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  1. I don't really "hunt" anymore either. I'm in a Washington Bourbon group on another site and they do store picks (it's run through one of the better whiskey bar/restaurants in the Seattle area) every other month or so. I usually just sign up for those and if I'm lucky enough to grab one (just got a Stagg Jr store pick a couple days ago that I'll pick up in a couple weeks), that satisfies my "hunting" FOMO. I have no desire to spend my Saturdays driving from store to store looking for an elusive unicorn.
  2. Sweet! I'll definitely have to post a couple pics when I get my bar area up and running when we're back in the house. Thinking of getting this one right now (but I'm sure I'll change my mind 10x before I decide anything), not sure about the bookcase/shelf as it won't have enough room, I may just grab the bar and barstools and get a different shelf for behind. Andi is like the devil on my shoulder saying "Just get it..."
  3. Oh wow, I've heard fantastic things about Frey Ranch. I can't find it in the Seattle area but am always on the lookout for a trip to the Reno area to take a tour of the distillery.
  4. It was pretty crazy. I got hit in the back during football practice and started feeling a lot of pain. Coach sent me to the locker room and my pee was blood red....literally. Went to the hospital and I can remember laying on the X-ray table and a nurse came in and turned me over, asking if I had ever had surgery. Whatever they did showed only one kidney. The "procedure" and a few other tests showed that I didn't even have a ureter or any kind of undeveloped kidney, just had the one. The one I have is about 50% larger than normal, so obviously compensated throughout my life. Have never had any issues, but it was obviously the end of my football "career".
  5. I had a liver biopsy without anesthesia when I was in my early 20's. I remember thinking I knew what it must've felt like to get shot. Then again, that was no comparison to the cystoscopy I had in my teens when they figured out (during a week long hospital visit due to a football injury) that I only had one kidney. I wouldn't wish that procedure on my worst enemy.
  6. Woodford Double Oaked is a nice one! I like OF 1910 also on the double oaked side. I haven't had the Peerless DO yet, but have heard good things about that. I myself am having a pour of WT Rare Breed...one of my Friday night go-to's.
  7. Lots going on so haven’t been able to be around much but thought I’d check in with a house update. We have flooring, carpets, and cabinets all installed. Doors and trim finishing up this weekend.. Electrical coming Monday for lighting and finish work. Then plumbing and HVAC finish. Then the final touches - closet shelves, towel racks, touch up paint, etc. If all goes well, contractor has given us a tentative finish date of 6/15! I’ve got appliances being delivered 6/17, and then we’ll take a couple weeks to (finally!!) move back home.
  8. Seattle/family history trivia: When we were 16, my cousin and I went to the Space Needle (my grandma lived in Ballard so it was a regular deal). The ticket counter refused to believe we were under 18, so charged us the adult price. When we got back to my grandma's house and told her what happened, she was livid. Called the Space Needle and gave them hell. A couple weeks later in the mail she got like 10 "free" tickets to go up top.
  9. OMG I'm going to make it one of my life's goals to be on a cruise with you at some point 🙂
  10. Yep, exactly. If they made these on a case-by-case "We don't think someone would want to upgrade from a 2BR suite" decisions, I can imagine the inevitable "Royal sucks, they didn't even give me the chance to bid on a Royal Suite" post that someone else would start.
  11. It’s pretty much going to be a new house…new roof, 3/4 new roof trusses, all new walls, they ended up going down to the studs through the whole house, new electrical, new HVAC. This is the color scheme…Sherwin Williams. Walls are the Repose Gray and accent walls are the Slate Tile, it’s a darker gray with a very slight blue tint.
  12. A few house pics from today. Paint is done (minus the inevitable touch-ups). Doors, trim, and cabinets scheduled over the next couple weeks, then flooring and carpets. We probably aren’t going to hit our June 1st goal, but it’s getting closer and closer. Kitchen with accent wall Master with accent wall Master bath with accent wall Living room from entryway (accent wall follows kitchen around to the right) Not sure I mentioned, in the last pic you can see a column and the base on the floor to the right. There was a column on each side of the living room that supported an arch that separated the living room from the entryway. We always hated that because the columns took away from space that we would have used to put furniture, things on walls, etc. So we had the reconstruction folks take it out. Post-fire pic of the arch:
  13. Thank you for asking! She’s doing great. Current situation, patiently waiting for Andi to wake up (as of 5 minutes ago):
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