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Tips for traveling with a 14 month old, PLEASE


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This is my 4th cruise, first one with a child.

Grandma and Grandpa are in the room next to us with adjoining balconies, thank god.

I am wondering if you have any tips for traveling with a 14 month old?


Personally, a cruise with a 14 month old doesn't sound very relaxing, but that's just me. I am sure you can get better info over on the Family board where they talk about this kind of thing all the time.

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We took a 13 month old 2 years ago and had a fabulous time! It's certainly not the same as going with older children or just adults, but IMO, it is by far the easiest vacation to take with a little one. Mine absolutely loved the curries!

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Will move the post to the family board, Im new to this message board.

I wasnt asking who thought it would be relaxing or not I was asking for TIPS

Thanks for the heads up though


My tip would be to leave the kid at home with relatives. Cruising is great, but I want to be able to enjoy the leisurely dinners, the shows, etc....not be entertaining a toddler. That's why I waited until my son was much older. Be aware not everyone will be thrilled to see your child on board - particularly anyone in the cabins next door. TIP - remove him immediately from any place where he's fussing or acting like a normal toddler. Don't let him see the pool - he's not permitted in it. Kids club - he's too young. It's your choice to take your toddler on a cruise, and it's your choice to be rude to the person who suggested the family board....hopefully you'll enjoy your cruise and your child won't prevent others from enjoying theirs. Chances are you won't get through a dinner without one of the adults leaving with the child before the entrees arrive! Not the child's fault - cruising really isn't the best choice for someone that age.



Eurodam 11/07/09

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You live with the child everyday...it will be no different on a cruise! This is what happens when you have kids! Your life (and vacation) changes! Don't worry--in 25 years or so, you'll be back to not having to care for the kiddies! (Yes, it can take that long!!!)

Take your child---enjoy! Grandma and Grandpa are there to "spell" you for awhile. It'll be fine!

Tips: Bring any "special" blankets, toys, etc...that make your child comfortable! Bring any cups (sippy or otherwise)...and bring your patience! It's likely there will be some "melt-downs" along the way, so expect it! Most times, tho, your child will be entranced with the different scenery, the attention from the staff and other passengers...

Just enjoy this time!

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Did I miss something?


I am asking for tips, not personal preferences on weather or not YOU want to cruise with YOUR toddler.

You have absolutely no idea what my life situation is right now and the circumstances surrounding my decision to travel with my 14 month old GIRL.

There is a sick immediate family member of mine involved and this cruise is fulfilling a lifelong wish for this relative to go on a cruise with their entire family. Some of us do not have the benefit of choosing to cruise at a later date.

There will be NO LATER DATE

I am infuriated at your presumptuous post.

As if I am not aware that traveling on a cruise with a 14 month old is not ideal, as if I know I wont be leaving some meals early, as if I am unaware that she is not allowed in the pool, as if I am not aware that she is too young for the kids club? Seriously?


"My tip would be to leave the kid at home with relatives"


You couldnt have said a more heartless thing to me.

If you knew the circumstances and the great sadness surrounding this trip, and how INTEGRAL bringing SAID 14 month old you would be ashamed for posting this. Although, maybe you wouldn't, you dont come across as very compassionate, just highly judgemental and a know it all.

In the original post I asked for TIPS on traveling with a 14 month old, not your OPINION. All I asked for were some TIPS. Try being helpful, it feels better.


Have fun being a judgmental, critical, bitter, negative know it all.

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You live with the child everyday...it will be no different on a cruise! This is what happens when you have kids! Your life (and vacation) changes! Don't worry--in 25 years or so, you'll be back to not having to care for the kiddies! (Yes, it can take that long!!!)

Take your child---enjoy! Grandma and Grandpa are there to "spell" you for awhile. It'll be fine!

Tips: Bring any "special" blankets, toys, etc...that make your child comfortable! Bring any cups (sippy or otherwise)...and bring your patience! It's likely there will be some "melt-downs" along the way, so expect it! Most times, tho, your child will be entranced with the different scenery, the attention from the staff and other passengers...

Just enjoy this time!


Thank you so much for your positive feedback, it was definitely good to hear. She is really a very good baby and we are all excited to watch her in this very new environment. She is kind of the STAR of our entire family right now, so we are all very in tune with her, and excited to spend this time with her. It will definitely be a trip to remember, if not relaxing. I am not expecting to do too much of that, but Im used to that!

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A couple of tips for traveling with toddlers from a hands-on Grandma. We've taken little children with us on many cruises. My favorite spots to entertain restless little ones are the golf cages and basketball court if not in use. The golf cages have net enclosures, so they can run around and hit some golf balls and you don't have to worry about them "taking off" on you. Same goes for the court, it's closed in. You can take the toddler to play in the kids club area, but must stay with them. They have family activities for all ages, too. We almost always go to the buffet to feed the kids, and then take turns enjoying a quiet dinner. We've also taken an au pair on occasion, so we can go to the shows, etc. at night. Some ships will babysit in the kids club at night for a small fee. We also take them to the shows on a few nights. We put them in pjs first and they almost always fall asleep.


Don't worry, don't sweat the small stuff, and ENJOY your cruise.



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  • 4 weeks later...

We cruised Hawaii with our daughter when she was 22 months old. Just like flying with a child, you get those stares from people as if a baby doesn't belong on a cruise. Ignore those people and have a good time. The staff is away from their families for long periods of time. The result of this is that they tend to dote on the little ones. Some of our best memories are of such situations.


As for tips, I would recommend bringing a couple favorite toys, books, and anything else you think would make your child comfortable. We also rented cars at ports and got a portable travel car seat which was much easier than carrying a full size one around. The rental car allowed us to set our own pace, avoid a lot of walking, and accommodated the extras a baby needs. You may want to consider bringing a small cooler you can fill with ice if you need to carry milk during port days. We also used the stroller onboard for safety and to explore while she slept. Our daughter was a little older, but we also brought a portable DVD player (and movies). When we played bingo a couple of times, we sat in the back and watched it without disturbing anyone. I would also recommend a nightlight for your cabin. I also brought infants Motrin/Tylenol. Depending on where you are cruising, you might want to ask your pediatrician about vaccinations. Even if your child is up to date, some peds will change the shot schedule to give a dose earlier if traveling to certain countries.


That's all I can think of but have a wonderful time.

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We just returned from the POA.

There was a couple with two small children that we seemed to run into constantly the entire week, every port, every (it seemed) store that we went into!

One child was about 1.5 and was a "runner" (he ran every chance he got, and he screamed while running.) The other was an infant and he/she screamed constantly. The parents totally ignored the screaming, from both.

While queing up for our Luau excursion, that same couple was not only on our bus, but also at our table at the Luau!


I forfeited nearly $300 and stayed aboard ship that night.


It made our trip wonderful.


NCL did, however, compensate me for missing the Luau.

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We just returned from the POA.

There was a couple with two small children that we seemed to run into constantly the entire week, every port, every (it seemed) store that we went into!

One child was about 1.5 and was a "runner" (he ran every chance he got, and he screamed while running.) The other was an infant and he/she screamed constantly. The parents totally ignored the screaming, from both.

While queing up for our Luau excursion, that same couple was not only on our bus, but also at our table at the Luau!


I forfeited nearly $300 and stayed aboard ship that night.


It made our trip wonderful.

NCL did, however, compensate me for missing the Luau.




After posting this, I feel the need to add this:

As a parent, (and a grandparent,) I sincerely believe that all children, regardless of age, (that are well behaved,) are welcome in any polite society. Any child (regardless of age) can (at times) become unrully (even me, at the ripe old age of 59!). My post was aimed at those parents that are unable (or unwilling!) to correct the misbehavior of their children.

If your child becomes unruly, or obnoxious, then you owe it to the rest of us to remove him\her until they can be reasonable.

Do not subject the rest of us to their tantrums!


I do love children, but I admit to a low tolerance for those children that are obnoxious, and those parents that are oblivious to the fact.

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There is a sick immediate family member of mine involved and this cruise is fulfilling a lifelong wish for this relative to go on a cruise with their entire family. Some of us do not have the benefit of choosing to cruise at a later date. There will be NO LATER DATE.


My tip...take lots and lots of pictures. Not just of your child, but of everyone. It will bring back lots of good memories at that 'later date.'


Enjoy your trip! You all deserve a wonderful time together.

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Travelling with a 14 month old baby with be a mixed emotions, First is worry and you can't relax but at the same time you can enjoy your trip because you have with you your baby and no worries if you left your baby at the house and you are not actually the one caring for him/her.

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Hi Champersgirl !


Here's some advice from a traveling mom...

I have been traveling with my 2 kids since they are 6 months old, they are now 9 & 10 years old, and are well traveled, polite, behaved. They have been everywhere we have including 2 cruises ( It will be their 4th in February). We even take the late night seating on cruises...people look at us as if we're aliens on the first day...but at each end of each cruise people from surrounding tables have come to us to tell us how well behaved our kids were.


When my kids were young and in diapers, I packed 1 medium suitcase to pack all their traveling gears...diaper, bottles, favorite dry food (cereals), baby food, formula. I put their clothes in my husband and my suitcase.


Bring everything you use at home...Advil, tylenol, diaper rash cream, swimming diaper (so she can have access to the pool :p),gravol, cough syrup, bibs...


Also some decongestant is good for the plane, helps the drain the fluids in the ear, reduces the pressure when you are landing and bring at least 5 to 6 suces (sorry I don't know the word in english) in case you loose some.


I also read somewhere that you can contact the cruice company and they will provide all the food, beverage you need so you don't have to bring it with you. Also if you want a night alone to go for dinner...formal night maybe... you can hire in-cabin babysitter the rate is around 8$/hour.


The most important thing to bring is a positive attitude. My greatest memories are from vacations with my kids...seeing the look on their face, their smiles, the twinkling eyes...priceless !!!


If I had left them at home with a relative, I wouldn't have those great memories...and they wouldn't be so well traveled. And let me get you in on a secret...sometimes they are more behaved than some adults traveling :p !

Have a great cruise

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey champersgirl! i also agree with the advice of the last poster....all good advice! i traveled with my identical twins when they were 21 months and then again at 2.5 years. take a blow up pool that you can buy at the dollar store for five bucks to blow up and put in the bottom of the shower...it's hard giving babies a bath in the stand up....also, the pool can be used on the decks to allow the baby to play right beside your lounge chair...some cruises dont allow potty trained babies in the pools. then, you can throw it out and not take it home...it was just five bucks.....always take all the over the counter stuff with you..it always seems mine get a runny nose on cruises b/cof the ventilation system. on the last cruise, we took a portable dvd player with all their favorite movies to watch in the room so we could watch the regular tv. and we also took it to dinner on the second cruise every night b/c we like sitting in the dining room but small children generally dont want to eat dinner over a period of two hours so it kept them busy and occupied while we waited on courses to come and worked out really well. you will get the usual stairs from people who think that kids should be left at home with relatives but oh well, they are your children and if u want a family vacation on a cruise and can afford one as a lot of people can not, go for it! people ask me all the time..."did u take the babies on the cruises." and my answer is yes, it was our family vacation. some skeptics say "they wont even remember the trip" i say, that's probably true but by being exposed to finer dining and by seeing the world..they will be well behaved, wellrounded children that appreciate travel and different cultures. not skeptical know it alls who live in a box! have a great time and always keep in mind that you know what's best for your children and family! ; )

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First, I could tell by your post that you are saddened by the situation your family is facing and I pray you will find comfort. It's amazing the things people will say on these boards, some good information, some humor and some downright hateful comments.


It is your decision to take your child with you and from reading your post, I didn't perceive you as the type that would let your child wreak havoc on those around you. I have 5 kids and sometimes their behavior was better than others. I have a 2 year old grand daughter and haven't braved a cruise w/her yet. I'm thinking that we will take her on her 3rd b-day. However, if I was faced w/the situation you are, I would not hesitate to take her. Sounds like you will have plenty of help.


We have taken other vacations with her and we know going into it that it's going to be different. Long, endless days in the sun don't happen, naps are NECESSARY and bedtime is when she lets us know. I think most parents have common sense and do what's best for their children. Unfortunately, there are those that haven't grasped the concept of sacrifice that comes w/parenting, but for the most part I have found that to be the exception and not the rule.



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  • 3 weeks later...
This is my 4th cruise, first one with a child.

Grandma and Grandpa are in the room next to us with adjoining balconies, thank god.

I am wondering if you have any tips for traveling with a 14 month old?


I believe that cruising is one of the best ways to travel with a young tyke. There are a few tips that will make it more enjoyable.

1. Discourage "pass the baby". Kids are so delightful that everyone wants to hold or play with the baby. ..... not always fun for the baby! Be ready to say something like "there are so many folks on this ship and we don't him/ her to be overwhelmed so we wait until until he/she reaches out to some one." If people are offended, they are not really interested in your child.

2. Work out a schedule amongst the 4 of you for time alone with the baby. Then the other 3 can go off and play.

3. Check ahead of time with the cruise line to see if they have baby sitting. Often crew will be happy to stay with your child (for a fee.) If you like and trust your cabin attendent then that is the best choice as your child will have seen them in your cabin.

4. Many ships now have walkie-talkies to help families keep in touch. See if your ship has them. If not see if they will allow you to bring your own on board. They are beter then cell phones as they are not dependent on having a cell tower or sattelite nearby.

5. Bring his/her favourite quiet toys, but don't set out every toy at once. Pace their appearance from the toy suitcase.

6. If he or she becomes cranky when you can't get away from the crowd (eg. on a shore excursion), just go with it. 14 month olds have the right to complain loudly. (I wish I could have started complaining loudly about boredom on many shore excusrsions.) If you relax, then she/he is more likely to relax.


You will have a wonderful time and it is great to give your child the travel bug early in life.



from a retired early childhood education prof.

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In 2007 my family cruised for a week to celebrate my oldest daughter's graduation from highschool. My sister and brother's baby girl was 10 months old. We had a fabulous time! They made sure they had her stroller, this was great strolling her all over the ship. There were 17 in our total party and we were seated at 2 large tables towards the back of the dining room. My niece was in a highchair. We took turns holding her so my sister and brother in law could eat and if she got fussy one of us got up and walked her out of the dining room and walked around with her until she settled down. We sure didn't want to ruin other people's dinner. The room steward moved their furniture around to accomodate the crib and besides sometimes turning in early, we all got to experience everything together and my niece did great! Not to bad to go on a cruise when you are a 10 month old! It is workable and one of my family's favorite vacations. Enjoy and don't forget to take lots of pictures!!!!!

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I too am going to travel with a toddler. My son will be 23months when we sail.

Screw all the naysayers! Children are a part of life. I understand crappy parents, and poorly mannered children, and they deserve nasty stares, but just because you have a kid doesn't mean you can't have fun. We have gone camping since my son was a month old, and are busy on the weekends always doing something fun. I am sure a cruise will be no different! I am fortunate that my mom will be going too, and I saved up to take a babysitter. $530 is worth a week of babysitting! But I know not everyone can do that.

I found buying a new toy and not bringing it out until on the plane can help keep them entertained. Something to drink on take off and landing helps with ears as well as a lil benadryl. I would suppose there is a pediatric dose of dramamine for nausea

Checking on shots is an excellent tip and I need to check too.

Keeping as close to normal nap schedule is helpful. We take a lil music player to play lullabys (sp?) to fall and stay asleep when camping.

I will check in later for more ideas...

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Just got back from cruise on ncl and there was a family that had 6 kids ages 3yrs and up they were well behaved and everone seemed to enjoy them. If the grouches dont want to be around kids they need to check into nursing home and stay. Just kidding but lighten up.:)

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  • 1 month later...

Takeing a 13mth old on a cruise can be a lot of fun, we took our youngest daughter, on our 1st anniversary cruise. She was 7 mths old. Everyone on our cruise enjoyed her, we took her to the show every evening, she enjoyed watching the pretty colors and the singing, by the end of the cruise, the dancers all knew her as the stage left baby, and where excited to meet her. Know that the kids camp closes every day, about lunch time, and you can go up there and stay and play, she needed time to be on the floor, and that cabin, I didnt think was the place to put a baby...yuck, but the play area was perfect. The dining room staff, had a high chair at our table everyevening, brought our a plate of fresh fruit when they started bringing out the bread, and when she would start to get fussy the main waitress and the maitre d would come and play, or walk around the dining room with her til we finished...they were awesome! Take some small trash can liners to tie up diapers, so the smell dosent permeate the room. Have fun they will enjoy it as much as you do, just account for nap time. And be prepared for a cold when you get back




P.S. to those that are not kid friendly...not everyone has the afforded luxuary to leave your child behind, both my parents have passed, my M-I-L is a teacher, and F-I-L is handicapped, but people with small children find much needed R & R when and where they can!

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So,the baby is coming....but so are the grandparents!!! They will be more than happy to share the responsibility of the baby with you. But that said, I always called time away WITH our children a "trip" and not a vacation. So, reality check is that grandma and grandpa will be helpful, times will still be stressful when your little one cries or is fussy. Good news is that on RCCL now, you no longer have to be 18 to become a crown and anchors member...so if you're on RCCL, your baby will be a member long before she/he turns 2!!!:o

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