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Let's see if we can't turn this into something amusing (make lemonade out of lemons). Please post some of the funniest complaints you have ever heard. This could be fun!


Here's one:


An angry guest came down to the front desk of a Holland America Line cruise ship demanding a different room. The attendant tried to calm him down and find out why he disliked his cabin so much. He responded: "I paid a lot of money for this cruise and was promised a sea view, the only thing I can see through my window is the damned parking lot!"


We’d not yet left the dock.


Courtesy of: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/picturegalleries/5279230/Ridiculous-holiday-complaints-readers-suggestions.html

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My take - well said.

Was on the last cruise to Mexico 4/18 great time, food, entertainment and people. My crystal ball wasn't working or I would have changed it to 4/25:cool:.

Never had a bad cruise, some better than others but never a bad one.:)

Jack for the

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To begin, great story SeaDawg. I have the vision in my head right now.


While I have seen a fair share of what seems like whining, rather than contructive critcisms on these boards, I have to stop and wonder about this. If the writers took a moment to review what they had written would they make changes to clarify their point? Sometimes a poorly placed word can project a message that wasn't intended. Granted, there are people out there you will never please because that is, in fact, their sad lot in life. I just think that people have relevant things to say.


I would personally still like to hear the critques but maybe a little quip about how they solved the issue. I've always felt if you have issues, you must have an idea how it can work better.


Our newer friends on this board always need to know that cruising is an incredible experience but that there can be pitfalls, as well.

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Interesting topic.


I don't think I've had a perfect cruise yet. Yet, I keep booking them because I always have a great time.


A couple of things.


Some people can find the negative in everything. My experience is that a lot of them won't even try to fix them when they can. My sister has been married to one of those for 17 years. Now she's fixing it (divorce in process). Life's too short, and I'm married to somebody who can find the positive in everything, including a period when we were both mostly unemployed.


We did an Alaska cruise in 07. My biggest concern was what if something happened and we missed Glacier Bay. Ports, I can also go on a land based vacation if they're that important. My husband's response? "Well, we'll just have to do another one in a few years then".


I don't mind if people come to bring up issues that they experienced on their cruise. I think what a lot of people are talking about are the first time posters who talk about how bad their cruise was, and then we never hear from them again.

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Welcome to cruise critic:)),and you are so right,your on vacation,so enjoy it and dont sweat small stuff if you can,otherwise it is kinda wasting money,and you should always try to get your money's worth,especially now a days:));)

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Interesting topic.


I don't think I've had a perfect cruise yet. Yet, I keep booking them because I always have a great time.



Done 19 cruises and have 20 & 21 booked! One came damn close to perfect (#18). One came damn close to the opposite end of the scale (#17). I've always had a great time - just more challenges on some!

These boards have been pretty quite for a few months now. Must have something to do with world conditions - you pick the excuse. Could be the economy, the unrest in many areas, world sickness, or just plain too busy trying to survive!!


Any day spent cruising beats any day spent working!!!!!

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I agree with MaryPoppinz. It seems if anyone says anything negative, they get attacked for their comments. (it is so getting old) It is really disturbing to think that others are so grandiose about their thinking, that they cannot at least respect someone's opinion when it differs from their own. Agree to disagree, and not put down and berate the poster who may have some not so perfect things to say about Princess.


Sillysailor 1955-your post is great! LOL

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I'm all about reading constructive critiques and well-substantiated issues which should be addressed by the cruise company.


However, I don't so much care to read those who complain incessantly about everything from the weather to the fact ships can't seat all 2,550 passengers in the theatre or specialty dining room at one time.


The sense of entitlement exhibited by a few people is frankly astounding. Posters wanting the cost of whole cruises refunded because of matters outside anyone's control (let alone a ship's captain and crew) are a case in point.

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I wonder if some of the complaints come from expectations while reading about other cruisers experiences on boards like this. If the cruise experience does not fit the perceptions they have created in their mind it comes out as disappointment and complaints afterward.



Our first and only cruise so far was the Mexican Riviera on the Pride in 07. We did little to no research, just booked, enjoyed the new experience and had a great time. What helped is we had no preconceived expectations it was all new to us. We enjoyed listening to the corny cruise director and the obviously biased shopping advisor, we paid for the ship excursions and "GASP" we flew in the morning of the cruise. Second cruise might be a different experience as we now have something to compare to and the experiences of thousands of fellow internet travellers thanks to boards like this.

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I just posted a review about our recent cruise and it was not a whining/complaining post. simply telling like it was on board and what our experience was. I stated that we still had a good time and ignored the sulkiness of the crew and the missing little amenities that have had on past cruises. Also stated that we make our own good times and happiness & not depend on others or things to do so. It was one persons observation of things lacking on a cruise ship, just info for others to look at and poss. use or beware of.


I have used this site for past cruises to get ideas and reviews (both good & bad) and then made my own choices from all the info. garnered. Like the confusion at the buffets, the motion of the ship (which some said was nothing & others said was very noticeable) which led me to take dramamine,for which am thankful, since needed it one night.


So we should take all that is written here and use what we feel is beneficial or honest or worthy, and throw the rest out. and spend more time on better things.

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I agree with MaryPoppinz. It seems if anyone says anything negative, they get attacked for their comments. (it is so getting old) It is really disturbing to think that others are so grandiose about their thinking, that they cannot at least respect someone's opinion when it differs from their own. Agree to disagree, and not put down and berate the poster who may have some not so perfect things to say about Princess.


Sillysailor 1955-your post is great! LOL


Thanks, Jim and Monika

There is a reason they call this site CRUISE CRITIC!:rolleyes:

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I didn't mean to cause such a spirited debate.


Sea Dawg...that is a wonderful story. When I was on the Grandure of the Seas a few years ago, a woman next to me at the pool was complaining about how hot it was outside and complaining to the staff about how she's going to get burned or pass out. She beraited a waitress about it and a refund on her frozen drink since it melted she didn't drink it for a half hour.


Tipsy, I think there is a lot of truth to that theory.

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I agree with MaryPoppinz. It seems if anyone says anything negative, they get attacked for their comments. (it is so getting old) It is really disturbing to think that others are so grandiose about their thinking, that they cannot at least respect someone's opinion when it differs from their own. Agree to disagree, and not put down and berate the poster who may have some not so perfect things to say about Princess.


Sillysailor 1955-your post is great! LOL



I agree.

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Out of the 30 or so cruises I have taken so far in my life, on most of the mainstream lines, I have never missed a port, been late checking in, missed a flight or even a delayed flight flying in the day of the cruise.


There is only one exceptionto this and that was on the Celebration when it decided to cut a Cuban ship in two, but that just added a bit of excitement. Now possibly a second will occur this September when we take the Sea Princess on it's repo cruise to Barbados, but hopefully not!


But I can certainly understand the disappointment that others have when things go badly wrong, and I think that they have a right to complain about it when it happens. If for 51 weeks out of the year the cruise is completed without incident and then comes the one you are booked on and has it's itinerary changed, the engines break down, high winds, you miss half the ports and so on occurs.


I can also see it when ships come out of drydock and the work is not done and the passengers are stuck on a floating work site with major areas not in operaion. They paid their money based on the advertised amenities and they were not provided, or provided in a less than adequate way.


Why should these persons not expect to be compensated for it? After all in the grand scale of things the cruiseline is not going to lose much by taking care of the passengers when things go wrong. So they have a momentary blip in revenue for one cruise. The good will that it creates more than pays for itself.


The cruiselines have for the most part written a contract that is completely biased and provides nothing, so suggestions to check out the contract are really sad. They could provide nothing more than a docked ship for the entire time and be completely within their contract. However a line that did that would not be in business very long.


In any event the cruiselines set themselves up for the reactions in the first place based on the expectations they themselves induce with their advertising.


For me I enjoy the ship and the ports and would still be upset if a cruise that I booked went terribly wrong and I would expect to be compensated for it in a way that would be appropriate for the problems endured.


I can understand some of the reasons for missing ports, but booking one sort of itnerary and being presented with something not remotely similar is difficult to accept. Mexican Riviera cruise redirecting to the Great Northwest, Bermuda and Caribbean cruises going to Canada. The cruise lines would save themselves a lot of grief if they allowed passengers stuck with that sort of choice to cancel and rebook, rather than doing nothing and saying that a cruise is a cruise.


I would accept that attitude if they were booked that way, but they are not. Each cruise is distinct and a certain type of person is looking for a cetain type of destination. Forcing them to take a cruise they have no interest in is pointless and wrong. I am sure that even if they did allow people to cancel and rebook, there would still be many who would go on the altered crusie and enjoy it. I for one, might, but I would still want the choice.


Anyway, just my .02 pence about this.




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I have no problems with the cheerleaders though. Many of them know the ins and outs of each ship and provide valuable information. But I've got my BS filters out for the extreme cheerleaders as well as the habitual complainers.


I love this post. Everyone definitely needs their BS filters! That sort of sums it up for me.:)

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There's a whole lot of anger and feelings of helplessness becasue of the overall world economy. People are losing their jobs, their homes, etc. Hubby and I feel there's a lot more road rage going on. So no doubt that people are feeling a bit put out if their vacations don't go the way they want. But I also feel that people need to put any little things in perspective.

It's just unfortunate that these little things become reasons for people to complain. They see a cruise site (CC isn't the only place this happens) and decides to post a negative review. Maybe with good intentions to "help" others avoid a bad cruise. They don't realize that in the scheme of things (life, layoffs, death, etc.) the little things are just that, little.

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Ok, I can't resist:D. I just came across this article online a couple of days ago. I hope it makes you all laugh as much as it did me! This article is entitled '20 of the most ridiculous complaints made by holiday makers to their travel agent.'


Here are a few gems:


'A tourist at a top African game lodge overlooking a waterhole, who spotted a visibly aroused elephant, complained that the sight of this rampant beast ruined his honeymoon by making him feel "inadequate".


"The beach was too sandy"


"Topless sunbathing on the beach should be banned. The holiday was ruined as my husband spent all day looking at other women."

"No one told us there would be fish in the sea. The children were startled."


"It took us 9 hours to fly home from Jamaica and it only took the Americans 3 hours"




Here is the full article :)


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Ok, I can't resist:D. I just came across this article online a couple of days ago. I hope it makes you all laugh as much as it did me! This article is entitled '20 of the most ridiculous complaints made by holiday makers to their travel agent.'


Here are a few gems:


'A tourist at a top African game lodge overlooking a waterhole, who spotted a visibly aroused elephant, complained that the sight of this rampant beast ruined his honeymoon by making him feel "inadequate".


"The beach was too sandy"



"Topless sunbathing on the beach should be banned. The holiday was ruined as my husband spent all day looking at other women."


"No one told us there would be fish in the sea. The children were startled."


"It took us 9 hours to fly home from Jamaica and it only took the Americans 3 hours"




Here is the full article :)



I posted the same link yesterday.


Let's see if we can't turn this into something amusing (make lemonade out of lemons). Please post some of the funniest complaints you have ever heard. This could be fun!


Here's one:


An angry guest came down to the front desk of a Holland America Line cruise ship demanding a different room. The attendant tried to calm him down and find out why he disliked his cabin so much. He responded: "I paid a lot of money for this cruise and was promised a sea view, the only thing I can see through my window is the damned parking lot!"


We’d not yet left the dock.


Courtesy of: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/picturegalleries/5279230/Ridiculous-holiday-complaints-readers-suggestions.html

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There are many reasons to "whine".. If I had booked a cruise, say for instance my only one of the year and it was for specific ports I would be so upset that that a long planned vacation to ports and countries I wanted to go to were cancelled.. Yes, you can make lemonade out of lemons, but when you spend your hard earned $$ and then find your at the whim because of several reasons and some of them sound..like the "flu"..you have a right to be disappointed. There is a review on Cruise Mates about the Pacific Princess which is pretty devastatng..and I understand where this c ouple, our friends, were coming from. They had a suite, were treated rudely by the Maitre de, even though I know he has medical problems and cannot wait for the second seating.. so as a result ate in the alternative restaurants and buffet every night.. read the review.. Perhaps if most Princess people were't so "blind" to their favorite cruise line you might understand.. It may be that quality and service for them had gone down.

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Posted by frankathy

A bad cruise is better than no cruise!

I completely disagree!

Label me a whiner, complainer, unhappy person, any name you want to call me. My right to post is absolute, as is your right to ignore me. So read no further if you don't want to hear "the other side of the story".

When one has a cruise such as the Mex Riviera cruise that was changed to a coastal cruise no blame needs to be attached. But one can still be disappointed and feel cheated, by whom you say? No one! Simply circumstances.

I booked my cruise for the purpose of getting to the warmer weather, for the purpose of seeing the Mexican coast. (And California warm is not warm enough) I didn't want to visit the California coast since I live here and have been to all those places traveling over the years. When one only cruises when the money is saved up (for us over two years since our last cruise), when hotel, taxi, and food costs are spent, when vacation hours are used, I think I can feel sad and disappointed. Since I thought this web page was for sharing cruising information, thoughts and concerns, I certainly should be able to post those concerns without being bashed.

It didn't ruin my life, turn me into a shrew or any of the other dire things "complainers" are. But when we received the news on the night of April 28th that the cruise was changed it was like getting knocked down. Sure I got over that feeling, having a good cruise, we made the best of it. Good food, good service and great shows, but it still wasn't the trip I worked to hard to get. There were people that had greater losses that I, honeymoon couples, people getting married in Aca that were saddened. Lots more stories for disappointed people. So if we come here to share those feelings, good for us, if you don't want to read these things, don't force yourself.

To those of you who subscribe to the idea that any cruise is better than none, for me you are sadly mistaken. To those of you who were actually on one of these cruises, most of you probably new there was an undercurrent of sadness which I think most people tried to discourage but it was always there, discussions at the table, pools and venues. So I came home mentally exhausted, saw no new and exciting things to give me a memory bank to think about for the next year or so until we get to go again. Yes the "credit" will help it come sooner but doesn't change the outcome of this trip.

Way to long of a post but I feel it is important to say, to the long time, multiple cruisers, be thankful that you have an opportunity to make new memories sooner than some.

BTW I am a long time lurker so don't insinuate that I am nearly a one post wonder.

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I completely disagree!

Label me a whiner, complainer, unhappy person, any name you want to call me. My right to post is absolute, as is your right to ignore me. So read no further if you don't want to hear "the other side of the story".

When one has a cruise such as the Mex Riviera cruise that was changed to a coastal cruise no blame needs to be attached. But one can still be disappointed and feel cheated, by whom you say? No one! Simply circumstances.

I booked my cruise for the purpose of getting to the warmer weather, for the purpose of seeing the Mexican coast. (And California warm is not warm enough) I didn't want to visit the California coast since I live here and have been to all those places traveling over the years. When one only cruises when the money is saved up (for us over two years since our last cruise), when hotel, taxi, and food costs are spent, when vacation hours are used, I think I can feel sad and disappointed. Since I thought this web page was for sharing cruising information, thoughts and concerns, I certainly should be able to post those concerns without being bashed.

It didn't ruin my life, turn me into a shrew or any of the other dire things "complainers" are. But when we received the news on the night of April 28th that the cruise was changed it was like getting knocked down. Sure I got over that feeling, having a good cruise, we made the best of it. Good food, good service and great shows, but it still wasn't the trip I worked to hard to get. There were people that had greater losses that I, honeymoon couples, people getting married in Aca that were saddened. Lots more stories for disappointed people. So if we come here to share those feelings, good for us, if you don't want to read these things, don't force yourself.

To those of you who subscribe to the idea that any cruise is better than none, for me you are sadly mistaken. To those of you who were actually on one of these cruises, most of you probably new there was an undercurrent of sadness which I think most people tried to discourage but it was always there, discussions at the table, pools and venues. So I came home mentally exhausted, saw no new and exciting things to give me a memory bank to think about for the next year or so until we get to go again. Yes the "credit" will help it come sooner but doesn't change the outcome of this trip.

Way to long of a post but I feel it is important to say, to the long time, multiple cruisers, be thankful that you have an opportunity to make new memories sooner than some.

BTW I am a long time lurker so don't insinuate that I am nearly a one post wonder.


Excellent! ;)

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