passengers happy but we doubt if this could be achieved on the same ship.



So you really would change your mind about a cruise after coming here? You seem to basing that on the P&O passengers that frequent this board which must amount to approx. 0.1% of the total clientele!


I think you might be a little tough to please!



I really don't know what all this fighting and name calling is about. We seem to have 2 types of passenger that seek different things. Currently P&O only cater for one of those sets (in the main), it may change later as some here believe.

I am happy with what P&O provide. When I am not I will find a cruise line that I am happy with.


I certainly do not believe I want something better than people who prefer OV, just seeking something different to them!







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So you really would change your mind about a cruise after coming here? You seem to basing that on the P&O passengers that frequent this board which must amount to approx. 0.1% of the total clientele!


I think you might be a little tough to please!



I really don't know what all this fighting and name calling is about. We seem to have 2 types of passenger that seek different things. Currently P&O only cater for one of those sets (in the main), it may change later as some here believe.

I am happy with what P&O provide. When I am not I will find a cruise line that I am happy with.


I certainly do not believe I want something better than people who prefer OV, just seeking something different to them!








I suspect the views are representive of far more than 0.1% of P&O's passengers.


Even if it were as low as 100 passengers on each cruise we would not like to take the risk of our hard earned holiday being spoiled by being stuck on the same dining table as one of them.

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How on earth has this thread gone so off topic without being closed down:D Firstly, my handle does, in no way, stand for Ocean Village, but Oldland Village Club cruiser, my local watering hole:D I am a Cunard cruiser who has sailed on Oceana, didn't like it too crowded, and, because of the schedule have booked a cruise on Artemis in January 2010 in the Caribbean. I am not a dinasaur late 50's but then again so is my wife:D I have never saild Ocean Village nor do I intend to for absolutely no reason, just does not appeal to me. I would also never sail on the Ventura, reason, Cliff Richard singing summer holiday when it left St Petersburg with the cruise director shouting that the passengers on Queen Victoria are not enjoying this, to which we all replied "thank god":D Horses for courses no one is correct, no one is incorrect it is down to personal choice. I will listen to someones argument, but they should then not get offended when I put my case, which basically says they are wrong, my opinion only, no one elses, but in my opinion, they are wrong, and I am enjoying or hope to enjoy the selection I have made. We are all capable of discussion so discuss, don't slag people off, especially ones you may never meet.

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I, have sailed on ov1 6 times, ov2 once and ventura once, my personel choice on this small group would be ov1 every time for the following reasons,


1. itinaries,

2. people

3. dont have to dress up


Having said that my wife says we must now stay with po as she likes dressing up.



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'I wonder how many of the people posting negative views have actually travelled with OV? '


or to turn it around...

I wonder how many OV pax have sailed with P&O, we have been insulted all the way through this thread too!




As you can see i have sailed both OV ships and Oceana. On Oceana i used freedom dining and i can honestly say that the whole experience was not that different to Ocean Village. However lectures on swollen ankles and varicous veins were a little too much for me!:eek:

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I would also never sail on the Ventura, reason, Cliff Richard singing summer holiday when it left St Petersburg with the cruise director shouting that the passengers on Queen Victoria are not enjoying this, to which we all replied "thank god":D quote]


Well that does not seem to be a very valid reason for not sailing on Ventura, we did not see Cliff Richard or the chef guy with the made up name when we were aboard. The reason we would not go anywhere near Ventura again is that we just did not like the experience at all for many different reasons. And it is good to have had the experience so we can comment from from that.



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1st thing is there is nowhere anywhere that says the dress code on P&O is "suggested"...admittedly they don't enforce/uphold it very often if at all, preferring to leave it to peoples sense of respect. As far as rules go you know them before you start. Anyone going on a P&O cruise & deliberately ignoring the dress code is doing it purely to try to cause discord. Unfortunately the impression that shaven heads & tattoos give is not usually a favourable one ..that is just how it is, you did it, you live with it!!

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1st thing is there is nowhere anywhere that says the dress code on P&O is "suggested"...admittedly they don't enforce/uphold it very often if at all, preferring to leave it to peoples sense of respect. As far as rules go you know them before you start. Anyone going on a P&O cruise & deliberately ignoring the dress code is doing it purely to try to cause discord. Unfortunately the impression that shaven heads & tattoos give is not usually a favourable one ..that is just how it is, you did it, you live with it!!



JohnTheDog, I seem to remember you are quite new to cruising so I can understand the mistake, but best to check what you state is correct before typing it!


As you know, each day on board you will recieve a paper detailing all of the activities, bar opening times and that kind of thing. The other information you can get from this sheet is the suggested dress code.

Note the word 'suggested'. P&O's words not mine.




I have neither a tattoo or a shaven head but still find your remarks unkind and unnecessary.







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No, not new to cruising at all. The only place that "suggested" is mentioned is in the Horizon paper..but in my experience not all the time, I have copies where it is not. In any case by the time you get on board the only rules/info on dress anyone will be aware of is what it says in the brochure/website. My personal view on shaven heads & tattoos are fairly neutral..I was saying what the general view is.

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I wouldn't class your views on shaven heads & tattoo's as neutral or class it as thenorm, we have neveer had any problems with the way people accept my husband (shaven head) or my friend (tattoo's)anywhere we've travelled, only this site, hopefully the cruiser's on Oceana will accept people for what they are not what they have???:eek:

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As you know, each day on board you will recieve a paper detailing all of the activities, bar opening times and that kind of thing. The other information you can get from this sheet is the suggested dress code.

Note the word 'suggested'. P&O's words not mine.

Up until recently I would have agreed with you but on our last cruise (E904) there was no mention of 'suggested'. It simply stated the 'dress code' for the evening.


On our previous cruise (J805) it did use the word 'suggested'.

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I will try again ...my comments on the shaven heads & tattoos were not my views ..I was just explaining that is how they are perceived & if that is how people appear then that is how people will see them. By the way we qualify!! my wife has a tattoo & I generally have a shaven (short stubble ) head.

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