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Everything posted by cgolf1

  1. Our next trip will be interesting as the Connie I believe was less than 20%. Not sure what I will do not being able to get a poolside lounger whenever we want🤣
  2. I think I get what your saying, but overall the boards have been very helpful, especially with the Connie cruise with people finding out our potential passenger count when they were on the trip before ours.
  3. From reading this that might be, especially if they are no longer holding back rooms. Last February while Connie didn’t look anywhere near full when we mock booked before hand, but it looked like a lot more than the upper 500s that were onboard.
  4. Maybe I have had bad prime ribs over the years, but the have all been pretty flavorless, especially the ones on Disney cruises to the point I no longer try them. Going to a supper club around home, a ribeye with just a little salt is amazing.
  5. I would agree as a sandwich meat though, it works really well.
  6. Sign me up regardless of the name, this is one of my favorites. My line is drawn at insects, I can handle eating a snail but not an insect. It might have more to do with the garlic and butter, which really livens up the gluten free bread they provide. To the thread topic, the prime rib is a hard pass for me though since is all about the seasoning like a filet. I know I am in the minority on those two cuts of meat but I am a ribeye, T-bone, or porterhouse kind of guy.
  7. We have some family that aren't on CC looking at move up bids for their cruises and oddly are seeing opportunities to bid on categories that are showing as sold out. To top it off some of those are even being listed as a 30% discounted bid price. So are they still holding back rooms so that they don't sail at 100% capacity or are they letting people bid on rooms that aren't available? It does seem like the highest category available though is Aqua class which is showing as sold out.
  8. Following along. We were onboard Connie last February as our first true Celebrity cruise, non E class, and absolutely loved the ship. Hope you have a wonderful trip.
  9. That is really cool. Really excited about this. This kind of thing is very interesting to me.
  10. We finally booked this on the Edge and was wondering if I could take my good camera? Wasn’t sure due to security concerns. Getting some pictures from the bridge would be really cool.
  11. If they want to cut costs, I would think they would go with more seasoned food like Indian and Cajun food. With all the seasoning you could go with a lesser quality ingredients few would notice. Jambalaya is my go to dish, but I really need to cruise out of Nola to get some good food. The midwest is rather bland and boring food wise.
  12. We sail insides by choice, but I wonder if how much you pay for your room changes your perspective on the food quality and of course other stuff as well? We will likely be fine with the food options on our next trip, but if we did a different room and instead of paying under 200 a night per person it was over 500 per night I am guessing our expectations may change. I don't know if that is fair or not but since we bargain shop, currently pretty much X, maybe our expectations are too low and we shouldn't let things slide that we do. We are just happy to see the ocean go by. Also before anyone takes this the wrong way, this is not saying this is what happens. It is a question for all.
  13. Thanks, when we were on the Edge when it first came out, I asked and they said it wasn't. I will have that as a backup now. No clue why they told me it wasn't GF, might have been a staff that wasn't sure so they said no to be safe, annoying but would rather them be cautious.
  14. Curious what you find out. If I remember the Mast grill is also not an option for us either which is a bummer. I am guessing they must cook something with gluten on the grill, because I have never seen a burger that isn't gluten free. Even going back to our Disney days we really don't like paying for the upcharge dining.
  15. Thank you for the update. Reading through that and being on a gluten free diet, my thoughts are it may be a challenge for me to get a decent meal in the buffet. They should still be able to make the GF pizza worst case. Our second night is one without an MDR reservation, we will likely try to make one for the second night when we got to our chosen time the first night.
  16. 100 percent agree as my work does it yearly to get the answers they want us to give.
  17. As far as the research goes, I wonder how different the opinions of standard cruisers compared to many of us on here that cruise a lot and will move around once a line doesn’t meet our expectations? Guessing cruise critic is a small percentage of their cruisers, but I feel most of us are better informed and have higher expectations.
  18. Obviously it would never happen, but I wouldn't mind it and then go and eat on the Magic Carpet one or two nights I don't feel like a sit down meal.
  19. We will be on the edge soon, and it will be interesting because on 3 nights we couldn’t get a reservation for the time we need to eat so we will need to check out the OVC on another night to see if it is ok for us. Then decide if we need to get a mdr time if it isn’t. I am gluten free so a limited buffet could be a challenge. We have a Galapagos booked and a 2025 cruise booked and both were at prices we were ok with, we sail insides by choice. We have very basic needs so nothing is scaring me away yet, but we did leave Disney because of price concerns and they took away stuff we enjoyed, so I empathize with folks that are losing things they enjoy and don’t blame them for moving to another line.
  20. Here I thought the forum was getting stale and no topics were showing up that impacted my cruising. Last time I will think that with all that is happening now, so I suppose it is all my fault 😉
  21. Last February on the Constellation the Indian food was amazing in the buffet. I think the Lamb Curry may have been the best bite of food I have had on a cruise ship. Hoping for the best this year on the Edge. Will be a lot more people than the slightly less than 600 on the Constellation.
  22. This is where I think the 4 dining rooms help out instead of just the one, more options and not one dining room that everyone goes to and is getting in line. The only bummer is we don't remember which one we liked the best.
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