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Posts posted by roudy1

  1. Barb...welcome back from your cruise sounds like it was great...Jim and I want to try X sometime in the future and are looking at them for our anniversary cruise in 2013...will try to squeeze one in before if we can.

    Thanks for sharing your cruise with us.


  2. ...these boards get so weird after 11p...but I guess they need to slow them down for maintenance.

    Took a nap after shopping...I forgot it is the first of the month and just before Easter...so stores were kind of crowded...and then my DDs wanted to go to Ross's and that place was really crowded :eek:...I don't go there much...but might reconsider found a couple of cute summer tops...that were Jones of NY...one of my favs.

    Lisa bought two really cute purses there for her two DDs as an Easter basket...they are way too old for Easter baskets but she wanted to do it this year...so will load them up with some girly stuff and chocolate which she has already bought.

    Robin bought a top and two pair of shoes...she can wear anything and it looks good on her...the brat. ;)

    All in all we had a great time...love spending time with my girls.


  3. Jim likes his Mac too...and so do I but I only use it occasionally for simple things. He has also used the tech support a few times but he semms to be catching on pretty good...but then he has our nephew to pick his brain.


    I may buy a Mac when my computer goes out..tho' it is only three years old so still going strong.


    ...guys I am still trying to learn how to use my new cell phone and jim downloaded the user's guide...250 pages of it and took it to Kinkos who printed it and bound it...because he didn't want to use an entire ink cartridge to print it at home...was cheaper too...and he suprised me with it. :p Those little ten page "users quick tips" just doesn't cut it for someone like me. I do like the phone tho'.



  4. Hey Glenda...your cruise with DD will be so much fun...like Carol said especially nice with a first timer...will never ever forget our first cruise. =)

    ...and Glenda please feel free to copy and paste our Merry Mariner's cruise banner into your signature.


  5. Help! I am using our new Apple IMac for the first time! I haven't used an Apple product since our old Apple IIE. Our old Dell decided to commit suicide and our son talked DH into getting this IMac. I just need to get used to it...:eek:


    On another note - we crazy folks just booked the Mariner for a cruise departing two weeks after we return from Mexico on the Sea Princess. I just couldn't wait to see the Mariner for myself. :D



    and if you like it, will you be coming with our CA group on April 3 2011? hope so! tell Judy!!




    Nancy...do think about it...this will be a reunion cruise and you will definately fit in especially after you sail on her...then you would be officially a reunion cruiser. =)



  6. Char- I just bought Notting Hill - your favorite too - I have never seen that movie but I love all the songs - I have the soundtrack and listen to the music all the time. carol


    Jim and I both LOVE that movie and have watched it many times...what we like most is the quirky friendship and loyalty of the group. Hope you and Narce like it.


    I don't remember if we have the soundtrack but the music is great...will have to check my huge collection and see if I have it.



  7. Love Sandra Bullock - one of my favorite movies with her in it is an oldie :


    Hope Floats.....where she goes back to live with her Mom after separating with her husband who was messing around with her best friend. And Sandra has a young daughter who doesn't like living in the country with Grandma, etc.




    I LOVE Hope Floats one of my all time favorites we have it and the CD. Another one I like is even older than that it is While You Were Sleeping...have that one too.

    But Hope Floats is my FAV.


  8. Hey Nor California Friends...

    I guess Frank is packing fo rhis cruise...sure wish I was.

    Been quiet here on the boards today...our DD came by this afternoon and we had a nice visit...she brought their movie The Blind Side so we watched that tonight. Really enjoyed it.


  9. Woohoo! Just booked a 2011 Baltic cruise on the Emerald Princess. Princesses 2011 Europe bookings just opened. I started a roll call. :D Hope this is not too early.


    Congratulations Frank...you lucky guy and is awful nice of you to contribute so nicely to the economy...tho' not sure whidh one. :rolleyes:


  10. Hello friends...

    Frank...what a cute photo your little guy doesn't want you to go off and leave him. My cat Mocha use to sit in our suitcases when we would pack on our bed...we have since learned to pack in the guest room with the door shut.

    Carol...I believe this is the first time I have seen that cute photo. I will have to dig out the photo of Mocha we was still very young when I took it. Now he is an old guy of 9.


  11. Just watched Dancing With the Stars -- so/so... Pam Andersen was .... well, Pam....ha!ha! the judges were funny when they commented on her dancing.




    I saw that...and yep gonna be an interesting season. I made a prediction over at the "clubhouse".


  12. Beautiful day here too...love this time of year...then fall is my next favorite with the leaves changing and the long shadows.

    Nancy...confused???? well you will just fit right in here in Nor Cal thread...but you probably knew that already coming from the other Cal thread.


  13. Hi guys...today is "manana"...=)

    Been a busy morning...but a beautiful day...will be going out later for some fun in the sun...well sorta but anytime you are outside in this beautiful weather is "fun in the sun". =)

    Hope all are surviving their Monday...be back later.


  14. Probably same reason we are depressed --

    that pie sounds good - serve it to me with vanilla ice cream please -- oh - I guess I can give you a break from your bartending duties to pie server --


    I think we need more than once piece - to absorb all that happened this evening.

    You know what I mean............carol


    I am depressed won't get into it but you can guess.

    I should be having a drink but instead will be having a special pie and ice cream.

    We drove up north to this well known cafe-pie place if you are heading to or back from Flagstaff when we were going to the outlets the other side of Phx..

    Cherry crumb pie.

    It is Amazing Race and pie tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good week.



    YEP...a drink would be nice about now...but I will add chocolate/caramel with that pie if you don't mind. ;)




  15. Hello Fellow Cruising Friends!


    I don't know that we have a ritual but do like being one of the first on-board and of course have to eat at the WJ for lunch. We cannot wait until the cabins are available at 1 PM.


    Happy weekend Carol & Char!


    Janice...so happy that you found us here...a Nor Cal thread just would seem right without your smiling face.



  16. Hi Glenda and Nancy...happy that you found us and welcome. =)


    Looks like you both have your priorities set right. ;) Especially the adult beverage...and a good spot for sail away...I LOVE sail away. :D


    Way down here in Fresno we are the most southern part of Nor Cal...but we definately are listed as northern California...my happy day. =)



  17. We like to stop at the buffet first thing because we usually have had an early breakfast and need something by the time we board...carries us over to dinner. =)


    I like the cherry on the foo foos too and would take Jim's too but he usually has beer at sail away. :(



  18. Do you usually buy the drink that they parade around with? or you have your own favorite 'flavor' ? I always order my usual lava flow - 1/2 strawberry colada and 1/2 pina colada -


    then dance somemore!! carol


    I usually get the drink of the day unless it is something too sweet or I might not like...then I order another foo foo drink...has to be a foo foo doesn't matter what kind. :D


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