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The 8-Day WHILRWIND Mystery Tour on the 8/15 Freedom. A review. With pics!


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Actually there is a way to attach pictures from your computer. First click on the paper clip ( to the right of the smiley face) . Then click browse your computer. Find the picture and double click on it. Then click upload. Viola! Hopefully you will see a pic of me, my sister, my daughter and my niece uploaded from my computer.


I do think it is easier to do so from photobucket, etc. There is a limit to pics, size and type when uploading from home computer.


Celebrat, thanks for the fantastic journey you recorded. I felt like I was there on the ship and excursions with you. You're a great writer. I loved your "tell it like it really is" casual style.


One question I have - early in the review you mentioned buying a DOD card for $23 I think. Can you tell me more about that? Is it a new deal and different from the drink coupons?


Again, thanks for one of the best reviews I've ever read. I'll be on the Freedom in Jaunuary and you've heightened the anticipation considerably!



I learned about the DOD card from this site. It is $23 total, and gives you 5 drinks specials, of which the first comes in a souvenier glass. It's a good deal.


To everyone else who has added to the thread, THANKS so much for your kind comments and encouragements. I'm glad you are enjoying the trip vicariously through the review.


Ready for the rest... final chapter? Here we go...

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There are no sweet dreams for us tonight. I can’t sleep. When daylight starts peeking through our closed windowshades, I take a quick peek outside and capture the early-morning ocean just at sunrise.





All-to-soon, we are hit with the vibrating of the ships engines as it backs into its berth at Ft. Lauderdale. Even though I am half asleep, it makes me sad. We are parked, which means the cruise is finally, officially over.


We hope to sleep until 8am, since we are no rush to get off the ship, but those hopes are dashed by the barrage of early morning announcements, piped directly into the cabin, announcing self-disembark is free to leave. What a wake-up call, literally.


Try as we might, we manage to hold out until just before 8 to get up. The kids share our disappointment at the cruise being over as well.








When we throw open the curtains to our beloved windowseat, to find a very uninspiring view of the Ft. Lauderdale port. Even the towel animals don’t even want to look out the window.





We quickly dress, stuff our PJs into the carry-on bags, make one last check around the cabin for lost items, then leave. Sniff…



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We head up the aft buffet, and are happy to see an almost full spread of breakfast food. Some cruiselines, which shall remain nameless, don’t always offer anything beyond cold food on the last day’s breakfast. Hurray Carnival! Bonus points, as well, over the fact that our secret 2nd floor seating area is open for seating. By now you should know, without me even having to say anything, that we were the only ones up there.


We are in no rush to eat breakfast because we live in Florida and don’t have a flight to catch, and our debark zone # is a whopping 29. YIKES! So, we leisurely enjoy several rounds of muffins and cereal, then spend a few moments checking out the view one last time.



DD looks wistfully over towards the ocean, most likely wishing she could be sailing again.





The ship is definitely all buttoned-up. No fun to be had this morning.





All-the-while, the announcements are coming non-stop. ‘Please clear your cabin….make sure you hold your kids by the hand….please wait in a public area on the ship until your # is called….DO NOT COME DOWN TO THE GANGWAY ON DECK 3 UNTIL YOU ARE CALLED AS IT IS TOO CROWDED DOWN HERE!!!!” and on, and on.


Sensing the buffet staff is getting anxious to clear the buffet, we make our way down to Deck 5 to wait. Along the way, we can’t help but take this advantage of this photo op.





Unfortunately, we are dismayed to see that Deck 5 is very crowded, and all of the hallway seating areas are jam-packed with people and suitcases. The Casino counter bar is even full. Using our tried-and-true buffet rule, we keep walking to the back of Deck 5, where we find plenty of seats available in the Swingtime Lounge. It’s a cute little bar/dance club that we spent absolutely no time in at all during the cruise. Until now.


We make ourselves at home, and totally spread out. DH even manages to catch a nap, while the kids and I play cards.






All-the-while, we continue to be barraged by announcements. At one point John Heald breaks in to announce that “his number” has been called, and he is actually exiting the ship in the next group as this was his last Freedom cruise. He was heading home to England for a few weeks off, before joining the still-unfinished Carnival Dream on it’s inaugural season. Bon Voyage John!

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Thank you so much for your AWESOME review. I totally agree with everyone else in that Samantha Brown does not hold a candle to you. We will be on Freedom 9/12 and I can't wait. You have given me so much helpful information.


Thank you again and I can't wait to read your next review.


P.S. your children are absolutely adorable. You are so blessed.


P.S.S. One quick question? Do you home-school your children or is their school extremely flexible?


Take care

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I got the same photo from our Freedom cruise a month earlier...this is the place to go if you don't want to fight for a chair. (Although we actually spent most of our time on Deck 3 right outside the lobby. Lots of chairs AND shade!)




Thanks again for the incredible review...it was almost like being on our cruise again!

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The process of calling zones is very slow, and we believe we are going to be stuck on the ship forever. So we take a few more funny pics.





Finally, at 10:45am, the announcer breaks in to call “Zones 22-23-24-25…and 26”. Hurray! Although it’s not us, we know the end is near.


So we sit patiently, and continue to wait…and wait…and wait…and wait…


The next time the loudspeaker comes on, it is a crew member with a very heavy Italian accent, announcing that they will be commencing the “Fire Door Drill in zone 2. Please stand clear of the doors in that area, and do not open the doors once they are closed.


That’s odd, we think. There are still people on the ship. Hopefully this won’t stop the process of exiting people off the ship.


A few minutes later two technicians come into the lounge, do a double take when they see us sitting there, then proceed to troubleshoot the DJ system in the lounge. Nice! Dance music!


They don’t say a word to us.


Another announcement for Fire Doors, this time in Zone 3. Don’t touch the doors, etc…


We wait, patiently listening for our # to be called.


Yet another Fire Door drill, Zone 4.


At 11:15am, a full 30 minutes after the last debark zone is called, we decide to be rebels and head down to Deck 3, even though they don’t want loiterers by the gangway. What on earth is taking so long?


We exit the lounge into the Deck 5 hallway, the one the runs the entire length of the ship and was previously filled with masses of people, and discover, much to our horror, that EVERYONE IS GONE!


Oh. My. God. The ship is empty. Somehow we missed it.




We attempt to dash down the length of the oh-so-long hallway (you know, it goes past the arcade, disco, casino, bakery, Future Cruise desk, some shops, etc…) as best we can, with our carry-ons, beach bag, BAB box, and two clumsy kids with rolling backpacks.


I am laughing hysterically because we are the last ones on the ship. Me, a Cruise Critic member and veteran of 30 cruises., A rule-follower to the core. Don’t even smuggle any alcohol on the ship. Don’t make any trouble. We have broken the biggest rule of all by not getting off the ship in a timely manner.


We make it to the elevator, and my stress is ratcheted up by 1000% when I hear the intercom bing-bong, followed by, “Would the passengers of cabin 1237 please report to the Guest Service Desk IMMEDIATELY?”


Oh. My. God.


We get into the elevator, because even though it is only 2 flights of stairs down, there is no way we can safely navigate the stairs without losing a child in a tumble of rolling backpacks. The elevator comes quickly, of course, because NO ONE ELSE IS ON THE SHIP TO USE THEM, and we quickly get in and push 3.


Doors close, elevator descends to 3, stops for a brief moment, then “bounces” up to 4.




Doors open, so we frantically push 3….3….3…!!!!!!! While the doors are open, we can hear the intercom paging us, again.


At this point, we don’t understand what is going on with the elevator because the doors won’t shut. We hit DOOR CLOSE…DOOR CLOSE…DOOR CLOSE…!!!!!!


There is a maintenance man who is working on the elevator directly across from us. He sees us and says, nonchalantly, “The elevators are shut off. Can’t use them.”


Right! Because we shouldn’t be on the ship.


So we exit the elevator to (ugh) use the stairs, and notice that the atrium elevators are shuttered by heavy, steel doors. I think they are the fire doors, and for a brief moment I am impressed that there are significant fire-stopping measures onboard a cruise ship., many of which we aren’t even aware of.


My thoughts are broken by another announcement, paging us, the Rebel Slacker Passengers of cabin 1237.




We traipse down the stairs despite having full hands and clumsy kids. We walk across the elevator lobby area and turn the corner towards the Guest Service Desk and are faced with a giant steel door that is blocking our way.


Right! The Fire Door. Don’t open it. Now what?


They page us again, and I actually yell back to the intercom, “We’re trying to get there but we can’t get past these stupid doors!”


Random maintenance guy, also working in that lobby area, says nonchalantly, “All you have to do is open the door, like this,” and opens it for us. Is it just me, but is everyone on the ship moving in slow motion while we are frantically trying to get off the ship?


We enter the atrium area where the GS desk is located, and GASP! It seems as if a majority of the ship's crew is sitting there in the lobby. Just waiting. They all turn their heads at the same time when we enter the area, and stare at us. You can just hear them thinking, “So those are the losers who don’t know how to get off a ship….”


I don’t make eye contact with any of them.


With pride in hand, I approach the desk and say, “We’re here! You’ve been paging us. We were in the lounge on deck 5. You must’ve turned off the all-broadcast speaker to where we were sitting because the last call we heard was 26. We had 29.”


But the woman at the desk doesn’t care. She is not concerned at all that there was a problem, that is wasn’t our fault, that they should makes sure it doesn’t happen to other people.


She tells us to head over there (and points) to put our cards in the machine and “punch out.”


I am embarrassed beyond belief.


We walk over to the machine. You know, the one they use every time you get on/off the ship. We each punch our cards one last time. The minute DS, who is the last of the four of us, punches his cards, they grab the machine and start rolling it away.


We are quickly escorted off the ship. No worry, we practically run down the gangway.






Meanwhile, I have no doubt a huge cheer arouse from the crew who was sitting in the lobby. I fell really bad because we had “cut” into their precious guest-free time. They probably only have an hour or 2 between off-loading one set of guests and on-loading the next. And they were all stuck there, waiting for us.


But, it was SO NOT OUR FAULT!!!!!!!


Down in Customs, we quickly find our luggage. It is the only luggage still in the terminal, sitting in the middle of the floor. It makes me laugh, seeing the luggage all alone on the giant floor.


I am also relieved to see that there are still passengers in the luggage area, being processed through Customs. Hopefully that means we weren’t “lost” for too long.


When we emerge outside the terminal, there is already a line of guests, waiting for their turn on the Carnival Freedom. It is well past 11:30am.


I am past my mortification at what happened, and now can only laugh.


Our shuttle quickly arrives, and before we know it, we are in our car, driving home. We catch one last glimpse of the Freedom, as we are driving away from the port area.





DD quickly falls asleep., no doubt dreaming of adventures with her pal FunShip Freddy.




It is fitting that it rains like crazy on the drive home, since we had perfect weather the whole week despite being surrounded by hurricanes.





I gaze out the window and reminisce as well. The last thought that I have before drifting off to sleep in the car is that I hope that we don’t have a “NOTE” on our file because we were stowaways on the ship.

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Thank you so much for your AWESOME review. I totally agree with everyone else in that Samantha Brown does not hold a candle to you. We will be on Freedom 9/12 and I can't wait. You have given me so much helpful information.


Thank you again and I can't wait to read your next review.


P.S. your children are absolutely adorable. You are so blessed.


P.S.S. One quick question? Do you home-school your children or is their school extremely flexible?


Take care


Thanks so much! Hopefully someone here actually knows Samantha, and can put in a good word for me!


And no, we are not home-schoolers. School for the kids here in Central Florida started the day after we got home. So, in addition to keeping the cruise a secret before we left, we also had to make sure we were ready for school, knowing we would get back so late. Totally worth it though!


There is something just not right about seeing a car parked outside a cruise ship! What a depressing sight. :(


Exactly! And on debarkation day to boot! Ugh!

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Where in Central Florida? We are in Daytona. I usually take my daughter on yearly Sept. cruises, but she entered 3rd grade and the dreaded FCAT, so I decided to go without her. OK, I felt a little guilty, but that was only the day I booked...(just kidding, Rachael).


I thoroughly enjoyed your review. Going on the Freedom on the 12th, reading it really put the excitement right where it should be. Can't wait!!

As other people have mentioned, I felt like I was there with you. You are a magnificent writer and have a gorgeous family. You truly are blessed with more than just talent.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. May our paths cross again...until then, happy cruising.

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The END....





i laughed out loud, was anxious for you, wondered what was around the next corner... or :ahem: fire door... and totally got your back on it not being your fault ;)


that was SOO great and SOOO much fun to read. i'm sure you'll never forget that one :D


i posted really early (second! :)) because i could tell this one was going to be good... but i never would have imagined it'd be this GREAT!


thanks for your review, and tell anyone who criticizes your note taking and such, and everything that goes into this to 'shove off'.


i think it will be awesome for your kids to be able to look back at this YEARS from now... (i'm sure you're saving, printing, etc. - you're clearly on top of things). ;)


i thoroughly enjoyed this, start to finish. kudos, for sure. :cool:

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Celebrat, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed your review. After reading your stowaway account, I am literally shaking with laughter, tears rolling down my face. That's the funniest story EVER! We are SO looking forward to our first cruise ever, on the Carnival Freedom (6 day) next January. Thanks for much for sharing your family's wonderful vacation with all of us.

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Thank You so much for sharing your wonderful cruise with us. It is so exciting waiting for the next installment to come. Just like reading a good novel.

You, HollyBelle and Nichole are to be commended for all the time you take to do this.

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OHHHHHHH...that was tooo funny...what a talent you have , seriously you have a talent


I hope you keep up a blog for us :O


the "ending" of this fantastic cruise venture was ....just tooo funny


I could feel how frantic you must have been, with those elevators ....eeek


and I loved how you pointed out your credentials....CC and over 30 cruises


It is funny to think of but on EVERY cruise there is a "last one off"...this time it was YOUR DS


Now...where and when do you cruise next Celebrat?? Please "take us along"


thanks so much for this great review, I enjoyed it all

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