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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. @Luckynana Congratulations to Ryan. That is quite a musical talent. I am sure he will enjoy marching camp and well done to them both for their performances I played Clarinet in the school band and my daughter played Trumpet. Neither of us found it easy.
  2. Is Sticky Toffee Pudding the same as Sticky Date Pudding? Sticky Date is my DH’s favourite dessert. He will always choose it when it’s on the dessert menu here.
  3. Good morning. My DS has just flown Sydney to Honolulu overnight landing there this morning (his photo). My DD is enroute to Hawaii from Toronto via Vancouver. First time my “kids” have holidayed together without me and their first visit to Hawaii.
  4. @DaniDanielle So pleased your daughter and grandchildren will be joining you on board. Is that a new profile photo? It’s lovely.
  5. @Jimbo would love some of your homegrown tomatoes that you are offering free to neighbours. This is the price today of the tomatoes at our supermarket.
  6. @dani negreanuso sorry to hear you are going through this again. Hope you and your family are safe. @Bailey & Sophie sorry to hear of your bad reaction to the booster. My only reaction was female specific and I consider it tmi for this thread. But it was mentioned in a media article here this week. @HBE4 I used to love Garth Brooks. I remember playing one of his cds on repeat for months. So many great songs on it, @grapau27 - your Fjords trip in that rear balcony sounds wonderful. It’s on my bucket list. @harryfat1 thanks for sharing your cruise photos. We were booked to do Alaska on the Majestic. It was going to be our first Princess Cruise. So sad it didn’t happen due to Covid but nice to see your family’s experience. Happy Cruising to all of you currently cruising and @singinalotthanks for sharing your France trip. The meals & drinks you are enjoying look superb as always. I like your travel style. @lioness your cruise reports are a joy to read.
  7. Got an invite at work today for a Christmas in July ( it’s planned for August) party onsite. My two closest in proximity colleagues are off sick for the next 7 days with Covid and several others are wearing masks due to family members currently positive. Seems Covid has finally reached our office. I suspect the party might be delayed to our usual Christmas at Christmas party. We shall see.
  8. @BonTexasNYSorry to hear you got Covid. Glad to hear Jack is recovering. Take it easy. Hope your symptoms are mild.
  9. I was looking up Kraken last night and saw those mini Kraken bottles put to good use as cake toppings for Kraken themed birthday cakes.
  10. I think he has got off lightly compared to you Dani. He had head cold symptoms for a few days, body aches, a dry cough. He feels his breathing is not back to normal yet if he were to exercise but overall I think he was fortunate to have mild symptoms. He certainly didn’t experience the fatigue, head fog or racking cough that many unfortunately experience. I hope your cough is starting to go away now as well as any other symptoms you were suffering.
  11. Sounds like a nice way to end the day. Cheers 🍷 Today was a good day, the sun was shining and after work DH took me out to dinner because he has been in home quarantine for 7 days. We sat next to the open fire (it’s the last month of winter here) and had a very nice meal.
  12. Can’t add to the generator discussion except to say DD was in a tent at her most recent music festival. They had RVs on either side of them. Both RVs had their generators going all night due to the hot weather. Due to the noise from the generators , DD ended up using her sound diminishing earplugs more to sleep at night than to filter the loud stage music during the day. The RV neighbours were lovely though feeding and watering the girls constantly with leftover meals at breakfast and dinner and serving them alcoholic drinks in the evening when they were all at the campsite at the early evening at the same time 🍹
  13. @h20skibum & @bobmacliberty I am on my lunch break and the first thing I see are your delicious food photos - Yum!!
  14. I had not heard of the Lioness team until I saw the videos of Prince William and Princess Charlotte wishing them luck before the game. How wonderful that they won.
  15. Picked up a fiction book by Graham Norton at the street library yesterday. Not read one his books yet but only heard good things about them. Love his interview show. DD was in the audience for his show and was lucky enough to have Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Hiddleston and Ricky Gervais being interviewed.
  16. Meanwhile, DD is in Montreal and loving the city. They are there for a music festival this weekend but unbeknownst to them, they are also there during the International Fireworks Competition. For several weeks, fireworks experts from around the world put on a fireworks display over the Lawrence River. Last night, it was Croatia’s turn and they put on a spectacular 30 min display. I can’t share the stunning videos but instead I’ll post the delicious Beaver Tail DD enjoyed. Bon Appetit indeed.
  17. DH has Covid. Thankfully his symptoms are mild. Been a busy week though. Getting him a newspaper before work every day, leaving work for an early lunch so he can have a hot meal then making sure all my work is up to date every day because the likelihood of me getting it is high and the 7 day isolation rule is still in effect here. My boss also informed me on Day 3 that I am supposed to be wearing a mask in the office (rule apparently if your significant other is positive) something I wasn’t ware of and he had forgotten about. DH and I will both be glad when the 7 days is over.
  18. Loathe paper plates. They sag and don’t support food or cutting of food. Prefer hard plastic plates for picnics etc. Dinner plates for eating indoors. Dishwashers are there for a reason. Personal opinion not having a go at anyone else’s choices.
  19. Watched the last of the Tour De France coverage yesterday. I just love the full coverage of the mountain stages - The Alps & The Pyrenees. The sweeping views from the helicopters, the challenge of the tough gradients going up the mountains and the equally challenging rapid descents. The cyclists dealing with the passionate roadside fans in the narrow roads near the top of the mountains. All this keeps me glued to the screen.
  20. @jagsfan your friend Ginny sounds like a wonderful lady. I hope she is surrounded by good friends and family while she deals with her new circumstances.
  21. @Sea Dog Sign of a great dinner party - no photos. You were too busy enjoying your friend’s company and all your delicious food & drinks. Sounds like a wonderful evening.
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