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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. Yes she was very excited to see it. They also saw whales as the sun was setting last night. A lady leant them some binoculars to have a closer look.
  2. Today, there is a chill wind in Sydney but it is lovely to see the sun out after over a week of rain. Sun just lifts your mood.
  3. Gosh this sounds like my DH’s best friend. They have been best friends since childhood but are polar opposites in timekeeping. The most frustrating thing for DH is that his friend will not message to say he is running late. It is clear he has left his house after the time he said he will meet. A simple text just to let DH know is all he asks. Then when he finally turns up no apology. Vague excuse when pressed. Does DH’s head in. When they come over for dinner, I always add an hour onto the time they say they will arrive and feed DH appetisers while we wait…1 1/2hrs late is the norm.
  4. I love all things Royal too. Watched all the weddings you mentioned and cried during Di’s funeral coverage. Enjoyed watching the Queen’s Jubilee footage recently. Enjoyed seeing the The Royal Mews (horse carriages), the Crown Jewels at Tower of London and visiting Buckingham Palace Staterooms during their summer openings, whilst in London a few years back. Have you visited them?
  5. A good reliable tradie or a family member like Andy are worth their weight in gold. We currently have no hot water. Plumber is flat out and says he may get to us tomorrow or it could be Friday. Lists - I think I’ve mentioned this before but Dad writes his shopping lists in German. Before family comes over to visit he writes a list of things to ask/show us while we are over. Then a separate list for the 3 grandkids that are tech specific to do with his phone & tablet and social media.
  6. Hi Sue. He won’t have any problems at all. Jobs everywhere. Bars, cafes, hospitality, tourism. If he wants to get an indication of what’s available, have a look at seekdotcomdotau. DD has a lot of info about the gap year experience here and what’s required etc. She is currently camping but next chance I get to have a long chat with her on the phone I’ll get the relevant info for you. Give me a couple of days.
  7. DD did a 10km walk in one of the US National Parks today. Delighted to see lots of dogs on the trail. Here in Australia, dogs are not permitted in our National Parks. Photo of Max who would love to go exploring….instead he is watching the rain.
  8. DD and travel buddy picked up their hire car today. They had booked a pick up truck months ago but on arrival at the car rental today they were told that they wouldn’t be covered under their travel insurance so they would only provide them with small 4wd which they had to wait around a couple of hours for until one was available. This delayed the start of their road trip but the positive outcome was that crossing the border into the US was a breeze with border staff telling them that the queue was crazy a couple of hours prior. Arrived to their campsite to thunder and an impressive lightning show.
  9. We’ve spent the weekend relaxing indoors to due to weather warnings for the East Coast including Sydney that have been in place since Friday afternoon. Heavy rain both days plus winds today. Manly, Taronga Zoo & Mosman ferries were cancelled due to swell and there are evacuations in place in the flood prone areas of Sydney. This will continue for the next two days. Thankful we live in an elevated area and that we have no need to travel any distance.
  10. Knowing your excitement leading up to your long awaited cruise, it is sad to read of your disappointing experiences on board @dani negreanu. The wire in the food is worrying. Testing positive after the cruise must have been the icing on the cake of disappointment. Hope you haven’t lost your sense of taste or appetite since being ill, and have been able to enjoy DH’s wonderful cooking since returning home to make up for the poor eating on board.
  11. Someone posted here recently how much they enjoy the Tour De France. DH wanted to watch it tonight from 8.30pm. DS said sorry but I need to watch the last two episodes of Stranger Things 4. Thinking they went for an hour each, DH said fine. 2nd last episode went for 1 2/2hrs. Final episode went for over 2hrs…. Finally sat down to watch the Tour and ads for Holland American come on. They must be sponsoring this years coverage. They are running a competition for a 7 night cruise in the Mediterranean in a Veranda cabin for 2. Flights included. Long shot but have entered and fingers crossed. Drawn EOM.
  12. Happy Canada Day to those who celebrate it 🇨🇦🍁. DD has just spent a week in Vancouver. After a very bumpy start due to the their accommodation’s very grimy location, she has fallen in love with the city. She has made me envious with beautiful videos of cruise ships in port, seaplanes taking off, their bike rides through Stanley Park, hike up Grouse mountain and lunch in glorious weather at Granville Markets. @sgmnthe nice young couple you got chatting to at the airport, live in a beautiful part of the world. @jagsfan from your earlier question, her flight from London connected through Calgary and they were in the plane on the tarmac for an hour. Tomorrow, the girls head off on a 20 day road trip and Calgary will be one of the places they visit.
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