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What I did on my Summer Vacation Pacific Princess 6/11-25 Live


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Pacific Princess 06/11/09 – 06/25/09

Warning: This is going to be very long. If you do not enjoy reading this sort of thing feel free to pass it by. It will not hurt my feelings. Also, ignore all typo's. They are intentional.



11 Seattle, Washington departs at 4:00 PM

12 At Sea

13 Ketchikan, Alaska 7:00 AM-2:00 PM

14 Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska 11:00 AM-8:30 PM

15 Skagway, Alaska 7:00 AM-8:00 PM

16 At Sea

17 Valdez, Alaska 8:00 AM-6:00 PM

18 Seward 8:00 AM-6:00 PM

19 Kodiak, Alaska 7:00 AM-5:00 PM

20 At Sea

21 Icy Strait Point, Alaska 8:00 AM 7:00 PM

22 Juneau, Alaska 6:00 AM 3:00 PM

23 At Sea

24 Victoria, British Columbia 5:00 PM 11:59 PM

25 Seattle, Washington 7:30 AM


Pam and Rex and Diane and Keith do Alaska (again). This is our story:


Precruise Adventure Friday 06/05/09


No more procrastination. Today’s agenda included a run to the credit union, makeup purchase ($148), manicure, pedicure and the always-pleasant lip wax. Our good friends Keith and Diane came over and we spent several hours talking about how much fun we are going to have on the cruise. For three of us, summer vacation has officially arrived. Rex and I plan to fly to Seattle on Monday (06/08). Keith and Diane will join us on Wednesday, the day before the cruise, because poor Keith has to work. Our pre-cruise is always an unexpected adventure and this one has already begun.


The air-conditioner went out in the guesthouse that we refer to as “The Barn.” The pad had settled causing some tension, which resulted in freon leakage and a burned up unit. We were not expecting them to show up at 6PM on a Friday to replace the old unit. We thought that would happen in our absence. The barn is where the dogs will stay while we are out gallivanting. They would eat the house (the part they’ve missed) if we left them there. There goes $1500 spending dollars. We won’t be dining in the fancy places in Seattle.


Packing Frenzy T-2 Saturday 06/06/09


We decided to replace our still nice luggage because the large suitcases were pushing the size limit (when stuffed) and it is impossible to keep the weight under the airlines’ 50 lb limit with something that large. Intent on avoiding the mad dash to ship stuff home at the UPS store post cruise, we purchased four 26” bags. We tested them by stuffing them until they could hold no more and the weight was 42 lbs. We would never really pack them that tight.


I am not good at deciding what I want to wear before it is time to actually wear it. Usually, it turns out to be whatever is straight ahead, even if I just wore it, because I should have figured out what I was going to wear the night before when I had the time.


The phone rang and it was Diane. She can’t stand it. She wants to come with us on Monday. Keith works for Delta so they have the luxury of travel flexibility that affords. Our hotel is fully booked so as designated travel agent, I visited one of the famous online hotel bidding forums to see what I could find for her. Hotwire seemed the most promising and I found what I guessed to be the Silver Cloud on Broadway at $88 per night. The Tripadvisor reviews of that hotel are good so I advised she take the gamble. Surprise, it was in fact that hotel. Now her packing frenzy begins.


My stuff would not all fit in the suitcases. My favorite sweatshirt, when folded, is the size of a small bed pillow so I had to make some tough decisions and managed to get enough for half a year into the suitcases. Rex, who professes to be a proficient packer, went way overboard. I am not sure what all he has in those suitcases but I know that he has 4 hats and 4 pairs of flannel jammies for the balcony time. I think that is excessive. I will concede that he has amazing clothes folding ability. He is almost as good as my mom. I am sure his clothing will arrive with fewer wrinkles than mine, though it doesn’t matter too much as he is a sweet man and will iron my wrinkled stuff.


Packing Frenzy T-1 Sunday 06/07/09


The day started sitting at the computer with coffee waiting for that magic twenty-four hours before flight time trying to luck into a business class upgrade. With the baggage fees on AirTran (which are better than some other airlines) it really pays to purchase the upgrade because you get to check 2 pieces per person free of charge. Also, my rotundness is better suited for those wide-a$$ed seats. Diane says that it’s like parking a Greyhound bus in a Pinto’s parking space.


Once again we got lucky and snagged two of the six remaining seats. My butt smiled. That being settled, it was time to do the remaining million things. Rex had to move the camper because we are having a new roof installed (hail damage) while we are out of town. I knew leaving bubba burgers and bacon in the camper freezer was a mistake. Someone (Rex) unplugged it and the meat spoiled…for a long, long time. It smells like a moose died in there and though we aired it out all day, the odor still lingers and not faintly.


Rex also had to move everything off the screened back porch and into the barn as we are having that rescreened. Three MinPins saw to that and it is long overdue.


Our lovely friend Leslie and her assistant Pam have agreed to babysit the dogs. Leslie usually does it but must attend a meeting for a couple of days during our trip so Pam is going to stand in a couple of times. Pam has never met our dogs and we decided it best that Leslie introduce them. HAHAHAHHA. Everyone hates our biting, barking, wombat dogs except Leslie, why I do not know, and we know Pam is in for a surprise of epic proportion. They are bad dogs and we love them. We did not want to witness that, nor provide an opportunity for Pam to change her mind. Seriously, how bad can it be? We have looked after Pam’s dogs before so maybe that will be of some positive influence. Speaking of Pam’s dogs, one is a Daschund named Frank. He is very sweet. He is 2 inches tall, about 4 feet long and about as big around as my wrist. If it were not for the ears, you would think he is a snake with legs.


Rex used the Flowbee on my hair and I look sort of like I have an Afro, but I have always liked them so, whatever. All the packing chipped my two-day-old manicure and added another item to the chore list that seemed to be getting longer as the sun slowly sank in the west.

We came in under the luggage-weight-limit wire. I am not sure I trust those travel scales because they are not the same (by 7 lbs) as our house scales. I guess we will find out for sure tomorrow.


Sleepless in Seattle Monday 06/08/09


The flight was uneventful but dealing with tons of luggage is a huge hassle. Even if you are willing to pay someone to haul it around for you there is still a great deal of burden involved. What did the suitcases weigh you wonder? They weighed 45, 44.5, 43.5 and 43 pounds. The 2 carry-ons each weighed 31 lbs. Add it up, we packed the kitchen sink. Maybe I’ll do better next time. We checked into the Sheraton and were given a “Holiday Inn Room”. That’s the pitfall of using Priceline but we got a good deal and our room is on the 28th floor, which I like (the higher, the better). The room is located on a Starwood Preferred Guest Floor but what does that mean? We assigned that one to Diane. She has no ask-them-what-is-included-in-the-price fear. The SPG rooms come with fluffy robes (missing), they are on a higher floor (check), they come with better toiletries (doubtful), and you get one free 16.9 fl oz bottle of H2O. (check).


It seems there is only one liquor store in the downtown area. We found our preferred wine at the local IGA, which is a short walk from the hotel. It was somewhat nicer than the 7-11ish IGA’s so familiar to us Southerners.

We walked to Pike Market and to Cutter’s where we enjoyed happy hour drinks and appetizers and then made our way back to the Sheraton stopping at Walgreens on the way back so Rex could by a gallon of his favorite hair shellac. Diane called for the shuttle to pick her up and take her back to her three-star nicer than our four-star hotel and we called it a night. Except it was only 8:30 in Seattle and while that is pushing midnight in GA it is too early for bedtime. So I said, “Baby? Baby? BABY”? Rex finally snorted, mumbled something and then opened his eyes. We went back out. We stayed on the streets until 10:30 or so and by that time THEY (street people) outnumbered US (tourists) so we decided it would be a good idea to retire for the evening for real. By the time we turned off the lights we had been awake for 22 hours.


Hairy Bloody Mary’s Tuesday 06/09/09


We made the obligatory pre-cruise run to the liquor store (I am not discussing what we purchased) that was about 14 blocks roundtrip. On the way back to the hotel we saw a seedy restaurant/bar near Pike market and decided a Bloody Mary was in order. This is a vacation ritual.


The bar is even seedier than one we went to in Vancouver when we accidently crossed into skid row without realizing it. Oh well, let’s experience some local color. It was still before noon and there were some very drunk people in there. In fact, I am sure the 35 (looked 65) year old female bartender with 1 tooth has been drunk for years. It was creepy but then stuff like that is interesting to me. Rex and Diane’s seats were not facing the bar but I watched as she made each of us a Bloody Mary. The ingredients were ice, Tabasco, Worcestershire, olive, horseradish, lime, and vodka. Do you thing I am omitting anything? Yes, I omitted the tomato juice and so did the bartender. She filled the glasses almost to the rim with vodka and after stirring them I guess she noticed she forgot the tomato juice so she added a couple of tablespoons in each drink. She brought them to the table and said they may be a little strong. She indicated she would bring more tomato juice but it never materialized.


After the first drink I thought the place looked quaint instead of filty and the customers simply looked like….well I guess they still looked pretty scary. After the second one I could not feel my feet that had been quite sore prior to the drinks. Price of six glasses of vodka…$18! The local alcoholics know where to drink.


We decided leaving was a good idea and so was not eating lunch at the place the drunken guy recommended. Instead we had lunch in a Thai restaurant then made our way back to the hotel to drop off our bounty.


It was then that Rex told us the reason he did not finish his second Bloody Mary. THERE WAS HAIR IN IT! NOT ONE BUT SEVERAL! Thanks, baby for keeping that info to yourself. It would definitely have detracted from my enjoyment of the second BM. As it stands, I just get queasy and grossed out every time I think about it.


We went back to Pike Market and stayed several hours enjoying the hustle, bustle and bounty that surrounded us. Diane bought a bouquet of flowers that was so large that we had to use the wastebasket as a vase. The flowers are both beautiful and fragrant.


The big surprise of the day was that Keith showed up around 6PM. He could not stand it any longer and caught a noon flight. We enjoyed a little strolling around in a fruitless search for crocs and then enjoyed dinner in a Vietnamese restaurant. We retired early looking forward to a final full day in Seattle before the cruise begins.

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Silver Cloud hotels are great. We just stayed at the Silver Cloud "Stadium" before our recent Golden cruise and were able to watch part of the Safeco Field playing field (including players) from our room window. This particular hotel also prides itself on having the only free shuttle anywhere but the airport so when it was time to go to Pier 91 it was excellent.


Bon Voyage!!!!

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Pam I just love your cruise stories. Maybe because so many of your adventures remind me of my life:) reality at it's best! I was laughing hysterically when you described walking around the Sheraton. We stayed there when we left from Seattle on an Alaskan cruise once. I remember thinking the same while passing some of the residents live on the street, we probably would have enjoyed a bloodymary too but we had DS with us then.


Have a great cruise and can't wait to read more!


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Super beginning. And the bartender didn't even charge you for the extra "protein" in Rex's drink (what a gal!)? So, what's the name of this bar?:rolleyes:


Really enjoying you're adventures; can't wait for the next installment! Have a great cruise!:)

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First off thanks Pam for the link to your new post from the old one.

Two, thanks for such a colorful update of your days of packing etc and in Seattle. Having never been in Seattle before I get there in August, I enjoyed reading about the area and what may or may not occur.

Three, thanks for sharing with all of us that we are not "alone" with the pitfalls of being away from home on an extended vacation. I am not sure which is worse....covering all the "bases" of things to do before you go or trying to find your dining room table after you get home that has just been completly covered with bags, baggage and all the collected mail that has arrived while away.

Looking forward to your next post for more interesting funny "news".

Have a wonderful cruise.

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Super beginning. And the bartender didn't even charge you for the extra "protein" in Rex's drink (what a gal!)? So, what's the name of this bar?:rolleyes:


Really enjoying you're adventures; can't wait for the next installment! Have a great cruise!:)


The name of the Bar is TURF. If is right across from Pike Market. The giant PIG truck is on the opposite corner. Do not go there.:o

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My pre-cruise adventure.....



We are here and I'm sitting in some contorted position in the Westin Lobby

so I can plug in my computer and use free wifi...

as I said in another thread Westin is Cheezy I've had free wifi in a cave hotel in Cappadocia Turkey and here in Seattle it would cost me over $10.00 to chat with you if I was propped up with heavenly pillows behind me in my heavenly bed with 5,000 thread count sheets...hmmm maybe i should rethink this work space...after all I'm on vacation!!!!!!:D


anyway I'm having FABULOUS entertainment sitting here inconspicuously in the lobby the ILWU is in our hotel...something to do with longshoremen/ dock people... I've learned about "male V pill" dosages, ***hole bosses, and a few other non pg rated conversations that Host Andy would have to censor


so the elevators are slow ... I started chatting with these fine gentleman that obviously had no problem drinking blood mary's with hair in them..better yet I'm not sure if they even bothered with the tomato juice..


so I took one for the team..and said ...


hey what was the deal on May 28th when they stopped unloading luggage from the Pacific Princess????


they said they weren't from around here, BUT they would look into it for me... I'm not so sure they will remember that though...


anyway..we went to Pikes Place...for our Mac and Cheese at Beechers..which when you take one bite makes you roll your eyes, your spine goes weak....NIRVANA! and then for dessert we went to the donut guy in the market...melt in your mouth!

now that we are fortified..we begin to shop..stop at the organic honey body product place in Pikes Place, also the made in Washington store..which a 2nd location is in the Westfield mall right next to Nordstoms...which I will be doing a personal blog on once I return home...and then finally we went to Nordstrom Rack and the very 1st Nordstroms...HALLOW GROUND!


So, they were having a sale on purses..I have this incredible talent...

all purses on the table can be marked down to 50 dollars except one which is $5,000....... from a across the store I will set my radar and focus on the cutest purse I see and sure enough it's the $5,000 one...

My DH does NOT appreciate this talent, so I sadly put down the Salvatore Ferragomo purse in the softest of leather, tailored with a twist of funky ...in a mustard color...that was marked down 75% to $398.00 and slowly backed away...consolation prize...

the shoe SALE, :D


So, we flew up on Southwest...SUPERB..

I haven't flow just domestic in along time..only International..(I'm not bragging ...just the way it's been lately) anyway...check in at the curb,

we were group A, but let my mom board after the wheelchairs as her balance has been off because of her herniated disks...then we got peanuts AND airplane cookies for just a 2 hour flight..oh and get this ..

the flight attendant offered to put my carry on up...

I'm so easy to please, especially after flying United Frankfurt to SFO they charged us for snacks onboard...yes a 11 hour flight and they charged....


the transfer to the hotel was not at baggage claim to meet us, so we proceeded to walk to door 00 as instructed..at door 00 I saw the red shirt and baseball cap...touched base and said we were suppose to do a shuttle so where do we go..

turns out we weren't on his list that he got from his home office...this is a contractor for Princess and Holland America..I asked to see the list and sure enough no where2next and mom. It was a non issue..he got us tagged up and took us the shuttle stop. I called Princess while we waited 20 minutes for the shuttle. I had confirmed the flight info which we booked ourselves with them and had a print out that they knew...I also knew that Westin had our reservation, as we had confirm directly with Westin. I didn't call to complain, but to advise that they were having a breakdown in communication somewhere and just a heads up, since more people will be coming in later in the day. So, everyone remember to keep a printed copy with you that you purchased transfers..


Well, that's about all for now...I'm not sure if I will be as witty and verbose as Pam but I will try!


Ciao for now!



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I can't wait to read this.. did this itinerary on the "original" Island Princess in 1998 only it was a one-way from Vancouver to Anchorage for 12 days.. my favorite cruise ever I think... Kodiak and Valdez are so "Alaskan"... I loved them.. Wonder why you don't go to Homer as well???


We are thinking of doing this on HAL next September since DH hasn't been up that way yet...


Thanks for posting this!!


PS My fav bar is Cutter's (and restaurant) right near the Pike's market - Raspberry Mojito to die for

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I see pam discussed her room amenities..

I have free starbucks coffee and tazo tea,

robes and snazzy amenities...only one extra blanket and yet there is 2 beds..non issue just observation!

they have a reasonably priced cafe downstairs soup, sandwhiches salads and coffee beverages ...latte for me in the morning and all I have to do is roll out of bed...heavenly! hahhahahahaha

also a indoor pool...I decided to pack my bathing suit after all, though I did leave the kitchen sink at home...I was inspired to pack more than I usually do because..Southwest allows 2 bags at 50 pounds each for NO CHARGE!!! Iheartswa!!!


in the room our fridge is electronically controlled which means if I decide to replace there $$$$$$$ of water with my own and rearrange the fridge yet

not consume anything I will have to fight a zillion dollar charge on our room bill for mini bar usage!

this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine...

though as I have said just giving info...this a non issue...

I'm zen ..I'm going on cruise..and spending quality time with my mama...life is good

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Feet’s Don’t Fail Me Now June 10th


We had a slower than usual start Wednesday morning as Diane and Keith had to check out of the Silver Cloud and into the Sheraton. It was fairly painless as they were allowed to check in around 9AM. We walked toward Macy’s where we finally found some crocs but not what we were looking for. Diane found an airpocket in one of her suitcases so she bought a pair of jeans at coldwater creek to fill it. We took our packages back to the hotel and then went to the taproom where you will find 160 brands of beer on tap. Keith was in heaven. It is paradise for those who love the brew. The locals haven’t found that place yet so we started out as the only people in there. It was rather early on the west coast but a respectable vacation beverage time for those of us who set our watches to EST. They gave us a tour of the keg room….very, very cold.


Rex must have fried shrimp on vacation so we made our way to the waterfront and to Ivar’s. While not the best fried shrimp on earth, the atmosphere adds to the appeal of the place and we enjoyed eating the greasy seafood and hot, crispy fries at an outdoor table while being entertained by seagulls dive bombing those foolish enough to sit out on the pier waving food in the air.


As if the walk from the Sheraton to Ivar’s isn’t bad enough, the opposite trip is grueling. There is no way to avoid the steepest consecutive flights of stairs I have ever faced. We resisted the almost irresistible urge to call a cab or figure out the public transportation system and we climbed the mountain, because it was there. We could never do that kind of trek in the Georgia heat and humidity.


We returned for a couple of hours of rest. Rex snored away and I worked on the cruise journal because napping makes me mad and lying down after walking all day makes me stiff and achy (in the South we call that getting all stove-up).


By the way, I saw a woman get hit by a car today. She did not get hurt because she was young, quick, agile, and lucky. She was across the street coming to the hotel. The little whatchamacallit (i.e. pedestrian traffic signal) had just turned from the orange talk-to-the-hand into a little white walking man so she had the go signal. Unfortunately, she did not notice that she was walking behind a car that had pulled too far forward and the driver did not notice her as he backed into her. She was saved by her own quick reaction where I probably wouldn’t have been so lucky. My guess is that it’s also illegal for a driver to run over you going backward and, you no doubt would be just as dead. The moral here is to obey the traffic signals but don’t be complacent about those behind the wheel. Like mom says, “look both ways before crossing the street.” You ain’t in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.


On the streets again, we made our way through the glazed-over citizenry to the IGA. We needed fabric softener sheets, V-8, Clamato, and some isopropyl alcohol for Rex. You might recall that he is a practicing germaphobe and Clorox wipes no longer satisfy his need for a sterile environment. Besides, he used them all sterilizing the hotel room and the elevator buttons.


We found the above mentioned designated local spokesperson’s highly recommended Bruno’s Italian-Mexican restaurant near the IGA and decided to dine there. I was finally able to stick to my salad-for-dinner plan knowing tomorrow I will get on a 30,000 ton cruise ship carrying 64 tons of passengers and 100 tons of food.


After a pretty decent dinner we wanted to walk off some of the food so we window-shopped and people-watched until the people we were watching started watching us. Rex suggested that the cast of the original Mad Max movie is in town for a reunion. That was our cue to pull it in to the hotel. After Keith promised to go to the IGA in the AM to replenish the wine supply, we had a glass or so then called it a night. Tomorrow the cruise begins.

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I am subscribing and loved your pre-cruise updates - thank you!


A favor/question: We are sailing on Pacific Princess in September/October and would love to see some menus if you get the opportunity to get some menu pics!


If you are able to get some menu pics, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


If not, I will enjoy your thread anyway and live vicariously through you both! :D

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Hi Everyone

Menus should not be a problem...

However, they might be geared to the Alaska cruise...

I know when I was onboard for Tahiti/Hawaii that was the case!

but I wll ask to borrow them for a little bit and take pictures.

As we all know loading pictures while onboard the ship is a serious drain of minutes...but as I did with all the Star Princess pictures I took right after drydock I will load them on our personal website when I return and provide the link

My mom and I are currently in the westin lobby waiting for the transfer.

I actually printed out PamWinn's experience on May 14th so I was prepared for any glitches..

The rep is available at 8am...she is NOT at this time doing a complete check in with passports etc, because the Pacific is a small ship and they want to do it at the pier..However, if you are on a larger one they do it at the hotel

We received instructions about the transfer shortly after check in. The desk for Princess is in the lobby and well labeled. She opens at 8am.

In the directions was for our luggage to be ready at 8am inside our hotel room door and 8:03 there was a knock on the door and it was picked up.

We came down here at 8:45am checked in, she marked us off and gave us a HUGE neon pinker sticker to wear, she said she will do a head count for the bus and we identify our luggage before we board.

So far, totally smooth and easy...it doesn't appear the cruise rep has sailed on a ship and I actually heard her say...I'm sure a cabin steward will bring you and iron to press your clothes...I quietly said to her after they left about the iron concerns and about self service laundry room on deck 7, and locations on bigger ships along with the pressing service...

so if you need answers, just remember that she might not have real time cruise experience.

I saw the people later in the cafe and let them know all their options.

thanks Pamwinn for posting your experience...it has definately been fine tuned...

ok need to sign off now...more later after we board

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