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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Report. Another cold morning, only -5°C (23°F) but it's supposed to warm up to a sunny 6°C (43°F) this afternoon. I think I'll stay in and bake cookies for my hubby. I made some earlier this week, but I took them to my mom yesterday. We had a nice visit. Now that the weather is getting better, we'll be able to see her more often. I'll gladly celebrate Doctors. I don't know why folding laundry gets a day. I thought Earth Hour was last week. No comment on the quote. The dinner sounds good, hope the cocktail and wine are tasty as well. Prayers for our world. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  2. @Smmessineo @POA1 @Huskerchick & Poohby Joe Bon Voyage! 🥂✨
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Report. Cool and cloudy today, but no snow.🙂 We'll be heading down to Cambridge to spend the day with my mom. My brothers, niece and great niece will also stop in for a visit. I've made a carrot cake for mom and cookies for my brothers. Capote certainly had a way with words. I'm looking forward to seeing a recipe for today's meal, not sure about it. The drink sounds intriguing but I'll pass. I hope the wine is good and not expensive. I've never been to Greenland. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a peaceful day.
  4. @bennybear Great picture of the bald eagles. I saw one flying over when I was walking Bertie the other day, but I didn't get a picture.
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Report. Cool and cloudy today but at least it's not snowing. I made a carrot cake yesterday to take to my mom for Easter, lots of cream cheese frosting for her.🙂 Love the quote. Looking forward to seeing the recipe for the salad - sounds good. Not sure about the drink or the wine. I've been to Dubrovnik but not Zadar, Croatia. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. @summer slope I hope the bruises fade quickly and the aches disappear soon. I hope there are lots of celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  6. @summer slope Ouch. Hope you heal quickly. It could have been worse, glad it wasn't. @marshhawk Yippee on booking another cruise! @Cruising-along Thanks for the flower pictures, beautiful.
  7. While it is easy to get to Amsterdam and there is lots to see there, it's only a short train ride to Rotterdam. Sailing down the river from the cruise port to the sea is lovely.
  8. Good morning. Happy Hump Day. Thanks for the Report. Cool and windy again today with a chance of showers or flurries. Brrr A big thank you to the Red Cross. I think my handwriting sometimes looks like scribbles. Is that Whiskey Day or Whisky Day or both? Amusing quote. Not sure about the "meal". I hope the drink will be tasty, I know I'll like the wine. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the pictures from Falmouth, they bring back wonderful memories of our visit last year. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  9. So sad. Rest in Peace. Prayers for their families and friends.
  10. @kazu Maverick was gorgeous. Thanks for sharing his pictures.
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the Report. I hope we can all Live Long and Prosper. Terrible news from Baltimore. Praying for everyone involved. Interesting quote. I'm sure the meal will be good, not sure about the drink or wine. Prayers for our world. Have a good day.
  12. Last spring we visited Cork. We took the shuttle bus from Ringaskiddy to the city centre. After we got off the bus, we were looking at a map trying to decide what to do. A gentleman approached us and offered help. We wanted to visit the English Market so he volunteered to take us there. He walked us to the market, telling us stories and pointing out places as we walked. When we got to the market, he wished us well and said he had a business meeting. I'm sorry to say I don't remember his name, but he was a true gentleman. We had a lovely visit to Cork and would like to return.
  13. So sorry for Sarah but glad that she has you and Pauline. Hugs to you all.
  14. @marshhawk Thanks for the recommendation about the show Tutankhamon. We started watching it last night, very enjoyable. Love Sam Neill 😉
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