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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. My Dad kept my motherโ€™s Toyota Corolla running for me for years when the kids were younger. It gave him a lot of pleasure that I drove it. In hindsight it would have been better if I traded it in and replaced it with a newer car, 5 years before we mutually decided that the carโ€™s maintenance was getting too expensive. Main issue being it had no air-conditioning. I remember driving DS and two friends to cricket in summer. We were stuck in traffic on a 40C+ day and it was just as hot in the car as outside. It was brutal. It also only had a radio which did DHโ€™s head in on the rare occasions he drove it. He loves his music when drives. Dad offered to install a CD/cassette player. How times have changed.
  2. DH is being ultra cautious right now as he has day surgery on Tuesday and doesnโ€™t want to delay it. None of us caught it from our daughter when she had it a while back so hoping that is the case again with our positive son who is isolating in his room. The latest booster has just been made available here so the receptionist at the GP offered it to me this afternoon. No reason not to get it, so got boostered again today. Good luck with your packing.
  3. She tells me Marmots are her new favourite animal. I love wombats, they are adorable but I suspect marmots have more personality.
  4. DD has just spent 3 fabulous days camping at Mt Rainier National Park. All photos and video are from Skyline Loop Trail hike 10km - 3.5hrs. It was their first hike and hike they had perfect weather. Hope the videos work. Vista, Trail hike toilet with amazing views and marmot. IMG_6498.MOV IMG_6499.MOV IMG_6500.MOV
  5. Oh no! Hate that when you inadvertently spoil it for yourself. Iโ€™ve done that too with Google search. Reason I didnโ€™t watch it at the movies was the length of the previous one. I will watch The Lost City when it comes to the streaming platform. Been a while since Iโ€™ve watched a Sandra Bullock movie.
  6. Tonight I watched No Time to Die, the most recent Daniel Craig James Bond movie. I think I did really well to have avoided the spoilers. Thought it was very well done.
  7. Backstroke is a tricky one. They now have flags near the end of lanes during school swim races so you have something to aim for๐Ÿ˜€
  8. I remember doing yearly fire drills when we were on the 6th floor. Walking down the six flights of stairs. DH says they have never done fire drills at his building.
  9. Sorry to hear that Lenny. Thatโ€™s nasty. I am not a fan of lifts myself. My husband works high up in an office tower near Circular Quay with views of the harbour. Rather him than me. He is often in the lift alone these days because so many office workers are working from home several days a week now. I blame Keanu Reeves and the movie Speed & The Towering Inferno! for my fear.
  10. Dramatic way to start her first day of lifeguarding. Well done to Ava. My nephew was a volunteer lifeguard at one of our Sydney beaches for several years. In the off season, he would work at the local pools. It was worrying how many parents would leave their kids unattended at the pool for several hours while they popped off to the shops. Absolutely against the rules but they still did it.
  11. I used to love swimming. I was in the swim squad as an after school activity and my favourite activity from high school sport from getting the Bronze Medallion from the Surf Life Saving Association. We would have sessions at the local rock pool. One of the things we had to do to pass the test was put on several layers of heavy clothing, jump in the deep end and swim. Loved it. I donโ€™t swim as much at pools these days. A few years ago, we were staying in the Hunter Valley for the weekend and I was lucky enough to have the resort pool to myself. I spent ages swimming from one end of the pool to the other, deep underwater. Once I got back home I developed the worst ear infection that took repeated antibiotics to clear. Our lovely local pool has signs up everywhere - no spitting allowed. That really puts you off in time of Covid. And lastly, I have found ship pools to be unclean. Always dead bugs or hair. Ugh. Love to swim in the ocean though.
  12. Good morning from wet & soggy Sydney. Spent yesterday raking all the leaves and doing loads and loads of washing to dry in the sun as we have another week of rain ahead of us. Was looking forward to a family catch up at Dads this morning but woke up to a RATS photo from DS. He has tested positive so decided to be cautious and not be around Dad myself. Now we have a delicious red velvet cake for just the three of us to consume.
  13. I still remember the footage of that sea of flowers after Dianaโ€™s death. Such an outpouring of grief from the general public.
  14. Sorry, I seem to miss posts atm and I didnโ€™t even see the question in your post. I see your question has been answered. Obviously DD is aware of the Twilight connection even though she refused to read the books and she only watched the first movie because it was a shown at a party. Definitely not a fan but she knows enough to post #teamjacob when she posted a few photos from Forks.
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