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Everything posted by dockman

  1. i have given up...i will deal with it via phone when i get back to usa ...not so easy sometimes with time zones and getting put on hold etc....not end of world.. my point was why even say send email if nobody answers after six tries on a really simple little detail....i gave them all info they could need...res number cabin number ship sail dates etc...should take somebody about 1 minute to find in their system i would suspect...i think nobody even checks that email box or if they do they are totally overwhelmed or incompetent.....little details do matter to some.
  2. I have sent 6 messages re missing transatlantic cruise april of 2022....no reply at all. Am out of usa and calling can be a hassle but guess i will try and call them when i get back to get it fixed...not sure why they even say if missing a cruise email us at captains circle if nobody there checks or responds...i gave them ship date cabin number res number etc so it should be a simple fix....strangely i did the next cruise same ship as back to back and that got credited right away as usual...
  3. Yes that would be nice. But i won't hold my breath. I doubt they would even have any exec avail to read the top 100 suggestions...after all that is what they get paid to come up with and what could an actual customer tell them that they don't already know (sarcasm).
  4. So once waiting for a washer i sat patiently for 20 mins as one of the machines was full of clothes but finished...all machines busy but i am next in line.....finally take them out then some jerk comes in five minutes later and creates a big fuss and calling me names over me daring to remove his clothes.....i guess he was special and was too busy to come back in timely manner...takes all kinds and yes some are truly jerks...i wish they would put signs in laundry saying any stopped machine can be emptied and used by next guess after 10 minutes.....so please if u use laundry watch your time and come back and get your stuff taken care of as there are lots of other people waiting to use machines....
  5. speaking of laundry machines...how long is it appropriate to wait if somebody has used a washer or dryer and it is finished before u remove their stuff and use the machine for your stuff? seems some people can't measure time or don't care and are in no hurry to come back and check when finished? I recall the times for wash and dry are clearly posted so it is not some big mystery. I would think if it sits finished for more than 10-15 mins it would be ok to empty it out? Every time i go the machines are all in use so no fun to sit and wait and wait til some user finally comes back to get their stuff so others can use the machine....and some get all huffy if you empty their stuff out...don't really need to get into any hassles with anyone in the laundry room....
  6. did you pay a deposit? did you give them your credit card number? if not you are not booked...easy enough to check your credit card statement....sounds very fishy....
  7. so nobody checked when you got on board at various ports...yes have had than happen also but i think if they do check you have to pay corkage unless that has changed.
  8. Maybe the players were all nervous at how fast the one armed bandits were cleaning out their cash and needed a nicotine fix to calm down?
  9. you mean by paying the corkage if caught with the wine?
  10. Letter will likely end up in the circular file.
  11. from a year ago For 3 days and 2 nights from the port of Lima to Machu Picchu, a Standard Double is $3499 pp, a Superior Double $4299 pp, and a Superior Single $4899 pp
  12. They offered MP excursions for about two days but the price was more than i paid for entire cruise.....for enough $$ they can and do offer MP
  13. Lots of people want to book via a travel agent and have the agent rebate a big hunk of their commission to them as an OBC or other "gift". Then of course if problems occur they expect the agent to take care of everything for them....happens every day. A travel agent is paid a commission by the cruise line to deal with the customer and handle any problems. However, often at clients insistence, many travel agents get caught up in rebating their commissions to get the booking that when the xxx hits the fan they have neither the staff nor inclination to spend hours dealing with it because they gave away their commission which was the pay they get for dealing with problems...then a lot of their customers get angry because they get lousy service. Or people book direct with the cruise line, have cruise line staff answer their questions and spend time on the sale....then before final payment the client turns the booking over to an agent who then gets a nice commission even though they have done nothing in way of service. Then the xxx hits the fan and the customer calls the cruise line to help them. The cruise line says that is now your travel agents job to assist you as we pay them a commission to do so and the clients get mad at the cruise line. Yes there are some travel agents who can get extra perks from the cruise lines as they have group space and big volume. Shop around a bit. But if you are booking with a travel agent who is giving you a big rebate most likely they are giving up a big chunk of their pay....so if that is the plan keep in mind that was your choice and don't expect the agent to then bend over backwards when and if you need some actual service as you took half or so of their "pay". There are good agents who understand service. There are clients that understand that good service often comes at a price. If you expect top notch service at rock bottom prices you may not be that happy with the outcome.
  14. as do several other ports around the world...
  15. I guess not all kids are the same....maybe some do still actually talk to their friends? My kids dont even have phones/wifi on vacation, we usually bring cards/dominoes and are into board games, so was really more looking into things we can do as family, though they may venture to the teen club a few evenings..so no concern needed here;)
  16. As we all know life for many does require the ability to sometimes entertain yourself rather than constant barrage of videos, cell phone tik tok stuff, shows, waterslides. If i had a teen or two who could not find something of interest to do on a cruise ship I would frankly be a bit concerned about their future as adults. Many teens do seem to pick up a few life skills like how to dine in a more formal setting, how to behave and be respectful of older adults, how to enjoy the vastness of the ocean and how to get around and discover new places that they have never been. Also as previously stated most teens will be able to hook up with a few other young folks and while some may pretend to be too "cool" to enjoy a cruise I suspect that they create memories and helpful life lessons that will long outlast hanging out at the mall watching tik tok. And of course when the kids return home to their "peeps" I would bet there will be a bit of swagger and bragging about going on a big cruise ship.
  17. Dear HAL I will trade you one 6 page copy of printed NYT summary for 50 copies of all the printed ads and save a lot of trees and make me happy.
  18. hopefully not the ones full of holes and rips....never ever understood that "fashion" as to why anyone would want to pay a small fortune for a bunch of jeans purposely ripped full of holes....but i never claimed to be a fashion guru....
  19. of course it is included in bev package but question is can you get a free cup of regular coffee with no package at IC....
  20. Is a regular cup of coffee or tea available for free at IC if you don't need/want a specialty version?
  21. EVIAN....spelled backwards is ? and they make billions.
  22. And how about the crew that will have to handle the implementation of reserved seating, the changes, the questions, the phone calls, the i can't reserve on the app, the complaints, the double bookings, the no shows, etc etc which no doubt will require a lot of planning and additional work in an environment where staff is already stretched thin.....perhaps princess might want to wait til things return to semi normal after covid to change/add additional challenges for the crew?
  23. and remember to stop at all ped crosswalks if there is a person ANYWHERE in the cross walk...big fines for violations as lot of people have been hit over the years...and no talking on hand held cell phones while engine is running. avoid H1 during commute hours as it can be pretty bad traffic.....
  24. emerald has a semi decent library last may at least....i have more books in the trunk of my car than majestic or royal broom closets...
  25. the prinsendam....what a wonderful experience it was....glad i got to experience it at least once for 21 day cruise....
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