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Everything posted by Biker19

  1. It's been FDA approved but the throughput still too low for that kind of volume: FDA Authorizes First COVID-19 Breathalyzer Test (verywellhealth.com)
  2. To be fair, there are very few, if any, TA sites on which you could that.
  3. The prices RCI charges may have little to do with costs - they will charge whatever folks are willing to pay, which recently seems to much more than pre-COVID.
  4. You can see them in the background in this video - I think they are mirrored on the starboard side as well:
  5. I have a feeling RCI would be paying a lot more than that. Also if you saw the pic of the install on Freedom, they have at least 10 antennae installed, so that is no simple business solution.
  6. This is where things went off the rails - moving to a new category (to accommodate more guests in a cabin) or adding a person to an existing cabin should have been very simple. When things don't seem right, either get some feedback here or call back.
  7. You could cut out a few layers and email directly to CEO Bayley - mbayley@rccl.com Biker, who is waiting for the usual reply to this.
  8. Many ships having 50+% first time cruisers was routine pre COVID - I guess this is getting back to normal. Also, Alaska runs don't usually attract many repeat cruisers.
  9. The friends and family flier was updated a couple of weeks ago - it seems to have gotten much shorter: Microsoft Word - 13032574_Travel_Agent_Friends_Family_Rates.docx (rccl.com)
  10. Yea and yes. Set up Wi-Fi calling now and practice at home. For coverage in Europe, look at options with your carrier.
  11. Needed to satisfy the PVSA requirement, not your enjoyment of the port.
  12. What some script reading RCI CSR tells you and what happens in real life could be quite different.
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