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Everything posted by notamermaid

  1. Maxau gauge has finally fallen below official flooding status, that important threshold is marked by a blinking letter H on the Baden-Württemberg map and is now off. The only H left on that map is at Wertheim on the Main. We will see the level rise at Maxau again when more rain sets in but that is for next year and for river cruising already out of season (and interest). Emmerich at the border to the Netherlands will fall below flood mark I tomorrow and hopefully when the Lippe has discharged its high volume as well as minor other rivers in the larger tripoint region (Belgium/Netherlands/Germany), the Netherlands will see better conditions, especially along the Ijssel, again. I see that the gauge at Deventer there has already lost a few centimetres. Soon it will be time to look back at December and wrap up the year. As I have hinted at in my post about Worms it was an unusual Christmas market season. notamermaid
  2. Continued good news from Bavaria. The rivers have discharged their high volumes of water to a great extent by now, the Danube is coping well and the levels continue to fall. Pfelling gauge is at 560cm and Passau gauge is at 622cm. Good news for the New Year's Eve festive cruises. I hope all can now sail and people have a great time. notamermaid
  3. Authorities and newspapers have been saying that these levels have been unusual and they certainly have. I had a look at this for the Rhine and posted a graph for Worms. So I wondered how this year, meaning this late autumn and winter ranks on the Danube. I have had a look at annual graphs for Passau and yes this year has been exceptional. If you are disillusioned about Christmas market cruises going as planned do not be. Almost all years have been more favourable over a thirty year period. Sorry, this does of course not help you if you were hit by the weather this year. With a bit more time I will compile the graphs to prove my statement. notamermaid
  4. The more difficult navigation in these high water levels contributed to an accident at Speyer. A river cruise ship tried to dock. The docking did not go well and the ship hit a so-called dolphin at a pier. There is considerable damage to the ship but no one was injured. The name of the ship has not been disclosed. https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/117719/5681361 notamermaid
  5. I would shy away from the Paris to Prague one as to get to Trier you need a whole day's coach ride from Paris in which they include Reims according to the brochure - which is a great city - making it a long journey. At the end you have another, not quite so long, coach ride to Prague. Berlin to Prague is basically the same idea: international flight hub with overwhelmingly big city which you can only scratch the surface of and then have a river cruise in between. Mind you, Prague is fabulous. I just cannot rank these, partly because I do not like Viking and would never sail with them. For me as regards feel, towns and river landscape I would go for Budapest to Regensburg. But if I could book the river cruise without the coach extensions (which are part of the actual itinerary in this case) I would go for Paris (Trier port) to Prague (Regensburg? port). I agree. Look at the cities on the internet. Perhaps also think about the culture and language you want to experience. For me, little can top the "home of the Christmas tree" that is Alsace. @Pushka experienced the extremes of weather this year and the major disruptions coming with it. It is something you really need to be aware of when you decide on your cruise, Escaper. It is unlikely to happen to you but it can. notamermaid
  6. Yes, the flooding is now in the Middle to Lower Danube. You can follow along for Hungary here: https://www.pannonris.hu/en/waterway/vizallas notamermaid
  7. I think it has been briefly mentioned before, the Debussy is coming next year. Here are a few details: https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/tour-operators/riverside-luxury-cruises-to-launch-third-ship-in-march notamermaid
  8. If you are new to the topic of river levels on the Rhine you may wonder if this type of flooding is normal, especially at this time of year, I mean November and December. It is normal to more unusual, it was an occurrence of every two to five years to nearly every ten years, depending on gauge. What is certainly unusual is the time of year. We do get high volumes of water after downpours and flooding can happen even in summer to a small scale but mostly it is a late winter/early spring occurrence. Here is the graph for Worms that shows 2023 in context of a period of forty years (1981 to 2021): Blue is 2023, red is the maximums, green is the means, black is the lows. You can see the spike in November from which the river could not recover enough and the continued bad weather in December caused the graph to exceed on a couple of days what had been recorded in the forty year period. notamermaid
  9. Passau is doing much better. Level now at 654cm. By tomorrow lunchtime sailing should be a lot easier. notamermaid
  10. This is "mid-range" as regards water levels, but it was a cold day instead with the snow that had fallen a couple of days prior still on the ground. End of December 2014, a grey day and photo taken from the train: This year instead we got all the rain, virtually no snow in the valley (apart from a few minutes on one day (sort of)) and too warm temperatures that led to flooding. notamermaid
  11. Netherlands rivers update: https://nltimes.nl/2023/12/28/concern-record-high-water-levels-netherlands notamermaid
  12. A tanker got stuck on the weir at Mainz-Kostheim last night. That is the lock on the Main close to the confluence which has the ingenious design of a weir that allows ships to use it in flooding, i.e. when the river is high they can use it in addition to the lock. Do not ask me how that works... Something went wrong and the tanker got caught at a construction at the weir. River traffic was halted overnight: https://www.hessenschau.de/panorama/schiff-auf-main-verkeilt---schleuse-kostheim-bis-mittag-gesperrt--v1,schleuse-kostheim-gesperrt-100.html River traffic is now flowing again. Würzburg is still on level two flood warning, 421cm now, but going down well. It should get to level one during the evening. notamermaid
  13. The Upper Rhine valley is staying okay. Maxau gauge is still expected to fall below official flooding status and remain there until the beginning of the year. The river remains fairly high though. With the next weather pattern that will bring much rain we can anticipate a rise but for now that does not look too significant (time frame 3-5 January). Emmerich gauge, the last one in Germany before the Netherlands, has peaked. So the German Rhine will soon be "out of the woods". The situation in other parts of Germany remains more critical. The Maas (Meuse) river by the way is also elevated but thankfully is not flooding as much as other rivers. It contributes to the flooding in the Netherlands. If the large Maas was carrying even more water the Netherlands would have an even bigger problem. notamermaid
  14. To something completely different, to get away from river levels for a moment. Snow globes. Apart from the odd one appearing over centuries, the original modern snow globe with patented design comes from Vienna: https://www.dw.com/en/a-snow-flurry-on-demand-the-viennese-snow-globe/video-60589063 notamermaid
  15. The Moselle rose again due to heavy rain but did not see the problems the other rivers did or are seeing now. The level at Trier is now already back down to 527cm. notamermaid
  16. It has been a very wet Christmas in Germany and quite frankly for some people it has not been a festive time that they could enjoy to the full. There have even been evacuations on Christmas Day. Some info and footage. From Germany in general:https://www.dw.com/en/a-very-wet-holiday-season-in-germany/g-67823684 The dikes in parts of Germany and in the Netherlands need to be checked and secured: https://apnews.com/article/europe-rain-floods-germany-netherlands-80b755ee38cebd8ce472e3ededbc6205 Reservoirs are filled to the brim and need to carefully relieved of their water, but rivers are struggling to cope with that. Along the Rhine the situation is improving now as far down as Duisburg so helpers with heavy technical equipment have been sent to Lower Saxony from the Rhine. This was the Lahn river at Lahnstein (near Koblenz) with Lahneck Castle on Christmas Day. Spot the Amawaterways river cruise ship briefly caught on camera: https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/rheinland-pfalz/hochwasser-lahn-lahnstein-rhein-100.html With the Danube and the Elbe also flooding I must admit that this Christmas market season cruises and the festive days sailings, which includes the short New Year's Eve cruises, have been much disrupted and we have seen better years as regards that. But I hear worse news from Australia. Stay safe there, folks. notamermaid
  17. The situation has dramatically worsened along the Elbe. Much water is also carried by the Vltava. News from Prague: https://praguemorning.cz/prague-closes-gates-on-certovka-and-embankments-due-to-flood-threat/ Dresden gauge is showing very high levels, current figure is 588cm, the peak is expected on the 29th: notamermaid
  18. In my link above to the Austrian authorities' website I see that the situation in Austria has improved and the river is free for traffic again. Over at Passau the situation has improved, too, but the river is still too high: 705cm. notamermaid
  19. Report from the Netherlands about the Ijssel river: https://nltimes.nl/2023/12/27/deventer-bracing-high-water-ijssel-river-will-tense notamermaid
  20. One can see the volume of water of the Main rushing through Würzburg right now. It is very high. In the menu you can choose the archived short videos of previous days. The difference becomes clear: https://www.feratel.com/webcams/deutschland/wuerzburg-hotel-alter-kranen.html The highest level for river traffic is 340cm: The level now is 455cm. notamermaid
  21. That is admirable. My organizational skills for travel have gone done dramatically in the last three years. I think I have not even left my country this year, although the nearest foreign soil is only a three hour drive away. Been to the river. It is very high and always when people have time off work a "tourist attraction". notamermaid
  22. Cologne gauge peaked indeed at 808cm. All that water is still on its way to the Netherlands of course and we see the strongly elevated levels reflected on the map with the Dutch gauges now partly showing up in orange. It is mostly the Ijssel: notamermaid
  23. The level at Cologne had been stable for a few hours but now I see the tiniest reduction in figures. Tentatively I would say that the peak was at 808cm and the level is now falling. Further upstream, Maxau gauge has gone down to 694cm. It looks as if the level will fall further and leave official flooding status and not return there this year. The Lower Rhine has the Ruhr (which is very high) and the Lippe (which is flooding) as tributaries of note but the high volumes there will most likely not cause major problems for river traffic. The Lower Rhine is very high but looks to be able to cope. All stations are on navigational flood mark I but are forecast to stay well under navigational flood mark II. notamermaid
  24. Need to get some fresh air after yesterday's sherry and red wine, so I am off to do "Hochwasser gugge", that is I will join the hundreds of other people going for a walk and checking the Rhine river level. I anxiously checked the reports to see if I should take a bucket to get water out of the river so that ural guy can sail on, but it is now not necessary. 🙂 Talk to you later. notamermaid
  25. Much of the high level of the Rhine in the Middle Rhine valley is due to the Main having to take the water from its tributaries in really large amounts right now and discharging it into the Rhine when that river is already high from what had come in the past 48 hours from the Upper Rhine. The Lahn river near Koblenz which you can see coming from the right in the map is also high. The flooding in colours: The red dot at Bamberg is the Upper Main which you cannot sail, you take the right fork when sailing upstream into the Main Danube Canal to get to Nuremberg. notamermaid
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