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Carnival lost my daughter from Camp Carnival


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Imitrex does nothing for me, and Maxalt gives me rebound headaches from hell. I will have to try Zomig. My doctor moved to FL 2 years ago and I haven't gotten around to getting a new one yet. After spending 4 days in bed, I think it's time to find one.



I know this is off subject, but since you started it!!! I just have to say how sorry I am that you folks are suffering with this. I know all to well how painfull and disabiling they are. I am so blessed that many years ago they stopped, and everytime I hear or read something like this I say a prayer of thanks. I have a friend that hers has never stopped, but she does the imitrext shots,one and then sometimes two to stop them. Does work for her. I hope you can find something that works and keeps working!


Okay, you guys can have your thread back!

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I'm not sure why you were singled out.........the opposite views were very condescending about how children will turn out when they got older if you don't give them freedom on a floating city:rolleyes:

I agree with you!

Thanks Kurban, I was signaled out because of the one line

"unfortunantly they are being raised by them", and I should not have said that, it's kinda brutal, even if I do believe it :D , arm the kids with knowledge by all means, but then be there to back them up, don't just leave them and say ( well I've done my job)

You know me, I got a THICK skin and a stubborn streak for what I believe in.

I think 90% of the people agree kids really need a present parent.


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Omg.. I have chronic headache syndrome with at least 5 or more migraines per month. .Imitrex.. been there done that..

Have you tried Maxalt and Zomig?


Zomig, for me, has worked the best.. I 'snort' the cartridge as directed and within minutes I am starting to feel relief.. I also take fioricet before or after.. per the doctor.. Zomig has changed my life.. there was a time where I would be out of work for days.. longest migraine lasted 7 or 8 days straight..



Sorry to go off topic, but the subject of migraines.. very sensitive to me:)

wow toni, so sorry for you, migraines are the worst. I used to get them all the time, but my doctor changed me to a lower strength birth control pill (that was effective for me thank God) and the migraines went down to very, very occasional.

Not sure if this could be a factor with you but thought it would not hurt to throw it out there if it could help someone.


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Omg.. I have chronic headache syndrome with at least 5 or more migraines per month. .Imitrex.. been there done that..

Have you tried Maxalt and Zomig?


Zomig, for me, has worked the best.. I 'snort' the cartridge as directed and within minutes I am starting to feel relief.. I also take fioricet before or after.. per the doctor.. Zomig has changed my life.. there was a time where I would be out of work for days.. longest migraine lasted 7 or 8 days straight..



Sorry to go off topic, but the subject of migraines.. very sensitive to me:)


Thanks for the other suggestions. When I first started on the imitrex I could take 25 mg without side effects so I could take it while working, the last 4 or so times I've taken it now I've had that 'omg I'm so tired feeling' about 1/2 hour after I take it so I definately have to look for something else. :)

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Thanks Kurban, I was signaled out because of the one line

"unfortunantly they are being raised by them", and I should not have said that, it's kinda brutal, even if I do believe it :D , arm the kids with knowledge by all means, but then be there to back them up, don't just leave them and say ( well I've done my job)

You know me, I got a THICK skin and a stubborn streak for what I believe in.

I think 90% of the people agree kids really need a present parent.



I looked back through the thread, and I'm not seeing ANY posts that say kids don't need a parent present, or that kids should be armed with knowledge and then abandoned. Heck, I homeschool my kids because for ME, sending them off to school would be "abandoning" them and I much prefer to keep them with me during these years. Yet I still let them have a bit of freedom to roam around when we cruise :)

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Imitrex does nothing for me, and Maxalt gives me rebound headaches from hell. I will have to try Zomig. My doctor moved to FL 2 years ago and I haven't gotten around to getting a new one yet. After spending 4 days in bed, I think it's time to find one.



I had both the same reactions (nonreactions) from Imitrex- nothing

and Maxalt-rebound headaches.. Zomig has been a life saver.. truly.. Try it if you are able to.. and with fioricet.. Even my pharmacist recommended using these two together..

Amazing.. but dont get me wrong.. i still get them but at least i can function!

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wow toni, so sorry for you, migraines are the worst. I used to get them all the time, but my doctor changed me to a lower strength birth control pill (that was effective for me thank God) and the migraines went down to very, very occasional.

Not sure if this could be a factor with you but thought it would not hurt to throw it out there if it could help someone.




No bc.. they say it's heriditary.. I was always prone to headaches.. the mirgraines started in my late 20s early 30s.. still going strong!!


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Thanks for the other suggestions. When I first started on the imitrex I could take 25 mg without side effects so I could take it while working, the last 4 or so times I've taken it now I've had that 'omg I'm so tired feeling' about 1/2 hour after I take it so I definately have to look for something else. :)



I take the Zomig at work.. .sometimes I am not affected.. and sometimes i have to lie down for 15 minutes.. but it's better than leaving sick!


But between the meds and the migraine.. it's exhausting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thing is, we don't know what "protocol" was not followed.


Here's what I believe:




5. If this particular situation *is* true (or if a similar situation came up) I could see it really playing out in several ways:

a. Kid is not supposed to sign herself out. Employee doesn't check the book, and mistakenly allows her to. Conclusion: Carnival wrong.

b. Kid allowed to sign herself out. Kid whiny, tired and says she doesn't feel well. Employee says "Do you want to go back to your room?" She says yes (either because she really wanted to, or because she felt like she "should"). Conclusion: Carnival not wrong.

c. Kid allowed to sign herself out. Ten o'clock approaching. Kid whiny, tired and says she doesn't feel well. Employee says "Well, it is just about time for you to go anyway, because your parents didn't sign you up for the late night party." Conclusion: Carnival not wrong.



Or the child told the staff she did not feel well and was told she "HAD" to leave. 2 of my four children were very authority compliant. One of those would have left and went back to the cabin. The other when feeling sick reverted back to childhood (she's 29 and still the same). She would have felt "thrown out" and would have been upset. I think even children who are allowed to sign themselves shouldn't when they are sick.


School nurse situation.. even children who are latch key and not allowed to leave school when they are sick. The parent must pick them up. At least in my area that is how it works.

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Although I think it is a good idea to have your child know their way around, I would NEVER expect that my 10 year old would be able to sign herself out of camp carnival. I think that is way too young to be able to be alone.

C'mon people...we are talking about 3000 or so strangers! It may be a slim chance that anything could happen, but it certainly is possible! Personally, my daughter will not leave my sight. We will have a plan in place should she ever end up lost, but she wont be allowed to stroll around the ship alone.

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Although I think it is a good idea to have your child know their way around, I would NEVER expect that my 10 year old would be able to sign herself out of camp carnival. I think that is way too young to be able to be alone. Well, that's the rule in Camp Carnival. Any parent who thinks the rule is silly...only needs to WAIVE the signout rule at the orientation when filling out the paperwork. Really...it's up to the parents.

C'mon people...we are talking about 3000 or so strangers! It may be a slim chance that anything could happen, but it certainly is possible! Personally, my daughter will not leave my sight. We will have a plan in place should she ever end up lost, but she wont be allowed to stroll around the ship alone.


You are obviously a responsible parent.....others aren't. Then when something happens, they blame everyone but themselves.

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Speaking I had forgotten about this situation until just now. On our cruise in January, my 8 year old got a very bad headache after being head-butted at camp during a game. She was miserable and the counselors wanted her to be signed out to take some ibuprofen and lie down. She couldn't sign herself out, and the staff had no way to contact us, so they asked my 9 year old son to sign out and go find us and ask us to get his sister. At that time, we had told him he was only to sign out for scavenger hunt activities and when we arrived to sign out his sister, and he understood this rule. We were sitting on the Promenade deck playing cards when he walked up, and I nearly yelled at him because he was not supposed to be wandering the ship, he was supposed to be in camp. He explained the situation, and I signed out his sister (and he signed himself back into camp). As G'ma pointed out earlier, it's a camp and activity program, not a babysitting service, and they don't want kids there who are sick. I had no problem with the way the staff handled the situation, but after reading this thread, I'm sure many parents would be livid if their 9 year old was told to sign out and search the ship for his or her parents!


Ok, that right there is not good....what if your hurt child didn't have a sibling in camp with them. :confused:


Doesn't CCL have some sort of set up to get in contact with a parent in case the need arises????? :eek:

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Ok, that right there is not good....what if your hurt child didn't have a sibling in camp with them. :confused:


Doesn't CCL have some sort of set up to get in contact with a parent in case the need arises????? :eek:


They'll call the room, but who sits around in their room? Unless it's a dire emergency, they're not going to have you paged over the announcement system. It's just one of those things - I've gone to pick the kids up before and found out one of them felt sick, or wanted to leave, or something like that - and unless it's something very, very serious, they just have the kids wait it out. That's one good thing about the camp activities ending after 3 hours throughout the day - you can't leave them there TOO long without checking in on them and picking them up.

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They'll call the room, but who sits around in their room? Unless it's a dire emergency, they're not going to have you paged over the announcement system. It's just one of those things - I've gone to pick the kids up before and found out one of them felt sick, or wanted to leave, or something like that - and unless it's something very, very serious, they just have the kids wait it out. That's one good thing about the camp activities ending after 3 hours throughout the day - you can't leave them there TOO long without checking in on them and picking them up.


I just would hope that the person who is making the decision on what constitutes an emergency or what is 'very, very serious' is on the same page as the parents that leave their child there...


I'm glad my kids are adults. I have free time before they start having kids and I have Grandchildren to worry about :p


I think if I had kids that I cruised with I'd invest in some good walkie talkies or pagers, that way they CAN get in touch with me if they need me.

Just saying.............


That would be comforting...much better as a matter of fact. Rowan's experience just turned me off....I seriously don't find sending an older child off to find their prents cool. I know her kids are familiar with the ship and she is ok with it, which is fine. personally I wouldn't have liked that at all.

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I'm glad my kids are adults. I have free time before they start having kids and I have Grandchildren to worry about :p


LOL! Me too.......because we are a family that cruises/travels together we already had a family meeting about no little ones to Vegas or cruising........I have no problem bringing them to a beach condo in Hawaii:D

Different strokes for different folks......

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That would be comforting...much better as a matter of fact. Rowan's experience just turned me off....I seriously don't find sending an older child off to find their prents cool. I know her kids are familiar with the ship and she is ok with it, which is fine. personally I wouldn't have liked that at all.


At the time, I actually wasn't at all cool with it - in the end it worked out for the best, as my daughter had a huge knot on her forehead and almost had a black eye, and she really did need me to pick her up. So the ends justified the means, in that particular case. Had my son not been as familiar with the ship as he was, though, I would have been pretty irritated with the staff for sending my 9 year old on a wild goose chase to find us. What if they had sent a child who was not sure of his way around, and was prone to getting upset - then the parents would have had a lost and crying child who knows where wandering around the ship, AND an injured kid stuck in camp. That could have ended badly! As I said, it's just one more thing for parents to talk to their kids about, because it seems the list of "what ifs" is a bit longer than all of us realized when dealing with kids 9 and up at Camp Carnival!

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Imitrex does nothing for me, and Maxalt gives me rebound headaches from hell. I will have to try Zomig. My doctor moved to FL 2 years ago and I haven't gotten around to getting a new one yet. After spending 4 days in bed, I think it's time to find one.


It's funny how we all react to different things. I was fortunate in that I only had to try two meds. Zomig gives me rebound headaches from hell, but Imitrex is my wonder drug! I'm out though...need to go to the dr to get a new Rx.

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YOWZA!!! This thread has taken on a life of its own. Let me preface this my saying that I am a 35 year old that doesn't have any kids. Quite frankly, I don't think that I would want to raise a child in today's world--but that is a different topic.


I did teach for several years, so I am very aware of children having different needs, strengths, and weaknesses. I am also aware that there are many philosophies on how to best parent a child. Although I didn't agree with all of the parenting that I observed, I do know that virtually all parents are doing the absolute best they can to raise a healthy, productive, and smart human being.


I don't agree with everyone's opinions on this thread, but I do agree with their right to have the opinion.

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I read this site everyday and have never posted any comments until now. We have just returned from the May 31 sailing on the Carnival Valor. Our 9 year old granddaughter went with us on this cruise. Camp carnival let our granddaughter, who is 9 years old, check herself out. This was her first cruise. We did not know that they could check themselves out. She had lost her sign and sail card and was upset about this. We found her roaming around on deck 6, crying because she could not find our room. And even if she had found the room, she could not get in without her card.


When you leave a child , you expect them to be with the people you left them with, and that their safety and general welfare are being addressed.


Over 3000 people on this cruise and I do not let my 9 year old granddaughter roam the ship and I do not expect Carnival to let her either. My grand kids will not attend anymore Camp Carnival activies.


Carnival's policy needs to be re-thought.

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