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Everything posted by uktog

  1. I saw that, they are interesting itineraries (though do not align to our availability) I am wondering why the dry dock was cancelled. I can think of a number of reasons, some good, some not so. As Quest was the first ship out of Glasgow after Covid they must be due a dry dock the soonest
  2. The picture was posted to give context as to what guests experienced a year ago and to explain why many reviews at that time were not positive. I am aware that there have been improvements but there were also comments made in recent threads, perhaps by the rose tinted glasses brigade, that there were no problems last year which are patently not correct. Azamara still face some challenges, perhaps some more than other lines given their IT issues, but I am glad that they are being reported as turning the corner. In answer to the original question - no - if the question was nice I would say yes, nicest - way too subjective. For us its a no primarily because of the loss of public space with the removal of the library. That will not bother others.
  3. doh - still getting over my covid and flu vaccine (knocked for six but I am told that is a good reaction) Yes my cupboard photo is Onward
  4. I thought Ryzard oversaw the Pursuit refurbishment. Tony was certainly on the inaugural Pursuit cruises as Cruise Director looking after entertainment but I think Ryzard did all the "heavy lifting" on the hotel side. I wonder how much of the Onward issues in the first few months he would have been able to "kill" or were there too many. I found our embarkation photos from Pursuit in November - they told a story of how much work was in progress. It wasnt only physical issues it was the crew training. For a stateroom attendant to say this room was ready for a guest was unbelievable - and for them to tell the guest when we highlighted on first meeting them the previous guest had noticed this......(eh didnt the attendant??) I can almost forgive the hardware issues, but the training ones were significant. I know a team from Miami came on in the late Autumn to address staff issues that they had not been able to crack onboard. I am guessing from some of the better reviews now around that they have succeeded to a greater or lesser extent.
  5. It’s the same as when you hand luggage over at the ship when embarking and disembarking it’s not handled by Viking employees but by organisations contracted by Viking to provide services. It’s just like on a flight baggage handling is outsourced to Swissport etc so take your valuables as hand luggage Looks like Viking have given you a far better resolution than other cruise lines have for their passengers in Venice
  6. As always post, those who have had an issue, are far more likely to post reviews than those who have had an incident free flight. So there is a distortion in the reviews. There have been some overall problems at airports such as flight traffic control issues and baggage handling. However, my own experience with BA both booked by Viking and on personal travel is that they are as good as any other airline and in relation to the flight, we had to be transferred to last year on American Airlines, they are far better than them. That experience was in premium economy and was one of the worst customer service examples on board the plane. As with all airlines there can be bad days, but I would be happy Viking was using them rather than some of the other carriers, and as it would seem you’re having a transfer Heathrow, I would be happier changing flights. there than one in Amsterdam, Paris of Frankfurt. Heathrow have just launched a brilliant turn by turn app to walk transfer passengers through their journey. If you’ve any doubts book assistance!
  7. Some might consider it nicest because it has the Atlas Bar replacing the Library - not a view I share. Im sure Onward was used because it was the newest but the loss of the library as a reception space is going to be a big issue as the Atlas Bar is smaller than the library. It was bad enough being “an ordinary punter” on three legs of the previous world cruise on a ship with the library and “exclusive areas for WC events” but I would be concerned at how often spaces get roped off for the WC guests (eg part of the living room or the back veranda) on Onward if I was booking a leg of the trip
  8. Looking forward to hearing how it is for you guys. I know you are also fair judges with no “influence” 😀 We STILL haven’t got any of our vouchers back that part paid for the 17/7 cancellation due to a much earlier June 2023 cancellation or any of the voucher recompense for the July debacle and the dispute rumbles on. We’ve kept our November booking but now we are a little hesitant about it but are very prepared to be convinced otherwise. However their shoreside deserves to be shot. Fingers crossed it works for you
  9. I dont think Cruise Critic has as much "influence" with guests on Viking. However, it was so easy to have conversations with others it made no difference for us. Because more people go on the included trips and Viking add on excursions (their prices are far more reasonable) the linking up for trips has not got the same traction on roll calls. However you meet people on the tours and afternoon tea is a very social event every day. There are very few set ups for 2 guests so it becomes a convivial time for a conversation. Its also short enough each day (under an hour) that if you get a "misconnection" its an easy move on at the end! Personally I wouldn't take on the setting up an event onboard, its not entirely straightforward from what i heard
  10. Usually we get our dry cleaning done on the ship but at these prices no we will be doing it at home pre/post cruise
  11. It does indeed have a laundry room on Deck 7 - enjoy
  12. How long do you have to stand around waiting for items to be cooked to order in the Emporium at night? Or do you get a little "flag" and the server brings it to you? Im not good at standing around when I am tired. I would like to eat there but maybe will have to stay in "served places" only
  13. Agree I’ve had great support from some of the regular sales people onboard and I’ve had appalling efforts from another (twice) but as you say I’m not going to name even the good ones to stop people filling the gaps to work out the bad. I would always advise do your research before you go onboard make sure you know the terms for booking in your country (onboard staff often only know USA) and don’t be afraid to challenge what you’re told. Also don’t fall for the high pressure techniques some use as Phil says they’re target driven and some behaviours can be focused to hitting their targets not doing what’s right for you. I’m one who backs away as soon as I sense pressure. The other thing book an appointment early in the cruise, it’s surprising how limited the availability of the Sales Manager is - it’s often 9-11 on port days when everyone is ashore and 5-8 but with a dinner break some evenings. Even during those advertised times they may be away from their desks for extended periods So, in summary, do your homework, check the facts and be organised. Do that and you should be fine regardless of whose onboard
  14. The loud mouth may also be a big tipper. We certainly noticed staff were far less empowered to tackle a range of issues than on other lines.
  15. They do, there are a lot of these niceties (eg senior staff biographies) which it’s not Viking policy to share. I suspect that might be a “deal breaker” for some - the most the captain will communicate is the standard position and temperature plus an outline forecast. The cruise director follows that announcement with very limited summary of upcoming events so audio communication is probably less than Azamara though their daily TV show is delivered more professionally. We got used to their more minimalist communications and it wouldn’t be a future concern - to us it’s just a different “culture” - so long as everything safety and health critical was communicated. The Cruise Director was very modest, much more modest than many we’ve sailed with across the years on all other lines. They also were very “neutral” about sights we would see - for example it was merely highlighted we would have an afternoon of cruising through the Prince Christian Sound - no spectacular unbelievable awesome outstanding…… all of which it was. Now the counter of this was some people who hadn’t done any homework didn’t focus on watching what was floating by them. We got to Iceland and one woman asked when would she see an iceberg or glaciers as she’d not seen one yet. Where was she this day!
  16. You will find they generally have a less open communication style and I think this is all part of it. Mind an alternative benefit of their more controlled communication is that you only have one piece of paper comes into your room at night, The Daily, and absolutely no marketing material other than the brochure that is left in your room at the start. To be honest, it was under something else on the lovely tray and we did not notice until the last day and tidying up!!
  17. Correct their sales model is restricted to a few agencies plus direct sales. I believe those agencies engaged have to work to very high standards and are not permitted to discount except in very controlled ways. Once published the very very rarely increase their prices though they have just done so and they do not run sales through agencies. I’m not sure that the very strict pricing control is something that I would want to see everywhere but I do think it’s to your big advantage that the cruise line requires agencies to work to very high standards. There is a better customer experience precruise (even before the IT meltdown) and often on these boards we read of problems which were actually the fault of the travel agent being identified. Maybe Azamara should set tighter standards and only deal with agencies who hit this higher bar.
  18. That’s no different from most lines. You put your luggage out the night before for assistance with handling
  19. I am sure they will offer it at a price. Better to set up on your own with one of the NY limo firms
  20. We also go to Mosaic in the morning before going anywhere for breakfast. The staff always say up in the Windows café there’s no need to do that and it’s the same coffee. I can’t get them to understand it’s not the coffee it’s how it’s made that is the difference - we are black coffee drinkers so are pretty sensitive to the taste.
  21. Interesting I’ve been party to or overheard several conversations which unfortunately were on the subject of fares paid and when surprise was expressed at a low price there was a comment which explained interline. I agree it should never be discussed but some folks just can’t resist it!
  22. I can see the attraction of that. I’m intrigued though because we met Swedes, Norwegian, Finns and lots of European guests (and Kiwis and Aussies) so it looks like some Scandinavians take the risk of booking by other routes. They do not publish or share the country or age profile by passenger, which, of course is always interesting. However, I have to say it was an extremely cosmopolitan mixed group of passengers on a cruise, not unlike an Azamara mix. . The one thing we did notice different, was there very very few people who openly indicated they were connected with the Travel trade or were picking up interline rates. which makes me wonder again about a different policy . Likewise, because of the early payment requirements for the USA and Canada there seem to be very few if any last-minute bookers and certainly no one even hinted they were on the cruise because they “got a good late deal”. People were very much there because it was a journey they wanted to do a lot of people were back to back going on from Iceland to Barcelona on the current voyage, which did look an attractive combination
  23. It is posted as the final section of the Almost Live from thread
  24. The champagne was Jacquard Brut - ok not top drawer but fine The rose was either a French Grenache wine from Provence which blind taste to the angel I am not sure you would spot who was who or a Spanish rioja based rose Marquis di Rascale (sp) Both were very enjoyable I did hear onboard a guest had brought a medical letter explaining she could not drink and they did allow the husband to buy a single package. Not sure if this is the start of a move to single buyers being allowed
  25. Well said, some of these workarounds could well be causing some of the issues. Like Phil I will leave it until just before I cruise with them again.
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