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Swine Flu exposure on FOS?


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My son and sister tested positive late afternoon yesterday (monday) for the swine flu. Since they both just got off the Freedom of the Seas 7 day cruise on Sunday the dr. said that they most likely picked it up on the cruise or in a port since you come down with symptoms generally 2-5 days after contact this contact time was in the height of the cruise.

Is anyone else experiencing flu like symptoms who just returned from the FOS western cruise?

P.S. they were diligent about hand washing and using the antibacterial serum all over the ship!!

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true that it's everywhere-- but this came mostly likely from someone on the ship since that was the time of contamination and there was no plane/airport involved since they live in Cocoa Beach. Just wanted to know if anyone else that was on FOS Aug 2-9 had same symptoms.

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Beg to differ with the 1st 2 posters --antibacterial gels, handwashing, proper cleaning does matter --the virus is spread by contacting the germ and touching your mouth or nose etc.

the cdc reports:

"Spread of novel H1N1 virus is thought to occur in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. People may become infected by touching something – such as a surface or object – with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose."


So if you use antibacterial gels and handwashing it can help to prevent it however its difficult to wash your hands after everything you touch but you should definately do it before touching/eating food!

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Beg to differ with the 1st 2 posters --antibacterial gels, handwashing, proper cleaning does matter --the virus is spread by contacting the germ and touching your mouth or nose etc.

the cdc reports:

"Spread of novel H1N1 virus is thought to occur in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. People may become infected by touching something – such as a surface or object – with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose."


So if you use antibacterial gels and handwashing it can help to prevent it however its difficult to wash your hands after everything you touch but you should definately do it before touching/eating food!


Antibacterial gels will kill bacteria not virus. Hot water and soap will kill virus.


There is H1N1 everywhere now. Your relatives probably spread it to others after they caught it. Why does it matter if others on the ship also had it- they probably did. Again it is EVERYWHERE!

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Antibacterial gels will kill bacteria not virus. Hot water and soap will kill virus.







Your information is incorrect.


Alcohol based gels and foams with at least 60% ethanol or isopropanol will kill the flu virus. Soap and water are recommended for visibly soiled hands.

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To HouseHunter I am curious to know if others have also become sick after being on this cruise for the week since RCI is very secretative about any information on sicknesses that they will release & I would like to have known if there was an outbreak on this ship so that is why it matters to me and my family. I am worried about others in our family. Also the 2 family members could not have given it to eachother since they came down with it the exact same day -- one day after disembarking. I wish people wouldn't assume things when they don't know.


Also you're wrong about antibacterial gels I just looked up what the last poster said about the CDC and they said --"Since the virus can remain viable and infectious for about 48 hours on many surfaces, good hygiene and cleaning with soap and water or alcohol-based hand disinfectants are also recommended. "

So for anyone out there please listen to the CDC not those who don't know and do wash with soap and also use alcohol-based hand disinfectants even though it may or may not help!! This flu is very dangerous to pregnant women so be aware -- there just was an 18 year old die from it yesterday with no preexisting conditions -- so that's why I'm concerned and curious if anyone else is having symptoms from this cruise.

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true that it's everywhere-- but this came mostly likely from someone on the ship since that was the time of contamination and there was no plane/airport involved since they live in Cocoa Beach. Just wanted to know if anyone else that was on FOS Aug 2-9 had same symptoms.


Six of us just came off the Freedom on Sunday, and we are all fine. We did have a new stateroom attendant after day 2. The new attendant said that the old one was sick and would not be returning during the cruise. I did not hear what was wrong, but none of us have had any problems at all.

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To HouseHunter I am curious to know if others have also become sick after being on this cruise for the week since RCI is very secretative about any information on sicknesses that they will release & I would like to have known if there was an outbreak on this ship so that is why it matters to me and my family. I am worried about others in our family. Also the 2 family members could not have given it to eachother since they came down with it the exact same day -- one day after disembarking. I wish people wouldn't assume things when they don't know.


Also you're wrong about antibacterial gels I just looked up what the last poster said about the CDC and they said --"Since the virus can remain viable and infectious for about 48 hours on many surfaces, good hygiene and cleaning with soap and water or alcohol-based hand disinfectants are also recommended. "

So for anyone out there please listen to the CDC not those who don't know and do wash with soap and also use alcohol-based hand disinfectants even though it may or may not help!! This flu is very dangerous to pregnant women so be aware -- there just was an 18 year old die from it yesterday with no preexisting conditions -- so that's why I'm concerned and curious if anyone else is having symptoms from this cruise.


If there was an outbreak how would you prove it that it started on the ship and frankly if you get sick why does it matter, you get it ....you get it. This flu is much milder then the regular seasonal flu that kills 36,000 people in the US alone each year. Yes, it is a shame people have died but many more die from the regular one each year.


It could have come from anywhere, they could have picked it up on the way to the port and didn't feel the symptoms right away so could be miscalculating the timeframe.

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Of course I am sorry for those that got sick, but why would it matter where or when they got it. They must deal with the illness and hopefully recover quickly. Again, I don't understand your concern about RC. In these times we all have to be careful when we are in contact with large groups of people. I would think the post was to let people who just came off this cruise that the flu may have been present and to beware.

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true that it's everywhere-- but this came mostly likely from someone on the ship since that was the time of contamination and there was no plane/airport involved since they live in Cocoa Beach. Just wanted to know if anyone else that was on FOS Aug 2-9 had same symptoms.

Sorry to hear you had family members affected by the swine flu, but there is no way that you can determine if they got it while on the ship, or perhaps contracted it at a port of call, or while checking in at the pier, etc...


No way to determine the exact location it was contracted at.

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It does not matter where they got it I wish them a speedy recovery. We were on the same cruise and we are all sick. Could you tell me their symptoms? My mom (who has had a stroke) became ill the last night throwing up and tummy problems but she is a little better today (Tuesday), my 8 year old threw up a lot Sunday night but is doing better, my 11 year old son seems to have a worsening cough, aches and is slept most of the day which is has not done since he was a toddler (both boys have bad asthma) and I started throwing up last night, tummy problems, aches, sore throat and can't hold anything down even with prescription Phenegran (I lost my spleen a little over 7 year ago to an aneurysm so I am immune compromised).


My mom just called me and said my dad suddenly started coughing and aching and he never gets sick (a few years ago he had prostate cancer). But he is one of those people who say he is not sick it was spoiled food).....


I already know we all need to go to the doctor tomorrow but any other info please pass on.


We were so diligent with our own antibacterial santizers on us and in our cabins and only used our cabin bathrooms but if all 5 of us have symptoms something is up. I don't blame RCI we it is every where we just need to be tested and get ahead of this. My husband is upset because he wanted us to cancel because he feared this.....espcially with me and no spleen it put me at greater risk.


Let me know ok and any other cruisers.


Thanks and I will post what happens with us. BTW I also heard on board there was a family that got off or had to get off because of a "flu type illness" and that was from Guest Services.

Gamecock in NC

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This flu is very dangerous to pregnant women so be aware -- there just was an 18 year old die from it yesterday with no preexisting conditions -- so that's why I'm concerned and curious if anyone else is having symptoms from this cruise.


Kari - I think you're being a little dramatic. As others have said, this flu is everywhere. I live in Wisconsin which currently leads the nation in Swine Flu cases. When or where someone gets it isn't really important once they've got it......dealing with "what is" is a lot more effective than dealing with "what may have been." As for pregnant women - darn near everything is dangerous for them. This flu is no more dangerous than the millions of other viruses out there every day.

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And, it's an "AIRBORNE" virus--a cough or sneeze will spread it---handwashing, while worthwhile, won't help there!


That is absolutely wrong. Handwashing is the best possible thing you can do. My goodness that was a dangerous thing to say.

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You know, it might be good for other passengers on that sailing know that people are testing positive for the flu in case they are sick. They'll know what it might be a take precautions.


This forum is a good place to share this type of information.

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My son and sister tested positive late afternoon yesterday (monday) for the swine flu. Since they both just got off the Freedom of the Seas 7 day cruise on Sunday the dr. said that they most likely picked it up on the cruise or in a port since you come down with symptoms generally 2-5 days after contact this contact time was in the height of the cruise.


I ask this in all seriousness. They got off the ship on Sunday, the symptoms didn't show right away, and they tested positive yesterday...on Monday?


Doesn't it take 3 days for the Swine Flu to be confirmed? Again, I'm not flaming.....I'm asking seriously. Can someone help? :confused:

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I am so sorry to hear that some people were sick :( I wish them a speedy recovery.


I'm quite sure that cleaning procedures have been intensified on the FOS, and on all other ships in the fleet.


Once again - it is proven time and time again, that proper handwashing is the best defence.

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It does not matter where they got it I wish them a speedy recovery. We were on the same cruise and we are all sick. Could you tell me their symptoms? My mom (who has had a stroke) became ill the last night throwing up and tummy problems but she is a little better today (Tuesday), my 8 year old threw up a lot Sunday night but is doing better, my 11 year old son seems to have a worsening cough, aches and is slept most of the day which is has not done since he was a toddler (both boys have bad asthma) and I started throwing up last night, tummy problems, aches, sore throat and can't hold anything down even with prescription Phenegran (I lost my spleen a little over 7 year ago to an aneurysm so I am immune compromised).


My mom just called me and said my dad suddenly started coughing and aching and he never gets sick (a few years ago he had prostate cancer). But he is one of those people who say he is not sick it was spoiled food).....


I already know we all need to go to the doctor tomorrow but any other info please pass on.


We were so diligent with our own antibacterial santizers on us and in our cabins and only used our cabin bathrooms but if all 5 of us have symptoms something is up. I don't blame RCI we it is every where we just need to be tested and get ahead of this. My husband is upset because he wanted us to cancel because he feared this.....espcially with me and no spleen it put me at greater risk.


Let me know ok and any other cruisers.


Thanks and I will post what happens with us. BTW I also heard on board there was a family that got off or had to get off because of a "flu type illness" and that was from Guest Services.

Gamecock in NC


That is exactly why in this case it just may be VERY important to know where the virus started...especially if some of the crew are sick.


I hope all of you feel better soon.



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To HouseHunter I am curious to know if others have also become sick after being on this cruise for the week since RCI is very secretative about any information on sicknesses that they will release & I would like to have known if there was an outbreak on this ship so that is why it matters to me and my family. I am worried about others in our family. Also the 2 family members could not have given it to eachother since they came down with it the exact same day -- one day after disembarking. I wish people wouldn't assume things when they don't know.


Also you're wrong about antibacterial gels I just looked up what the last poster said about the CDC and they said --"Since the virus can remain viable and infectious for about 48 hours on many surfaces, good hygiene and cleaning with soap and water or alcohol-based hand disinfectants are also recommended. "

So for anyone out there please listen to the CDC not those who don't know and do wash with soap and also use alcohol-based hand disinfectants even though it may or may not help!! This flu is very dangerous to pregnant women so be aware -- there just was an 18 year old die from it yesterday with no preexisting conditions -- so that's why I'm concerned and curious if anyone else is having symptoms from this cruise.



My Dr must be wrong then because she stresses to her patients not to rely on the gels. The cruiseline is not responsible for a passenger bring on a flu, the norovirus or any other disease. An outbreak on the ship, in a school or anywhere else is caused from a person. There is nothing the cruiseline can do about it???

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I think there is a lot to learn about this flu but it is everywhere.....the most important thing to learn from this thread is that 2 passengers from that particular sailings have tested positive for it. I can only speak for myself and with common sense and say thank you for letting me know because I have a little boy right now burning up with fever and very sick. It may very well be just a bug but I need to know all of the information to tell his doctor in the morning and for my own health as I have been showing symptoms of some "bug".


As I said I don't blame RCCL we choose to sail knowing the risk. We could have picked this up at Target or Wendy's.


As I have said we washed our hands raw, carried our own hand sanitizers and used our own pump antibacterial soaps and santizers in our cabin bathrooms and used our own cabin bathrooms every time.


Let's try not to flame others and have some compassion. If you were in my shoes right now or the original poster you might feel differently.


I will post what our doctor says when we know for other FOS passengers.


I hope your loved ones recover quickly........now I need to run and tend to my son.

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Thanks guys for all your good wishes and concerns!

I am not being dramatic at all --

It's a scary thing as my dr. told me that not everything is known yet about this flu and it is spreading rapidly (more than u think) when the flu is usuallly dormant at this time. And for pregnant women it is much more of a concern then the regular flu and for younger people especially children. So please everyone just be aware and try to do as much as u can to protect yourselves.


For those who keep trying to believe this was not caught on their vacation u can keep making execuses (for whatever reason) but the Medical experts believe it was as it takes 2-5 days to show symptoms once exposed and if they came down

with symptoms on Monday the only way they would have been exposed was on the cruise either directly on the ship or in a port that is where they were from 1-7 days before their symptoms.


The symptoms are usually sudden onset of a fever, bodyaches, headache, and usually some type of respiratory symptom sometime it can also be vomiting. My 2 family members have fever, headache, and a cough and nothing else both went to the Dr. and had a swab of their nose and tested postive for the H1N1 Flu - type A - swine. They were prescribed



If anyone was on this cruise, don't wait if your having the above symptoms go to your dr. and ask to get swabbed just to be on the safe side especially if your symptoms aren't improving after a few days.

BE SAFE EVERYONE -- I know it's everywhere but on cruises with 6000 people all together from all across the world and ports like Mexico you

just want to take precautions and be informed!!

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To be clear, I do have sympathy for all who are sick! Especially those that are immuno compromised. I wish you all a speedy recovery and please don't hesitate to take your family to the doctor or hospital any time you feel it's "just not right." Trust your instincts.


But I also don't want to see everyone scream pandemic like they did when this flu first came out. It's out there, people can get it anywhere, but it's just one of many dangers we face everywhere we go.

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