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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 2 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

    40s UK. I had all of that as school as you did. I had the 5 or 6 needle thing and the others. All done by the school nurse or family doctor and my medical records got updated as and when I suppose. That is probably all on paper at the doctors. They have probably put into computer  by now. I have no idea to how access any of it remotely. 


    Do you reside in Russia now?

  2. 2 hours ago, Bobsgonecoastal said:

    Funny X uses the term “Loyalty Program”.  I was always believed that loyalty was a two way street.  I feel so naive to learn in the modern corporate world, it’s now “heads I win, tails you lose”.  Yes, we have been foolishly loyal, but as they say, live and learn.  Now that E+ perks are all but worthless, there is no loss in sailing other cruise lines, and that’s a good thing.


    You speak to a loyalty in the future tense, I'm curious as to what you believe that X was not loyal to you on your cruises with them (past tense). Did they not deliver as promised? If so where did they fail? If they delivered, then your loyalty to one another has been fulfilled. 

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

    Russia Today. 


    How do we get this shot record it won't be inside of your body?. And like I have explained to you I have never needed to show it to anyone. I have never been asked for proof of vaccination ever in my life.


    I don't have an Iphone. I have pay as you go or prepaid or track phone in your terms. I will get a cheap second hand Iphone if we really need one. And what will they do in the countries who don't have good technology?


    Not sure of your country of origin or your age. But throughout my formative years here in the US, I've had the measles, the mumphs, and the chicken pox. Today one can get vaccinated for these. But as a child, I was vaccinated for Polio (sugar cube), andalso had what was called a 'booster' shot that formed a scab on where they injected you with 5 tiny needles. This required a immunization folio/chart. It was also required to present to school officials to enter schools. This was nationwide.  Tatoos & Chips are not needed. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, TiiiSailor said:

    Read in today's paper that Qantas airlines CEO Alan Joyce said once the vaccines are widely available, they'll be requiring travelers to show proof of immunization.  Wonder if this will spread to other airlines and cruise lines?


    I think it will. Some will not want to get vaccinated and they will be forced to if they wish to move forward in their lives and back to normalcy. Schools, Airlines, Cruiselines, Hotels, just to name a few will require proof of immunization. 

  5. 3 hours ago, gatour said:

    The problem is that not everyone will be able to get it day one.  It will probably take months.  Just because you got the shot, doesn't mean another person was able to get the shot at the same due to lack of supplies.  This is no fault of their own, so there will need to be some overlap, since they are not sure that once you have a shot you can't spread it to others.


    Well I'm not special and will not be at the head of any line to get vaccinated. I figure by the time I get it just about everyone will have had the opportunity to get it as well. I'm seeing people that are refusing to get it and/or waiting for others to be their 'guines pig'. I have no patience or sympathy for this behavoir. Once I get vacinnated I'm done w/ mask wearing for anyone else's protection and done w/ the whole social distancing protocal as well. Life will get better. Mine will anyway. Others can too if they want it. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 11/19/2020 at 3:18 PM, mugtech said:

    A 14 day cruise we were looking at in Asia in 2022 increased by $1,000 for an inside for two.  We don't drink alcohol, priced us out of that cruise, probably will never sail X if that is the result for other cruises.


    I don't believe the increase you post is a result of the changes in the Captain's Club. I believe it's the future cost of cruising in general in an effort to re-group and pay for a shut down. As an example, my 12 day July 30, 2021 British Isle Cruise on Celebrity is currently 114% higher than my May 1st booking.  I also believe you'll see increases in most if not all other carriers as well. 

    • Like 1
  7. We can always just blame or fault the rise of Covid in Europe on its political leaders like half of Americans do here in America. Then just call an end to the thread. But unfortunately that won't be the end of Rona. 


    Rona doesn't care about you, your thoughts, your social agenda, your religion, your income, your sex, and for the sake of this board & thread... your cruise. 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, mom says said:

    First if all, neither I or my husband would be so foolhardy as to cruise until the vaccine has been widely administered, including in our travel areas, and the pandemic has been controlled. However, should we completely lose our minds and cruise before that,  we would both be aware of the risk involved.  Part if that awareness includes accepting the possible consequences. It's a thing called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Something that is apparently a foreign concept to some. And no, we (or the surviving partner) would not be calling the nearest ambulance chaser, as long as the published protocols had been followed. Where I come from, we don't sue without cause. 


    too funny

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/19/2020 at 10:37 PM, mom says said:

    Did I miss something that said pax are legally forbidden from cancelling a cruise or changing to a later date? No one is forced to sail if they don't want to. 


    By now, everyone knows the risks of acquiring COVID, unless they live in a cave or are a complete moron. The cruise lines are going to be following the health guidelines set out by the CDC to minimize the COVID risk, but no reasonable person could assume there would be NO risk.. And YOU are responsible for deciding whether or not cruising outweighs the risks and the imposed limitations. The cruise line is not your Mommy. 


    So. Let's say you go on a cruise. Your spouse is infected & subsequently dies in a San Juan hospital. You followed the guidelines. You did your part of the deal. You weighed the risks/rewards along w/ the imposed restrictions. You good with that? You're going to be a big girl and not sue the cruiseline? You're not going to complain?  

  10. On 11/20/2020 at 2:26 AM, Miaminice said:


    You are neglecting 3 facts in your posts:

    1. It wasn´t a choice of the cruise line but part of the guidelines (not only in the US) and also requirements of the ports.


    2. This isn´t about just about protecting the customer but controlling them! They guides are responsible to see where people go, what they do, if they wear masks etc. It´s part of protecting the safer environment on the ship.

    BTW: we have done a cruise and excursions under the guidelines. They make sense it it wasn´t so bad at all. I prefer individual tours, but if that´s what it takes I can choose if I am OK with it or not.

    3. The current vaccines protect the vaccinated person from becoming ill with Covid not from being infectious. A vaccinated person can still spread the virus. Maybe you might still want to care about others?!


    Wow...you are soooo off base.


    1. It wasn´t a choice of the cruise line but part of the guidelines (not only in the US) and also requirements of the ports.


    It is a cruiseline choice! They have chosen to place you and I in danger of the virus by even offering the cruises. Get real. 


    2. This isn´t about just about protecting the customer but controlling them! They guides are responsible to see where people go, what they do, if they wear masks etc. It´s part of protecting the safer environment on the ship.


    If you're vaccinated, you're protected. Period. If I get the vaccine I don't need someone to hold my hand and telling me where & when I can go. I'm on vacation to get away from that noise. 


    3. The current vaccines protect the vaccinated person from becoming ill with Covid not from being infectious. A vaccinated person can still spread the virus. Maybe you might still want to care about others?!


    Maybe? You think? Maybe I don't too? Either way, it's not your buisness nor is it the Cruiselines business. Their role is to get me to & from the ports and pamper me along the way. I'll be vaccinated so bringing back to their ship will not be the issue. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 11 hours ago, DrKoob said:


    And yet 100,000 people applied to do the test cruises. If they don't restart early in 2021, they may never restart. It can be done safely, but there will have to be rules to start. 


    That said, we are really glad that our July 2021 cruise is on Flora in the Galapagos because the only way you can do any shore excursions there is with X. Ecuador law. 


    I am one that does not believe this to be anywhere near reality. Is there a chance that one or perhaps even some cruiselines fail? Absolutely. But your own post tells us that the energy and interest is there to keep the cruise industry alive and well for many, many years to come.  And to my knowlege there has not been any cruiseline that has restarted that has NOT had Covid issues. Bottomline, it is still not safe to cruise and it won't be until vaccines are distributed. And when they are, the cruiseline industry will be the first in line to mandate a vaccine. Until then, if a cruiseline does restart, I'm willing to bet it will continue to have Covid issues. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, mom says said:

    That 100 million doses means only 50 million people will be vaccinated. And those first 50 million people will be those deemed at highest risk. Few will be rabid cruisers. And that is only for the US. Need I remind you that most ships sailing from US ports have a large international contingent? Not all countries will be on the same timetable. It could well take a year or more before everyone can be vaccinated. Depends on how well the production and distribution systems work. Until that happens,  and the infections drop down to R-1, the health mitigation measures will need to be maintained.  Certainly at some time in the future they will no longer be required. But not for a while. Patience is a virtue. I realize that is a foreign concept to many in the me generation.


    Then the cruise industry should patiently wait until they can safely serve their paying customers. 

  13. 20 minutes ago, mickey89 said:

    Not too sure I understand your statement.....the sense is protecting your HEALTH.


    Well it's pretty stright forward. The purpose of the vaccine is to get past Covid. To once again live w/o the necessary pre-cautions of masks, social distancing, not attending worship services, not attending school, sporting events, and even dining out. If we get the vaccine and while on a cruise ship we are still required to wear a mask, social distance, and ship excursions only... why even get it? It doesn't make sense. 


    I say, no proof of vaccine, no cruising. If everyone on the ship has the vaccine including all cruisers, all staff and all employees, the ship should be in great shape. There will be no need for a mask and social distancing. 

    • Like 3
  14. 5 minutes ago, sfaaa said:

    Cruise lines are not forcing anyone to cruise. If one is not willing to accept the terms in the cruise contract, save the money and stay home.


    You're post is incorrect. They are indeed FORCING us to cruise in a different format and standard than before.  Bottomline if they are concerned with death they should be 'protecting' you by not allowing you on the ship. 

    • Like 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, ALANG said:

    I believe that having only cruise line excursions will be a non-starter for many, especially for those who have scheduled a cruise in Europe.  A question to ask is, " If it considered not safe to have private excursions, is is safe to cruise".   


    Exactly. Apparently revenue is the deciding factor. 

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Orator said:

    They need to control the exposure of passengers to protect them from themselves. Hopefully, things will return to almost normal was the Covid crisis is over.


    I'll say it again... if the powers to be at Celebrity or any cruiseline believe that the Covid virus is soo bad that they must PROTECT their paying customers, they should NOT allow for cruising to even start. This type of behavoir modification alone allows them to become complicit to responsiblity if death occurs to their customer. 

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