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Everything posted by NHProud

  1. Thank you , Dani . I’m also happy to learn that your hubby is showing improvement. After only 6 days after surgery Steve was in the kitchen cooking spareribs, potatoes and corn and it was only after loud protests from me did he sit down. I told on him and he was scolded by the physical therapist. PT is coming today for the 5th house visit and then 1 more home visit then outpatient.
  2. Graham , I’m sorry to “ hear “ your latest news of your office visit . My husband wasn’t hesitant about getting his knees replaced and I’m glad he did it sooner than later . Both of us are not getting any younger . He is doing very well thanks to his brilliant surgeon . The staff of 7 who attended him sent him a nice greeting card wishing him a speedy recovery. Nice gesture from a large hospital. Wishing you well !
  3. @dani negreanu Good news , Dani about your husband. Looks delicious and I agree with you about the missing ingredient. I hope , you can now reschedule your trip to Marrakech and Madrid. @lenquixote66 There is news coming out of the Michael J Fox foundation about the discovery of a new chromosome marker for PD that will lead to improved treatment and care .Webinar on Thursday at 12:00 PM ET .
  4. @Sea Dog A little something to toast King Charles on his coronation day . My niece works in marketing for this company so maybe a discount.
  5. Yes , it was a total knee replacement. The surgery took 1 1/2 hours and it was performed manually. This orthopedic surgeon is great at what he does . For @h20skibum It wasn’t laparoscopic. Not enough credit is given to caregivers. That’s my opinion! Thank you to @dani negreanu .
  6. He was given M.A.C.( Monitored Anesthesia Care) including a medication called Versed . He was also given a knee bloc and they mentioned an injection in his back . He didn’t have pain with the 1st knee . We hope it is the same this time, too . We live one mile from the hospital so no travel time home .
  7. Thank you ! It was really quick . He was wheeled into surgery at 11:15 AM and we were home at 3:00 PM . Problem is he won’t listen to me . At 4:00 his nose was in the fridge planning dinner.
  8. @Ozark_KidSending prayers your way. Keep a positive mindset . We are your sounding board , here. I’m in the hospital waiting room and will be joining my husband in the recovery room after his knee replacement surgery . Everything went well ! Thank you for your kind words.
  9. @jagsfan So sorry this happened to you and ruined most of your weekend. I have an appointment tomorrow to transfer the data from my iPhone to my new iPad . I , too , am not a computer genius but learned from your post what to avoid . Best Buy has sent me e-mails on what to do before my appointment and one thing is to store the contents on iCloud and they included a link . I would have been clueless, otherwise. I know about restore to factory setting and that is what I did when I passed on my phone to my daughter. Again , so sorry about the loss of your brother’s voicemail.
  10. We don’t have to file our taxes , federal and state , until October in California because of the impact the rain had on our state . Congratulations , Sue , on your casino winnings ! I’m just wondering if RCG gives you an end of the year statement on your winnings for tax purposes. You must keep a record of your losses , too. There are 8 casinos on Native American reservations within a 40 mile radius of my home and 3 had shuttles one of which used to pick-up 1/2 mile away. There aren’t any shuttles operating now because of Covid and all but one has eliminated their buffets. I used to go regularly and my hubby always asked how much did you win ? Never how much did you lose which would have been not so good to report. There’s a saying that the house always wins in the end . Do you have to report your comped cruises as income?
  11. It has been that way for a long time . The first time I visited Israel we couldn’t visit the Mount of Olives . In Bethlehem we were told to not wander off and just go to the church of the Nativity and back to the bus.
  12. It is not your usual tourist dining spot . How many tourists dine there ? It is probably closed to the public now.
  13. Were you ever able to enter the Chrysler building? I tried once but was turned away after entering the lobby ! I guess the most unusual place I’ve been to in NYC is the dining room at the UN . At Easter , I remember my travels to Jerusalem and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Happy Easter to those who celebrate .
  14. You want to be fit to fully enjoy cruising and of course your activities at home . Someone once told me about cataract surgery which I was putting off that it was inevitable and should get it done because I wasn’t getting any younger . Good luck with whatever you decide.
  15. That is sad that your husband was in so much pain and your doc was unavailable. I’m so very sorry for him and for you . You were looking forward to your trip and had to cancel. My husband started taking Omeprazole yesterday in advance of his 2nd knee replacement on Tuesday . He has no qualms about getting it done . He had a much easier time than @Sea Dog . After hearing the latest news from Israel be safe and take care !
  16. I don’t think Caesar’s is a MGM property . The Bellagio is and Andrew may want to check that out . Of course, Google could be wrong.
  17. Very nice ! The food at the Michael Mina restaurant at the Bellagio is delicious. We took my hubby’s employer and his wife to dinner there . It was very good but quite expensive.
  18. Sea RN only because it has a slight connection to see your medical professional. I’m not going to comment on Kramer’s license plate on Seinfeld. Wishing you and your new found family many happy times , together. So very happy for you and your dad .
  19. Do you mean Caitlin Clark ? Admittedly tonight’s game was not all that interesting since we lost . And , there were lots of foul shots . What is more interesting is your conflict with MM on your roll call .
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