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Earthquake! (MERGED THREADS)


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They will need our tourism more than ever now!


LOL!! Be serious, Just twenty years or so ago before Roatan started to become a tourist destination there was plenty of fish and work for locals to get by and enjoy life. It is the tourists and cruise shipppers that caused so many problems. They caused land value and taxes to rise so that only those that cater to tourists and pay even more taxes can afford to live a descent life.

It was not too many years ago the men would fish half a day, the women would cook the catch and there was a general community happiness, Now they all need to try to do more and make more because of the tourists and there is little room for the simple fisherman or farmer.

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Does anyone know if there were any cruise ships docked or nearby when the quake hit?


Did a little more digging, The magnitude-7.1 quake struck at 2:24 a.m. local time (4:24 a.m. ET)so I guess no ship was docked overnight....


I assume they are still planning stops at Roatan, what ship is the next planned visitor to the Island?

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I have e-mailed Victor Bodden but have not heard back and probably won't for some time. Not sure if there's any power on the island or not. I will post when I hear from him. We had the priviledge of meeting him this past Feb when the Pearl docked in Roatan for the day. They will need our tourism more than ever now! Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


This is the email I rec'd



***Due to internet problems incurred during a 7.1 earthquake on 05/28/09 located 39 miles Northeast of Roatan, this email is being answered remotely by Victor's web-guy in San Antonio, Texas. Victor will receive copies of all correspondence when he gets back online, as well as a calendar of upcoming bookings. In the meantime, thank you for your patience...and keep the people of Roatan in your thoughts.***




I just got off the phone with Victor -- he, his family, friends...and MONKEYS are all fine! They are still getting mild aftershocks and he hasn't been driving around too much yet, but it appears from those he's talked to that Roatan seems to have escaped "the worst".


If I hear anything else, I'll let you know...and have flagged your message for Victor to see when he gets his internet back up and running at his house. We're thinking that Carnival might skip Roatan tomorrow since there are still mild aftershocks forecast...but Victor is hopeful that the ship will pull in as scheduled! Nothing official, but all ships should be back on schedule and Roatan back to normal next week when your ship comes in!


Thanks again...and have a great week! Keep Roatan and the folks in Central America in your thoughts... Have a great cruise!



Victor's Web-Guy

San Antonio, Texas

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This is the email I rec'd



***Due to internet problems incurred during a 7.1 earthquake on 05/28/09 located 39 miles Northeast of Roatan, this email is being answered remotely by Victor's web-guy in San Antonio, Texas. Victor will receive copies of all correspondence when he gets back online, as well as a calendar of upcoming bookings. In the meantime, thank you for your patience...and keep the people of Roatan in your thoughts.***




I just got off the phone with Victor -- he, his family, friends...and MONKEYS are all fine! They are still getting mild aftershocks and he hasn't been driving around too much yet, but it appears from those he's talked to that Roatan seems to have escaped "the worst".


If I hear anything else, I'll let you know...and have flagged your message for Victor to see when he gets his internet back up and running at his house. We're thinking that Carnival might skip Roatan tomorrow since there are still mild aftershocks forecast...but Victor is hopeful that the ship will pull in as scheduled! Nothing official, but all ships should be back on schedule and Roatan back to normal next week when your ship comes in!


Thanks again...and have a great week! Keep Roatan and the folks in Central America in your thoughts... Have a great cruise!



Victor's Web-Guy

San Antonio, Texas

Thanks for the update! I wanted to email Victor also, but didn't want to overwhelm him with emails. Please let him know all his cruise friends are keeping him and his family, along with all of Roatan, in our thoughts

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Someone posted: "It was said to only have damaged some shacks"


How crass! It is the people of Roatan who live in those "shacks," not the foreigners who come in, build sturdy mcPalaces and fence them with wrought iron to keep the locals out.


We thought Roatan was the most beautiful place on earth...the people there were kind, helpful, friendly and the scenery beautiful. We had a similar experience in Belize.


However, both countries are very poor - and they need our tourism dollars. The homes of the average inhabitant are poorly built because the families do not have adequate funds. Such structures might not have fared well during an earthquake.


These countries are the least likely to be able to afford to rebuild their infrastructure (I saw a news photo of a bridge that was partly missing) or care for their own people. [They also need massive help with trash disposal and recycling programs.]


If you haven't been to Roatan or Belize City, you will have an eye-opening experience that is both scenic and valuable. Highlights of our cruise in March 2009! It is second- (if not third-) World. My children were especially appreciate of their own toys and our home - and the meals on our table at dinner back on the Legend.

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I also rec'd the same reply from Matthew(Victor's Internet guy) and am very happy to hear that Victor and all his family are safe. And for the person who bashed me about my views about Roatan needing our tourism, you obviously haven't been there to hear the locals how appreciative they are that we visit their island and take their tours, and buy their goods. I didn't intend to start a war over what tourism does to an underpriviledged country.

Keep the people in your thoughts.

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I also rec'd the same reply from Matthew(Victor's Internet guy) and am very happy to hear that Victor and all his family are safe. And for the person who bashed me about my views about Roatan needing our tourism, you obviously haven't been there to hear the locals how appreciative they are that we visit their island and take their tours, and buy their goods. I didn't intend to start a war over what tourism does to an underpriviledged country.

Keep the people in your thoughts.



I live here on Roatan






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Someone posted: "It was said to only have damaged some shacks"


How crass! It is the people of Roatan who live in those "shacks," not the foreigners who come in, build sturdy mcPalaces and fence them with wrought iron to keep the locals out.


We thought Roatan was the most beautiful place on earth...the people there were kind, helpful, friendly and the scenery beautiful. We had a similar experience in Belize.


However, both countries are very poor - and they need our tourism dollars. The homes of the average inhabitant are poorly built because the families do not have adequate funds. Such structures might not have fared well during an earthquake.


These countries are the least likely to be able to afford to rebuild their infrastructure (I saw a news photo of a bridge that was partly missing) or care for their own people. [They also need massive help with trash disposal and recycling programs.]


If you haven't been to Roatan or Belize City, you will have an eye-opening experience that is both scenic and valuable. Highlights of our cruise in March 2009! It is second- (if not third-) World. My children were especially appreciate of their own toys and our home - and the meals on our table at dinner back on the Legend.


I posted that. I was only relaying the info. that I had at that point, not forming an opinion. Nothing crass about that. Obviously, it could have been worse. Take a deep breath, let it out and relax!

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We were in Roatan on 4/8 with the Voyager and I was fortunate enough to visit Angela at Sante. I have just heard back from her, and they are doing well. Seems the damage was fairly minor considering the magnitude of the earthquake.


Yes, all is well.

A few broken glasses, one TV fell over, and some tiles, but nothing serious, thank goodness.

Did give us reason to reflect, however.

Thank you so much for writing.

Many guests have done so, and we are so thankful for all of your concern.

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Angela also said

thanks so much for posting since no doubt many will wonder how roatan faired.

overll the country did well...some buildings damaged, but mainly from poor construction.

very few deaths.

some injuries.

but considering the magnitude, yes we were all very very lucky, and we will never lose site of that fact.

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Well..I got to experience the quake first hand the other night!


I just got off the Valor today that was in Roatan Wednesday...we left dock as uaual...dinner/shows etc..went to bed. In the middle of the night my girlfriend and I woke up to the whole ship shaking...I thought we were docking and it was moving sideways with the thrusters or whatever they use..she thought we were running aground. It lasted I guess 5-10 seconds and then we both went back to sleep (4:30 am? ship time) then next morning we woke up and the floor lights were on....that I thought was strange. No one said a word about the quake UNTIL at dinner the next night the Captain came into the dining room and told us about it...they inspected the ship, had the watch for tsumani...but all is just fine.


Now that is a bonus for my first CruiseQuake!

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We were in Roatan yesterday with the MV Explorer. Everything seemed fine. They said that they lost power for a short time, but there was little damage. All excursions were available

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Well..I got to experience the quake first hand the other night!


I just got off the Valor today that was in Roatan Wednesday...we left dock as uaual...dinner/shows etc..went to bed. In the middle of the night my girlfriend and I woke up to the whole ship shaking...I thought we were docking and it was moving sideways with the thrusters or whatever they use..she thought we were running aground. It lasted I guess 5-10 seconds and then we both went back to sleep (4:30 am? ship time) then next morning we woke up and the floor lights were on....that I thought was strange. No one said a word about the quake UNTIL at dinner the next night the Captain came into the dining room and told us about it...they inspected the ship, had the watch for tsumani...but all is just fine.

That's a pretty cool story- not one too many can tell. I'm glad it didn't trigger a tsumani!


Now that is a bonus for my first CruiseQuake!

That's a pretty cool story- not one too many can tell. I'm glad it didn't trigger a tsumani!

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I was on the Valor this past week too and got to experience the earthquake first hand as well. Much like the other poster, we were woken up by a strange vibration of the ship which lasted about 20 seconds. I wasn't sure what it was and attributed it to waves and went back to sleep. The next morning on the tender ride into Belize I heard someone say it was an earthquake! It was a very strange experience. The captain did not come into our dining room so the only way we heard about it was from other passengers and from a scrolling note on the bottom of the CNN channel onboard. I would have liked to hear more about it from the captain since everyone was talking about it. I'm just glad the passengers were all safe and hope that Roatan recovers soon - it's a beautiful and friendly place to visit!

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and hope that Roatan recovers soon - it's a beautiful and friendly place to visit!

Roatan has very little to recover from other than the damage done to tourism by all the press. The reef has changed in some areas with some broken corals and things but they will recover in time and there is still plenty of great reef all around the Island. There was minimal damage to anything else other than pictures and glasses and things like that falling.

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Well..I got to experience the quake first hand the other night!


I just got off the Valor today that was in Roatan Wednesday...we left dock as uaual...dinner/shows etc..went to bed. In the middle of the night my girlfriend and I woke up to the whole ship shaking...I thought we were docking and it was moving sideways with the thrusters or whatever they use..she thought we were running aground. It lasted I guess 5-10 seconds and then we both went back to sleep (4:30 am? ship time) then next morning we woke up and the floor lights were on....that I thought was strange. No one said a word about the quake UNTIL at dinner the next night the Captain came into the dining room and told us about it...they inspected the ship, had the watch for tsumani...but all is just fine.


Now that is a bonus for my first CruiseQuake!



You would not have felt the earthquake if you were out to sea on the Valor.


Just not possible.

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Hi all,


I'm a frequent visitor on this site and wanted to let you know of our experience of the earthquake out on the open seas. We were on the Carnival Valor, came into port at Roatan Island on Wed. 5/27, left port at 7:00 pm and were 1/2 way between Roatan Island and Belize City. We estimate our ship's position at 3:30 am 5/28 about 100 miles from the epicenter and it woke us up with loud bangs and shook the ship pretty well. The ship was in calm waters (very little movement) before and after this event and since our family lives near San Francisco, we were certain it was an earthquake, but no ship personnel would "cop" to it. They said they were "changing generators" at 3:30 am and that was the cause of the noise and shaking. Several passengers reported drawers opening and closing, and although nothing fell down in our cabin, it was a noisy one! Immediately after we felt the earthquake (10-30 seconds after awakening us) the ship resumed its smooth motion and we never felt the shaking again. This is our third cruise, so we're used to the ship's movement.

We did not find out about the earthquake until we reached Belize City on Thursday and Grumpy and Happy.com (Lorne & Jolene - snorkel tour guides-they are superb if you want to snorkel with the best!) told us how their house shook on Ambergris Cay the previous night, and they were watching out for tsunami's. We snorkeled the Belize Reef Thursday and the water was very churned up-don't know if it had anything to do with the earthquake.


This was scary and fascinating and I had to explain what had occured to several of our fellow passengers that had never experienced an earthquake on land.


We visited Fins & Flippers Wed. on Roatan. They have a beautiful animal sanctuay on a private island and I would highly recommend this resort if you are a snorkeler. Absolute paradise!


I'd love to hear from any other cruise ship passengers that thought they felt the earthquake.



Santa Rosa, CA

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You would not have felt the earthquake if you were out to sea on the Valor.


Just not possible.


I guess techically they may not be able to feel the earthquake but they most certailny could hear sounds as sound travels very well through water and they also could have felt the water movement caused by the earthquake. So while they may not have actually felt earth move it is highly likely they felt the effects of the quake.

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I guess techically they may not be able to feel the earthquake but they most certailny could hear sounds as sound travels very well through water and they also could have felt the water movement caused by the earthquake. So while they may not have actually felt earth move it is highly likely they felt the effects of the quake.


The water movement caused by the earthquake would not have been able to be noticed in the middle of the ocean.

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The water movement caused by the earthquake would not have been able to be noticed in the middle of the ocean.


The epicenter of the earthquake was out in the sea. It was noticeable on the ship. Everyone I talked to stated that they had been woken up by the movement of the ship including myself.

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It woke my family, including DS12 (who never wakes up) at about 4:25 Eastern time. It was shaking, not rocking as in bad weather. I even got up and looked out of our balcony and saw some small whitecaps in the water. Nothing that looked like bad weather. In bad weather the ship rocks, sways, even creaks. It does not shake for ten seconds then suddenly stop.

The captian stated at the disembarkation talk that the ship had shook as a result of the earthquake and that 6 lives had been lost in Honduras.

I know now that 6 is not an accurate number but that was the information at that time.

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