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Posts posted by trudle

  1. I'm so jealous.....You promised you'll give hugs from me. And, Trudy, if you can take pictures and post them, please! :)



    Roz---I promise to give Hugs and take pictures. And of course, I will try to post pictures. :eek: Where are your pictures ????? We are waiting.


    Cindy---glad your son is doing better. And any animal can lift ones spirits.


    Nancy----Keeping fingers crossed that we have a good room---how bad can a Balcony be.:confused:


    Just put a big pot of potato soup on to cook. We eat different home made soups in the evening. Have to go checck, I smell it.

  2. Exactly! I am kinda embarassed buying it at the store. I wanna say, "My feet don't stink, my boobs are raw!" But I then realize that maybe my feet stinking would be better! LOL.:D


    You girls are so FUNNY ! And I love reading you comments. :D


    Trudy: What Roz said, there are no "bad" balcony spots! We love the aft of the ship. We did guarantee one time. We did not get our cabin assignment until we checked in. I am "OCD" when it comes to organization, so I was definately a basket case not knowing where the cabin would be in relationship to every where else on the ship. Also, I think guarantee can be more money than some categories and certain sailings. I am sure you will have a great time once you get on that ship and settled in and meet with the Wex Man, Cindy and John.


    I really don't care what room I get but hopefully not next to a lot of noise. I know I will have a great time and can't wait to meet the Wex gang. :D

  3. Cindy----thats what we are here for-------cruise talk and helping to keep everyones spirits up--------and--------hugs, and more hugs. Hope you have a good day today.



    sunshine-----so glad Rich is home and I am sure he will heal much faster being home. Prayers and hugs still being sent. Sandy sounds like a wonderful part of the family.:)


    SS cruisers----the grandkids are doing good so far. It looks like things are turning out for the best and they are happy with whom they were placed. I am sure they still have bad days but they are in a much happier place now.

  4. As for myself, it was a long day. That hit to close to home. My son should never had to go through that and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life.




    So sorry your son and his friends had to go through this, hopefully a lesson was learned. The friend that did this will hopefully get the help he needs and be stronger because of it. Bless them all.


    Hopefully, time will heal and those memories will fade away. Hope you have a better day today Cindy.

  5. My son went to upstate NY for his annual fishing trip. He just sent me a message that they are on their way back. One of his friends is missing. They found a note and his cell phone and coat down by the river. They have dogs and search boats looking for him now. He's only 28 years old. I'm upset for my son and don't know how he will take it. I'm also really really ticked off!!!!! Suicide is the most selfish thing anyone can do. I can't imagine what his family is going through right now. I will pray for the family and hope they get through this.




    Oh Cindy, that is terrible. Suicide is so awful, if only he would have spoken to someone, maybe this would not have happened. Suicide left my hubbys three grandkids without a father about four yrs. ago and now losing their mother-----I pray that they will keep with the counceling so they will get through this. Prayers to the family of the lost boy and to your son also.

  6. Thought I better drop in and say Hello to all of you. I have been busy but doing what, I still haven't figured it out.:D


    We also have had bad news two weeks ago. DH Ed's daughter passed away, so I have not been in the mood to get on the computer to talk. Died in her sleep and we think it might have been drugs and drink, not really sure---results have not come back yet. Three kids left and no parents. I think things have finally come to a good ending. Kids are taken care of and thats all we wanted for them. They are only 17 15 and 11 years old. God Bless them.


    Yes, we are so looking forward to this cruise. I have most of my snacks for Wex already. :p I am a sucker when it comes to animals. I have to carry treats for the animals around here.


    Well, I better get a move on and get some things done. Just got back from my first Art Guild meeting of the year. And get some cleaning and painting done. My feathers are calling me to finish painting on them ;)


    Have a great weekend and hopefully I will be able to get here more often.



  7. Sometimes I need to take a vacation with DH. ;) We went to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Here are some pics I posted on another thread: http://www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showpost.php?p=35665564&postcount=3611


    Hope you had a great trip... can't wait to hear all about it! :D


    Thanks for sharing those pictures with us. My niece lives out there and she also posted some pictures, you had a few different then she had. I hope to get out there some day to see it. Did you have a camper or stay at a hotel? Looks like a lot of fun----I think it goes on all week.

  8. It is Trudy. And he is black. I don't think it will be to hard to find us! :D Here's his website http://wexler2009.shutterfly.com/ Check it out. We are getting excited too!


    Yesterday we noticed that the cyst on his ear is now gone :confused: Kind of strange but good for him and us, no surgery (I hope). We have no idea where it went. :eek:


    Loved the pictures of Wexler and you and John. It is so wonderful to be able to have these service dogs.


    Maybe the cyst was a blood blister----I remember my dog had a big blood blister, on her ear----I guess a vein in her ear broke but it also went away before it was lanced.:D

  9. Just saying hello to all of you. Have been busy but try to read the notes at least every other day.


    Roz have a great cruise with Horty.


    I am so excited to meet Wex and his family.:D My really first, up front and in person with a service animal. I think that is so great that you have those animals to help you.


    I didn't read the RCL board but some people are terrible for what they say. They should take a walk in someones elses shoes before they open their mouth.


    Weekend coming up, so everyone enjoy it.



  10. We had an interesting thing happen the other night. We went to the Olive Garden for dinner. Orson was laying down next to me on one side of the table and Ocho was under the table between my wife & daughter on the other side of the table. There was an older woman sitting by herself behind us. After she paid her check she walked up to my wife and asked her if we were raising the puppy. My wife told her we were CCI puppy raisers and the dog next to me was our daughter's service dog. She then dropped 5 twenty dollar bills on the table saying we were doing something wonderful and she was paying for our dinner. I told her there was no reason for her to do that. She wasn't taking no for an answer. I then told her the only way I would take her money was if she allowed me to donate it to CCI. She said that was fine and walked away. When the server came over I asked him if she knew the woman so maybe I could get her name. He said she told him she lived in Florida and was up visiting for the week. We told him what she did and he said she was

    pretty generous with him too.


    So nice that good people are still out there. I had this happen to me on a train one time. A pastor paid for the dinner of the other three people sitting at his table. I try to do the same thing, if I have the chance.

  11. Amazing, I, too, wish you could make them bigger for us to enjoy!


    If you want to send me an e mail----posted to the right of my name at Yahoo-----I will try to get them on the e mail to you. This is just a hobby of mine but I love it.


    Cindy----if you want to do an e mail, I will try to send them to you also. Just write paintings in the subject, so I don't delete :p



  12. Happy Birthdat Roz-----have a great day.


    Hi everyone-----have been busy with my painting---show is coming up soon. If I put it in correctly, you might be able to see it in my signature. :confused:


    Hope everyone had a great week and a better weekend. We have had some much needed rain here in the last few days.


    arhillbilly thanks for sharing--very nice.


    Nancy----hope you are having a better day today. And a speedy recovery to your husband. Sounds like he is on the right road. My husband stopped smoking about 4 yrs ago and still wants one. :eek:

  13. I'm home today, had some oral surgery on Tuesday and took today off as well.


    Cindy, do you really think I'll have no one to talk to, really! ;)


    But, the thought of having the cabin and bathroom all to myself can be very enticing!




    Hope you are feeling better Roz. I am sure you will have a great cruise and with Horton with you, I am sure you will have lots of people to talk to.

  14. Hi Cindy,







    Oh Trudy how awful. A woman in here has been having a terrible time with vertigo(don't know what kind). She is now using a walker to hold herself up. So glad you are feeling better.


    I'm so glad you will be joining us for the tour.:D I hope your hubby doesn't mind you going. I think the tour starts at 9am. So we will probably be back for lunch on the ship. Don't quote me but I think it will be around 60.00 a piece. I don't need any money now. There is a down payment of 60.00 and the other woman has a check in the mail to me for half. We will worry about money when we get there.



    Looks like the "quote" is not working.



    DH doesn't mind me going at all, he is rather glad that I am going. I usually don't go without him but he usually goes to please me. He just has a hard time with the walking and then the breathing thing, so he is happy that I am going with you and he doesn't have to go. What company are we touring with? I am excited about going.


    I keep wanting to ask, How old is your son? Glad that he is able to get that fishing in.


    Is your husband feeling OK now? My sister came down with the same thing this past week. A first time for her, I have had it for over 10 years.


    Well, I better get some things done. Have a good weekend.



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