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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. On 12/15/2020 at 5:37 PM, Goodtime Cruizin said:

    There are still 24 days unaccounted for on the APEX out of Amsterdam for the release of the European Cruises. Between July 20th &  August 13th, nothing is slated for APEX.  I'm hoping that at least a portion of this time is slated for the British Isles. 


    Well they filled one of the two 12 day windows that was empty! Aug 1st, a 12 day Iceland & Ireland. APEX now only has one void on the calendar and that being July 20th. 

  2. There are still 24 days unaccounted for on the APEX out of Amsterdam for the release of the European Cruises. Between July 20th &  August 13th, nothing is slated for APEX.  I'm hoping that at least a portion of this time is slated for the British Isles. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, John&LaLa said:


    It was supposed to be a Vista Suite on Adventure. My awesome TA got me the GS when they swapped ships with Jewel.😁


    We did a 14 day Baltic on the Brilliance. Awesome cruise & itenerary. And Adventure was one of our favs. Great crew when we was on it. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Arizona Wildcat said:

    The prices mean exactly ZERO.  They will move up and down according to demand.  Also remember Celebrity is marketing to those 50ish who want an all inclusive experience.  Our special TA plus Turkey in 2018 started at $4800 for 28 days with 3 perks. Went as high as $6500 and finished at $3000 at final payment.  When you can cancel for basically free. . . . 


    My experience is that it doesn't get any cheaper than opening week pricing. Not only this, but I'm comparing the same cruise, same type of room, same location of room, same ports, bigger ship, same days, same perks, just a year later. It's double at the opening week. That friend is very, very high. I'll watch this and trendline it as well, but I have a feeling that the cruise industry just raised their prices... big time. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Ashland said:

    RCI website...I booked Arctic Circle RCI Jewel July 26, 2022...late last night (midnight PST) just as they were releasing them....Prices have already gone up a bit.


    The prices are pretty outrageous for a cruise this far out. Our cruise w/ Celebrity is half & that's w/ all 4 perks.  I can only imagine what the prices will be 6 months til sail date. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Ashland said:

    RCI website...I booked Arctic Circle RCI Jewel July 26, 2022...late last night (midnight PST) just as they were releasing them....Prices have already gone up a bit.


    OK, RCI, my bad, I was looking at Celebrity. Thank you! 

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, gatour said:


    Why not?  If it is a properly certified service dog, doesn't matter if it is is for a blind person vs it is for serving a PTSD person vs a service dog trained to detect and upcoming medical condition (diabetes etc).


    I definitely agree with people abusing the emotional sport animal which should be curtailed.


    It mattered to me. And it was my call. Admittedly, I didn't have the expertise to sort out the good guys from the abusers. So until someone got a handle on the BS, I just didn't deal w/ it. It's a shame but there are some dangerous people out there can ruin another's need real fast and this is what has happened. My safety was far more important than someone's dog. That's the way I rolled. 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, momof3cruisers said:

    I totally get what you are saying and I have a “thing” about ESAs. (I don’t approve of them in public places.)  However my son has PTSD from some previous trauma and has a service dog. (And that is why I don’t like ESAs. The dog has been attacked twice by supposed ESAs, once was a bite that broke the skin.) So do many ex-military people. They don’t look like they need a dog but they do. There are also medical alert dogs who are very highly trained. This is just an FYI. Not all service dogs are guide dogs. My son’s dog has perfect behavior in his vest. Take it off and he’s a big goof ball, but when he goes to “work” he is 100% focused. 


    First I appreciate your feedback and my thanks to your son for serving. My son served in combat duty as well. Having said that, as a former Uber driver, it didn't happen in my car. I simply could not allow a dog in my car unless it was an eye seeing dog. 

  9. I did Uber airport runs a few years back... and when I would see my rider approach the car w/ a dog and he/she wasn't blind, I'd just keep rolling. It's a scary world out there and if one was so emotionally unstable they needed a dog to get or off a jet, they were not about to get in my car for a long drive into or from the city. I don't deal w/ crazies. 

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  10. 18 minutes ago, yorky said:

    I do wonder how the cruise lines will deal with it, not a problem for us as we will be vaccinated but potentially a problem for some.


    It'll be no different thsn them mandating facemasks and/or covid testing. You do it or do you don't go. Or in this case, prove it or go home. 

    • Like 3
  11. While the state csn not mandate that you wear a mask on private property, a business can. For those that think a business casn not mandate a vaccine, you're either trolling this thread or just flat out ignorant on the subject. It is NOT a discrimination for a business to tell an individual that they aren't allowed if they do not, can not, will not follow the rules that are established for EVERYONE. Grow up... know it all. 


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  12. 4 hours ago, KnowTheScore said:


    So tell me please, what happens if/when the person who tests positive for Covid is someone who has been vaccinated?    Your suggestion is a total and utter nonsense.  You can not sue someone for getting a virus.  If that were the case lots of cruisers could and would have sued people spreading Flu and Norovirus for years and likely some will have suffered the tragedy of the death of a vulnerable loved one simply because others on a cruise happened to have Flu or another bug.


    Your preposterous notion would also have to prove that vaccine derived immunity is somehow stronger or better than naturally gained immunity which I guarantee you will have a very difficult time doing. 


    The cruise lines will rightly be extremely concerned about having and following the correct protocols for dealing with on-board cases of Covid or indeed any other virus.   I would think that this whole pandemic will have been a wake-up call for them on a more general basis rather just being focused on Covid.    They will always have to very rigidly adhere to the protocols mandated by the world health authorities.    The emphasis will be on preventing any Covid infected people boarding the ship and swiftly and properly dealing with any cases that do arise during the voyage  (which will continue to happen).


    It has to be said that your various posts suggest you are not very confident in the vaccines.  You intend to get vaccinated yourself but are pre-occupied about what everyone else does which if you believe you are protected, makes little sense.


    Get vaxed up and settle down. I don't want you or anyone else on a ship w/o a vax because you aren't worthy of screwing up my play time. Stopping a cruise ship &  turning around, or not being able to get off the ship to enjoy a port is whast I care about. If you chose to not get a vax, well so be it. Stupid is as stupid does. Don't screw up my vacation Mr. Anti-vaxer. Stay home, wash our hands every 20 mins, wear your damn mask, or hell get sick w/ covid for all I care. That's your choice. Just stay off the ship(s). 

    • Like 1
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  13. 1 hour ago, ipeeinthepool said:

    Celebrity has continued it's policy of waiting until after final payment to cancel cruises that they know won't happen.  😡


    Let's talk about this.  We have a cruise booked for the end of July. A 12 night Brittish Isles out of Amsterdam on Reflection w/ a final due date in May. I doubt this cruise wlll occur so.... what are the advantages or disadvantages if I cancel before due date or I pay at due date and then wait for Celebrity to cancel? 

  14. 22 hours ago, nomad098 said:

    I'm not trying to single anyone out but there seems to be a lot of coronavirus discrimination on these boards. There are reasons why people may not have the vaccine or are not wanting to have the first one on the market other than being an anti vaxxer.


    Medical where another vaccine might be preferable, would one of the upcoming vaccines be better suited based upon age, gender, ethnicity and medical history, can you mix different vaccines?


    Already had covid-19, would the vaccine be wasted on you 130 million wasted doses, any studies to show it would be safe if you had already had the disease. If having had covid-19 and it is shown to provide long term immunity what would the legal standpoint be if you have a adverse reaction to the vaccine.


    Ethical considerations. The UK Government need to make ethical decisions in regards to the risk and benefits of a vaccine based on a variety of factors including age. Governments may decide on a cost basis that under a certain age you do not need to be vaccinated, unless medically required to do so, as covid-19 does not pose enough of a risk.

    Children in the UK are not offered a chicken pox vaccination because the risk is so low, the same could be applied to covid-19 in children when long term outcomes of the vaccine are unknown.


    Genuine concern in regards to long term effects, a 95% efficacy does not equate to safety, this does not make you an anti vaxxer.  


    And probably more I have not covered.


    On top of which the cruise lines want to get up and running and no one knows how long logistically it will take to get enough people vaccinated with a certificate to justify getting cruising going, how long do they wait.


    If a person states because of a disability/religion I can not have the covid vaccine and your told you need to be vaccinated to cruise this opens the door to discrimination claims, why do you think they let so many emotional support animals on. Lawyers in the UK are already anticipating discrimination claims in regards to employment law  Cruise Lines may be able to insist on vaccination certificates sailing from and to the US but may find themselves in hot water in the rest of the world about 30% of their market


    To discriminate based upon a first generation vaccine will probably make the lawyers very rich. 


    Countries could make a vaccination certificate a requirement for movement in and out of their borders which would solve the problem but I think it will be a legal nightmare for businesses to put it in their T&C's


    We have this problem in the UK with anti maskers and inconsiderate people claiming health exemptions for not wearing a mask in shops and legally the shops can not challenge them.


    An interesting article from a UK perspective about vaccines and employment law






    Totally disagree. Threatening lawsuits isn't going to stop the Cruiselines from requiring the vaccine. In fact, I imagine it's the other way around. If someone gets Covid while on a ship and the vaccine is readilyavailable but not required or enforced... there will be a 'boatload' (pardon the pun) of cruisers reaching out to lawyers. 

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  15. You can't fix stupid... but you can stop them from boarding a cruise ship. It's so simple yet some wish to complicate it. Covid is the worst infectious disease to hit the world in moden history. Period. It has literally stopped the world in it's tracks. If you want to cruise get the damn vaccine and meet me at the bar so we can toast to the cruise we're about to partake in. Otherwise, dial up the port camera and watch us sail away. 


    Don't be 'that' guy. 

    • Like 13
  16. 2 hours ago, Iamcruzin said:

    First of all CC is not the place for medical or legal advice. However it is entertaining. Too many people on this site think that the vaccine will work like a light switch. Covid will be turned off, ships will sail at full capacity, buffets and lounges will be in full force and ports of call will be greeting Americans with open arms.  Covid fatigue has caused people to become lax with daily cleaning habits. I don't see the clerks in the stores wiping down the check out counters maybe it's the lack of paper towels.  Few are even using the hand sanitizer that is set up as you enter the store and are at the checkout counters. They also have to be reminded to social distance. This is one reason why we are spiking again. 


    It is a light switch and why SCIENTISTS are being paid BILLIONs to produce it. Get the vaccine as early as possible & you will not need to worry about a clerk covid wiping a counter top.  Sooo many people have lived as a recluse covid life the last 9 months to a point that they'll struggle to get themselves re-acclimated to life again and have to move on to something else to fuss, nag, and complain about. 

  17. 34 minutes ago, Heymarco said:

    Are you lost? This is a cruise forum dedicated to Royal Caribbean. Welcome to cruise critic, you may want to find a medical board instead.


    Well... funny you mention this...check this out. On our next scheduled cruise these group will be on the ship as well...looks like we'll be sailing w/ a few medical folks. 


    Infectious Diseases: 2021 Update
    Up to 14.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
    14 ACPE Credits
    14.0 Contact Hours
    12-Night Europe Cruise Conference 
    Round-trip Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
    Celebrity Reflection
    July 30, 2021 - August 11, 2021




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