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Posts posted by lighthousemom

  1. 22 minutes ago, skiiergirl said:

    Thank you so much! This is great! Who knew you had to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to work CC. 😀

    I have followed your instructions exactly.....so now we shall see how it works for me!

    Thank you again for your efforts and sharing!!!!

    I wouldn't quite say I'm a rocket scientist, just a frustrated CC user who spent more time than I should have trying to figure out how this works! You may need to tweak some of the selections to make it work the way you want it to, but at least you'll be able to see all your threads in one place with the unread posts highlighted. :classic_smile:

  2. 20 minutes ago, Globaliser said:


    Thank you. Unfortunately, unless I've missed something I don't think there's anything in there that will change the order of threads displayed on "Manage Followed Content". All of what I have so far found seems to be pushing everyone to learning how to personalise the Activity Streams instead.

    True, but under Manage Followed Content, once you have made all the selections as to how you want to be notified and saved it, you never need to go back to that page. Just bookmark your activity stream and it will be in the order you're used to.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Been There, Planning That said:

    It's the Amsterdam HAL roll call.


    Aug 26-Sept 9, 2019 Seattle Anchorage Round Trip - Great Alaskan Explorer cruise


    It appears about a third of the way down.  There are now just three subscribers.  It was never an overly active thread of probably a dozen or so following and posting.  Mine was the last post.


    I suspect you have skills I've never acquired or even know I needed.  Thanks



    Well, at least you found it! It just appears to be a very slow Roll Call. Sometimes they're just like that. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful cruise anyway!

  4. 1 hour ago, Stumblefoot said:

    The big negative for how I used the site previously is the fact that we now only have one option to navigate unread topics, i.e. "Next".  As someone who prefers to read unread topics from oldest to newest, I greatly miss the "Previous" option at the bottom of the thread being read.  I hope they will return it, because it stinks to have to return all the way out of the thread viewer back to the topic menu in order to select the next oldest unread topic.

    Under this thread, on the right, there's a place that says NEXT UNREAD TOPIC. Is that what you're looking for? If not, read the document I attached in post 18. 

  5. 49 minutes ago, Been There, Planning That said:

    Thank you for incredibly clear instructions, lighthouse mum,  which I followed faithfully, step by step.


    I suspect the Amsterdam roll call is still under revision/construction.  Some threads have pale blue numbers showing while the majority do not.  And my thread of interest is one of the 'do not' ones.  


    I'd like to see those earlier threads all posted within this year.


    I've printed your instructions which might work at a later point.



    Which thread are you looking for? Maybe I can find it!

  6. I always had a list of my threads bookmarked, and the ones with unread messages were at the top in bold. Had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to get to that place with the new boards. So to save you time……

    1. Log in to Cruise Critic (duh)

    First of all, figure out how you want your notifications. I don’t like getting emails telling me when someone posts, and now you can also have something popup to tell you when someone posts. No thanks!

    2. On the right, you’ll see a bell, an envelope and your user name

    3. Click on the bell and a new sub-menu will open.  Click on Notification Settings and a new window will open up.

             Under Automatically follow content, I checked off both Automatically follow new content I post, and Automatically follow content I reply to.

             Under Method to use for content I follow automatically, I checked off do not send me notifications.

             Under Notification preferences, I checked off Show popup window when I receive a new personal message.

             Save your selections.

    AFTER you click on Save, scroll down and there are a whole bunch of other selections to be made about receiving notifications or email. Seems like doing everything twice, but I still went ahead and turned everything OFF. Then there’s another Save button to hit!

    4. The envelope icon is for messaging and is not yet working.

    5. Click on your user name and a new sub-menu will open. Click on Manage Followed Content and a new window will open up.

             You can set your preferences for how often you want to be notified by email of new posts (like the old CC) either individually or all of them at once. 

             Under Filter By, I checked All.

             Then I clicked on the little box, and I selected No Notifications.

    Easy, right? Wrong! Here comes the hard part, and I don’t know why they did this, but here goes:

    1. On the left, you’ll see Forums    Gallery     Activity

             hover over Activity and a new sub-menu will open

    2. Click on My Activity Streams and another sub-menu will open

    3. At the bottom of the menu, Click on Create New Stream

    4. Name your stream - I named mine Like Old Cruise Critic

    5. On the right is a blue box that says Sorting. I picked newest activity first so threads with new activity will be at the top.

    Now there are a whole bunch of choices you need to make. This is what I did:

             Show Me:   content items only

             Read Status:       Everything

             Following:  Only Content I Follow, and then from the little settings box to the right of that, I selected Content in areas I follow AND Content items I follow

             Clicking Unread Items:Take me to the first unread comment

             Ownership:         Everything

             Time Period:       Any time

             Content Type:     All Content

             Default View:       Condensed

             Now hit Save Changes

    You should have a pretty, new list of all the threads you are subscribed to!

    You will notice a blue dot or a blue star next to the title of some of the threads. 

             For threads you have already posted in there should be a star. It will be blue if there are any new post since your last visit.

             For threads you've read  but not posted in you will see a dot instead of a star. Again if it is blue there are new post since your last visit.

             By clicking on either the blue dot or the blue star, it should take you to the last unread post.

             If the star next to a thread title is gray, not blue, this means that you posted and nobody else has posted after you.

    Now bookmark this page! 

    If you used a Mac and want to add an icon to the home screen of your phone or ipad, on your device go to Bookmarks and open up the CC page. At the bottom of the page, there is a little box with an arrow pointing up out of it. Click on that, and then at the bottom swipe to the left until you see Add to Home Screen. Click on that, and voila! You now have a shortcut to get to CC.

    Hope this helped!


  7. 9 hours ago, Globaliser said:


    I can't see the blue dots on this page: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/followed/?type=forums_topic&change_section=1

    I can see them elsewhere, but that would be a really useful place to have blue dots.

    I made the same mistake in thinking that I needed to go to Managed Content to see all my threads. It's actually in Activity Stream, and requires setting up in a way particular to you. If you send an email to lighthousemom at gmx dot com, I will send you detailed, step-by-step instructions for how to do this.

  8. 1 hour ago, Globaliser said:


    It's actually worse than that. The order of threads is the order in which you last "began" to follow the thread, and every time that you change a follow or notification preference for that thread, it counts as a new following and bumps the thread to the top of the list.

    Send me an email at lighthousemom at gmx dot com. I'll send you detailed, step-by-step instructions of how to do this.

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