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Past Celebrity Employee - Answering Your Questions


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In your 3 years as working for Celebrity, and in dealing with those crew who did receive gratuities; what percentage of passengers on any given cruise would you estimate did not tip? In general, what nationality of pax was a better tipper? A worse one?

I honestly have no idea what percentage. I was just getting my info from word of mouth from the housekeeping department. If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say 10% but please don't quote me on that. So that being said, don't know the answer to your last question either...sorry


ps. Thanks hosts for keeping it open. Let's enjoy each other's company.

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1) Does it take time for crew members (or staff, for that matter) to get used to the cramped cabins & roommates? Do they typically get along well off-duty, or do people frequently request roommate changes?


2) Are many of the crew cabins near the engine rooms, or close to noisy pumps for the various tanks? How noisy are the worst of the crew cabins? I've wondered if the laundry workers and dishwashers have the worst jobs & work the longest hours, do they also get stuck with the noisiest cabins (So the people who need sleep the most end up having the toughest time getting it?)


3) Do most of the regular crew socialize with the Nepalese security guys, or are they seen as sort of a separate group that sticks to themselves?


4) Did you ever grow tired of particular ports? If so, which ones ... and why? Were they any ports you visited off-duty and found a hidden 'treasure' that passengers seemed oblivious to? (In other words, a terrific restaurant, shop, excursion, beach, museum -- or whatever -- that had you wondering 'Why don't more people go here?')


Thanks as always for your insights! :cool:



1) Most people get used to the cramped living conditions rather quickly. (what other option do you really have right???) Usually roommates do get along well off duty. If there is a problem then yes, they do switch rooms. Hey, we live in a fantasy world but it's not always perfect.


2) OK, the rooms aren't that low in the ship!!! Too funny... The rooms that are the worst are actually the ones that are near the crew bars because the music is always pumping loud at night. Also, the bad rooms to have are the ones that are on a main hallway where the carts get moved around early in the morning. Like the racks that get set up the last night of a cruise to take the luggage off. They are annoying. The housekeeping department and some of the cooks are usually stuck with the bad rooms, you're right. Each room is assigned to a specific department and it seemed like they always had the bad rooms.


3) Yes, we socialize with the Nepalese. They are really nice (unless they take your beer away at 4 in the morning). They don't usually socialize after hours though because they work LONG hours. Probably about 70-80 hours per week. Any time they have off, they're sleeping. So most of the time the only socializing is at the gangway or in the mess where we eat.


4) Yes we grow tired of particular ports. I personally grew tired of Antigua, and Grand Caymen. They're ports where I feel if you're not on an excursion, there's not too much to do other than shop. (Antigua has a GREAT place to eat though; it's called Big Banana; most crew eat there) Also grew tired of Alaska. I know, most of you are going "suck it up you baby" but the truth is after you go to Alaska for a month, you've done everything and get bored. Hiking is nice and the scenery is awesome but after that it's just a rainy place that is pretty quiet. (Make sure you try Alaskan Amber beer if you're a beer expert; best beer out there) Oh also when you go to St. Thomas, head to St.John's Trunk Beach or Cinnamon Bay. A short ferry ride from St. Thomas, (have to go early though) this island is so beatiful. It's one of my top 5 favorites. Definitely one of those, "why don't more people do this?" questions.

Oh one more thing, in Kauai, great place to learn how to surf!!! A walk from the ship. And if you're into cliff jumping, (about 30 feet high) ask a cab driver to take you to the place that no one knows about where you can cliff jump. (I don't know the name of the place but they will) (About a 25 min. cab ride; make sure to arrange a pickup because it's in the middle of nowhere)


Hope this helps.



Great to be back

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Bless you Walt and all the Hosts!!!!


I know there are more questions to be asked. Cruisee, I didn't know the security were Nepalese! See! You learn something new every day!


Can you give us some other hidden things to do in Hawaii? We're heading there in April!


Much appreciated!



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I have read most of the postings on this thread, but I repeat a questions I am sorry,

Since you are in the entertainment department on the ship, how do you handle rough waters? Has any one every had a serious accident from doing their routine when it is rough seas? We are always glad when the show is canceled because of it being dangerous.


Thanks for your postings and for the Hosts for returning it.

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Welcome back - now I can post my queries

In your experience did 17 year olds ever take part in the teen programme?


and now for the more "controversial question"

Did the crew percieve any different "traits" from British cruisers - this is a genuine question, are there things we do that we should stop or are their things we do that others might also consider doing


Look forward to your reply:)

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Hello everyone ~ Walt and I are happy that this thread is back in business. Thanks for your patience, understanding and adherence to the Community Guidelines. It's what helps make this board a fun and friendly place to visit.


I want to second Cruiseemployee's comment about St. John, USVI. It's one of our very favorite islands and is still fairly uncrowded and unspoiled because so much of it is National Park land. Don't tell "too" many people, though. We don't want it to get too crowded! :) Don't hesitate to try the other beaches on St. John that neighbor Trunk Bay. Taxi drivers are more than happy to take you to any of them and pick you up at pre-arranged times. Hawsknest, Cinnamon and Maho are all well worth a visit along the north coast of St. John.

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Trunk Bay has to be one of the top beaches that I have ever been too! In fact I have a picture I took of it on my desktop. I think it is fantastic!! Like what you dream about when you are thinking about clear blue water!




My friend just got hired on as a Concierge for NCL. Any insight on that position?



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Walt and Anne, thanks so much for resurrecting this thread. I've been reading it with great interest, and I was sad to see it all pad locked last night. I'm so glad you're allowing it to continue!:D

Cruise employee, thanks for taking the time to answer questions; it gives us all more insight to what it's like for the people who make our cruises so wonderful!

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I want to add my thanks to each Host involved in the lockdown and resurrection of this thread. I missed it all last night because I was snug in my bed, but I'm glad it's back on track.


I have always felt the the Hosts are so very fair in listening when they've felt they had to lock a thread and often do their best to get it back up and running if enough people are enjoying it. So I thank them for their understanding and patience.


And CruiseEmployee, I thank you for your patience as well. You have been extremely understanding through all this. I continue to enjoy all the stories and information you're giving us. It's a great thread.

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What is the correct procedure when you see people abusing the rules of the ship---example---

underage teens drinking, in the past I have reported and watched as nothing happens--it appears that their is NOONE that will take or wants the authority to take charge --reporting chair hogs---saving seats---children running in halls,etc.


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What have you learned in your 3 years about the IT/Computer positions onboard? Are they considered Staff/Crew/Officers? Not so much inquiring about those staff that may hold classes on how to use a computer or use MS Word/Excel. From what areas of the globe do these people usually come from and what are there responsibilities onboard. Also, have you ever been able to gain access to the Engine room, not that it may or may not interest you, but I think that has got to be something to see, the mechanics of the ship.


Thanks, Cheers

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We were on one cruise where pax left a 4 yr old in the cabin after dinner every night so that they could enjoy the casino.. every night this child would cry for hours until the parents returned.... perhaps we should not worry about kids screaming...except when the screaming pierces the walls and keeps us pumpkins awake... not my business perhaps but annoying none the less.


Chair hogs force us to go places where we might not want to sit...


I also would like to know why cruise staff do not enforce their rules?

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In your experience did 17 year olds ever take part in the teen programme?


and now for the more "controversial question"

Did the crew percieve any different "traits" from British cruisers - this is a genuine question, are there things we do that we should stop or are their things we do that others might also consider doing


Look forward to your reply:)

Most 17 year olds don't take part. They're too cool... They usually end up hanging out together and trying to sneak in to the disco at night...lol I mean there are some that do take part, but for the most part I'd say they don't. Celebrity is a tough place for the 17-28 year old age group to meet people. There is nothing planned for this group and I think there needs to be.


We did not perceive "traits" from the British cruisers...Just like any country, there are the nice ones and then there are the ones you would like to throw over the side. The Brits were the same.

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About the fights... did anyone ever try to throw anyone overboard... or has there been a fight between staff and pax..


A stowaway ( a Canadian tourist who got on in St Marten was not allowed to get off in St Thomas and) died in RCL custody last year... did you ever hear about this?

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What is the correct procedure when you see people abusing the rules of the ship---example---

underage teens drinking, in the past I have reported and watched as nothing happens--it appears that their is NOONE that will take or wants the authority to take charge --reporting chair hogs---saving seats---children running in halls,etc.


This is a very grey area that you have hit upon and I'd personally like to see this get fixed as well.

Ok, as far as teen drinking goes, that is the responsibility of the bar server (if they are in a lounge) of the security on board (if they are drinking in an open area), and of the parents. There are only about 10 security staff on board so they can't baby sit everyone...It's just a matter of common sense. I would however try and notify the bar manager. They possibly could do something about it...In the end it's his rear that's on the line.

Chairs by the pool are the responsibility of the pool attendants poolside. Towels, books, and shoes oh my...all are used to save seats. The usual 8am crowd that comes to drop off items of clothing so they have that front row. If anyone sees this as it happens, do us all a favor, MOVE THEIR STUFF WHEN THEY LEAVE!!!! Get up and take their stuff and pile it in a place that they'll see. They won't walk away next time, they'll stay there. Notify the pool attendants. They are SUPPOSED to move the stuff after a certain amount of time.

Saving seats in the theatre is a MAJOR issue. Especially personally speaking because I'm always greeting people when they come to a show so I'm the one that is at the scene of the crime.

I also would like to know why cruise staff do not enforce their rules?
This is not our job...Our job is not to play referee as to who has what seat, who is or isn't gone to the washroom, or how many seats you are allowed to reserve. I've been in the middle of many heated arguments over seats and became so frustrated that I went to the CD to find out if I was supposed to play mediator. They told me to stay out of it. I was instructed to let a security officer handle this. Of course, by the time a security officer comes to the theatre, chances are the show has started. Passing the buck...

There are a few times where I've seen other passengers step in...they've purposely sat down in those seats and then when the people that "reserved" them came, they refused to move... I LOVE IT!!!! So those people that reserved came crying to me...I laughed. Some people have to step up to the plate and have enough guts to confront these offenders. I would love to do it (although I was told not too). I think that part of the reason I wasn't allowed to had to do with the fact that people cruising perceived me as a friendly person who hosted events, led functions, not as a person who had to put on a referee jersey and physically move someone from reserving a seat. The powers that be didn't want me to get poor ratings from causing a scene. What am I really going to do if someone won't move?? Get in a fight??? Sorry, just frustrated that a few idiots think they are more special than everyone else.


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What have you learned in your 3 years about the IT/Computer positions onboard? Are they considered Staff/Crew/Officers? Not so much inquiring about those staff that may hold classes on how to use a computer or use MS Word/Excel. From what areas of the globe do these people usually come from and what are there responsibilities onboard. Also, have you ever been able to gain access to the Engine room, not that it may or may not interest you, but I think that has got to be something to see, the mechanics of the ship.


Thanks, Cheers

I have learned that this position is usually filled by americans and canadians. They are considered staff. Usually need some kind of experience/degree to get this position. Their responsibilities are the Interactive TV in your stateroom and everything that goes with that. movie ppv, in-suite gaming, etc. Must be technically sound with computers and networking. They are also responsible for some parts of the public areas for internet. They are not the person responsible for this area but they do help out. I knew many of the ITV guys on board...They don't work too hard on board...trust me.lol

In my 3 years of working on the ship, I did not once see an engine room, or the bridge of any ship. Just didn't go there. Wasn't allowed into the engine room or bridge unless there was a specific reason, and I didn't have one!!!

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Welcome back - now I can post my queries



and now for the more "controversial question"

Did the crew percieve any different "traits" from British cruisers -

:D We 'Brits' must try to uphold our 'Monty Python Image', even if it kills us.:D

john taylor


P.S. This looks great out of context, its just our sense of humour! :rolleyes: jt

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Cruiseemployee, do the staff have a hard time maintaining their weight on board ship? Do you have an exercise room? Are the staff allowed to walk/run on the track on the upper deck with the passengers? Do you eat the same food the passengers do? If so, after months and months of the same thing every cruise, do you get tired of it?





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My friend just got hired on as a Concierge for NCL. Any insight on that position?



I think you may have missed this question as it was posted before some you've already answered. Perhaps you're just getting to it, but I just wanted to make sure polson got an answer... :)
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happy new year cruisee and everyone!

im curious..with the staff constantly moving around from ship to ship...how is it determined who gets the better tables to serve in the dining room? (like closest to the kitchen? more passengers to serve equalling more tips?) Do the waiters and asst waiters give a cut to the maitre d" to ensure themselves a better place?


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This thread is so much fun to read. I have been following it for days. I look so forward when I see a new post..


I am really amazed as to how much time cruise employee has put into answering all of the questions... This has to take a lot of time and committment.... Thank you.


Few years back we were on our balcony when we returned back in port at the end of the cruise. We were watching all of the containers being unloaded onto the ship.... We could not believe the amount of food and booze!!, that was being loaded on.


Do the containers ever arrive late at port? Will they delay the sailing if they do not ge there in time??

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happy new year cruisee and everyone!

im curious..with the staff constantly moving around from ship to ship...how is it determined who gets the better tables to serve in the dining room? (like closest to the kitchen? more passengers to serve equalling more tips?) Do the waiters and asst waiters give a cut to the maitre d" to ensure themselves a better place?


First I'd like to say that I've enjoyed this thread as well. I have friends who work on Celebrity ships some who are waiters to some who are higher up. I speak with these friends pretty regularly and I just wanted to say that everything said on this thread by cruiseemployee is how my friends have explained it to me.


Sweet... The waiters and maitre d' move each week to a new station depending on the comment cards. Most comment cards best locations and most passengers. They also keep long term track of the comment cards. Such as best comments in a years time.


Thanks again to cruiseemployee and I hope everyone has a happy New Year...

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I am glad you made this comment about the...comment cards.


We have had the pleasure of being served by great people on our cruises... We did not spend a lot of time on the comment cards, as we did not think it would make a difference, as you have posted. In the future, we will take the time to document our satification....



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CruiseEmployee - I am also still enjoying this thread! Please keep it up.


Q: How might I get an address for the Celebrity Infinity to send a thank you note to a crew member? A good deed deserves a written note of thanks! (I do have the person's complete name & position; can't think of anything else I might need?)

Send your mail to be forwarded through the main office, using the following format, standard to Celebrity crew mail. Next time, ask the crew member for one of their mailing labels.





P.O. Box 019158

Miami, Florida 33101-0158


Hope that helps.

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